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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Agua Blanca Fault (3)
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Coast Ranges (2)
Western Europe
United Kingdom
Great Britain
Scotland (1)
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Baja California Mexico (4)
Baja California Sur Mexico
Vizcaino Peninsula (1)
Guerrero Terrane (1)
Sonora Mexico (1)
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North American Cordillera (3)
Peninsular Ranges Batholith (59)
Western Interior (1)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Gulf of California (1)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Gulf of California (1)
Peninsular Ranges (12)
San Andreas Fault (6)
San Francisco Peninsula (1)
San Jacinto Fault (3)
Santa Catalina Island (1)
Santa Lucia Range (1)
Santa Maria Basin (1)
Sierra Nevada (4)
United States
Aleutian Islands (1)
Arizona (1)
Banning Fault (1)
Central California (3)
Channel Islands (1)
Coachella Valley (1)
Elsinore Fault (1)
Hosgri Fault (1)
Imperial County California (1)
Los Angeles Basin (2)
Los Angeles County California
Los Angeles California (1)
Puente Hills (1)
Marin County California
Point Reyes (1)
Monterey Bay (1)
Riverside County California
Mission Creek Fault (1)
Salinian Block (3)
Salton Trough (1)
San Bernardino County California
San Gorgonio Pass (1)
San Diego County California
San Diego California (1)
San Fernando Valley (1)
San Gabriel Mountains (1)
San Gregorio Fault (1)
San Jacinto Mountains (1)
Santa Ana Mountains (2)
Santa Barbara County California
Point Sal (1)
Sierra Nevada Batholith (10)
Southern California (28)
Southern California Batholith (1)
Transverse Ranges (2)
Colorado (1)
Idaho (1)
Maine (1)
Mojave Desert (2)
Montana (1)
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Utah (1)
Washington (1)
Western U.S. (2)
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lithium ores (1)
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elements, isotopes
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fluorine (1)
isotope ratios (10)
radioactive isotopes
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
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Sm-147/Nd-144 (1)
stable isotopes
Hf-177/Hf-176 (1)
O-18/O-16 (5)
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
Sm-147/Nd-144 (1)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (8)
alkali metals
lithium (1)
potassium (1)
rubidium (1)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (8)
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Hf-177/Hf-176 (1)
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
rare earths
Sm-147/Nd-144 (1)
Sm-147/Nd-144 (1)
O-18/O-16 (5)
Bivalvia (1)
geochronology methods
Ar/Ar (4)
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K/Ar (3)
Nd/Nd (1)
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Pb/Pb (2)
Sr/Sr (2)
thermochronology (1)
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geologic age
Quaternary (1)
Miocene (1)
lower Paleogene (1)
Silverado Formation (1)
Lower Cretaceous (5)
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Upper Cretaceous
Ladd Formation (1)
Tuolumne Intrusive Suite (1)
Williams Formation (1)
Franciscan Complex (2)
Upper Jurassic
Tithonian (1)
lower Mesozoic (1)
Orocopia Schist (1)
Triassic (1)
Phanerozoic (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
hypabyssal rocks (1)
plutonic rocks
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tonalite (13)
trondhjemite (1)
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aplite (1)
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ophiolite (1)
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metamorphic rocks
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paragneiss (1)
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K-feldspar (1)
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titanite (2)
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zircon (15)
ring silicates
tourmaline group
elbaite (1)
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sheet silicates
mica group
biotite (5)
lepidolite (2)
muscovite (3)
Primary terms
absolute age (15)
Northern Territory Australia (1)
boron (1)
Western Canada (1)
Quaternary (1)
Miocene (1)
lower Paleogene (1)
Silverado Formation (1)
crust (19)
crystal growth (1)
data processing (1)
deformation (15)
earthquakes (4)
Western Europe
United Kingdom
Great Britain
Scotland (1)
faults (21)
folds (1)
foliation (1)
gems (1)
geochemistry (18)
geochronology (3)
geophysical methods (6)
heat flow (1)
igneous rocks
hypabyssal rocks (1)
plutonic rocks
