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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Indian Peninsula
Maharashtra India
Koyna Dam (1)
Colorado River (8)
Death Valley (1)
Grand Canyon (2)
Lake Mead (46)
North America
Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (2)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
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Gulf of California (2)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Gulf of California (2)
River Mountains (2)
United States
Mohave County Arizona (19)
Yuma County Arizona (1)
San Bernardino County California (1)
Colorado Plateau (5)
Great Basin (2)
Mojave Desert (1)
Clark County Nevada (27)
Lake Mead Fault (5)
Las Vegas Valley (5)
Lincoln County Nevada (1)
Mormon Mountains (1)
Sevier orogenic belt (1)
Southwestern U.S. (1)
Washington County Utah (1)
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elements, isotopes
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stable isotopes
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geologic age
upper Pleistocene (1)
Muddy Creek Formation (1)
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middle Miocene (3)
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lower Pliocene (1)
upper Oligocene (1)
Aztec Sandstone (1)
Kayenta Formation (1)
Moenkopi Formation (1)
Upper Triassic
Chinle Formation (1)
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Bright Angel Shale (1)
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Primary terms
absolute age (13)
Indian Peninsula
Maharashtra India
Koyna Dam (1)
C-13/C-12 (4)
upper Pleistocene (1)
Muddy Creek Formation (1)
lower Miocene (1)
middle Miocene (3)
upper Miocene (3)
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upper Oligocene (1)
Aves (1)
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Upper Triassic
Chinle Formation (1)
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North America
Basin and Range Province
Great Basin (2)
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Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
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Gulf of California (2)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Gulf of California (2)
paleoclimatology (2)
paleoecology (2)
paleogeography (8)
paleomagnetism (1)
Middle Cambrian
Bright Angel Shale (1)
Tapeats Sandstone (1)
Redwall Limestone (1)
Toroweap Formation (1)
upper Paleozoic (1)
diatoms (1)
sedimentary petrology (1)
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seismology (1)
stratigraphy (1)
structural analysis (5)
structural geology (3)
neotectonics (8)
thallophytes (1)
United States
Mohave County Arizona (19)
Yuma County Arizona (1)
San Bernardino County California (1)
Colorado Plateau (5)
Great Basin (2)
Mojave Desert (1)
Clark County Nevada (27)
Lake Mead Fault (5)
Las Vegas Valley (5)
Lincoln County Nevada (1)
Mormon Mountains (1)
Sevier orogenic belt (1)
Southwestern U.S. (1)
Washington County Utah (1)
Western U.S. (1)
volcanology (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
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microbialite (1)
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turbidite (1)
volcaniclastics (1)
Lake Mead
Middle Miocene faulting and basin evolution during central Basin and Range extension: A detailed record from the upper Horse Spring Formation and red sandstone unit, Lake Mead region, Nevada, USA
ABSTRACT The Colorado River extensional corridor, which stretched by a factor of 2 in the Miocene, left a series of lowland basins and intervening bedrock ranges that, at the dawn of the Pliocene, were flooded by Colorado River water newly diverted from the Colorado Plateau through Grand Canyon. This water and subsequent sediment gave birth, through a series of overflowing lakes, to an integrated Colorado River flowing to the newly opened Gulf of California. Topock Gorge, which the river now follows between the Chemehuevi and Mohave Mountains, is a major focus of this field guide, as it very nicely exposes structural, stratigraphic, and magmatic aspects of the Miocene extensional corridor, a core complex, and detachment faults as well as a pre-Cenozoic batholith. Topock Gorge also is the inferred site of a paleodivide between early Pliocene basins of newly arrived Colorado River water. Overspilling of its upstream lake breached the divide and led the river southward. The Bouse Formation in this and other basins records the pre–river integration water bodies. Younger riverlaid deposits including the Bullhead Alluvium (Pliocene) and the Chemehuevi Formation (Pleistocene) record subsequent evolution of the Colorado River through a succession of aggradational and re-incision stages. Their stratigraphic record provides evidence of local basin deepening after river inception, but little deformation on a regional scale of the river valley in the last 4 m.y. except in the Lake Mead area. There, faults interrupt both the paleoriver grade and incision rates, and are interpreted to record 100’s of m of true uplift of the Colorado Plateau. Warren Hamilton’s insightful work beginning in the 1950s helped set the stage for interpretation of Mesozoic orogeny and Cenozoic extension in this region, as well as the record of the Bouse Formation.
