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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic (1)
Chesapeake Bay impact structure (42)
Chicxulub Crater (1)
United States
Atlantic Coastal Plain (10)
Chesapeake Bay (5)
Sussex County Delaware
Bethany Beach Delaware (1)
Delmarva Peninsula (8)
Idaho (1)
Dorchester County Maryland (2)
Queen Anne's County Maryland (1)
Talbot County Maryland (2)
Wicomico County Maryland (1)
Nye County Nevada
Yucca Mountain (1)
Susquehanna River (1)
Accomack County Virginia (2)
Mathews County Virginia (2)
Northampton County Virginia
Oyster Virginia (7)
York County Virginia (1)
elements, isotopes
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Foraminifera (5)
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Dinoflagellata (2)
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Discoasteridae (1)
problematic fossils
problematic microfossils (1)
geochronology methods
Ar/Ar (2)
paleomagnetism (3)
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geologic age
Holocene (2)
upper Pleistocene
Wisconsinan (2)
upper Quaternary (1)
Calvert Formation (2)
middle Miocene
Choptank Formation (1)
Saint Marys Formation (2)
upper Miocene
Eastover Formation (2)
upper Pliocene
Chowan River Formation (1)
Yorktown Formation (2)
upper Eocene (23)
Oligocene (3)
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (1)
Lower Cretaceous (1)
Lower Triassic (1)
Upper Permian (2)
upper Precambrian
Proterozoic (3)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
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Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic (1)
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Holocene (2)
upper Pleistocene
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Calvert Formation (2)
middle Miocene
Choptank Formation (1)
Saint Marys Formation (2)
upper Miocene
Eastover Formation (2)
upper Pliocene
Chowan River Formation (1)
Yorktown Formation (2)
upper Eocene (23)
Oligocene (3)
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (1)
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O-18/O-16 (2)
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Upper Permian (2)
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diatoms (1)
Discoasteridae (1)
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Proterozoic (3)
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S-34/S-32 (1)
tectonics (2)
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underground installations (1)
United States
Atlantic Coastal Plain (10)
Chesapeake Bay (5)
Sussex County Delaware
Bethany Beach Delaware (1)
Delmarva Peninsula (8)
Idaho (1)
Dorchester County Maryland (2)
Queen Anne's County Maryland (1)
Talbot County Maryland (2)
Wicomico County Maryland (1)
Nye County Nevada
Yucca Mountain (1)
Susquehanna River (1)
Accomack County Virginia (2)
Mathews County Virginia (2)
Northampton County Virginia
Oyster Virginia (7)
York County Virginia (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
clastic rocks
claystone (1)
sandstone (2)
siltstone (1)
sedimentary structures
borings (1)
channels (1)
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
cross-stratification (1)
laminations (1)
clastic sediments
diamicton (2)
mud (1)
quartz sand (1)
sand (1)
peat (2)
soils (2)
Northampton County Virginia
Distributed Soil Moisture from Crosshole Ground-Penetrating Radar Travel Times using Stochastic Inversion
Dinocyst taphonomy, impact craters, cyst ghosts and the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum (PETM)
The late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact structure lies buried at moderate depths below Chesapeake Bay and surrounding landmasses in southeastern Virginia, USA. Numerous characteristics made this impact structure an inviting target for scientific drilling, including the location of the impact on the Eocene continental shelf, its three-layer target structure, its large size (~85 km diameter), its status as the source of the North American tektite strewn field, its temporal association with other late Eocene terrestrial impacts, its documented effects on the regional groundwater system, and its previously unstudied effects on the deep microbial biosphere. The Chesapeake Bay impact structure Deep Drilling Project was designed to drill a deep, continuously cored test hole into the central part of the structure. A project workshop, funding proposals, and the acceptance of those proposals occurred during 2003–2005. Initial drilling funds were provided by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Supplementary funds were provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate, ICDP, and USGS. Field operations were conducted at Eyreville Farm, Northampton County, Virginia, by Drilling, Observation, and Sampling of the Earth's Continental Crust (DOSECC) and the project staff during September–December 2005, resulting in two continuously cored, deep holes. The USGS and Rutgers University cored a shallow hole to 140 m in April–May 2006 to complete the recovered section from land surface to 1766 m depth. The recovered section consists of 1322 m of crater materials and 444 m of overlying postimpact Eocene to Pleistocene sediments. The crater section consists of, from base to top: basement-derived blocks of crystalline rocks (215 m); a section of suevite, impact melt rock, lithic impact breccia, and cataclasites (154 m); a thin interval of quartz sand and lithic blocks (26 m); a granite megablock (275 m); and sediment blocks and boulders, polymict, sediment-clast–dominated sedimentary breccias, and a thin upper section of stratified sediments (652 m). The cored postimpact sediments provide insight into the effects of a large continental-margin impact on subsequent coastal-plain sedimentation. This volume contains the first results of multidisciplinary studies of the Eyreville cores and related topics. The volume is divided into these sections: geologic column; borehole geophysical studies; regional geophysical studies; crystalline rocks, impactites, and impact models; sedimentary breccias; postimpact sediments; hydrologic and geothermal studies; and microbiologic studies.