anorthosite (1)
tonalite (13)
trondhjemite (1)
troctolite (1)
aplite (1)
I-type granites (3)
S-type granites (3)
granodiorites (9)
pegmatite (4)
ultramafics (1)
volcanic rocks
andesites (1)
basalts (1)
pyroclastics (1)
rhyolites (1)
fluid inclusions (1)
intrusions (41)
Bivalvia (1)
isostasy (1)
radioactive isotopes
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
Sm-147/Nd-144 (1)
stable isotopes
Hf-177/Hf-176 (1)
O-18/O-16 (5)
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
Sm-147/Nd-144 (1)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (8)
lava (2)
lineation (3)
magmas (20)
mantle (4)
maps (1)
Lower Cretaceous (5)
Middle Cretaceous (2)
Upper Cretaceous
Ladd Formation (1)
Tuolumne Intrusive Suite (1)
Williams Formation (1)
Franciscan Complex (2)
Upper Jurassic
Tithonian (1)
lower Mesozoic (1)
Orocopia Schist (1)
Triassic (1)
metal ores
lithium ores (1)
alkali metals
lithium (1)
potassium (1)
rubidium (1)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (8)
aluminum (1)
Hf-177/Hf-176 (1)
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
rare earths
Sm-147/Nd-144 (1)
Sm-147/Nd-144 (1)
metamorphic rocks
amphibolites (1)
paragneiss (1)
metaigneous rocks
metagranite (1)
metasedimentary rocks
metasandstone (2)
paragneiss (1)
metavolcanic rocks (1)
migmatites (1)
mylonites (5)
phyllites (2)
blueschist (1)
greenschist (1)
metamorphism (11)
metasomatism (1)
Baja California (10)
Baja California Mexico (4)
Baja California Sur Mexico
Vizcaino Peninsula (1)
Guerrero Terrane (1)
Sonora Mexico (1)
mineral deposits, genesis (1)
mineral exploration (1)
minerals (1)
Mohorovicic discontinuity (3)
North America
North American Cordillera (3)
Peninsular Ranges Batholith (59)
Western Interior (1)
orogeny (4)
O-18/O-16 (5)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Gulf of California (1)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Gulf of California (1)
paleogeography (2)
paleomagnetism (6)
petrology (7)
Phanerozoic (1)
phase equilibria (2)
plate tectonics (13)
pollution (1)
sedimentary rocks
clastic rocks
conglomerate (2)
graywacke (1)
mudstone (1)
red beds (1)
sandstone (3)
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
cross-laminations (1)
laminations (1)
soft sediment deformation (1)
soil mechanics (1)
stratigraphy (2)
structural analysis (4)
structural geology (1)
neotectonics (2)
United States
Aleutian Islands (1)
Arizona (1)
Banning Fault (1)
Central California (3)
Channel Islands (1)
Coachella Valley (1)
Elsinore Fault (1)
Hosgri Fault (1)
Imperial County California (1)
Los Angeles Basin (2)
Los Angeles County California
Los Angeles California (1)
Puente Hills (1)
Marin County California
Point Reyes (1)
Monterey Bay (1)
Riverside County California
Mission Creek Fault (1)
Salinian Block (3)
Salton Trough (1)
San Bernardino County California
San Gorgonio Pass (1)
San Diego County California
San Diego California (1)
San Fernando Valley (1)
San Gabriel Mountains (1)
San Gregorio Fault (1)
San Jacinto Mountains (1)
Santa Ana Mountains (2)
Santa Barbara County California
Point Sal (1)
Sierra Nevada Batholith (10)
Southern California (28)
Southern California Batholith (1)
Transverse Ranges (2)
Colorado (1)
Idaho (1)
Maine (1)
Mojave Desert (2)
Montana (1)
Nevada (1)
New Mexico (1)
Utah (1)
Washington (1)
Western U.S. (2)
weathering (1)
rock formations
Catalina Schist (2)
Pelona Schist (1)
Toro Formation (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
clastic rocks
conglomerate (2)
graywacke (1)
mudstone (1)
red beds (1)
sandstone (3)
turbidite (4)
volcaniclastics (1)
sedimentary structures
boudinage (1)
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
cross-laminations (1)
laminations (1)
soft sediment deformation (1)
turbidite (4)
volcaniclastics (1)
Peninsular Ranges Batholith
Tectonic and magmatic construction of lower crust in the Southern California Batholith
Insights into the geometry and evolution of the southern San Andreas fault from geophysical data, southern California
ABSTRACT This guide begins with an overview of the internal structure and petrology of the Catalina Schist terrane as exposed on Santa Catalina Island, California, followed by a discussion of the tectonic setting and exhumational history of the terrane, and the Cenozoic tectonic and geological evolution of the Inner Borderland, within which it lies. The guide then presents an itinerary for a three-day field trip from 9–11 May 2020. Next, we present a tectonic model for the formation of the Catalina Schist, followed by a discussion of its relationship to the Pelona, Orocopia, Rand, and related schists in southern California.