Paleogeographic implications of late Miocene lacustrine and nonmarine evaporite deposits in the Lake Mead region: Immediate precursors to the Colorado River
Late Oligocene–early Miocene landscape evolution of the Lake Mead region during the transition from Sevier contraction to Basin and Range extension
Constraints on the evolution of vertical deformation and Colorado River incision near eastern Lake Mead, Arizona, provided by quantitative structural mapping of the Hualapai Limestone
Annual Periodicity in the Seismicity and Water Levels of the Koyna and Warna Reservoirs, Western India: A Singular Spectrum Analysis
On the importance of non-uniform tilt, strike slip, and hydrogeology in shaping the Neogene tectonics of the eastern Lake Mead area
The eastern Lake Mead region, central Basin and Range Province, contains an abrupt boundary between the Colorado Plateau and Basin and Range, west of which decades of tectonic studies have documented extreme (at least 60 km) westerly translation of the Frenchman Mountain structural block away from the boundary, currently at a distance of ~95 km. Detachment-style faulting and large lengthening in the eastern Lake Mead region are generally accepted (eight of ten papers in a 2010 compilation of recent research) as integral to the large province-wide lengthening at this latitude. Presented here is field geologic evidence of the contribution of karsting and tilting on multiple fixed axes to the Miocene strain history. Together with newly recognized strike slip on northerly striking faults, associated steep-axis bending, and evidence against fault listricity, the region probably contributes little to Province-wide lengthening, but estimates of westerly translation of the Frenchman Mountain block remain unchanged.
Dating of Pliocene Colorado River sediments: Implications for cosmogenic burial dating and the evolution of the lower Colorado River
Geology of the Lake Mead region: An overview
The Lake Mead region contains major Miocene disruptions of structures formed during Mesozoic tectonic shortening. Erosion by the Colorado River and its tributaries has produced exceptional exposures of diverse structures and basin deposits recording the disruptions. Here we provide an overview of the results of studies of these features that started in earnest in 1934 when Chester Longwell began assessing the geology of the reservoir floor prior to impoundment of Lake Mead. The analysis was reinvigorated in the 1970s and early 1980s with geological mapping and structural and stratigraphic studies by Ernie Anderson and Bob Bohannon, as well as geochemical and volcanological studies by Gene Smith and his students, and has culminated in numerous subsequent studies.
Geologic map of Lake Mead and surrounding regions, southern Nevada, southwestern Utah, and northwestern Arizona
Regional stratigraphic units and structural features of the Lake Mead region are presented as a 1:250,000 scale map, and as a Geographic Information System database. The map, which was compiled from existing geologic maps of various scales, depicts geologic units, bedding and foliation attitudes, faults and folds. Units and structural features were generalized to highlight the regional stratigraphic and tectonic aspects of the geology of the Lake Mead region. This map was prepared in support of the papers presented in this volume, Special Paper 463, as well as to facilitate future investigations in the region. Stratigraphic units exposed within the area record 1800 million years of geologic history and include Proterozoic crystalline rocks, Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, Mesozoic plutonic rocks, Cenozoic volcanic and intrusive rocks, sedimentary rocks and surficial deposits. Following passive margin sedimentation in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, late Mesozoic (Sevier) thrusting and Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary compression produced major folding, reverse faulting, and thrust faulting in the Basin and Range, and resulted in regional uplift and monoclinal folding in the Colorado Plateau. Cenozoic extensional deformation, accompanied by sedimentation and volcanism, resulted in large-magnitude high- and low-angle normal faulting and strike-slip faulting in the Basin and Range; on the Colorado Plateau, extension produced north-trending high-angle normal faults. The latest history includes integration of the Colorado River system, dissection, development of alluvial fans, extensive pediment surfaces, and young faulting.