The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)–U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Eyreville drill cores from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure provide one of the most complete geologic sections ever obtained from an impact structure. This paper presents a series of geologic columns and descriptive lithologic information for the lower impactite and crystalline-rock sections in the cores. The lowermost cored section (1766–1551 m depth) is a complex assemblage of mica schists that commonly contain graphite and fibrolitic sillimanite, intrusive granite pegmatites that grade into coarse granite, and local zones of mylonitic deformation. This basement-derived section is variably overprinted by brittle cataclastic fabrics and locally cut by dikes of polymict impact breccia, including several suevite dikes. An overlying succession of suevites and lithic impact breccias (1551–1397 m) includes a lower section dominated by polymict lithic impact breccia with blocks (up to 17 m) and boulders of cataclastic gneiss and an upper section (above 1474 m) of suevites and clast-rich impact melt rocks. The uppermost suevite is overlain by 26 m (1397–1371 m) of gravelly quartz sand that contains an amphibolite block and boulders of cataclasite and suevite. Above the sand, a 275-m-thick allochthonous granite slab (1371–1096 m) includes gneissic biotite granite, fine- and medium-to-coarse–grained biotite granites, and red altered granite near the base. The granite slab is overlain by more gravelly sand, and both are attributed to debris-avalanche and/or rockslide deposition that slightly preceded or accompanied seawater-resurge into the collapsing transient crater.
The Eyreville A and B cores, recovered from the “moat” of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, provide a thick section of sediment-clast breccias and minor stratified sediments from 1095.74 to 443.90 m. This paper discusses the components of these breccias, presents a geologic column and descriptive lithologic framework for them, and formalizes the Exmore Formation. From 1095.74 to ~867 m, the cores consist of nonmarine sediment boulders and sand (rare blocks up to 15.3 m intersected diameter). A sharp contact in both cores at ~867 m marks the lowest clayey, silty, glauconitic quartz sand that constitutes the base of the Exmore Formation and its lower diamicton member. Here, material derived from the upper sediment target layers, as well as some impact ejecta, occurs. The block-dominated member of the Exmore Formation, from ~855–618.23 m, consists of nonmarine sediment blocks and boulders (up to 45.5 m) that are juxtaposed complexly. Blocks of oxidized clay are an important component. Above 618.23 m, which is the base of the informal upper diamicton member of the Exmore Formation, the glauconitic matrix is a consistent component in diamicton layers between nonmarine sediment clasts that decrease in size upward in the section. Crystalline-rock clasts are not randomly distributed but rather form local concentrations. The upper part of the Exmore Formation consists of crudely fining-upward sandy packages capped by laminated silt and clay. The overlap interval of Eyreville A and B (940–~760 m) allows recognition of local similarities and differences in the breccias.
