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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Chama Basin (1)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Santa Monica Basin (8)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Santa Monica Basin (8)
San Nicolas Basin (2)
San Pedro Basin (17)
Santa Barbara Basin (2)
Santa Catalina Island (1)
South America
Venezuelan Andes (1)
Venezuelan Andes (1)
United States
Cochise County Arizona (1)
Los Angeles County California
Los Angeles California (1)
Palos Verdes Peninsula (3)
Santa Monica Bay (1)
Santa Barbara Channel (1)
Southern California (7)
elements, isotopes
organic carbon (1)
radioactive isotopes
Pb-210 (1)
Pb-210 (1)
oxygen (1)
Echinodermata (1)
Mollusca (1)
Globigerina (1)
Silicoflagellata (1)
acritarchs (1)
Dinoflagellata (1)
diatoms (1)
thallophytes (1)
geochronology methods
fission-track dating (1)
thermochronology (1)
geologic age
upper Holocene (1)
upper Quaternary (1)
upper Miocene (1)
Pliocene (1)
apatite (1)
Primary terms
organic carbon (1)
upper Holocene (1)
upper Quaternary (1)
upper Miocene (1)
Pliocene (1)
climate change (1)
continental shelf (6)
continental slope (4)
earthquakes (2)
ecology (3)
faults (2)
geochronology (1)
geophysical methods (5)
ground water (1)
hydrology (2)
Echinodermata (1)
Mollusca (1)
Globigerina (1)
Silicoflagellata (1)
radioactive isotopes
Pb-210 (1)
marine geology (2)
Pb-210 (1)
ocean circulation (1)
ocean floors (2)
ocean waves (1)
oceanography (2)
oxygen (1)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Santa Monica Basin (8)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Santa Monica Basin (8)
paleobotany (2)
paleoecology (1)
paleontology (2)
acritarchs (1)
Dinoflagellata (1)
diatoms (1)
pollution (1)
sea water (1)
sedimentary petrology (1)
sedimentary structures
biogenic structures (1)
sedimentation (6)
marine sediments (3)
slope stability (1)
South America
Venezuelan Andes (1)
Venezuelan Andes (1)
stratigraphy (1)
neotectonics (1)
thallophytes (1)
United States
Cochise County Arizona (1)
Los Angeles County California
Los Angeles California (1)
Palos Verdes Peninsula (3)
Santa Monica Bay (1)
Santa Barbara Channel (1)
Southern California (7)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
biogenic structures (1)
marine sediments (3)
San Pedro Basin
Strong tectonic and weak climatic control on exhumation rates in the Venezuelan Andes
Inference of lithologic distributions in an alluvial aquifer using airborne transient electromagnetic surveys
The seafloor off greater Los Angeles, California, has been extensively studied for the past century. Terrain analysis of recently compiled multibeam bathymetry reveals the detailed seafloor morphology along the Los Angeles Margin and San Pedro Basin. The terrain analysis uses the multibeam bathymetry to calculate two seafloor indices, a seafloor slope, and a Topographic Position Index. The derived grids along with depth are analyzed in a hierarchical, decision-tree classification to delineate six seafloor provinces—high-relief shelf, low-relief shelf, steep-basin slope, gentle-basin slope, gullies and canyons, and basins. Rock outcrops protrude in places above the generally smooth continental shelf. Gullies incise the steep-basin slopes, and some submarine canyons extend from the coastline to the basin floor. San Pedro Basin is separated from the Santa Monica Basin to the north by a ridge consisting of the Redondo Knoll and the Redondo Submarine Canyon delta. An 865-m-deep sill separates the two basins. Water depths of San Pedro Basin are ~100 m deeper than those in the San Diego Trough to the south, and three passes breach a ridge that separates the San Pedro Basin from the San Diego Trough. Information gained from this study can be used as base maps for such future studies as tectonic reconstructions, identifying sedimentary processes, tracking pollution transport, and defining benthic habitats.
