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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Bare Mountain (2)
Colorado River (1)
Death Valley (4)
Western Europe
Iceland (1)
Furnace Creek (1)
Grand Canyon (1)
Long Valley (2)
North America
Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (6)
North American Cordillera (1)
Owens Valley (57)
San Andreas Fault (1)
Searles Lake (3)
Sierra Nevada (13)
United States
Arizona (1)
Central California (4)
Garlock Fault (1)
Inyo County California
Coso Hot Springs KGRA (1)
Coso Range (3)
Inyo Mountains (7)
Owens Lake (6)
Panamint Range (1)
Mono County California
Mono Lake (1)
San Bernardino County California (2)
San Francisco Bay region (1)
Sierra Nevada Batholith (1)
Southern California (1)
Yosemite National Park (1)
Colorado Plateau (1)
Eastern California shear zone (4)
Great Basin (6)
Hurricane Fault (1)
Illinois (1)
Clark County Nevada (1)
Nye County Nevada
Yucca Mountain (2)
New Madrid region (1)
South Carolina
Charleston County South Carolina
Charleston South Carolina (1)
Balcones fault zone (2)
Bexar County Texas
San Antonio Texas (1)
Comal County Texas (1)
Utah (2)
White Mountains (3)
construction materials (1)
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elements, isotopes
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alkali metals
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rare earths
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Actinopterygii (1)
Amphipoda (1)
Ostracoda (1)
microfossils (1)
geochronology methods
exposure age (2)
infrared stimulated luminescence (1)
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racemization (1)
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geologic age
Holocene (5)
Bishop Tuff (8)
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upper Weichselian
Younger Dryas (1)
upper Quaternary (4)
Paintbrush Tuff (2)
Tiva Canyon Member (1)
Topopah Spring Member (1)
upper Miocene (1)
upper Pliocene (1)
Lake Bonneville (1)
Upper Cretaceous
Tuolumne Intrusive Suite (1)
Upper Jurassic (1)
MIS 6 (1)
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Pennsylvanian (1)
Permian (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
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alkali feldspar
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zircon (3)
Primary terms
absolute age (9)
biogeography (2)
C-14 (2)
Holocene (5)
Bishop Tuff (8)
middle Pleistocene (1)
upper Pleistocene
upper Weichselian
Younger Dryas (1)
upper Quaternary (4)
Paintbrush Tuff (2)
Tiva Canyon Member (1)
Topopah Spring Member (1)
upper Miocene (1)
upper Pliocene (1)
Actinopterygii (1)
climate change (2)
construction materials (1)
crust (2)
deformation (11)
earthquakes (15)
engineering geology (1)
Western Europe
Iceland (1)
faults (34)
folds (2)
foundations (1)
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geochemistry (6)
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igneous rocks
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volcanic rocks
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ignimbrite (2)
pumice (1)
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welded tuff (1)
quartz porphyry (1)
intrusions (6)
Amphipoda (1)
Ostracoda (1)
radioactive isotopes
Al-26 (1)
Be-10 (2)
C-14 (2)
Cl-36 (2)
Cs-137 (1)
stable isotopes
Nd-144/Nd-143 (1)
O-18/O-16 (2)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
land subsidence (1)
magmas (1)
Upper Cretaceous
Tuolumne Intrusive Suite (1)
Upper Jurassic (1)
alkali metals
Cs-137 (1)
potassium (1)
sodium (1)
alkaline earth metals
Be-10 (2)
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rare earths
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noble gases (1)
North America
Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (6)
North American Cordillera (1)
orogeny (1)
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paleoclimatology (6)
paleoecology (3)
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Pennsylvanian (1)
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petroleum (1)
plate tectonics (1)
remote sensing (1)
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clastic sediments
alluvium (3)
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seismology (3)
shorelines (3)
slope stability (1)
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springs (1)
stratigraphy (3)
structural analysis (3)
structural geology (5)
neotectonics (10)
tunnels (1)
United States
Arizona (1)
Central California (4)
Garlock Fault (1)
Inyo County California
Coso Hot Springs KGRA (1)
Coso Range (3)
Inyo Mountains (7)
Owens Lake (6)
Panamint Range (1)
Mono County California
Mono Lake (1)
San Bernardino County California (2)
San Francisco Bay region (1)
Sierra Nevada Batholith (1)
Southern California (1)
Yosemite National Park (1)
Colorado Plateau (1)
Eastern California shear zone (4)