The northern Colorado River extensional corridor and Lake Mead region are characterized by prominent gravity and magnetic anomalies that provide insight into the geometry of extensional basins, amount of vertical and strike-slip offset on faults that bound these basins, and composition of major basement blocks. Although large-magnitude extension throughout the extensional corridor and major strike-slip faulting north of Lake Mead have highly disrupted many basins, most of the older basins (middle to late Miocene) are not associated with prominent geophysical anomalies. Instead, the most conspicuous anomalies (e.g., gravity lows) generally correspond to the younger (late Miocene to recent), structurally more coherent basins. Most of the geophysically expressed basins lie north of Lake Mead and are bounded by Quaternary normal and/or strike-slip fault zones. Both Quaternary faults and geophysically conspicuous basins are largely absent south of Lake Mead, where the only prominent gravity low corresponds to a structurally intact basin filled primarily with halite along the less extended, eastern margin of the corridor. Relatively continuous northeast-trending magnetic anomalies south of Lake Mead, presumably caused by Proterozoic basement rocks, suggest that strike-slip displacement is negligible on many of the major normal faults. In contrast, magnetic anomalies are smeared along the Lake Mead fault system and Las Vegas Valley shear zone. Offset anomalies suggest left-lateral displacement of 12–20 km for the Hamblin Bay fault zone, 12–15 km for the Lime Ridge fault, and 12 km on the Gold Butte fault. These values are compatible with or lower than published estimates based on geologic mapping.
The Lake Mead region of northwest Arizona and southeast Nevada contains exceptional exposures of extensional basins and associated normal and strike-slip faults of mainly Miocene age. The Salt Spring Wash Basin is located within the hanging wall of a major detachment fault in the northern White Hills in northwest Arizona, the South Virgin–White Hills detachment fault. The basin is the focus of a detailed basin analysis designed to investigate its three-dimensional structural and stratigraphic evolution in order to determine how a major reentrant in the detachment fault formed. Geochronology and apatite fission-track thermochronology from other studies constrain movement on this detachment fault system to ca. 18–11 Ma, while our study suggests faulting from ca. 16.5 to 11 Ma. Salt Spring Wash Basin consists of variably tilted proximal rock avalanche and alluvial-fan deposits shed from uplifting hanging-wall and predominantly footwall blocks. The basinal strata were deformed during early to middle Miocene faulting on the detachment fault, normal faults, and a faulted rollover fold within the basin. New and existing 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages on tilted volcanic tuffs and basalt lava flows within the basin strata constrain deposition of these deposits from 15.19 to 10.8 Ma. An apparent lag between the initiation of footwall uplift at 18–17 Ma (based on thermochronology) and basin subsidence at 16.5–16 Ma in the eastern Lake Mead region may be explained by the influences of preexisting paleotopography, or it may be an artifact of lack of exposure of the base of the basin. An early phase of faulting and basin sedimentation from 16.5–16 to 14.6 Ma generated the relief to produce a 500+-m-thick lower section of megabreccia (landslide) and conglomerate (debris flows). Salt Spring Wash Basin experienced relatively high sedimentation rates of 200–600 m/m.y. during its early history. A 14.64 Ma basalt lies at a facies change to 650 m of conglomerate of the middle sequence that was deposited in an alluvial-fan to braid-plain setting. Changes in basin geometry included the development of the reentrant in the northern Salt Spring Wash Basin with the rollover fold at its southern margin. The middle sequence records a significant decrease in sedimentation rates from hundreds of meters per million years to ~60–30 m/m.y., major facies changes, and decreased rate of uplift of footwall rocks. The upper sequence of the basin includes ca. 11–8 Ma basalts interbedded with conglomerate. The ca. 6 Ma lacustrine Hualapai Limestone caps the section and indicates a profound change in sedimentation. The history of the Salt Spring Wash Basin indicates that there was a step-over geometry in the detachment fault that was linked across the southern margin of the reentrant in the basin during deposition of the middle sequence.