A 443.9-m-thick, virtually undisturbed section of postimpact deposits in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure was recovered in the Eyreville A and C cores, Northampton County, Virginia, within the “moat” of the structure's central crater. Recovered sediments are mainly fine-grained marine siliciclastics, with the exception of Pleistocene sand, clay, and gravel. The lowest postimpact unit is the upper Eocene Chickahominy Formation (443.9–350.1 m). At 93.8 m, this is the maximum thickness yet recovered for deposits that represent the return to “normal marine” sedimentation. The Drummonds Corner beds (informal) and the Old Church Formation are thin Oligocene units present between 350.1 and 344.7 m. Above the Oligocene, there is a more typical Virginia coastal plain succession. The Calvert Formation (344.7–225.4 m) includes a thin lower Miocene part overlain by a much thicker middle Mio-cene part. From 225.4 to 206.0 m, sediments of the middle Miocene Choptank Formation, rarely reported in the Virginia coastal plain, are present. The thick upper Miocene St. Marys and Eastover Formations (206.0–57.8 m) appear to represent a more complete succession than in the type localities. Correlation with the nearby Kiptopeke core indicates that two Pliocene units are present: Yorktown (57.8–32.2 m) and Chowan River Formations (32.2–18.3 m). Sediments at the top of the section represent an upper Pleistocene channel-fill and are assigned to the Butlers Bluff and Occohannock Members of the Nassawadox Formation (18.3–0.6 m).
During 2005–2006, the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program and the U.S. Geological Survey drilled three continuous core holes into the Chesapeake Bay impact structure to a total depth of 1766.3 m. A collection of supplemental materials that presents a record of the core recovery and measurement data for the Eyreville cores is available on CD-ROM at the end of this volume and in the GSA Data Repository. The supplemental materials on the CD-ROM include digital photographs of each core box from the three core holes, tables of the three coring-run logs, as recorded on site, and a set of depth-conversion programs. In this chapter, the contents, purposes, and basic applications of the supplemental materials are briefly described. With this information, users can quickly decide if the materials will apply to their specific research needs.
Rock-magnetic properties of the ICDP-USGS Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA
Chesapeake is a 35-Ma-old shallow-marine, complex impact structure with a diameter of ~85 km. The structure is completely buried beneath several hundreds of meters of postimpact sediments. Therefore, subsurface information can be obtained only from geophysical surveys and drill holes. Recently, deep drilling into the inner crater zone, at Eyreville near Cape Charles, was carried out in order to provide constraints on geophysical modeling and cratering processes in a multilayered marine target. We analyzed samples of the Eyreville core including postimpact, impact- produced, and basement-derived units in order to clarify the magneto-mineralogy, to provide physical parameters for better understanding the influence of the impact on the petrophysical and rock-magnetic properties, and to provide rock-magnetic data for magnetic modeling. Results show a complex behavior of physical properties of the lithologies in the Eyreville core due to different lithologies having been affected by shock-induced changes. Our data suggest that pyrrhotite and magnetite carry the magnetic properties in most of the core samples, whereas hematite is present in oxidized clays from the uppermost impact-generated unit (Exmore beds) and related sediment megablocks. The granitic megablock appears to be undeformed based on lack of brittle deformation in magnetite and petrophysically appears as a single block. In contrast, the impactite sequence below the megablock shows brittle deformation and magnetic fabric randomization, and the pyrrhotite in the associated schist fragments is strongly fractured. Thus, the Chesapeake Bay deep core provides an extraordinary opportunity to study the effect of impact on magnetite and pyrrhotite, the two main magnetic minerals creating crustal magnetic anomalies.
The physical properties of rocks in drill core from impact structures can be used to distinguish individual nonimpact and impact-generated lithologies, and to investigate the effect of the impact process on the target rocks. Here, we present the results of laboratory measurements of porosity, density, velocity, and thermal properties on the densely sampled cores from the Eyreville borehole in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA. With increasing depth, the lithologies encountered (and porosities) are: postimpact sediments (40%–60%), Exmore breccia and sedimentary blocks (27%–44%), a large megablock of granitoids (<1%), suevite and polymict lithic impact breccia (1%–25%), and schist, granite, and pegmatite of the basement-derived section (1%–13%). The low bulk densities and thermal properties of the post-impact sediments show a good correlation with the high porosity values. The physical properties within the Exmore bed sequence overall display relatively small variation but are heterogeneous on the core sample scale. Physical properties along the impact-breccia sequence are highly variable on all scales, and they are interpreted to be controlled by the structural arrangement of particles as well as by the highly variable mineral and clast compositions of the samples. The physical properties of the rocks of the lowermost basement-derived section are also heterogeneous and are interpreted as having been influenced by both lithology and overprinting as a result of the impact process. These results are important for further lithological and petrophysical interpretation and for calibrating future geophysical models of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure.
