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Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 28 April 2023
Geosphere (2023) 19 (3): 849–877.
... of megabreccia units, coupled with paleoflow analysis, argue that major Laramide topographic relief in western Texas persisted into the Middle Eocene and that detritus was shed toward the Tornillo basin to the east. These data, when viewed within the context of regional tectonic patterns, suggest that Laramide...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 December 2022
Economic Geology (2022) 117 (8): 1709–1729.
... Geologists 2022 Society of Economic Geologists The presence of a wide variety of intrusive phases and abundant deformation and sulfide brecciation has led to the Munali orebody being previously described as a Ni-Cu-PGE megabreccia deposit ( Holwell et al., 2017a ). The clasts of the sulfide breccia...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 14 April 2020
DOI: 10.1144/SP490-2019-9
EISBN: 9781786205155
..., Jurassic limestones; TR, Triassic dolomites. Numbered beds 1–4 are Upper Cretaceous megabreccias within the VTG Fm. The main tectonic structures and their age of activity are: VIF, Valle dell'Inferno Fault; (Late Cretaceous); MUF, Monte d'Ugni Fault (Late Cretaceous); SF, Selvaromana Fault (Late Cretaceous...
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Series: GSA Field Guide
Published: 04 December 2019
DOI: 10.1130/2019.0056(01)
EISBN: 9780813756561
... land surface at least 35 km. The Paunsaugunt thrust faults resulted from gravitational spreading of the Marysvale volcanic field prior to emplacement of the slides. Note distribution of Markagunt Megabreccia (what we now call the deposit of the MGS) as originally defined. We continue to work to define...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2019
Italian Journal of Geosciences (2019) 138 (3): 333–354.
...-investigated subject. This normal faulting was apparently widespread at a super-regional scale, and the Narni-Amelia Ridge carries direct and indirect evidence for this episode of revived deformation: (i) the occurrence of limestone megabreccias (“Mt. Cosce Breccia”) resting unconformably, through an erosional...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 August 2012
Economic Geology (2012) 107 (5): 909–934.
..., is characterized by discrete, Cu-Ag-Au–rich magnetite-sulfide veins and lesser pyrite disseminations within distal propylitic and proximal potassic to sodic alteration zones. The Polymetallic zone is hosted by a chaotic assemblage of gabbro and tuff bodies interpreted as a talus megabreccia. Several lines...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 March 2008
Geology (2008) 36 (3): 195–198.
... megabreccia unconformably overlain by sediments deposited during two Noachian-age phases of aqueous activity. A lighter-toned lower unit exhibiting phyllosilicates was deposited in a long-lived, quiescent distal alluvial or lacustrine setting. An overlying darker-toned and often blocky upper unit drapes...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 01 February 2008
Geosphere (2008) 4 (1): 75–106.
... relationships from key localities where the Caetano caldera displays thick intracaldera tuff, steep caldera margins where pre-caldera and intracaldera units are abruptly truncated against each other, megabreccia and mesobreccia, a resurgent dome/intrusion, and a ring-fracture intrusion (Plate 1...
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Series: GSA Field Guide
Published: 01 January 2008
DOI: 10.1130/2008.fld011(06)
EISBN: 9780813756110
... evolution of the region. Highlights include growth-fault relations that constrain the timing of structural demarcation between the Colorado Plateau and Basin and Range, major fault zones, synextensional megabreccia deposits, nonmarine carbonate and halite deposits that immediately predate arrival...
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Series: GSA Field Guide
Published: 01 January 2008
DOI: 10.1130/2008.fld011(10)
EISBN: 9780813756110
... from surface and hydrocarbon-bearing subsurface locations worldwide. Of special interest is the stratigraphically anomalous Alamo Breccia that represents the middle member of the Guilmette. This spectacular cataclysmic megabreccia, produced by the Alamo Impact Event, is as thick as 100 m and may...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 March 2007
GSA Bulletin (2007) 119 (3-4): 329–342.
... of the ignimbrite of Ruth Mountain then led to a second trap-door collapse as the first-phase partial ring fault propagated to the south to completely enclose the caldera. Wall-rock breccias are intercalated as lenses and megabreccia blocks in both ignimbrites. The minimum intracaldera volume is 55–60 km 3...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 January 2007
Geology (2007) 35 (1): 57–60.
..., and supports a lake-spillover hypothesis for initiation of the lower Colorado River. The catastrophically emplaced lower megabreccia is overlain by marine turbidites of the Latrania Formation along a sharp contact that coincides with pinch-out of the Fish Creek Gypsum (Fig. 2) . The mega-breccia is absent...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 March 2006
Economic Geology (2006) 101 (2): 431–451.
... carbonates are absent from the breccia, which indicates that the breccia was formed and dolomitized prior to deposition of the upper Takakkaw Tongue. F ig . 10. Dolomitization features at the top of a megabreccia of the Takakkaw Tongue at Monarch Cirque. A. Dolomitized megaclast of the Cathedral...
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Journal Article
Published: 27 September 2005
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2005) 42 (6): 1033–1044.
... ). In this paper, we examine a key locality, herein called the study area, located in a remote part of the Wernecke Mountains of northern Yukon (Figs.  1–3 ). In the study area, hydrothermal megabreccias crosscut metamorphosed and deformed strata of the Paleoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup ( Delaney 1981 ; Bell...
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Series: GSA Reviews in Engineering Geology
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.1130/REG15-p379
EISBN: 9780813758152
... Mountain sturzstrom deposit in distal reaches. Split Mountain sturzstrom debris on left stopped and was overrun by debris on right. Ramp rises to the east in the paleoflow direction. Figure 18. Fish Creek sturzstrom megabreccia on top of fan-delta boulder-bearing sandstone beds at head of Split...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1999
GSA Bulletin (1999) 111 (9): 1350–1370.
..., and megabreccia (somewhat >15.5 to somewhat <13.9 Ma) dominate the unconformably overlying sedimentary succession. Decreasing dip angles in progressively younger strata through this volcanic-sedimentary succession, and angular unconformities between units, form corroborative evidence with geochronologic...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 1998
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1998) 35 (5): 495–503.
..., suggesting that volcanic activity began shortly after formation of the Boulder basin, the extensional basin in which the informally named red sandstone unit was deposited. The red sandstone unit is at least as old as 11.70 ± 0.08 Ma and contains megabreccia deposits younger than 12.93 ± 0.10 Ma. This result...
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1997
Journal of Sedimentary Research (1997) 67 (5): 792–804.
... as a prolonged interaction with depositional substrate. As such, the basal contacts were not frictionless, and basal shear stresses probably were transmitted through the breccia mass during transport. If so, then many common features of megabreccia deposits, including long run-out, inherited stratigraphy...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1997
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience (1997) III (4): 501–512.
..., clastic dikes, and basal striations. The three stratigraphically lower sheets range between 5 and 10 m thick, whereas the highest sheet is approximately 75 m thick. Breccia clasts in the sheets consist predominantly of Paleozoic carbonate. The source area for the megabreccia is the Clark Mountains...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 May 1996
Geology (1996) 24 (5): 411–414.
... the Appalachian Meguma terrane boundary in Nova Scotia, Canada, where a Late Carboniferous fault megabreccia contains Devonian (369 Ma: U-Pb zircon) granulite-grade mylonite fractured by veins filled with Visean amphibole (ca. 335 Ma: Ar-Ar). This fractured mylonite was later mixed with Early Carboniferous...