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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
United States
Arizona (1)
California (1)
Payne County Oklahoma (1)
Utah (1)
Grant County Washington (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks (1)
Primary terms
atmosphere (1)
data processing (1)
education (3)
geochemistry (2)
geophysical methods (2)
government agencies (1)
hydrology (1)
igneous rocks (1)
Moon (3)
remote sensing (1)
clastic sediments
dust (1)
soils (2)
United States
Arizona (1)
California (1)
Payne County Oklahoma (1)
Utah (1)
Grant County Washington (1)
clastic sediments
dust (1)
soils (2)
Evaluation of a wheel-based seismic acquisition system for a planetary rover
Calibration and Validation of the COSMOS Rover for Surface Soil Moisture Measurement
Motives, methods, and essential preparation for planetary field geology on the Moon and Mars
Future lunar exploration will provide opportunities to expand the human scientific exploration of the Moon and, eventually, Mars. Planning for renewed field exploration of the Moon entails the selection, training, and capabilities of explorers; selection of landing sites; and adoption of an operational approach to extravehicular activity. Apollo program geological exploration, and subsequent analysis and interpretation of findings and collected samples underpin our current understanding of lunar origin and history. That understanding continues to provide new and important insights into the early histories of Earth and other bodies in the solar system, particularly during the period when life formed and began to evolve on Earth and possibly on Mars. Specific new lunar exploration objectives include: (1) testing the consensus “giant impact” hypothesis for the origin of the Moon; (2) testing the consensus impact “cataclysm” hypothesis; (3) determining the temporal flux of large impacts in the inner solar system; and (4) investigating the internal structure of the Moon. Apollo samples also identified significant and potentially commercial lunar resources that could help satisfy future demand for both terrestrial energy alternatives and space consumables. Equipment necessary for successful exploration includes that required for sampling, sample documentation and preservation, communications, mobility, and position knowledge. Easily used active geophysical, portable geochemical, and in situ petrographic equipment can greatly enhance the scientific and operational returns of extended exploration compared to that possible during the Apollo program.
Geologic field training of the Apollo astronauts and implications for future manned exploration
This paper discusses the philosophy and major aspects of the geology training of the Apollo 15 , 16 , and 17 astronauts. This training concentrated on monthly field trips that were intended to develop the crew's observational skills in recognizing basic geologic structures and rocks and translating observations into an interpretative framework for local geologic evolution. Individual field trips became increasingly mission-like as their training matured. The crews worked with predetermined traverses and progressively added diverse operational aspects, such as proper usage of sampling tools, photo-documentation of pertinent features and rocks, simulation of space-suit mobility, and use of a roving vehicle. These exercises also provided simulations and practice for all major science support functions that would reside in Mission Control during the actual mission. This combined training of surface explorers and ground support will be indispensable in rendering future planetary surface operations as efficient and scientifically rewarding as Apollo .
Robotic recon for human exploration: Method, assessment, and lessons learned
Robotic rovers can be used as advance scouts to significantly improve scientific and technical return of planetary surface exploration. Robotic scouting, or “robotic recon,” involves using a robot to collect ground-level data prior to human field activity. The data collected and knowledge acquired through recon can be used to refine traverse planning, reduce operational risk, and increase crew productivity. To understand how robotic recon can benefit human exploration, we conducted a series of simulated planetary robotic missions at analog sites. These mission simulations were designed to: (1) identify and quantify operational requirements for robotic recon in advance of human activity; (2) identify and quantify ground control and science team requirements for robotic recon; and (3) identify capability, procedure, and training requirements for human explorers to draw maximum benefit from robotic recon during vehicular traverses and on-foot extravehicular activities (EVA). Our studies indicate that robotic recon can be beneficial to crew, improving preparation, situational awareness, and productivity in the field. This is particularly true when traverse plans contain significant unknowns that can be resolved by recon, such as target access and station/activity priority. In this paper, we first present the assumptions and major questions related to robotic reconnaissance. We detail our system design, including the configuration of our recon robot, the ground data system used for operation, ground control organization, and operational time lines. Finally, we describe the design and results from an experiment to assess robotic recon, discuss lessons learned, and identify directions for future work.
Habitat dust contamination at a Mars analog
After the high-radiation environment and the low gravity field on Mars, dust is arguably the next biggest environmental hazard facing a manned mission to Mars. The seriousness of this threat is still being studied with robotic missions. At its most benign, Martian dust the work undertaken were recorded to study their effects on dust contamination. We found that more than 50 g of dust and soil were transported into the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) during the 12 EVAs (extravehicular activities) that were measured. The largest amount of contamination from EVA activity was due to open-cockpit vehicle travel and depended strongly on the terrain over which the EVA was conducted. Based on first-order dust dynamics modeling, similar behaviors are expected on Mars.