The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) drilled three core holes to a composite depth of 1766 m within the moat of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure. Core recovery rates from the drilling were high (~90%), but problems with core hole collapse limited the geophysical downhole logging to natural-gamma and temperature logs. To supplement the downhole logs, ~5% of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure cores was processed through the USGS GeoTek multisensor core logger (MSCL) located in Menlo Park, California. The measured physical properties included core thickness (cm), density (g cm −3 ), P-wave velocity (m s −1 ), P-wave amplitude (%), magnetic susceptibility (cgs), and resistivity (ohm-m). Fractional porosity was a secondary calculated property. The MSCL data-sampling interval for all core sections was 1 cm longitudinally. Photos of each MSCL sampled core section were imbedded with the physical property data for direct comparison. These data have been used in seismic, geologic, thermal history, magnetic, and gravity models of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure. Each physical property curve has a unique signature when viewed over the full depth of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure core holes. Variations in the measured properties reflect differences in pre-impact target-rock lithologies and spatial variations in impact-related deformation during late-stage crater collapse and ocean resurge.
We use magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization measurements of the Eyreville and Cape Charles cores in combination with new and previously collected magnetic field data in order to constrain structural features within the inner basin of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure. The Eyreville core shows the first evidence of several-hundred-meter-thick basement-derived megablocks that have been transported possibly kilometers from their pre-impact location. The magnetic anomaly map of the structure exhibits numerous short-wavelength (<2 km) variations that indicate the presence of magnetic sources within the crater fill. With core magnetic properties and seismic reflection and refraction results as constraints, forward models of the magnetic field show that these sources may represent basement-derived megablocks that are a few hundred meters thick or melt bodies that are a few dozen meters thick. Larger-scale magnetic field properties suggest that these bodies overlie deeper, pre-impact basement contacts between materials with different magnetic properties such as gneiss and schist or gneiss and granite. The distribution of the short-wavelength magnetic anomalies in combination with observations of small-scale (1–2 mGal) gravity field variations suggest that basement-derived megablocks are preferentially distributed on the eastern side of the inner crater, not far from the Eyreville core, at depths of around 1–2 km. A scenario where additional basement-derived blocks between 2 and 3 km depth are distributed throughout the inner basin—and are composed of more magnetic materials, such as granite and schist, toward the east over a large-scale magnetic anomaly high and less magnetic materials, such as gneiss, toward the west where the magnetic anomaly is lower—provides a good model fit to the observed magnetic anomalies in a manner that is consistent with both gravity and seismic-refraction data.