In northwestern Arizona, the high-standing, relatively unextended Colorado Plateau abruptly gives way across a system of major west-dipping normal faults to a highly extended part of the Basin and Range province known as the northern Colorado River extensional corridor. The transition from unextended to highly extended upper crust is unusually sharp within this region, contrasting with a broad transition zone elsewhere. The southern White Hills lie near the eastern margin of the extensional corridor in northwestern Arizona and contain a large east-tilted half graben that chronicles Miocene extension and constrains the timing of structural demarcation between the Colorado Plateau and Basin and Range province during Neogene time. This growth-fault basin is bounded on the east by the west-dipping Cyclopic and Cerbat Mountains fault zones. Greater tilts in the hanging walls suggest that these faults have listric geometries. The stratigraphy in the half graben consists of Miocene vol canic rocks intercalated with an eastward-thickening wedge of synextensional fanglomerates. Tilts in the Miocene units decrease up section from ~75° to 5°. Recent 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating (11 new dates) of variably tilted volcanic rocks in the growth-fault basin and regional relations constrain the timing of east-west extension between ca. 16.6 and <9 Ma, with peak extension from ca. 16.6 to 15.2 Ma. Capping 8.7 Ma basalts are tilted 5°–10° and record the waning stages of extension. Thus, the sharp boundary between the Colorado Plateau and Basin and Range began developing by ca. 16.5 Ma and has changed little since ca. 9 Ma. Major extension and basin development significantly lowered base level within the extensional corridor and induced headward erosion into the western margin of the Colorado Plateau, which ultimately facilitated development of the western Grand Canyon. Abundant clasts of 1.7 Ga megacrystic granite in the eastward-thickening fanglomerates within the growth-fault basin suggest a partial provenance from the Garnet Mountain area along or near the western margin of the Colorado Plateau beginning as early as ca. 16 Ma and continuing to ca. 9 Ma.
Miocene tectonics and climate in the Lake Mead region recorded by Horse Spring Formation carbonates
The Oligocene-Miocene Horse Spring Formation consists of sedimentary strata that record the onset and evolution of Miocene extensional tectonics in the Lake Mead region. The sedimentary basins of this formation hold critical clues for evaluating and testing competing models that attempt to explain the tectonic evolution of this important part of the Basin and Range. Detailed sedimentology, stratigraphy, isotope geochem istry, and new geochronology of carbonates of the Horse Spring Formation shed light on the details of middle Miocene depositional systems and provide important paleoclimatic and paleotopographic data that further our understanding of the geological evolution of this area. We investigated four carbonate sections in detail, two from the Bitter Ridge Limestone Member (Slot Canyon section, near the Gale Hills, and the West Longwell section, at the Bitter Ridge), one from the Thumb Member (East Longwell section, near the Bitter Ridge), and one from the Rainbow Gardens Member (Rainbow Gardens Recreation Area section), to understand the evolution of carbonate lake systems, to extricate paleoclimatic from tectonic signals in the sedimentary record, and to develop a more clear picture of the evolution of Horse Spring sedimentary basins. New 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dates from the Bitter Ridge Limestone, combined with dates in the published literature, suggest that the Bitter Ridge Lake may have evolved time-transgressively from the White Basin area in the east to the Rainbow Gardens area in the west. Possibly contemporaneous with this evolution, the lake gradually shifted from an open to a closed lake system, most likely due to tectonic partitioning of the basin or the creation of a tectonic sill that cut off the overflow for the lake. Stable isotope and lithofacies analyses provide one of the first detailed proxy records of paleoclimate for the Miocene of the Basin and Range and show strong evidence for an orbitally forced climate signal that represents changes in the precipitation/evaporation ratio for the Bitter Ridge Lake system. Because we can effectively show a climatic signal in the Bitter Ridge Limestone units over 100 k.y. and, likely, 40 k.y. time cycles, longer time-scale shifts in isotopic ratios are more likely due to tectonic processes. Based on a strong negative shift in oxygen isotopic ratios, previous researchers have suggested that the Lake Mead region experienced an increase in paleoelevation during Horse Spring time, while the remainder of the central Basin and Range to the north experienced a decrease in elevation for the same time period. Our data, when compared with data from the Pliocene Hualapai Limestone and those presented by previous researchers, appear to constrain the timing of this isotopic shift to between 15 and 13 Ma, coincident with the timing of the onset of rapid extension in this part of the Basin and Range. We hypothesize that this isotopic shift was due not to a change in paleoelevation due to magmatic activity alone, but was influenced by either (1) longer travel distances of air masses and the development of increased topographic corrugation as the Lake Mead region experienced accelerated rates of extension or (2) drainage reorganization of the early Colorado Plateau and the infusion of isotopically lighter waters from this emergent source.