Great Basin (6)
Hurricane Fault (1)
Illinois (1)
Clark County Nevada (1)
Nye County Nevada
Yucca Mountain (2)
New Madrid region (1)
South Carolina
Charleston County South Carolina
Charleston South Carolina (1)
Balcones fault zone (2)
Bexar County Texas
San Antonio Texas (1)
Comal County Texas (1)
Utah (2)
waste disposal (1)
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weathering (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
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sedimentary structures
channels (3)
clastic sediments
alluvium (3)
boulders (3)
cobbles (1)
dust (1)
gravel (2)
pebbles (1)
sand (2)
siliciclastics (1)
volcaniclastics (1)
soils (2)
Owens Valley
Insights from the Alabama Hills into Mesozoic Magmatism and Tectonics in Eastern California
Semiautomatic Algorithm to Map Tectonic Faults and Measure Scarp Height from Topography Applied to the Volcanic Tablelands and the Hurricane Fault, Western US
Spatiotemporal patterns of distributed slip in southern Owens Valley indicated by deformation of late Pleistocene shorelines, eastern California
Myths about normal faulting
Abstract: Analyses of normal faults in mechanically layered strata reveal that material properties of rock layers strongly influence fault nucleation points, fault extent (trace length), failure mode (shear v. hybrid), fault geometry (e.g. refraction through mechanical layers), displacement gradient (and potential for fault tip folding), displacement partitioning (e.g. synthetic dip, synthetic faulting, fault core displacement), fault core and damage zone width, and fault zone deformation processes. These detailed investigations are progressively dispelling some common myths about normal faulting held by industry geologists, for example: (i) that faults tend to be linear in dip profile; (ii) that imbricate normal faults initiate due to sliding on low-angle detachments; (iii) that friction causes fault-related folds (so-called normal drag); (iv) that self-similar fault zone widening is a direct function of fault displacement; and (v) that faults are not dilational features and/or important sources of permeability.
Groundwater controls on episodic soil erosion and dust emissions in a desert ecosystem
Observations on normal-fault scarp morphology and fault system evolution of the Bishop Tuff in the Volcanic Tableland, Owens Valley, California, U.S.A.
Hydrogeologic heterogeneity of faulted and fractured Glass Mountain bedded tuffaceous sediments and ash-fall deposits: The Crucifix site near Bishop, California
The role of low-angle normal faulting in active tectonics of the northern Owens Valley, California
Deformation analysis of tuffaceous sediments in the Volcanic Tableland near Bishop, California
Comment on “Revisiting the 1872 Owens Valley, California, Earthquake” by Susan E. Hough and Kate Hutton
Reply to “Comment on ‘Revisiting the 1872 Owens Valley, California, Earthquake’ by Susan E. Hough and Kate Hutton” by William H. Bakun
Revisiting the 1872 Owens Valley, California, Earthquake
Active tectonics of the eastern California shear zone
Abstract The eastern California shear zone is an important component of the Pacific–North America plate boundary. This region of active, predominantly strike-slip, deformation east of the San Andreas fault extends from the southern Mojave Desert along the east side of the Sierra Nevada and into western Nevada. The eastern California shear zone is thought to accommodate nearly a quarter of relative plate motion between the Pacific and North America plates. Recent studies in the region, utilizing innovative methods ranging from cosmogenic nuclide geochronology, airborne laser swath mapping, and ground penetrating radar to geologic mapping, geochemistry, and U-Pb, 40 Ar/ 39 Ar, and (U-Th)/He geochronology, are helping elucidate slip rate and displacement histories for many of the major structures that comprise the eastern California shear zone. This field trip includes twelve stops along the Lenwood, Garlock, Owens Valley, and Fish Lake Valley faults, which are some of the primary focus areas for new research. Trip participants will explore a rich record of the spatial and temporal evolution of the eastern California shear zone from 83 Ma to the late Holocene through observations of offset alluvial deposits, lava flows, key stratigraphic markers, and igneous intrusions, all of which are deformed as a result of recurring seismic activity. Discussion will focus on the constancy (or non-constancy) of strain accumulation and release, the function of the Garlock fault in accommodating deformation in the region, total cumulative displacement and timing of offset on faults, the various techniques used to determine fault displacements and slip rates, and the role of the eastern California shear zone as a nascent segment of the Pacific–North America plate boundary.