Pre-impact crystalline rocks of the lowermost 215 m of the Eyreville B drill core from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure consist of a sequence of pelitic mica schists with subsidiary metagraywackes or felsic metavolcanic rocks, amphibolite, and calc-silicate rock that is intruded by muscovite (±biotite, garnet) granite and granite pegmatite. The schists are commonly graphitic and pyritic and locally contain plagioclase porphyroblasts, fibrolitic sillimanite, and garnet that indicate middle- to upper-amphibolite-facies peak metamorphic conditions estimated at ~0.4–0.5 GPa and 600–670 °C. The schists display an intense, shallowly dipping, S1 composite shear foliation with local micrometer- to decimeter-scale recumbent folds and S-C′ shear band structures that formed at high temperatures. Zones of chaotically oriented foliation, resembling breccias but showing no signs of retrogression, are developed locally and are interpreted as shear-disrupted fold hinges. Mineral textural relations in the mica schists indicate that the metamorphic peak was attained during D1. Fabric analysis indicates, however, that subhorizontal shear deformation continued during retrograde cooling, forming mylonite zones in which high-temperature shear fabrics (S-C and S-C′) are overprinted by progressively lower- temperature fabrics. Cataclasites and carbonate-cemented breccias in more competent lithologies such as the calc-silicate unit and in the felsic gneiss found as boulders in the overlying impactite succession may reflect a final pulse of low-temperature cataclastic deformation during D1. These breccias and the shear and mylonitic foliations are cut by smaller, steeply inclined anastomosing fractures with chlorite and calcite infill (interpreted as D2). This D2 event was accompanied by extensive chlorite-sericite-calcite ± epidote retrogression and appears to predate the impact event. Granite and granite pegmatite veins display local discordance to the S1 foliation, but elsewhere they are affected by high-temperature mylonitic shear deformation, suggesting a late-D1 intrusive timing close to the metamorphic peak. The D1 event is tentatively interpreted as a thrusting event associated with westward-verging collision between Gondwana and Laurentia before or during the Permian-Carboniferous Alleghanian orogeny. It is unclear whether subsequent brittle deformation, described here as D2, could be part of regional dextral Alleghanian strike-slip faulting or younger Mesozoic normal faulting.
The Eyreville B core from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA, contains a lower basement-derived section (1551.19 m to 1766.32 m deep) and two megablocks of dominantly (1) amphibolite (1376.38 m to 1389.35 m deep) and (2) granite (1095.74 m to 1371.11 m deep), which are separated by an impactite succession. Metasedimentary rocks (muscovite-quartz-plagioclase-biotite-graphite ± fibrolite ± garnet ± tourmaline ± pyrite ± rutile ± pyrrhotite mica schist, hornblende-plagioclase-epidote-biotite-K-feldspar-quartz-titanite-calcite amphibolite, and vesuvianite-plagioclase-quartz-epidote calc-silicate rock) are dominant in the upper part of the lower basement-derived section, and they are intruded by pegmatitic to coarse-grained granite (K-feldspar-plagioclase-quartz-muscovite ± biotite ± garnet) that increases in volume proportion downward. The granite megablock contains both gneissic and weakly or nonfoliated biotite granite varieties (K-feldspar-quartz-plagioclase-biotite ± muscovite ± pyrite), with small schist xenoliths consisting of biotite-plagioclase-quartz ± epidote ± amphibole. The lower basement-derived section and both megablocks exhibit similar middle- to upper-amphibolite-facies metamorphic grades that suggest they might represent parts of a single terrane. However, the mica schists in the lower basement-derived sequence and in the megablock xenoliths show differences in both mineralogy and whole-rock chemistry that suggest a more mafic source for the xenoliths. Similarly, the mineralogy of the amphibolite in the lower basement-derived section and its association with calc-silicate rock suggest a sedimentary protolith, whereas the bulk-rock and mineral chemistry of the megablock amphibolite indicate an igneous protolith. The lower basement-derived granite also shows bulk chemical and mineralogical differences from the megablock gneissic and biotite granites.
The 1766-m-deep Eyreville B core from the late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact structure includes, in ascending order, a lower basement-derived section of schist and pegmatitic granite with impact breccia dikes, polymict impact breccias, and cataclas tic gneiss blocks overlain by suevites and clast-rich impact melt rocks, sand with an amphibolite block and lithic boulders, and a 275-m-thick granite slab overlain by crater-fill sediments and postimpact strata. Graphite-rich cataclasite marks a detachment fault atop the lower basement-derived section. Overlying impactites consist mainly of basement-derived clasts and impact melt particles, and coastal-plain sediment clasts are underrepresented. Shocked quartz is common, and coesite and reidite are confirmed by Raman spectra. Silicate glasses have textures indicating immiscible melts at quench, and they are partly altered to smectite. Chrome spinel, baddeleyite, and corundum in silicate glass indicate high-temperature crystallization under silica undersaturation. Clast-rich impact melt rocks contain α-cristobalite and monoclinic tridymite. The impactites record an upward transition from slumped ground surge to melt-rich fallback from the ejecta plume. Basement-derived rocks include amphibolite-facies schists, greenschist(?)-facies quartz-feldspar gneiss blocks and subgreenschist-facies shale and siltstone clasts in polymict impact breccias, the amphibolite block, and the granite slab. The granite slab, underlying sand, and amphibolite block represent rock avalanches from inward collapse of unshocked bedrock around the transient crater rim. Gneissic and massive granites in the slab yield U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon dates of 615 ± 7 Ma and 254 ± 3 Ma, respectively. Postimpact heating was <~350 °C in the lower basement-derived section based on undisturbed 40 Ar/ 39 Ar plateau ages of muscovite and <~150 °C in sand above the suevite based on 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age spectra of detrital microcline.