Sediment accumulation on the Southern California Bight continental margin during the twentieth century
Sediment discharged into the portion of the Southern California Bight extending from Santa Barbara to Dana Point enters a complex system of semi-isolated coastal cells, narrow continental shelves, submarine canyons, and offshore basins. On both the Santa Monica and San Pedro margins, 210 Pb accumulation rates decrease in an offshore direction (from ~0.5 g cm −2 yr −1 to 0.02 g cm −2 yr −1 ), in concert with a fining in sediment grain size (from 4.5φ to 8.5φ), suggesting that offshore transport of wave-resuspended material occurs as relatively dilute nepheloid layers and that hemiplegic sedimentation dominates the supply of sediment to the outer shelf, slope, and basins. Together, these areas are effectively sequestering up to 100% of the annual fluvial input. In contrast to the Santa Monica margin, which does not display evidence of mass wasting as an important process of sediment delivery and redistribution, the San Pedro margin does provide numerous examples of failures and mass wasting, suggesting that intraslope sediment redistribution may play a more important role there. Basin deposits in both areas exhibit evidence of turbidites tentatively associated with both major floods and earthquakes, sourced from either the Redondo Canyon (San Pedro Basin) or Dume Canyon (Santa Monica Basin). On the Palos Verdes shelf, sediment-accumulation rates decrease along and across the shelf away from the White's Point outfall, which has been a major source of contaminants to the shelf deposits. Accumulation rates prior to the construction of the outfall were ~0.2 g cm −2 yr −1 and increased 1.5–3.7 times during peak discharges from the outfall in 1971. The distal rate of accumulation has decreased by ~50%, from 0.63 g cm −2 yr −1 during the period 1971–1992 to 0.29 g cm −2 yr −1 during the period 1992–2003. The proximal rate of accumulation, however, has only decreased ~10%, from 0.83 g cm −2 yr −1 during the period 1971–1992 to 0.73 g cm −2 yr −1 during the period 1992–2003. Effluent-affected sediment layers on the Palos Verdes shelf can be identified in seabed profiles of naturally occurring 238 U, which is sequestered in reducing sediments. The Santa Clara River shelf, just north and west of the Santa Monica and San Pedro margins, is fine-grained and flood-dominated. Core profiles of excess 210 Pb from sites covering the extent of documented major flood deposition exhibit evidence of rapidly deposited sediment up to 25 cm thick. These beds are developing in an active depocenter in water depths of 30–50 m at an average rate of 0.72 g cm −2 yr −1 . Budget calculations for annual and 50-yr timescale sediment storage on this shelf shows that 20%–30% of the sediment discharge is retained on the shelf, leaving 70%–80% to be redistributed to the outer shelf, slope, Santa Barbara Basin, and Santa Monica Basin.
In the past decade, several large programs that monitor currents and transport patterns for periods from a few months to a few years were conducted by a consortium of university, federal, state, and municipal agencies in the central Southern California Bight, a heavily urbanized section of the coastal ocean off the west coast of the United States encompassing Santa Monica Bay, San Pedro Bay, and the Palos Verdes shelf. These programs were designed in part to determine how alongshelf and cross-shelf currents move sediments, pollutants, and suspended material through the region. Analysis of the data sets showed that the current patterns in this portion of the Bight have distinct changes in frequency and amplitude with location, in part because the topography of the shelf and upper slope varies rapidly over small spatial scales. However, because the mean, subtidal, and tidal-current patterns in any particular location were reasonably stable with time, one could determine a regional pattern for these current fields in the central Southern California Bight even though measurements at the various locations were obtained at different times. In particular, because the mean near-surface flows over the San Pedro and Palos Verdes shelves are divergent, near-surface waters from the upper slope tend to carry suspended material onto the shelf in the northwestern portion of San Pedro Bay. Water and suspended material are also carried off the shelf by the mean and subtidal flow fields in places where the orientation of the shelf break changes abruptly. The barotropic tidal currents in the central Southern California Bight flow primarily alongshore, but they have pronounced amplitude variations over relatively small changes in alongshelf location that are not totally predicted by numerical tidal models. Nonlinear internal tides and internal bores at tidal frequencies are oriented more across the shelf. They do not have a uniform transport direction, since they move fine sediment from the shelf to the slope in Santa Monica Bay, but carry suspended material from the mid-shelf to the beach in San Pedro Bay. It is clear that there are a large variety of processes that transport sediments and contaminants along and across the shelf in the central Southern California Bight. However, because these processes have a variety of frequencies and relatively small spatial scales, the dominant transport processes tend to be localized and have dissimilar characteristics even in adjacent regions of this small part of the coastal ocean.
Conventional bathymetry, sidescan-sonar and seismic-reflection data, and recent, multibeam surveys of large parts of the Southern California Borderland disclose the presence of numerous submarine landslides. Most of these features are fairly small, with lateral dimensions less than ~2 km. In areas where multibeam surveys are available, only two large landslide complexes were identified on the mainland slope— Goleta slide in Santa Barbara Channel and Palos Verdes debris avalanche on the San Pedro Escarpment south of Palos Verdes Peninsula. Both of these complexes indicate repeated recurrences of catastrophic slope failure. Recurrence intervals are not well constrained but appear to be in the range of 7500 years for the Goleta slide. The most recent major activity of the Palos Verdes debris avalanche occurred roughly 7500 years ago. A small failure deposit in Santa Barbara Channel, the Gaviota mudflow, was perhaps caused by an 1812 earthquake. Most landslides in this region are probably triggered by earthquakes, although the larger failures were likely conditioned by other factors, such as oversteepening, development of shelf-edge deltas, and high fluid pressures. If a subsequent future landslide were to occur in the area of these large landslide complexes, a tsunami would probably result. Runup distances of 10 m over a 30-km-long stretch of the Santa Barbara coastline are predicted for a recurrence of the Goleta slide, and a runup of 3 m over a comparable stretch of the Los Angeles coastline is modeled for the Palos Verdes debris avalanche.