During glacial (pluvial) climatic periods, Death Valley is hypothesized to have episodically been the terminus for the Amargosa, Owens, and Mojave Rivers. Geological and biological studies have tended to support this hypothesis and a hydrological link that included the Colorado River, allowing dispersal of pupfish throughout southeastern California and western Nevada. Recent mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (mtDNA) studies show a common pupfish (Cyprinodontidae) ancestry in this region with divergence beginning 3–2 Ma. We present tephrochronologic and paleomagnetic data in the context of testing the paleohydrologic connections with respect to the common collection point of the Amargosa, Owens, and Mojave Rivers in Death Valley during successive time periods: (1) the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene (3–2 Ma), (2) early to middle Pleistocene (1.2–0.5 Ma), and (3) middle to late Pleistocene (<0.7–0.03 Ma; paleolakes Manly and Mojave). Using the 3.35 Ma Zabriskie Wash tuff and 3.28 Ma Nomlaki Tuff Member of the Tuscan and Tehama Formations, which are prominent marker beds in the region, we conclude that at 3–2 Ma, a narrow lake occupied the ancient Furnace Creek Basin and that Death Valley was not hydrologically connected with the Amargosa or Mojave Rivers. A paucity of data for Panamint Valley does not allow us to evaluate an Owens River connection to Death Valley ca. 3–2 Ma. Studies by others have shown that Death Valley was not hydrologically linked to the Amargosa, Owens, or Mojave Rivers from 1.2 to 0.5 Ma. We found no evidence that Lake Manly flooded back up the Mojave River to pluvial Lake Mojave between 0.18 and 0.12 Ma, although surface water flowed from the Amargosa and Owens Rivers to Death Valley at this time. There is also no evidence for a connection of the Owens, Amargosa, or Mojave Rivers to the Colorado River in the last 3–2 m.y. Therefore, the hypothesis that pupfish dispersed or were isolated in basins throughout southeastern California and western Nevada by such a connection is not supported. Beyond the biologically predicted time frame, however, sparse and disputed data suggest that a fluvial system connected Panamint (Owens River), Death, and Amargosa Valleys, which could account for the dispersal and isolation before 3 Ma.
The North American Great Basin is a useful venue for the study of dispersal, vicariance, and rates of molecular evolution among aquatic organisms because its Pleistocene hydrogeographic history is relatively well known. This study examines regional molecular variation in the amphipod Hyalella azteca using mitochondrial (mt) gene sequence (deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA]) data. Populations within several endorheic drainages in the southern Great Basin were analyzed to determine if they represent a monophyletic assemblage with respect to populations from the pluvial Lake Bonneville drainage in the northern Great Basin. We also tested whether the patterns of molecular diversification among populations in the southern Great Basin were consistent with a Pleistocene vicariance hypothesis, and if the magnitude of observed sequence divergence was concordant with standard molecular clock calibrations. Our results show that diversity and endemism among Hyalella populations in the southern Great Basin are high with respect to those in the Lake Bonneville Basin. We further demonstrate that hyalellid populations in the southern Great Basin are a polyphyletic assemblage with respect to their counterparts in the Bonneville Basin, suggesting that dispersal events have been partially responsible for the enigmatic relationships within this assemblage. The relationships among lineages within the southern Great Basin are largely enigmatic and are not concordant with Pleistocene hydrographic history. Our data also indicate that rates of molecular evolution have been heterogeneous; there is a 2.8-fold disparity in relative rates of mtDNA divergence among closely allied lineages. The magnitude of sequence divergence among lineages is inconsistent with standard molecular clock calibrations, and evidence indicates that accelerated rates of divergence may have contributed to the high diversity and endemism among Great Basin hyalellids, complicating reconstruction of the temporal sequence of biogeographic events.
