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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Arctic region
Greenland (1)
Cascade Range (6)
Cascadia subduction zone (1)
Crater Lake (10)
Medicine Lake (1)
North America
Great Lakes
Lake Superior (1)
Pacific Coast (1)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Cascadia Channel (1)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Cascadia Channel (1)
United States
Siskiyou County California (1)
Deschutes County Oregon
Newberry Volcano (1)
Klamath County Oregon
Mount Mazama (16)
Western U.S. (1)
elements, isotopes
C-14 (1)
chloride ion (1)
fluorine (1)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (1)
stable isotopes
O-18/O-16 (1)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
uranium (1)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
noble gases
argon (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
pollen (1)
diatoms (1)
geochronology methods
Ar/Ar (1)
K/Ar (1)
U/Pb (1)
geologic age
upper Holocene (2)
Mazama Ash (1)
upper Pleistocene (2)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
granophyre (1)
plutonic rocks
aplite (1)
granodiorites (2)
volcanic rocks
andesites (3)
basalts (1)
dacites (1)
obsidian (1)
volcanic glass (1)
ignimbrite (1)
pumice (5)
rhyolites (2)
volcanic ash (3)
metamorphic rocks
turbidite (2)
framework silicates
feldspar group
plagioclase (1)
zircon group
zircon (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (3)
Arctic region
Greenland (1)
atmosphere (1)
C-14 (1)
upper Holocene (2)
Mazama Ash (1)
upper Pleistocene (2)
dams (1)
earthquakes (1)
faults (2)
fractures (1)
geochemistry (3)
geochronology (1)
geomorphology (1)
geophysical methods (1)
hydrology (1)
igneous rocks
granophyre (1)
plutonic rocks
aplite (1)
granodiorites (2)
volcanic rocks
andesites (3)
basalts (1)
dacites (1)
obsidian (1)
volcanic glass (1)
ignimbrite (1)
pumice (5)
rhyolites (2)
fluid inclusions (1)
intrusions (2)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (1)
stable isotopes
O-18/O-16 (1)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
lava (2)
magmas (4)
uranium (1)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
noble gases
argon (1)
North America
Great Lakes
Lake Superior (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
Pacific Coast (1)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Cascadia Channel (1)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Cascadia Channel (1)
paleoclimatology (1)
pollen (1)
diatoms (1)
remote sensing (1)
sedimentary petrology (1)
sedimentation (2)
sediments (2)
stratosphere (1)
tectonics (1)
United States
Siskiyou County California (1)
Deschutes County Oregon
Newberry Volcano (1)
Klamath County Oregon
Mount Mazama (16)
Western U.S. (1)
volcanology (1)
sedimentary rocks
turbidite (2)
volcaniclastics (1)
sediments (2)
turbidite (2)
volcaniclastics (1)
Mount Mazama
The Role of Subduction Zone Processes in the Cultural History of the Cascade Region
The products of primary magma fragmentation finally revealed by pumice agglomerates
Postglacial faulting near Crater Lake, Oregon, and its possible association with the Mazama caldera-forming eruption
Eruptive history of Middle Sister, Oregon Cascades, USA–Product of a late Pleistocene eruptive episode
Discovery of Mount Mazama cryptotephra in Lake Superior (North America): Implications and potential applications
ABSTRACT The field trip examines coupled hydrologic and landscape response after the cataclysmic eruption of Mount Mazama to form Crater Lake in the Cascade volcanic arc at ~7627 ± 150 cal. yr B.P. The Williamson River basin, east of Crater Lake and in the rain shadow of the Cascade Range, was buried beneath thick pumice and pyroclastic-flow deposits. The distinctive physical properties of pumice and volcanic ash affect the movement and retention of water and the ongoing evolution of the landscape. Three themes will be explored: (1) post-eruption transition from perched streams to losing streams along the eastern flank of the Cascade Range; (2) filling and catastrophic draining of a lake trapped behind a dam of pyroclastic flow deposits in the Williamson River canyon; and (3) post-eruption faulting and the hydrology of Klamath Marsh.
