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GeoRef Subject
all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Hudson Strait (1)
Banks Island (1)
Arctic Archipelago (1)
Eastern Canada
Wellington County Ontario
Guelph Ontario (1)
Quebec (2)
Hudson Bay Lowlands (1)
Ungava (1)
Western Canada
British Columbia
Queen Charlotte Islands (1)
Canadian Cordillera (1)
Nelson River (2)
Northwest Territories (1)
Yukon Territory (1)
Graham Island (1)
Melville Island (1)
North America
Appalachians (1)
Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (1)
Canadian Shield
Churchill Province
Cape Smith fold belt (1)
Great Lakes
Lake Erie (1)
North American Cordillera
Canadian Cordillera (1)
Rocky Mountains
U. S. Rocky Mountains
Wasatch Range (1)
Saint Lawrence Lowlands (1)
Saint Lawrence Valley (1)
Ruby Range (1)
Searles Lake (1)
Sierra Nevada (1)
United States
Shasta County California
Lassen Peak (1)
Great Basin (1)
Idaho (2)
Montana (1)
Pershing County Nevada
Humboldt Range (1)
New York (1)
Ohio (2)
Pennsylvania (1)
U. S. Rocky Mountains
Wasatch Range (1)
Utah (1)
Olympic Mountains (1)
Puget Lowland (1)
Western U.S. (1)
Wyoming (1)
Yellowstone National Park (1)
Victoria Island (1)
elements, isotopes
C-14 (5)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (5)
microfossils (2)
pollen (1)
Plantae (1)
geochronology methods
optically stimulated luminescence (1)
Th/Th (1)
Th/U (1)
thermoluminescence (1)
uranium disequilibrium (1)
geologic age
Cordilleran ice sheet (1)
Illinoian (1)
Lake Lahontan (1)
upper Pleistocene
Sangamonian (4)
lower Wisconsinan (10)
Lake Bonneville (1)
Laurentide ice sheet (2)
Primary terms
absolute age (4)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Hudson Strait (1)
Arctic Archipelago (1)
Eastern Canada
Wellington County Ontario
Guelph Ontario (1)
Quebec (2)
Hudson Bay Lowlands (1)
Ungava (1)
Western Canada
British Columbia
Queen Charlotte Islands (1)
Canadian Cordillera (1)
Nelson River (2)
Northwest Territories (1)
Yukon Territory (1)
C-14 (5)
Cordilleran ice sheet (1)
Illinoian (1)
Lake Lahontan (1)
upper Pleistocene
Sangamonian (4)
lower Wisconsinan (10)
geochronology (3)
glacial geology (1)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (5)
North America
Appalachians (1)
Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (1)
Canadian Shield
Churchill Province
Cape Smith fold belt (1)
Great Lakes
Lake Erie (1)
North American Cordillera
Canadian Cordillera (1)
Rocky Mountains
U. S. Rocky Mountains
Wasatch Range (1)
Saint Lawrence Lowlands (1)
Saint Lawrence Valley (1)
paleoclimatology (4)
paleoecology (3)
paleogeography (1)
pollen (1)
Plantae (1)
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
varves (1)
clastic sediments
clay (1)
outwash (1)
silt (1)
till (3)
peat (2)
stratigraphy (2)
United States
Shasta County California
Lassen Peak (1)
Great Basin (1)
Idaho (2)
Montana (1)
Pershing County Nevada
Humboldt Range (1)
New York (1)
Ohio (2)
Pennsylvania (1)
U. S. Rocky Mountains
Wasatch Range (1)
Utah (1)
Olympic Mountains (1)
Puget Lowland (1)
Western U.S. (1)
Wyoming (1)
Yellowstone National Park (1)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
varves (1)
clastic sediments
clay (1)
outwash (1)
silt (1)
till (3)
peat (2)
lower Wisconsinan
Early Wisconsinan (MIS 4) glaciation on Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, and implications for biological refugia
Les écoulements et le transport glaciaires dans la partie septentrionale du Nunavik (Québec)
Reevaluation of early Wisconsinan stratigraphy of northern Ohio
Three sections critical to the interpretation of upper Pleistocene deposits in northern Ohio are the Titusville, Pennsylvania, site and the Garfield Heights and Mt. Gilead sites in Ohio. At Titusville, Pennsylvania, the relation of peat dated at about 40,000 yr B.P. to the Titusville till is unclear. The interpretation of early Wisconsinan glaciation at Garfield Heights, Ohio, has been based on the Garfield Heights till and a subsequently derived accretion gley, both of which overlie a truncated paleosol (Sangamonian soil?) and two formerly exposed weathered tills. Current interpretation assigns the Garfield Heights till to the Illinoian. Previous interpretations for a middle or early Wisconsinan age of the Millbrook till of north-central Ohio have been placed in question by thermoluminescence ages of 146 ± 25 ka and 124 ± 16 ka on overlying loess at Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Much of what has been called Millbrook till has been traced to areas previously mapped as Illinoian. Thus, there is no evidence to support early to middle Wisconsinan glaciation in northern Ohio and adjacent northwestern Pennsylvania. During the early to middle Wisconsinan, landscapes in Ohio may have been geomorphically unstable, and deposits from this time may be in buried valleys or may have been eroded by late Wisconsinan glaciers.