The provenance and stratigraphic architecture of basin-filling Miocene sediments around the Gold Butte area, southern Nevada, and adjacent highlands record the erosion of fault blocks that progressively tilted during extension. This study focuses especially on upper Miocene correlatives of the red sandstone unit and the Muddy Creek Formation that were deposited during waning stages of extension. Upper parts of the underlying middle Miocene Horse Spring Formation are also addressed. The large east-tilted South Virgin–White Hills block, including the Gold Butte block, was the primary source of coarse detritus into the adjacent half-graben basins on both sides. Voluminous, very coarse-grained sediments were shed eastward down the back slope of this tilt block into the Grand Wash Trough. This suggests that there were large middle and late Miocene catchments on that side of the block, possibly inherited from a gentler dip slope early in the tilting history. The block uplifted and tilted during slip on the west-dipping South Virgin–White Hills normal fault that bounds the west side of the block. Its exposed footwall shed coarse-grained debris to the west. While the fault was active, this debris included rock-avalanche megabreccias. Longitudinal transport of coarse-grained sediment also occurred along the axes of basins on both sides of the block. In the late Miocene, fault death at ca. 10 Ma followed rotation of the South Virgin–White Hills fault, and the along-strike Quail Spring fault, from initial dips >55° to dips <30°. This cessation of faulting coincided with and likely caused an eastward shift in locus of faulting to the steeper Wheeler fault system. Coarse sediment shed from the South Virgin–White Hills tilt block gradually declined as deformation waned and limestone-rich sedimentation expanded onto the basin margins against the block. Where the rising sedimentary fills eventually bridged across the block and connected basins on either side, these bridge sites served to focus later integrated regional drainage—the Pliocene Colorado River. Progressive Miocene tilting of the highland block would have broadened its structural footwall on the west and narrowed its east-dipping back slope. Migration of the drainage divide by erosion and piracy, influenced by changing tilt slopes, can explain the modern position of the divide in the Gold Butte block as one that separates drainage roughly equally down the two sides.
The central Basin and Range of the southwestern United States is known for large-magnitude Cenozoic extension and a unique combination of normal and major strike-slip faults. The Lake Mead region constitutes the eastern portion of this domain and has been the site of numerous mapping and detailed structural studies, which have led to several models explaining the complex faulting and folding of the region, as well as the tectonic drivers of this deformation. The syntectonic basin fill of the Oligocene-Miocene Horse Spring Formation records a considerable portion of this deformation. A more detailed understanding of the Horse Spring Formation is important to determining the deformation history of the area and to constraining regional tectonic reconstructions. In this study, we present results of detailed mapping and stratigraphic analyses of the Lower Horse Spring Formation in the Longwell Ridges area, Nevada. Detailed measured sections combined with 1:5,000 scale mapping allow us to recognize and document lithofacies and their detailed architecture within the Lower Horse Spring Formation and highlight the extreme lateral and vertical facies changes within this portion of the formation. New 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages and volcanic ash geochemical data support these analyses. These data record deposition within a range of environments, including alluvial-fan, lacustrine, and fluvial settings. Deposition occurred within an asymmetric basin with a main bounding fault lying east of the modern Overton Arm of Lake Mead. Activity on this fault began around 17 Ma and increased significantly at ca. 15.5 Ma.