Eruptive history and geochronology of Mount Mazama and the Crater Lake region, Oregon
Late Pleistocene granodiorite beneath Crater Lake caldera, Oregon, dated by ion microprobe
Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas
Mount Mazama eruption: Calendrical age verified and atmospheric impact assessed
The volcanic, sedimentologic, and paleolimnologic history of the Crater Lake caldera floor, Oregon:Evidence for small caldera evolution
Water, CO 2 , Cl, and F in melt inclusions in phenocrysts from three Holocene explosive eruptions, Crater Lake, Oregon
Partially melted granodiorite and related rocks ejected from Crater Lake caldera, Oregon
Blocks of medium-grained granodiorite to 4 m, and minor diabase, quartz diorite, granite, aplite and granophyre, are common in ejecta of the ∼6,900 yr BP caldera-forming eruption of Mount Mazama. The blocks show degrees of melting from 0–50 vol%. Because very few have adhering juvenile magma, it is thought that the blocks are fragments of the Holocene magma chamber’s walls. Primary crystallisation of granodiorite produced phenocrystic pl + hyp + aug + mt + il + ap + zc, followed by qz + hb + bt + alkali feldspar (af). Presence of fluid inclusions in all samples implies complete crystallisation before melting. Subsolidus exchange with meteoric hydrothermal fluids before melting is evident in δ 18 O values of −3.4–+4.9‰ for quartz and plagioclase in partially melted granodiorites (fresh lavas from the region have δ 18 O values of +5.8–+7.0‰); δ 18 O values of unmelted granodiorites from preclimatic eruptive units suggest hydrothermal exchange began between ∼70 and 24 ka. Before eruption, the granitic rocks equilibrated at temperatures, estimated from Fe–Ti oxide compositions, of up to ∼1000°C for c . 10 2 –10 4 years at a minimum pressure of 100–180 MPa. Heating caused progressive breakdown or dissolution of hb, af, bt, and qz, so that samples with the highest melt fractions have residual pl + qz and new or re-equilibrated af + hyp + aug + mt + il in high-silica rhyolitic glass (75–77% SiO 2 ). Mineral compositions vary systematically with increasing temperature. Hornblende is absent in rocks with Fe–Ti oxide temperatures >870°C, and bt above 970°C. Oxygen isotope fractionation between qz, pl, and glass in partially fused granodiorite also is consistent with equilibration at T ≥900°C (Δ 18 O qz-pl = +0.7±0.5‰). Element partitioning between glass and crystals reflects the large fraction of refractory pl, re-equilibration of af and isolation or incomplete dissolution of accessory phases. Ba and REE contents of analysed glass separates can be successfully modelled by observed degrees of partial melting of granodiorite, but Rb, Sr and Sc concentrations cannot. Several samples have veins of microlite-free glass 1–5 mm thick that are compositionally and physically continuous with intergranular melt and which apparently formed after the climactic eruption began. Whole-rock H 2 O content, microprobe glass analysis sums near 100% and evidence for high temperature suggest liquids in the hotter samples were nearly anhydrous. The occurrence of similar granodiorite blocks at all azimuths around the 8 × 10 km caldera implies derivation from one pluton. Compositional similarity between granodiorite and pre-Mazama rhyodacites suggests that the pluton may have crystallised as recently as 0.4 Ma; compositional data preclude crystallisation from the Holocene chamber. The history of crystallisation, hydrothermal alteration, and remelting of the granitic rocks may be characteristic of shallow igneous systems in which the balance between hydrothermal cooling and magmatic input changes repeatedly over intervals of 10 4 –10 6 years.
The climactic eruption of Mount Mazama and the resulting sedimentation may have been the most significant convulsive sedimentary event in North America during Holocene time. A collapse caldera 1,200 m deep and 10 km in diameter was formed in Mount Mazama, and its floor was covered by hundreds of meters of wall-collapse debris. Wind-blown pyroclastic ash extended 2,000 km northeast from Mount Mazama and covered more than 1,000,000 km 2 of the continent. On the Pacific Ocean floor, Mazama ash was transported westward 600 to 700 km along deep-sea channels by turbidity currents. The initial single-vent phase of the climactic eruption, a Plinian column, emptied over half of the magma erupted. Debris from this phase accumulated as a pumice deposit 10 m thick at the rim to 50 cm thick as much as 100 km from the vent. This deposit created a mid-Holocene stratigraphic marker over the continent and the continental margin of western North America. A ring-vent phase followed as a second part of the climactic eruption and produced highly mobile pyroclastic flows. These flows covered the mountain for at least 14 km from the vent, continued down the valleys nearly 60 km, and deposited as much as 100 m of pumiceous ignimbrite. After the caldera collapsed as a result of the eruption of more than 50 km 3 of magma, heat of the climactic eruption apparently created phreatic explosion craters along the ring fracture zone of the caldera floor. Initially, explosion debris and sheetwash of pyroclastics off highlands seems mainly to have filled the local craters with bedded volcaniclastics. This basal, generally flat-lying unit, was quickly covered by wedges of chaotically bedded debris flow and avalanche-type deposits that thin inward from the caldera walls. These deposits may have formed in response to seismic activity associated with postcaldera volcanism that apparently began soon after the caldera collapsed. The lower two units of non-lacustrine beds (50 to 60 m) make up the majority of the postcaldera sedimentary deposits and seem to have deposited rapidly after the climactic eruption. Twenty to 25 m of lacustrine sediment has been accumulating more slowly over the subaerial debris during the past 6,900 yr. Some Mazama ash probably was transported by rivers to the sea immediately after the climactic eruption because significant amounts of this ash appear in mid-Holocene turbidites of Cascadia Basin. The presence of Mazama ash mixed with Columbia River sand in texturally and compositionally graded turbidites shows that Mazama ash periodically was moved by sediment-gravity flows down the canyons and through channels to deposition sites in the Astoria Fan and the Cascadia Channel. The coarsest and thickest tuffaceous turbidites were deposited on channel floors, and the ash-rich suspension flows that overtopped the levees were deposited as thin-bedded turbidites in interchannel areas. Study of the Mount Mazama climactic eruption shows that such an event in the Cascade Mountains has the potential to: (a) cause major destruction within 100 km of the vent, (b) severely affect biota as far as 2,000 km downwind, and (c) disrupt commercial river and marine transportation or natural sedimentation as far as several hundred kilometers in the opposite direction from wind-blown debris. Present geologic characteristics on the Crater Lake caldera floor suggest that geologic hazards from a significant volcanic event appear to be minimal for the next few thousand years.