Petrogenesis of the cogenetic Stewart pegmatite-aplite, Pala, California: Regional implications
Geochemical signals of mafic-felsic mixing: Case study of enclave swarms in the Bernasconi Hills pluton, California
Fluid inclusion examination of the transition from magmatic to hydrothermal conditions in pegmatites from San Diego County, California
Assembling the world’s type shallow subduction complex: Detrital zircon geochronologic constraints on the origin of the Nacimiento block, central California Coast Ranges
Arc Magmatic Tempos: Gathering the Evidence
Timing and significance of gabbro emplacement within two distinct plutonic domains of the Peninsular Ranges batholith, southern and Baja California
Moho structure across the San Jacinto fault zone: Insights into strain localization at depth
Geophysical framework of the Peninsular Ranges batholith—Implications for tectonic evolution and neotectonics
The crustal structure of the Peninsular Ranges batholith can be divided geophysically into two parts: (1) a western mafic part that is dense, magnetic, and characterized by relatively high seismic velocities (>6.25 km/s), low heat flow (<60 mW/m 2 ), and relatively sparse seismicity, and (2) an eastern, more felsic part that is less dense, weakly magnetic, and characterized by lower seismic velocities (<6.25 km/s), high heat flow (>60 mW/m 2 ), and abundant microseismicity. Potential-field modeling indicates that the dense, mafic part of the batholith extends to depths of at least 20 km and likely to the Moho. The magnetic anomalies of the western part of the batholith extend south beyond the spatially extensive exposures of the batholith to the tip of the Baja California peninsula, which suggests that the mafic part of the batholith projects beneath Cenozoic volcanic cover another 400 km. The linearity and undisrupted nature of the magnetic belt of anomalies suggest that the western part of the batholith has behaved as a rigid block since emplacement of the batholith. The batholith may have influenced not only the development of the Gulf of California oblique rift, but also strike-slip faulting along its northern margin, and transtensional faulting along its western margin, likely because it is thermally and mechanically more resistant to deformation than the surrounding crust.
Nine U-Pb zircon ages were determined on plutonic rocks sampled from surface outcrops and rock chips of drill core from boreholes within the greater Los Angeles Basin region. In addition, lead-strontium-neodymium (Pb-Sr-Nd) whole-rock isotopic data were obtained for eight of these samples. These results help to characterize the crystalline basement rocks hidden in the subsurface and provide information that bears on the tectonic history of the myriad of fault systems that have dissected the Los Angeles region over the past 15 m.y. Seven of the nine samples have U-Pb ages ranging from 115 to 103 Ma and whole-rock Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics that indicate the crystalline basement underneath the greater Los Angeles Basin region is mostly part of the Peninsular Ranges batholith. Furthermore, these data are interpreted as evidence for (1) the juxtaposition of mid-Cretaceous, northern Peninsular Ranges batholith plutonic rocks against Late Cretaceous plutonic rocks of the Transverse Ranges in the San Fernando Valley, probably along the Verdugo fault; (2) the juxtaposition of older northwestern Peninsular Ranges batholith rocks against younger northeastern Peninsular Ranges batholith rocks in the northern Puente Hills, implying transposition of northeastern Peninsular Ranges batholith rocks to the west along unrecognized faults beneath the Chino Basin; and (3) juxtaposition of northern Peninsular Ranges batholith plutonic rocks against Late Cretaceous plutonic rocks of the Transverse Ranges along the San Jose fault in the northern San Jose Hills at Ganesha Park. These mainly left-lateral strike-slip faults of the eastern part of the greater Los Angeles Basin region could be the result of block rotation within the adjacent orthogonal, right-lateral, Elsinore-Whittier fault zone to the west and the subparallel San Jacinto fault zone to the east. The San Andreas fault system is the larger, subparallel, driving force further to the east.