Volcanoes of the McCullough Range, southern Nevada
The McCullough Range preserves a unique record of Miocene volcanism in the western Lake Mead area of Nevada. The basal part of the volcanic section is composed of interbedded basalt and dacite of the McClanahan Spring, Cactus Hill, and McCullough Wash volcanoes (Eldorado Valley volcanic section), and the Colony volcano, which is age-equivalent to, but does not crop out within, the Eldorado Valley volcanic section (18.5–15.2 Ma). These units lie on Precambrian basement and locally on the Peach Springs Tuff (18.5 Ma). Over 400 m of andesite lava, agglomerate, and breccia of the Farmer Canyon volcanic section forms the McCullough stratovolcano. Eruptions occurring after 15.2 Ma were lower in volume and are mainly present on the flanks of the McCullough stratovolcano. These include the eruption of (1) the McCullough Pass caldera and outflow tuff (14.1 Ma), (2) Hidden Valley andesite, including 300 m of andesite lavas erupted from local centers (mainly cinder cones), (3) four Sloan volcanoes on the west flank of the McCullough stratovolcano (Mount Ian, Mount Sutor, Center Mountain, and Mount Hanna) (13.1 Ma), and (4) the Hender son dome complex on the northern flank of the McCullough stratovolcano. The volcanic rocks in the McCullough Range are calc-alkaline and vary in composition from rhyolite to basalt. Intermediate compositions (andesite and dacite) prevail, while basalt and rhyolite are rare. The trace-element signature (low Nb, Ti, Zr, and P compared to primitive mantle) is an indication of either a magma source in the continental lithosphere or lithospheric contamination. Rhyolite and dacite probably formed by partial melting of crust, while mafic magmas (basalt and andesite) either originated by melting of lithospheric mantle or reflect asthenospheric magmas contaminated in the lithosphere.
The Lost Basin Range in the eastern Lake Mead domain consists of Proterozoic rocks that bound the west side of the Grand Wash Trough. Exhumation of the Proterozoic rocks of the Lost Basin Range occurred from ca. 18 to 15 Ma based on seven apatite fission-track ages that range from 20 to 15 Ma. The Lost Basin Range fault lies along the west side of the Lost Basin Range and steps to the east to the southern end of the Wheeler fault, which then runs north for 60 km, where it joins the Grand Wash fault. The geometry of the southern Wheeler–Lost Basin Range fault system is that of a relay ramp between two, west-dipping, high-angle normal faults. The intervening area of the fault step over, Gregg Basin, is interpreted as a relay ramp basin. New interpreted ages from stratigraphic units on the north and east sides of the Lost Basin Range integrated with existing structural data from the eastern Lake Mead domain reveal that faulting, sedimentation, and tilting of hanging-wall and footwall blocks along the southern Wheeler–Lost Basin Range fault system began by 15.3 Ma. Sedimentation continued until after 13 Ma along the southeastern Lost Basin Range, while the age of continuing sedimentation in Gregg Basin is poorly constrained. A paleocanyon in the footwall of the southern Wheeler fault filled with conglomerate and minor breccia between ca. 15.3 and ca. 14 Ma and then overtopped to the south to cover the Paleozoic rocks of south Wheeler Ridge. The Paleozoic strata of the south Wheeler Ridge area tilted east 20°–30° more than the Miocene strata that overlie them, and therefore this tilting occurred before ca. 14 Ma. Upward-decreasing (fanning) bedding attitudes in the overlapping Miocene conglomerate indicate that Paleozoic strata were being tilted along with the Miocene strata by ca. 14 Ma. Gentle (5° and less) east dips in the lower beds of the Hualapai Limestone above and east of the paleocanyon suggest that most tilting in the western Grand Wash Trough ceased by ca. 11 Ma. The lower conglomerate of Gregg Basin lies below, and interfingers with, the limestone of Gregg Basin, which is undated but correlates with the 11–7 Ma Hualapai Limestone in the adjacent Grand Wash Trough. The syncline in upper Gregg Basin strata is linked spatially to the Wheeler and Lost Basin Range faults and indicates that these faults were likely active at 11–7 Ma. The two faults appear to cut the Gregg Basin limestone, and therefore post–7 Ma fault activity at lower rates is likely.