The moat of the 85-km-diameter and 35.3-Ma-old Chesapeake Bay impact structure (USA) was drilled at Eyreville Farm in 2005–2006 as part of an International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)–U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) drilling project. The Eyreville drilling penetrated postimpact sediments and impactites, as well as crystalline basement-derived material, to a total depth of 1766 m. We present petrographic observations on 43 samples of suevite, impact melt rock, polymict lithic impact breccia, cataclastic gneiss, and clasts in suevite, from the impact breccia section from 1397 to 1551 m depth in the Eyreville B drill core. Suevite samples have a fine-grained clastic matrix and contain a variety of mineral and rock clasts, including sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous lithologies. Six subunits (U1–U6, from top to bottom) are distinguished in the impact breccia section based on abundance of different clasts, melt particles, and matrix; the boundaries between the subunits are generally gradational. Sedimentary clasts are dominant in most subunits (especially in U1, but also in U3, U4, and U6). There are two melt-rich subunits (U1 and U3), and there are two melt-poor subunits with predominantly crystalline clasts (U2 and U5). The lower part (subunits U5 and U6), which has large blocks of cataclastic gneiss and rare melt particles, probably represents ground-surge material. Subunit U1 possibly represents fallback material, since it contains shard-like melt particles that were solidified before incorporation into the breccia. The melt-poor, crystalline clast–rich subunit U2 could have been formed by slumping of material, probably from the central uplift or from the margin of the transient crater. Melt particles are most abundant near the top of the impact breccia section (above 1409 m) and around 1450 m, where the suevite grades into impact melt rock. Five different types of melt particles have been recognized: (1) clear colorless to brownish glass; (2) melt altered to fine-grained phyllosilicate minerals; (3) recrystallized silica melt; (4) melt with microlites; and (5) dark-brown melt. Proportions of matrix and melt in the suevite are highly variable (~2–67 vol% and 1–67 vol%, respectively; the remainder consists of lithic clasts). Quartz grains in suevite commonly show planar fractures (PFs) and/or planar deformation features (PDFs; 1 or 2 sets, rarely more); some PDFs are decorated. On average, ~16 rel% of quartz grains in suevite samples are shocked (i.e., show PFs and/or PDFs). Sedimentary clasts (e.g., graywacke or sandstone) and polycrystalline quartz clasts have relatively higher proportions of shocked quartz grains, whereas quartz grains in schist and gneiss clasts rarely show shock effects. Rare feldspar grains with PDFs and mica with kink banding were observed. Ballen quartz was noted in melt-rich samples. Evidence of hydrothermal alteration, namely, the presence of smectite and secondary carbonate veins, was found especially in the lower parts of the impact breccia section.