Framework and petrogenesis of the northern Peninsular Ranges batholith, southern California
The Peninsular Ranges batholith north of latitude 33°N consists of five distinctive longitudinal batholith zones. Four zones are autochthonous—a western zone, western transition zone, eastern transition zone, and an eastern zone. The fifth zone, the upper-plate zone, is allochthonous. The western zone, western transition zone, eastern transition zone, and eastern zone are contiguous products of Cretaceous subduction transitioning from a Mesozoic oceanic-arc setting to continental margin arc setting. Within the autochthonous zones, the nature and geochemistry of plutons record changes reflecting subduction proceeding from west to east over a 35 m.y. period. The allochthonous upper-plate zone is structurally located above the regional Eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone. Host rocks for the western zone, western transition zone, and eastern transition zone are mostly Mesozoic, and host rocks of the eastern zone are Paleozoic. The composition of the plutons reflects changes in magma originating in shallow oceanic crust in the western zone to a deeper continental marginal setting in the eastern zone and upper-plate zone. Several aspects of the upper-plate zone rocks set them apart from the autochthonous batholithic rocks. Western zone magmatism occurred during an extensional subduction phase that involved Mesozoic oceanic crust. Plutons were emplaced passively from 126 Ma to 108 Ma, forming 47.9% of the area of the autochthonous batholith at a rate of 2.7% per million years. Geochemical variation is greater in the western zone than it is in the other zones. Rock compositions range from gabbro to high-SiO 2 granites; plutons in this zone contain magnetite as an accessory mineral. Most plutonic rocks have initial 87 Sr/ 86 Sr (Sr i ) values <0.7045, initial 206 Pb/ 204 Pb (Pb i ) <19, δ 18 O <9‰, and positive initial epsilon Nd (ε Ndi ). By 111 Ma, conditions for pluton emplacement began to change radically from extensional to compressional as subduction encountered older continental crust. The boundary between the western zone and western transition zone is marked clearly by a change in the magnetic properties, which are highly magnetic in the western zone to weakly magnetic in the transition zones. Western transition zone plutons, which have affinities with the western zone plutons, constitute 13.5% by area of the autochthonous batholith and formed over 13 m.y. at a decreased rate of batholith formation, 1% per million years. Plutons of the western transition zone are characterized by Sr i values of 0.7045–0.7050, δ 18 O <9‰, and positive ε Ndi . Deformation of the prebatholithic rocks was intense at 100 Ma, as the plutonism of the western transition zone ended and emplacement in the eastern transition zone began. From 99 to 93 Ma, the rate of magma emplacement accelerated, forming 2.4% per million years by area of the northern part of the autochthonous batholith. The eastern transition zone plutons, having affinities with the eastern zone plutons, have Sr i values of 0.7051–0.7057, δ 18 O >9‰, and negative ε Ndi . Most eastern transition zone plutons were emplaced in a less dynamic setting than the western transition zone plutons. By 98 Ma, subduction had transitioned eastward as plutons were emplaced in continental crust. The rate of magma emplacement increased to form the eastern zone over 7 m.y., or a rate of batholith growth of 3.4% per million years by area. There is considerable temporal overlap in the magma emplacement of the eastern transition zone and the eastern zone. Combined eastern transition zone and eastern zone magmatism produced 39% (by area) of the autochthonous batholith in 8 m.y. at a rate of ~5% per million years. The 102 Ma gabbro body is not considered in this analysis. Eastern zone plutons are characterized by Sr i >0.7060, mostly in the range of 0.7061–0.7076, Pb i >19, δ 18 O >9‰, and a large negative ε Ndi . The allochthonous granitic sheets that constitute the upper-plate zone include batholithic rocks ranging in age from 92 to 75 Ma; most are in the range of 86–75 Ma. These granitic rocks have a more restricted range of geochemistry than those in the other zones; they are magnetite-bearing rocks, unlike the ilmenite-bearing granitic rocks of the transition zones and eastern zone, and they have large negative ε Ndi , and Sr i in the range of 0.7076–0.7084. During the Late Cretaceous, the Eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone developed in the eastern part of the Peninsular Ranges Province, deforming granitic rocks of the eastern part of the eastern zone. Following mylonitization, westward displacement on a series of low-angle thrust faults placed sheets of metamorphic and plutonic rock above the Eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone, forming