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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
North Africa
Algeria (1)
Ceuta (1)
Morocco (1)
Himalayas (1)
Indian Peninsula
India (1)
Nepal (1)
Eastern Canada
Baffin Island
Barnes ice cap (1)
Baffin Island
Barnes ice cap (1)
Western Canada
British Columbia
Revelstoke British Columbia (1)
Ware British Columbia (1)
Northwest Territories (1)
Saskatoon Saskatchewan (1)
Central Alps (1)
Central Europe
Switzerland (1)
Southern Europe
Iberian Peninsula
Sierra de la Demanda (1)
Calabria Italy (1)
Western Europe
Aude France (1)
Bouches-du-Rhone France
Sainte-Victoire Mountain (1)
Ireland (1)
Norway (1)
North America
Piedmont (1)
Valley and Ridge Province (2)
Rocky Mountains
U. S. Rocky Mountains
Absaroka Range
Beartooth Mountains (1)
Shuswap Complex (1)
United States
Shelby County Alabama (1)
Talladega County Alabama (1)
Cochise County Arizona (1)
Pima County Arizona (1)
Rincon Mountains (1)
Colorado (1)
Montana (1)
Chester County Pennsylvania (1)
South Carolina (1)
U. S. Rocky Mountains
Absaroka Range
Beartooth Mountains (1)
geochronology methods
K/Ar (1)
Pb/Pb (1)
geologic age
Pleistocene (2)
Tertiary (2)
Dalradian (1)
Triassic (1)
Cambrian (2)
Mississippian (1)
Knox Group (1)
lower Paleozoic
Glenarm Series (1)
Ordovician (1)
upper Paleozoic (1)
Phanerozoic (1)
Eocambrian (1)
upper Precambrian
Moinian (1)
igneous rocks
ophiolite (1)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
amphibolites (1)
gneisses (4)
marbles (1)
quartzites (1)
schists (2)
ophiolite (1)
minerals (1)
zircon group
zircon (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (1)
North Africa
Algeria (1)
Ceuta (1)
Morocco (1)
Himalayas (1)
Indian Peninsula
India (1)
Nepal (1)
Eastern Canada
Baffin Island
Barnes ice cap (1)
Baffin Island
Barnes ice cap (1)
Western Canada
British Columbia
Revelstoke British Columbia (1)
Ware British Columbia (1)
Northwest Territories (1)
Saskatoon Saskatchewan (1)
Pleistocene (2)
Tertiary (2)
deformation (1)
Central Alps (1)
Central Europe
Switzerland (1)
Southern Europe
Iberian Peninsula
Sierra de la Demanda (1)
Calabria Italy (1)
Western Europe
Aude France (1)
Bouches-du-Rhone France
Sainte-Victoire Mountain (1)
Ireland (1)
Norway (1)
faults (10)
folds (29)
foliation (5)
fractures (1)
geomorphology (1)
glacial geology (1)
lineation (1)
maps (2)
Triassic (1)
metamorphic rocks
amphibolites (1)
gneisses (4)
marbles (1)
quartzites (1)
schists (2)
metamorphism (3)
minerals (1)
North America
Piedmont (1)
Valley and Ridge Province (2)
Rocky Mountains
U. S. Rocky Mountains
Absaroka Range
Beartooth Mountains (1)
Shuswap Complex (1)
orogeny (1)
paleogeography (1)
Cambrian (2)
Mississippian (1)
Knox Group (1)
lower Paleozoic
Glenarm Series (1)
Ordovician (1)
upper Paleozoic (1)
petrology (4)
Phanerozoic (1)
plate tectonics (1)
Eocambrian (1)
upper Precambrian
Moinian (1)
sedimentary petrology (2)
sedimentary rocks (2)
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
cross-bedding (1)
soft sediment deformation (1)
stratigraphy (4)
structural analysis (4)
structural geology (22)
tectonics (11)
United States
Shelby County Alabama (1)
Talladega County Alabama (1)
Cochise County Arizona (1)
Pima County Arizona (1)
Rincon Mountains (1)
Colorado (1)
Montana (1)
Chester County Pennsylvania (1)
South Carolina (1)
U. S. Rocky Mountains
Absaroka Range
Beartooth Mountains (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks (2)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
cross-bedding (1)
soft sediment deformation (1)
Penecontemporaneous folds in cross-bedding: Inversion of facing criteria and mimicry of tectonic folds
Large-scale recumbent folding in the valley and ridge province of Alabama: Discussion and reply: Discussion
Recumbent folding in the base of the Barnes Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
Alpine structures in northwestern Calabria, Italy
Large-scale recumbent folding in the Valley and Ridge province of Alabama
Penecontemporaneous recumbent folds in trough cross-bedding of Pleistocene sands in Saskatchewan, Canada
Gravity-Induced Folding off a Gneiss Dome Complex, Rincon Mountains, Arizona
Work on the Precambrian rocks of the Beartooth Mountains has been mainly in terrain dominated by gneiss. We undertook the current project in the belief that an intensive study of an area where the rocks perhaps were not as thoroughly reconstituted by metamorphic and igneous activity (as is the case farther east) and where metasedimentary rocks are exposed in substantial amounts might reveal a somewhat more detailed picture of Precambrian events than has emerged from earlier studies in the region. The North Snowy block constitutes such an area. The northwestern part of the Beartooth Mountains is divisible into structural blocks separated by major faults, and the rocks therein are treated as seven formations composing the North Snowy Group. The formations, from oldest to youngest, are the Barney Creek Amphibolite, George Lake Marble, Jewel Quartzite, Davis Creek Schist, Mount Delano Gneiss, Mount Cowen Gneiss, and Falls Creek Gneiss. All are newly named and described herein. The Barney Creek Amphibolite, George Lake Marble, Jewel Quartzite, and Davis Creek Schist are older than the Mount Delano Gneiss. Pb 207 /Pb 206 ratios from zircons indicate that the age of the Mount Delano Gneiss is about 3,000 m.y., the Mount Cowen Gneiss is about 2,565 m.y., and K-Ar dates indicate that the age of the Falls Creek Gneiss is about 2,200 m.y. The dominating structural feature in the North Snowy block is a fragmented nappe that extends for 22.5 km before disappearing beneath the Paleozoic sedimentary cover. Its axial surface strikes northeast and dips northwest, bisecting