Geological and hydrological history of the paleo–Owens River drainage since the late Miocene
From the late Miocene to the middle Pliocene, the current drainage basin of the Owens River probably consisted of a broad, moderate-elevation, low-relief plateau with radiating drainage toward the Pacific Ocean, the northwestern Great Basin (now Lahontan drainages), and the Mojave and Colorado drainages. This plateau probably contained shallow basins, created by an extensional pulse at 12–11 Ma, at the present locations of major valleys. Between 4 and 3 Ma, this plateau was disrupted by a rapid westward step of extensional Basin and Range Province tectonism, which reactivated the Miocene faults and resulted in a linear north-south valley (the Owens Valley) with high mountain ranges on each side. This tectonic event resulted in geographic isolation and fragmentation of aquatic habitats and may have been a critical driver for speciation of aquatic organisms. Subsequent to this remarkable transformation of the landscape, the predominant influence on aquatic habitats has been very large, climate-driven fluctuations in the regional water balance that have resulted in the repeated interconnection and disconnection of the various basins that make up the paleo–Owens system. The magnitude of these fluctuations appears to have increased markedly since the early Pleistocene. Searles Lake has generally been the terminus of the Owens River, but at least once, probably at ca. 150 and/or ca. 70 ka, the system overflowed into Death Valley. During the last interglacial (marine isotope stage 5) and the Holocene, Owens Lake has been the terminus, but apparently not frequently before. These very large fluctuations in the water balance undoubtedly produced large shifts in the nature and distribution of aquatic habitats over geologically short periods of time, as well as repeatedly creating and severing connections between various parts of the larger drainage basin. This dynamic hydrological system provided the setting, and no doubt much of the impetus, for speciation, extinction, and distribution of aquatic species within the paleo–Owens system, but any paleohydrological causes will have to be extracted from a complex history.
Late Pleistocene lakes and wetlands, Panamint Valley, Inyo County, California
Pleistocene deposits in Panamint Valley, California, document the changes in pluvial lake level, source water, and elevation of the regional groundwater table associated with climate change. The oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 2 and 6 lacustrine record is well preserved in surficial deposits, whereas the OIS 3–5 lacustrine-paludal and lacustrine record is mainly derived from an archived core sample. Amino acid racemization ratios in ostracodes and gastropods suggest that the shoreline and groundwater-discharge features that lie between ∼600 and 550 m elevation formed during one highstand, probably during OIS 6. A fossiliferous part of the ∼100-m-deep core DH-1, which was drilled in the Ballarat Basin during the late 1950s, was resampled in this study. Comparison of DH-1 with core DH-3 from Panamint Valley and core OL-92 from Owens Lake suggests the 34–78-m-depth interval of DH-1 may span all or much of OIS 4. The microfauna from this depth interval indicate a saline marsh or shallow lacustrine environment, but not a large lake. The ostracode assemblage requires low ratios of alkalinity to calcium (alk/Ca) water likely indicative of solutes in deep regional groundwater sources rather than the high alk/Ca solutes common to the Owens River system. OIS 2–aged sediment from surficial deposits, a shallow auger hole, and core DH-1 contain faunas, including the ostracode Limnocythere sappaensis , which require the high alk/Ca evolved solutes common to the Owens River. The elevation of the lacustrine sediments further indicates a moderate-sized saline lake around 180–200 m depth. In the northern Lake Hill basin, a saline lake persisted until at least 16 ka, and it was succeeded by fresh, groundwater-supported wetlands, which were fully developed by ca. 12,575 14 C yr B.P. and which persisted until around 10,500 14 C yr B.P., when the basin became a dry playa.