The record of ground zero in the Chesapeake Bay impact crater—Suevites and related rocks
The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)–U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Eyreville boreholes through the annular moat of the Chesapeake Bay crater recovered polymict impact breccias and associated rocks from the depth range of 1397–1551 m. These rocks record cratering processes before burial beneath resurge deposits. Quantitative analyses of clast sizes, matrix contents, and distribution of impact melt reveal a shock metamorphic gradient in these impactites. The reason for the low estimated quantity of impact melt in the crater (~10 km 3 ) remains elusive. Possible causes may relate to increased excavation efficiency due to a high ratio of water column and sedimentary target to depth of excavation, an oblique impact, or a buried melt sheet at depth. A plausible petrogenetic scenario consists of a lower block-rich section that slumped from an outer region of the transient cavity into the annular moat ~1.5 min after impact. This blocky debris was mixed with the remains of the excavation flow, which contained a pod of melt entrained in ground-surge debris on top. Subsequently, melt-rich suevites were emplaced that record interaction of the expanding ejecta plume with fallback material related to the evolving central uplift. A clast-rich impact melt rock that likely shed off the central uplift covers these suevites. Incipient collapse of the ejecta plume is recorded in the uppermost subunit, but the arrival of resurge flow terminated its continuous deposition ~6–8 min after impact. Limited thermal annealing allowed preservation of glassy melt and high-pressure polymorphs. Mild hydrothermal overprint in the central crater was likely driven by the structural uplift of ~100 °C warmer basement rocks.
The Eyreville B drill core in the inner annular moat of the 85-km-diameter Ches-apeake Bay impact structure recovered the first coherent impact melt volumes from within the crater as two bodies, 1 and 5.5 m thick. This study focuses on the petrogenesis of these well-preserved rocks. Mixing calculations reveal that the chemical composition of these melts can be modeled as a hybrid of ~40% sedimentary target and ~60% crystalline basement component. The melt rocks contain abundant lithic and mineral clasts that display all stages of shock metamorphism. Zircon clasts record the cooling of the melt from temperatures above 1700 °C to below 1200 °C within the first minutes after formation. Glassy melt with a peraluminous, rhyolitic composition that contains ~5 wt% water is preserved. This melt records a crystallization sequence of aluminum-rich orthopyroxene and hercynitic spinel, followed by plagioclase, titano-magnetite and cordierite, and late sanidine. Spherulitic aluminosilicate-SiO 2 -cordierite aggregates that are comparable to buchites at temperatures below ~1465 °C complement this assemblage. Lack of hyaloclastic fragmentation suggests dry emplacement conditions. Complete cooling by conductive heat transfer took ~7 weeks and ~4 years for the 1-m- and the 5.5-m-thick melt bodies, respectively. Alteration stages below ~100 °C produced smectite, phillipsite, chalcedony, and a rare zeolite phase that is tentatively identified as terranovaite.
The Chesapeake Bay impact structure, which is 85 km in diameter and 35.5 Ma old, was drilled and cored in a joint International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) drilling project at Eyreville Farm, Virginia, U.S.A. In the Eyreville drill core, 154 m of impact breccia were recovered from the depth interval 1397–1551 m. Major- and trace-element concentrations were determined in 75 polymict impactite samples, 10 samples of cataclastic gneiss blocks, and 24 clasts from impactites. The chemical composition of the polymict impactites does not vary much in the upper part of the section (above ~1450 m), whereas in the lower part, larger differences occur. Polymict impactites show a decrease of SiO 2 content, and slight increases of TiO 2 , Al 2 O 3 , and Fe 2 O 3 abundances, with depth. This is in agreement with an increase of the schist/gneiss component with depth. Concentrations of siderophile elements (Co, Ni) are lower in the polymict impactites than in the basement-derived schists and do not indicate the presence of an extraterrestrial component. The five petrographically determined types of melt particles, i.e., clear glass, altered melt, recrystallized silica melt, melt with microlites, and dark-brown melt, have distinct chemical compositions. Mixing calculations of the proportions of rocks involved in the formation of various polymict impactites and melt particles were carried out using the Harmonic least-squares MiXing (HMX) calculation program. The calculations suggest that the metamorphic basement rocks (i.e., gneiss and schist) constitute the main component of the polymict impactites, together with significant sedimentary and possible minor pegmatite/granite and amphibolite components. The sedimentary component is derived mostly from a sediment characterized by a composition similar to that of the Cretaceous Potomac Formation. Compositions of the melt particles were modeled as mixtures of target rocks or major rock-forming minerals. However, the results of the mixing calculations for the melt particles are not satisfactory, and the composition of the particles could have been modified by hydrothermal alteration. Carbon isotope ratios were determined for 18 samples. The results imply a hydrothermal origin for the carbonate veins from the basement-derived core section; carbon-rich sedimentary clasts from the Exmore breccia and suevite have a δ 13 C range typical for organic matter in sediments.