the upper-plate zone. Compatible elements decrease west to east across the batholith, and incompatible elements increase. Geochemical variation shows that magma forming the western part of the batholith had a shallow and primitive source compared with the eastern part, which had a deeper and more-evolved continental component. The frequency distribution of Sr i in the batholith is bimodal, having a peak of 0.7038 in the western zone, reflecting the oceanic crustal source, and a peak of 0.7072 in the eastern zone, reflecting increased incorporated continental crust sources. Only a small part of the batholith has Sr i values between 0.7055 and 0.7065, indicating a relatively sharp boundary between oceanic and continental crust. Linear arrays on Harker diagram indicate that geochemical variation within the batholith is from magma mixing and not magmatic differentiation. Our data are most simply explained by the Cretaceous arc transitioning from a Mesozoic oceanic-arc setting to a continental margin setting.
Utilizing both sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) and conventional isotope dilution–thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) methods, crystallization and/or emplacement ages have been obtained for a suite of Cretaceous intermediate-composition plutonic samples collected along a roughly E-W–trending traverse through the northern Peninsular Ranges batholith. Previously noted petrologic, mineralogic, and textural differences delineated four major zonations from west to east and raised the need for detailed geochemical and isotopic work. U-Pb zircon geochronology establishes that these zonations are essentially temporally separate. Mean 206 Pb/ 238 U ages date the three older zones from west to east at 126–107 Ma, 107–98 Ma, and 98–91 Ma. Despite petrologic differences, a relatively smooth progression of magmatism is seen from west to east. A fourth zone is defined by magmatism at ca. 85 Ma, which represents emplacement of deeper-level plutons east of the Eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone in an allochthonous thrust sheet in the northeastern Peninsular Ranges batholith. The age data presented here differ slightly from those presented in earlier work for similar rocks exposed across the middle and southern portions of the Peninsular Ranges batholith in that our data define a relatively smooth progression of magmatism from west to east, and that the transition from western-type to eastern-type plutonism is interpreted to have occurred at ca. 98 Ma and not at ca. 105 Ma. The progressive involvement of older crustal components in the enrichment of eastern Peninsular Ranges batholith–type magma sources is documented by the occurrence of Proterozoic zircon inheritance within samples of the eastern part of the batholith.
Conventional potassium-argon (K-Ar) ages were obtained on biotite from samples of granitic rocks collected at as regular spacing as outcrop and sample suitability permitted across the entire northern exposed part of the Peninsular Ranges batholith. Uranium-lead (U-Pb) ages on zircons range from 6 to 24 m.y. older than roughly corresponding conventional K-Ar biotite ages. The U-Pb zircon ages are considered to be emplacement or near-emplacement ages and provide a basis for using the conventional biotite ages to approximate variations in cooling history. Contouring of the biotite cooling ages shows the same west-to-east younging trend that earlier regional dating studies have shown. Contours generated by these earlier regional studies produced a relatively smooth, even age gradient across the batholith. Biotite cooling age contours generated by the much more closely spaced data set used here suggest a more complicated cooling history and show strong digressions from the smooth, even regional-scale gradient. Along much of their respective traces, the right-lateral strike-slip Elsinore and San Jacinto fault zones cut granitic rocks of the batholith; we have used the age contours as datums to estimate maximum offset across the Elsinore fault and to support a proposed offset based on geologic mapping evidence on the San Jacinto fault. These estimates, based on offsets of the age contours, may differ from true offsets because of uncertainties related to (1) inability to establish the dip of the age contours, (2) possible vertical components of offsets on faults, and (3) paucity of samples in some areas. Cooling age contours are offset 12 km across the Elsinore fault zone, a figure in keeping with offsets of 10–15 km based on detailed geologic mapping. Likewise, alignment of contour features at the north end of the Perris block with those at the north end of the San Jacinto block requires restoration of 29 km of right-lateral displacement, i.e., essentially the same as documented offsets based on geologic mapping.