Early Wisconsinan in the north-central part of the Lake Erie basin: A new interpretation
The Bradtville drift, the Canning till, and their correlatives in southwestern Ontario have been previously thought to be early Wisconsinan in age. Here another alternative is offered, whereby the Bradtville drift is assigned to the Illinoian stage, the lowermost Member A of the overlying Tyrconnell Formation to the late Sangamonian; Eowisconsinan, or the earliest part of early Wisconsinan, and its Member B to the early Wisconsinan substage. The age of the Canning till is still unknown. Member A of the Tyrconnell Formation is an accretion gley that formed about 20 m below the present level of Lake Erie, thus requiring a low outlet for the Erie basin. At that time, the Erie basin was drained probably by the buried Erigan channel, which extends about 50 m below the present level of Lake Erie. Member B of the Tyrconnell Formation is varved glaciolacustrine silt and clay, the deposition of which required a rise of lake level above the present one. This rise could have been caused by the Ontario lobe overriding the Niagara peninsula, possibly as far as Gowanda, New York; however, the ice margin remained in the eastern part of Lake Erie. The above hypothesis is supported by available lithologic and paleoecologic data from the region adjoining the north-central and eastern part of Lake Erie, but supporting numerical age determinations beyond the range of radiocarbon dating are still lacking.
Sangamonian and early Wisconsinan events in the St. Lawrence Lowland and Appalachians of southern Quebec, Canada
In the St. Lawrence Lowland of southern Quebec, an early Wisconsinan glacial advance deposited the Levrard Till. This glacial event, known as the Nicolet Stade, is tentatively correlated with marine oxygen-isotope stage 4. Radiocarbon and thermoluminescence ages bracket the Nicolet Stade between 90 and 70 ka. This advance was preceded and followed by periods of free drainage during which were deposited the Lotbiniere Sand and St. Pierre Sediments, two nonglacial units dated at or beyond the limit of the radiocarbon method. Available evidence suggests that the Deschaillons Varves were deposited ca. 80 ka in a large glacial lake that was impounded in front of the Laurentide Ice Sheet as it advanced up the St. Lawrence Valley. In the Appalachian Uplands, fluvial and lacustrine sediments of the Massawippi Formation were probably deposited at the end of the Sangamonian Interglacial. These sediments underlie the Chaudiere Till, a unit in which the occurrence of distinctive lithological indicators is taken as evidence that a regional episode of westward to southwestward ice flow prevailed at the onset of the last glaciation. The proposed paleogeographic reconstruction suggests that the development of an independent ice cap in the northeastern Appalachians played a key role during the early part of the Wisconsinan Glaciation in southern Quebec. This independent ice mass flowed southwestward across the Appalachian Uplands of southern Quebec and eventually coalesced with the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which was advancing up the St. Lawrence Valley.
Hudson Bay lowland Quaternary stratigraphy: Evidence for early Wisconsinan glaciation centered in Quebec
Information from river sections in the Hudson Bay lowland indicates that two pre-Holocene nonglacial episodes separated by glacial advances postdate the oldest recognized glaciation. Amino-acid data from in situ and transported marine shell fragments provide relative ages for glacial and nonglacial intervals. Absolute ages for non-glacial sediments as recent as mid-stage 3 were obtained from thermoluminescence (TL) data, although no finite radiocarbon ages have been obtained from wood. Déglaciation and deposition of the Bell Sea marine sediments are correlated to substage 5e by extrapolation from TL data. Ensuing stage 5 glaciation was dominated in Ontario by west-northwestward ice flow emanating from Quebec, and in Manitoba by southwestward ice flow. Deglaciation dated by TL at about 75 ka was followed by isostatic recovery and subaerial exposure in a climate which could have been warmer, but was no more than slightly colder than present. Extensive glaciolacustrine sediments deposited at the close of this interstade were TL dated at about 40 ka in Manitoba. If the TL method has systematically underestimated age, glaciolacustrine sedimentation may date to very late stage 5 or stage 4, or the two nonglacial episodes could be reassigned to substage 5e and stage 7. A resurgence of Quebec-derived ice that culminated as late Wisconsinan glaciation first flowed westward across the entire lowland, but was displaced in the north by southward ice flow. Southwestward and, locally, southward ice flow occurred during final ice retreat along a saddle extending across Hudson Bay and linking domes in Keewatin and Quebec.