an amphibolite core with flanks made up of mirror-image repetitions of metasedimentary and gneiss units; throughout the nappe structure the main foliation parallels the axial surface. Five sets of deformation structures were recognized in the field and designated D 1 through D 5 . Folds in D 1 , the earliest structure for which evidence was recognized, trend northwesterly. These large to small passive-flow folds, characterized by isoclinal form, possess an axial-plane schistosity that is the major structural element deformed in younger events. D 2 folds trend north, deform the earlier schistosity, and approach isoclinal form; their axial planes are parallel to the gross compositional layering. Deformation structures in D 3 were divided into several sets (D 3a to D 3f ). The rocks were essentially flat lying (that is, recumbent folds and nearly horizontal gross layering) during episodes D 1 through D 3 . D 4 folds have northeast trends and steep axial planes; they are of concentric character and overprint D 3 and older structures. D 5 folds are of diverse trend and are decidedly subordinate. They overprint, kink, and shear all earlier structures. There is a general progression from more mafic to more silicic gneiss through an 800-m.y. time span: Mount Delano to Mount Cowen to Falls Creek. Zircon morphology, relict igneous texture, rotated metamorphic xenoliths, and relict intrusive contacts support an origin for the gneisses of the North Snowy block by intrusion and consolidation followed by continuing metamorphism parallel to older lines (that is, synkinematic). The only rock attributable to granitization is the sheared gneiss unit, which apparently was formed through feldspathization of schist by late magmatic fluids emanating from tonalitic melt. A study of zircon morphology follows. (1) The detrital zircons of the schists retained their rounded sedimentary form following metamorphism in the amphibolite or perhaps hornblende granulite facies. Two colors of detrital zircon, one rimming the other in part, suggest derivation from a complex terrain in which at least two “events” had occurred. (2) In paragneiss formed by feldspathization of schist (granitization), the zircon entirely retained its sedimentary character. No overgrowths or outgrowths were formed. Relict, rounded overgrowths exist only on detrital zircons and had formed in an earlier cycle. (3) The zircon in the orthogneisses retained its igneous character. Minor quantities of detrital zircon assimilated in the igneous gneisses retained their sedimentary character—no outgrowths, overgrowths, or partial refaceting have been observed. Some outgrowths occur on igneous zircons; they grew during the respective igneous crystallization phases. (4) The igneous character of the zircon suites in the several gneisses supports field and fabric data suggesting intrusive igneous origin. Migmatites appear to be subordinate, as are gneisses produced by feldspathization of schists. Similarity of zircon morphology in gneisses throughout the Beartooth Mountains, as well as in the Little Belt Mountains and perhaps in all areas of basement rocks of southwestern Montana, generally indicate a predominantly igneous mode of origin, although metasomatic processes have operated in varying degrees. Concepts regarding structural evolution of the Beartooth Mountains have changed. Our view, based on the multiplicity of data enumerated in the text, indicates that there were at least four bona fide orogenies widely separated in time, each differing in its grade of metamorphism and effect on the geometry of structures. The first three were accompanied by widespread granitic intrusion. The four orogenies are, from oldest to youngest, the Pine Creek (circa 3,000 m.y.), the Beartooth (circa 2,600 m.y.), and two unnamed orogenies (circa 2,200 m.y. and 1,700 m.y.). The latter events were followed consecutively by locally intense mylonitization (circa 1,176 m.y.), locally strong development of concentric upright folds (D 4 or post-1,176 m.y.), and major wrench movements on west-northwest- and north-northeast-trending faults. The basement blocks of the northwestern part of the Beartooth Mountains have had a long history of development. Most of them were outlined by shear zones at least as early as 1,700 m.y. ago; the Pine Creek Lake-Mount Cowen block was split by the Marten Peak reverse fault during D 4 (post-1,176 m.y.); major wrench movements accentuated the westerly and northerly borders early in D 5 (prediabase) and to some extent were further accentuated after these young diabases were intruded (late D 5 ). We conclude that these predominantly wrench movements were all Precambrian. Fractures of the area are grouped into four sets. Sets 1 (northwest) and 4 (northeast) are interpreted as extensional ac and be fractures, respectively, having formed in D 5 but in part expressing stress systems involving northwest-southeast shortening of D 3 to D 4 time. Sets 2 and 3 formed also in D 5 but represent conjugate shears; tension associated with this system was apparently largely taken up along sets 1 and 2. Most of the major faults that had their origins in Precambrian time have been reactivated during Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic time (Laramide orogeny). These later movements were apparently largely dip slip, the minimum stratigraphic displacements ranging from perhaps 900 to more than 1,800 m. Dip-slip movement apparently began as early as Late Cretaceous and seems to have ceased on most of the faults prior to volcanism during the middle Eocene. The Deep Creek fault, however, has continued to be active up to the Holocene as shown by scarplets in glacial material and alluvial fans.