The thermochronology for several suites of Mesozoic metamorphic and plutonic rocks collected throughout the northern Peninsular Ranges batholith (PRB) was studied as part of a collaborative isotopic study to further our understanding of the magmatic and tectonic history of southern California. These sample suites include: a traverse through the plutonic rocks across the northern PRB ( N = 29), a traverse across a central structural and metamorphic transition zone of mainly metasedimentary rocks at Searl ridge ( N = 20), plutonic samples from several drill cores ( N = 7) and surface samples ( N = 2) from the Los Angeles Basin, a traverse across the Eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone ( N = 6), and a suite of plutonic samples collected across the northern PRB ( N = 13) from which only biotite 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages were obtained. These geochronologic data help to characterize five major petrologic, geochemical, and isotopic zonations of the PRB (western zone, WZ; western transition zone, WTZ; eastern transition zone, ETZ; eastern zone, EZ; and upper-plate zone, UPZ). Apparent cooling rates were calculated using U-Pb zircon (zr) and titanite (sphene) ages; 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages from hornblende (hbl), biotite (bi), and K-feldspar (Kf); and apatite fission-track (AFT) ages from the same samples. The apparent cooling rates across the northern PRB vary from relatively rapid in the west (zr-hbl ~210 °C/m.y.; zr-bio ~160 °C/m.y.; zr-Kf ~80 °C/m.y.) to less rapid in the central (zr-hb ~280 °C/m.y.; zr-bio ~90 °C/m.y.; zr-Kf ~60 °C/m.y.) and eastern (zr-hbl ~185 °C/m.y.; zr-bio ~180 °C/m.y.; zr-Kf ~60 °C/m.y.) zones. An exception in the eastern zone, the massive San Jacinto pluton, appears to have cooled very rapidly (zr-bio ~385 °C/m.y.). Apparent cooling rates for the UPZ samples are consistently slower in comparison (~25–45 °C/m.y.), regardless of which geochronometers are used. Notable characteristics of the various ages from different dating methods include: (1) Zircon ages indicate a progressive younging of magmatic activity from west to east between ca. 125 and 90 Ma. (2) Various geochronometers were apparently affected by emplacement of the voluminous (ETZ and EZ) La Posta–type plutons emplaced between 99 and 91 Ma. Those minerals affected include K-feldspar in the western zone rocks, biotite and K-feldspar in the WTZ rocks, and white mica and K-feldspar in rocks from Searl ridge. (3) The AFT ages record the time the rocks cooled through the AFT closure temperature (~100 °C in these rocks), likely due to exhumation. Throughout most of the northern traverse, the apatite data indicate the rocks cooled relatively quickly through the apatite partial annealing zone (PAZ; from ~110 °C to 60 °C) and remained at temperatures less than 60 °C as continued exhumation cooled them to present-day surface temperatures. The ages indicate that the western “arc” terrane of the WZ was being uplifted and cooled at ca. 91 Ma, during or shortly after intrusion of the 99–91 Ma La Posta–type plutons to the east. Uplift and cooling occurred later, between ca. 70 Ma and ca. 55 Ma, in the central WTZ, ETZ, and EZ rocks, possibly as upwarping in response to events in the UPZ. The UPZ experienced differential exhumation at ca. 50–35 Ma: Cooling on the western edge was taking place at about the same time or shortly after cooling in the younger samples in the ETZ and EZ, whereas on the east side of the UPZ, the rocks cooled later (ca. 35 Ma) and spent a prolonged time in the apatite PAZ compared to most northern traverse samples. Apparent cooling rates from Los Angeles Basin drill core samples of plutonic rocks show that four are similar to the WTZ thermal histories, and two are similar to the WTZ histories, indicating that the eastern part of the Los Angeles Basin area is underlain by mainly western zone PRB rocks. Thermal histories revealed by samples from Searl ridge indicate that the WTZ magmatism intruded the metasedimentary rocks prior to their deformation and metamorphism at ca. 97 Ma. Both low-grade schists