The Sangamonian and early Wisconsinan glacial record in the western Canadian Arctic
Widespread till sheets, glacial lake and glacial-marine sediments on Banks, Victoria, and Melville islands, and on the Beaufort Sea Coastal Plain of the Canadian mainland, may record a late Pleistocene glacial advance which extended to the area as early as the Sangamonian (broad sense) to early Wisconsinan. These sediments overlie beds of interglacial character and underlie in places nonglacial deposits, which have provided both nonfinite and finite ages, and glacial sediments of unquestionable late Wisconsinan age. In other places only a single till sheet is observed between the last interglacial and Holocene sediment suites. Although some workers have argued that the glacial units mentioned above are all late Wisconsinan, stratigraphic, paleoecologic, and chronologic data ( 14 C, Th/U, and amino acid analyses), from several localities, indicate that the glacial sediments are of likely Sangamonian (broad sense) to early Wisconsinan age and that the nonglacial beds underlying or overlying these date respectively from the Sangamonian and middle Wisconsinan. The dispersal centre during the ice advance was situated, as during other advances in northwestern Canada, west of Hudson Bay. The ice generally extended further during the Sangamonian (broad sense)/early Wisconsinan than the late Wisconsinan but not as far as it did during the early and middle Pleistocene. To help resolve apparent incongruities in interpretation of the late Pleistocene deposits and ice limits it is postulated that extensive Keewatin Sector Ice of the Laurentide Ice Sheet may have first advanced in northwestern Canada during the Sangamonian (broad sense)/early Wisconsinan and remained there until it finally disappeared in the late Wisconsinan.
The Sangamonian and early Wisconsinan stages in western Canada and northwestern United States
Lithostratigraphic and geochronologic data from Yukon Territory indicate relatively limited glaciation in the northern Canadian Cordillera during the early Wisconsinan. If the Cordilleran Ice Sheet existed in south and central Yukon during the early Wisconsinan, it was less extensive than during either the Illinoian or late Wisconsinan. In contrast, ice cover during the early Wisconsinan in British Columbia and northern Washington may have been comparable to that of the late Wisconsinan, as suggested by the widespread occurrence of glacial deposits between middle Wisconsinan and presumed Sangamonian nonglacial strata. Sediments of probable Sangamonian age have been studied for pollen and plant and animal macrofossils. Climate during deposition of these sediments was warmer and drier than today. Plant communities probably had different distributions than at present, and permafrost may have been absent or more restricted over some areas in which it currently occurs. Little is known about the transition from the Sangamonian to the early Wisconsinan in western Canada and Washington, although limited data suggest that during the early and middle Wisconsinan there were perturbations in climate ranging from full glacial to temperate.
Weathering-rind thicknesses were measured on volcanic clasts in sequences of glacial deposits in seven mountain ranges in the western United States and in the Puget lowland. Because the rate of rind development decreases with time, ratios of rind thicknesses provide limits on corresponding age ratios. In all areas studied, deposits of late Wisconsinan age are obvious; deposits of late Illinoian age (ca. 140 ka) also seem to be present in each area, although independent evidence for their numerical age is circumstantial. The weathering-rind data indicate that deposits that have intermediate ages between these two are common, and ratios of rind thicknesses suggest an early Wisconsinan age (about 60 to 70 ka) for some of the intermediate deposits. Three of the seven studied alpine areas (McCall, Idaho; Yakima Valley, Washington; and Lassen Peak, California) appear to have early Wisconsinan drift beyond the extent of late Wisconsinan ice. In addition, Mount Rainier and the Puget lowland, Washington, have outwash terraces but no moraines of early Wisconsinan age. The sequences near West Yellowstone, Montana; Truckee, California; and in the southern Olympic Mountains have no recognized moraines or outwash of this age. Many of the areas have deposits that may be of middle Wisconsinan age. Differences in the relative extents of early Wisconsinan alpine glaciers are not expected from the marine oxygen-isotope record and are not explained by any simple trend in climatic variables or proximity to oceanic moisture sources. However, alpine glaciers could have responded more quickly and more variably than continental ice sheets to intense, short-lived climatic events, and they may have been influenced by local climatic or hypsometric effects. The relative sizes of early and late Wisconsinan alpine glaciers could also reflect differences between early and late Wisconsinan continental ice sheets and their regional climatic effects.
Little is known for certain about early Wisconsin (isotope stage 4) lakes and glaciers of the Great Basin. A moderate lake-level rise in the Bonneville basin is not well dated, but on the basis of amino-acid and radiocarbon ages, is thought to be early Wisconsin in age. A moderate rise of lakes in the basins of Lake Lahontan is dated as ca. 50 ka by U-series ages on tufa, but may have occurred earlier. In the southern Great Basin, Searles Lake fluctuated at levels below the threshold connecting it with Panamint Valley, and Panamint Valley apparently did not contain a large lake during the early Wisconsin. The glacial record is even less-well dated than the lacustrine record. The extent of glaciers in and around the Great Basin during the early Wisconsin is not known; ice extent was certainly greater than at present, but probably was less than the late Wisconsin maximum in most glaciated valleys. Further work is necessary to refine lacustrine and glacial chronologies, and to investigate the causes of lake vs. glacier expansion. Important clues to these questions will come from detailed studies of lacustrine and glacial sequences in different parts of the Great Basin.