Geometry and kinematics of the eastern Lake Mead fault system in the Virgin Mountains, Nevada and Arizona
The Lake Mead fault system is a northeast-striking, 130-km-long zone of left-slip in the southeast Great Basin, active from before 16 Ma to Quaternary time. The northeast end of the Lake Mead fault system in the Virgin Mountains of southeast Nevada and northwest Arizona forms a partitioned strain field comprising kinematically linked northeast-striking left-lateral faults, north-striking normal faults, and northwest-striking right-lateral faults. Major faults bound large structural blocks whose internal strain reflects their position within a left step-over of the left-lateral faults. Two north-striking large-displacement normal faults, the Lakeside Mine segment of the South Virgin–White Hills detachment fault and the Piedmont fault, intersect the left step-over from the southwest and northeast, respectively. The left step-over in the Lake Mead fault system therefore corresponds to a right-step in the regional normal fault system. Within the left step-over, displacement transfer between the left-lateral faults and linked normal faults occurs near their junctions, where the left-lateral faults become oblique and normal fault displacement decreases away from the junction. Southward from the center of the step-over in the Virgin Mountains, down-to-the-west normal faults splay northward from left-lateral faults, whereas north and east of the center, down-to-the-east normal faults splay southward from left-lateral faults. Minimum slip is thus in the central part of the left step-over, between east-directed slip to the north and west-directed slip to the south. Attenuation faults parallel or subparallel to bedding cut Lower Paleozoic rocks and are inferred to be early structures that accommodated footwall uplift during the initial stages of extension. Fault-slip data indicate oblique extensional strain within the left step-over in the South Virgin Mountains, manifested as east-west extension; shortening is partitioned between vertical for extension-dominated structural blocks and south-directed for strike-slip faults. Strike-slip faults are oblique to the extension direction due to structural inheritance from NE-striking fabrics in Proterozoic crystalline basement rocks. We hypothesize that (1) during early phases of deformation oblique extension was partitioned to form east-west–extended domains bounded by left-lateral faults of the Lake Mead fault system, from ca. 16 to 14 Ma. (2) Beginning ca. 13 Ma, increased south-directed shortening impinged on the Virgin Mountains and forced uplift, faulting, and overturning along the north and west side of the Virgin Mountains. (3) By ca. 10 Ma, initiation of the younger Hen Spring to Hamblin Bay fault segment of the Lake Mead fault system accommodated westward tectonic escape, and the focus of south-directed shortening transferred to the western Lake Mead region. The shift from early partitioned oblique extension to south-directed shortening may have resulted from initiation of right-lateral shear of the eastern Walker Lane to the west coupled with left-lateral shear along the eastern margin of the Great Basin.
Three major low-angle normal faults in the eastern Lake Mead area, Nevada and Arizona, are segments of a regional, 55-km-long, detachment fault. This fault, the South Virgin–White Hills detachment, consists of the Lakeside Mine, Salt Spring, and Cyclopic Mine fault segments. All three segments dip gently west and record top-to-the-west displacement. Based on apatite fission-track and apatite and titanite (U-Th)/He thermochronology of footwall rocks, tilt relations, and 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dates on tuffs and basalts within hanging-wall synextensional sedimentary sequences, significant extension along the South Virgin–White Hills detachment occurred between 16.5 and 14 Ma. Minor extension continued until ca. 8 Ma. Displacement on the South Virgin–White Hills detachment decreases from a maximum of ~17 km at the Gold Butte block in the north to 5–6 km at the Cyclopic Mine in the south. The along-strike, southward decrease in displacement is accompanied by a change in type of fault rock from mylonite along the Lakeside Mine fault (northern segment), to chloritic cataclasite along the Salt Spring fault (central segment), to unconsolidated fault breccia along the Cyclopic Mine fault (southern segment). Differences in fault rock may reflect decreasing exhumation of footwall rocks as a result of decreased displacement to the south. About 40% of the displacement gradient can be accommodated along a series of left-slip faults in the upper plate of the detachment. The Golden Rule Peak lineament, an east-trending alignment of structural and topographic features, may be a transverse structure that accommodates differential displacement between the Salt Spring and Cyclopic Mine faults. The trace of the South Virgin–White Hills detachment is highly sinuous in map view and is marked by three prominent salients that define west-plunging antiformal warps in the detachment surface. We interpret the corrugations in the South Virgin–White Hills detachment to have formed by a process of linkage of originally separate en echelon fault segments followed by eastward tilting of the footwall. Depositional patterns, particularly between the Lakeside Mine and Salt Spring segments, support this interpretation. The Grand Wash fault forms the present-day physiographic boundary between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range Provinces; however, based on greater amount of displacement and exhumation, we suggest that the South Virgin–White Hills detachment is the principal structure accommodating regional extension in the eastern Lake Mead extensional domain.