and metasandstones of the western side of the ridge and high-grade gneisses of the eastern side of the ridge have thermal histories consistent with eastern zone rocks—suggesting a temporal/thermal relationship between the western transition zone and the eastern zones. Limited ages from six samples across the Eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone (EPRMZ) indicate that this zone underwent cooling after emplacement of the youngest UPZ rocks at 85 Ma, suggesting that thrusting along the EPRMZ was either coeval with emplacement of the UPZ plutonic rocks or occurred shortly afterwards (~10–15 m.y.). Alternatively, the EPRMZ thrusting may have occurred at temperatures under ~180 °C at yet a later date. The geochronology presented here differs slightly from previous studies for similar rocks exposed across the middle and southern portions of the PRB, in that our data define a relatively smooth progression of magmatism from west to east, and the transition from western, oceanic-arc plutonism to eastern, continental arc plutonism is interpreted to have occurred at ca. 99–97 Ma and not at ca. 105 Ma.
Within the duration of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)–based Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP), many samples from the northern Peninsular Ranges batholith were studied for their whole-rock radioisotopic systematics (rubidium-strontium [Rb-Sr], uranium-thorium-lead [U-Th-Pb], and samarium-neodymium [Sm-Nd]), as well as oxygen (O), a stable isotope. The results of three main studies are presented separately, but here we combine them (>400 analyses) to produce a very complete Pb-Sr-Nd-O isotopic profile of an arc-continent collisional zone—perhaps the most complete in the world. In addition, because many of these samples have U-Pb zircon as well as argon mineral age determinations, we have good control of the timing for Pb-Sr-Nd-O isotopic variations. The ages and isotopic variations help to delineate at least four zones across the batholith from west to east—an older western zone (126–108 Ma), a transitional zone (111–93 Ma), an eastern zone (94–91 Ma), and a much younger allochthonous thrust sheet (ca. 84 Ma), which is the upper plate of the Eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone. Average initial 87 Sr/ 86 Sr (Sr i ), initial 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ( 206 Pb i ), initial 208 Pb/ 204 Pb (average 208 Pb i ), initial epsilon Nd (average ε Ndi ), and δ 18 O signatures range from 0.704, 18.787, 38.445, +3.1, and 4.0‰–9.0‰, respectively, in the westernmost zone, to 0.7071, 19.199, 38.777, −5, and 9‰–12‰, respectively, in the easternmost zone. The older western zone is therefore the more chemically and isotopically juvenile, characterized mostly by values that are slightly displaced from a mantle array at ca. 115 Ma, and similar to some modern island-arc signatures. In contrast, the isotopic signatures in the eastern zones indicate significant amounts of crustal involvement in the magmatic plumbing of those plutons. These isotopic signatures confirm previously published results that interpreted the Peninsular Ranges batholith as a progressively contaminated magmatic arc. The Peninsular Ranges batholith magmatic arc was initially an oceanic arc built on Panthalassan lithosphere that eventually evolved into a continental margin magmatic arc collision zone, eventually overriding North American cratonic lithosphere. Our Pb-Sr-Nd data further suggest that the western arc rocks represent a nearshore or inboard oceanic arc, as they exhibit isotopic signatures that are more enriched than typical mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB). Isotopic signatures from the central zone are transitional and indicate that enriched crustal magma sources were becoming involved in the northern Peninsular Ranges batholith magmatic plumbing. As the oceanic arc–continental margin collision progressed, a mixture of oceanic mantle and continental magmatic sources transpired. Magmatic production in the northern Peninsular Ranges batholith moved eastward and continued to tap enriched crustal magmatic