The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP)–U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Eyreville B core hole, drilled into the 35.5-Ma-old Chesapeake Bay impact crater, Virginia, has recovered postimpact sediments, crater-fill breccias, megablocks of the crystalline basement, and suevites with fresh glass shards. Bulk rock analyses of 2 glass shards, 21 crystalline target rocks, and microchemical analyses of 7 glass shards and 3 bediasites (tektites of the North American strewn field) were performed in order to contribute to the understanding of formation processes and to better constrain the precursor materials of these glasses as well as of the bediasites. Statistical treatment (hierarchical cluster analyses) yielded an assignment of the data for the crystalline basement samples into four groups; two of those (various schists, meta-graywackes, and gneisses) display characteristics similar to the impact glasses in the suevites and the bediasites. However, the suevitic glasses show a broad range in composition at the micrometer scale. These data show the frequent presence of schlieren, and in particular, enhanced TiO 2 contents that require admixture of an “amphibolitic component” to the melt. Evidence for such a process is provided by the occurrence of relict, in-part thermally corroded grains of rutile and ilmenite, and by formation of Ti-rich tiny mineral aggregates in the glass. The three studied bediasites show only minor inter- and intrasample heterogeneity, and their chemical composition agrees well with previously published data. The new data for the bediasites are compatible with heating of the “tektite melt” to extreme temperatures, followed by quenching.
Silicate glasses and sulfide melts in the ICDP-USGS Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA
Optical and electron-beam petrography of melt-rich suevite and melt-rock clasts from selected samples from the Eyreville B core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, reveal a variety of silicate glasses and coexisting sulfur-rich melts, now quenched to various sulfide minerals (±iron). The glasses show a wide variety of textures, flow banding, compositions, devitrification, and hydration states. Electron-microprobe analyses yield a compositional range of glasses from high SiO 2 (>90 wt%) through a range of lower SiO 2 (55–75 wt%) with no relationship to depth of sample. Some samples show spherical globules of different composition with sharp menisci,suggesting immiscibility at the time of quenching. Isotropic globules of higher interfacial tension glass (64 wt% SiO 2 ) are in sharp contact with lower-surface-tension, high-silica glass (95 wt% SiO 2 ). Immiscible glass-pair composition relationships show that the immiscibility is not stable and probably represents incomplete mixing. Devitrification varies and some low-silica, high-iron glasses appear to have formed Fe-rich smectite; other glass compositions have formed rapid quench textures of corundum, orthopyroxene, clinopy-roxene, magnetite, K-feldspar, plagioclase, chrome-spinel, and hercynite. Hydration (H 2 O by difference) varies from ~10 wt% to essentially anhydrous; high-SiO 2 glasses tend to contain less H 2 O. Petrographic relationships show decomposition of pyrite and melting of pyrrhotite through the transformation series; pyrite→pyrrhotite→troilite→iron. Spheres (~1 to ~50 μm) of quenched immiscible sulfide melt in silicate glass show a range of compositions and include phases such as pentlandite, chalcopyrite, Ni-As, monosulfide solid solution, troilite, and rare Ni-Fe. Other sulfide spheres contain small blebs of pure iron and exhibit a continuum with increasing iron content to spheres that consist of pure iron with small, remnant blebs of Fe-sulfide. The Ni-rich sulfide phases can be explained by melting and/or concentrating target-derived Ni without requiring an asteroid impactor source component. The presence of locally unaltered glasses in these rocks suggests that in some rock volumes, isolation from postimpact hydrothermal systems was sufficient for glass preservation. Pressure and temperature indicators suggest that, on a thin-section scale, the suevites record rapid mixing and accumulation of particles that sustained widely different peak temperatures, from clasts that never exceeded 300 ± 50 °C, to the bulk of the glasses where melted sulfide and unmelted monazite suggest temperatures of 1500 ± 200 °C. The presence of coesite in some glass-bearing samples suggests that pressures exceeded ~3 GPa.