Late Quaternary MIS 6–8 shoreline features of pluvial Owens Lake, Owens Valley, eastern California
The chronologic history of pluvial Owens Lake along the eastern Sierra Nevada in Owens Valley, California, has previously been reported for the interval of time from ca. 25 calibrated ka to the present. However, the age, distribution, and paleoclimatic context of higher-elevation shoreline features have not been formally documented. We describe the location and characteristics of wave-formed erosional and depositional features, as well as fluvial strath terraces that grade into an older shoreline of pluvial Owens Lake. These pluvial-lacustrine features are described between the Olancha area to the south and Poverty Hills area to the north, and they appear to be vertically deformed ∼20 ± 4 m across the active oblique-dextral Owens Valley fault zone. They occur at elevations from 1176 to 1182 m along the lower flanks of the Inyo Mountains and Coso Range east of the fault zone to as high as ∼1204 m west of the fault zone. This relict shoreline, referred to as the 1180 m shoreline, lies ∼20–40 m higher than the previously documented Last Glacial Maximum shoreline at ∼1160 m, which occupied the valley during marine isotope stage 2 (MIS 2). Crosscutting relations of wave-formed platforms, notches, and sandy beach deposits, as well as strath terraces on lava flows of the Big Pine volcanic field, bracket the age of the 1180 m shoreline to the time interval between ca. 340 ∼ 60 ka and ca. 130 ∼ 50 ka. This interval includes marine oxygen isotope stages 8–6 (MIS 8–6), corresponding to 260–240 ka and 185–130 ka, respectively. An additional age estimate for this shoreline is provided by a cosmogenic 36 Cl model age of ca. 160 ∼ 32 ka on reefal tufa at ∼1170 m elevation from the southeastern margin of the valley. This 36 Cl model age corroborates the constraining ages based on dated lava flows and refines the lake age to the MIS 6 interval. Documentation of this larger pluvial Owens Lake offers insight to the hydrologic balance along the east side of the southern Sierra Nevada and will assist with future regional paleoclimatic models within the western Basin and Range.
Late Pleistocene shorelines of Owens Lake, California, and their hydroclimatic and tectonic implications
Owens Lake has existed for most of the past 800,000 yr, but the sequence of interconnected lakes and streams of which it was often part, the Owens River cascade, last flourished during late Pleistocene time. A fluctuating, increasingly saline, terminal lake survived into the late Holocene until upstream water diversions to the Los Angeles Aqueduct began in 1913. Shoreline fragments and beach stratigraphy indicate that the lake reached its highest late Pleistocene level around 23.5 ka, during the Last Glacial Maximum, when it was fed by meltwaters from Sierra Nevada glaciers and spilled southward to Searles Lake and beyond. The lake then fell to relatively low levels after 16.5 ka before experiencing terminal Pleistocene oscillations related to hydroclimatic forcing, which involved changing regional precipitation regimes rather than major inputs from Sierra Nevada glaciers. Two major transgressions occurred. The first culminated around 14.3 ka and was probably related to a cooler, wetter regional climate. The second culminated around 12.8 ka and was linked to the earlier wetter phase of the Younger Dryas cold event. However, the high late Pleistocene shoreline is deformed, and the highest beach ranges in elevation from 1140 m to 1167 m above sea level. If the terminal Pleistocene lake overflowed, as suggested here, then its outlet has also been raised since 12.8 ka. This deformation appears to have involved uplift of the Coso Range magmatic complex relative to subsidence and faulting within the Owens Lake graben between the Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountains frontal faults. Such deformation confounds simple hydroclimatic explanations of lake behavior and must be incorporated into models that seek to interpret the changing form and geochemistry of Owens Lake and the frequency of its spillage southward to Searles Lake.