sources. Similar modeling has been previously proposed for two other western margin magmatic arcs, the Sierra Nevada batholith of central California and the Idaho batholith. Calculated initial Nd signatures at ca. 100 Ma for Permian–Jurassic and Proterozoic basement rocks from the nearby San Gabriel Mountains and possible source areas along the southwestern Laurentian margin of southern California, southwestern Arizona, and northern Sonora strongly suggest their involvement with deep crustal magma mixing beneath the eastern zones of the Peninsular Ranges batholith, as well as farther east in continental lithospheric zones. Last, several samples from the allochthonous, easternmost upper-plate zone, which are considerably younger (ca. 84 Ma) than any of the rocks from the northern Peninsular Ranges batholith proper, have even more enriched average Sr i , 206 Pb i , 208 Pb i , and ε Ndi signatures of 0.7079, 19.344, 38.881, and −6.6, respectively, indicative of the most-evolved magma sources in the northern Peninsular Ranges batholith and similar to radioisotopic values for rocks from the nearby Transverse Ranges, suggesting a genetic connection between the two.
We studied the formation of low-initial-Sr felsic plutons by using data from the Early Cretaceous western Peninsular Ranges batholith near Escondido, California. The systematically sampled Escondido plutons have a uniformly low initial 87 Sr/ 86 Sr isotope ratio of Sr i < 0.704, but a wide range of SiO 2 compositions, from 46 to 78 wt%, which fall in three distinct groups: 20% gabbros, 35% tonalites, and 45% granodiorites. These low-Sr i plutons are unique in having undergone one cycle of mantle melting to give basalt composition rocks, and a second cycle of arc basalt melting to give a range of SiO 2 plutons, but no third cycle of melting and contamination by old continental crust to yield high-Sr i rocks. After doing two-cycle partial melting and fractional crystallization calculations, it was recognized that mixing of gabbro and granodiorite magmas was necessary to yield the tonalites. The linear data pattern on Harker diagrams is interpreted as resulting from mixing of mafic magma from partial melting of the mantle and felsic magma from partial melting of the lower crust to form intermediate magma. These plutons provide a simplified two-cycle Phanerozoic example of the petrogenetic process for forming continental crust.
The Santiago Peak volcanics, in the northern Santa Ana Mountains, are the northernmost exposures of the Santiago Peak–Alisitos magmatic arc present along the western edge of the Peninsular Ranges batholith. Remnants of deeply eroded volcanic sequences in the Santa Ana Mountains consist of subaerial basaltic-andesite to rhyolite lavas, rare basalt, welded tuff, and pyroclastic rocks that were emplaced across deformed Middle Jurassic turbidites. Subalkaline lavas have mixed calc-alkaline and tholeiitic affinities. Relatively primitive ε Sr (−18 to +5) and ε Nd (+7.5 to +0.1) values for the lavas plot along the mantle array. Silicic lavas have higher ε Sr and ε Nd values in comparison to mafic lavas. Parental magmas were derived from hydrous melts of relatively depleted mantle wedge, followed by fractionation and the assimilation of up to 10% crustal materials. The whole-rock compositions, isotopic data, and U/Pb and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages (128–110 Ma) of the Early Cretaceous Santiago Peak volcanics and related Estelle Mountain volcanics overlap with emplacement ages of plutons of the western zone of the Peninsular Ranges batholith. The volcanic rocks are interpreted as the volcanic component of the arc plumbing system of the batholith. Arc rocks are in turn unconformably overlain by a forearc sequence of Upper Cretaceous through Tertiary strata that indicate deep erosion of the Santiago Peak volcanics by 95 Ma. Volcanic clasts of Turonian age within the forearc sequence yield U/Pb ages of 108–106 Ma. Age data and whole-rock geochemistry of the volcanic clasts indicate that they were eroded from supracrustal volcanic rocks located farther east within the Elsinore block.