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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Arctic Ocean (1)
Arctic region (1)
Colorado River (2)
Grand Canyon (4)
North America (1)
United States
Arizona (4)
Nevada (1)
petroleum (1)
Vertebrata (1)
Candona (1)
Crinoidea (2)
microfossils (1)
Plantae (1)
geologic age
Paleozoic (2)
Primary terms
Arctic Ocean (1)
Arctic region (1)
bibliography (10)
biography (1)
Vertebrata (1)
crystallography (1)
data processing (1)
geology (1)
geophysical methods (1)
geophysics (1)
Candona (1)
Crinoidea (2)
land use (1)
North America (1)
paleontology (1)
Paleozoic (2)
petroleum (1)
Plantae (1)
pollution (1)
stratigraphy (2)
symposia (1)
United States
Arizona (4)
Nevada (1)
An engineering geological suitability comprehensive evaluation index (EGSCEI) for large-scale infrastructure site selection
Contaminated land and the QJEGH : 1976–2017 and beyond
Index Des Auteurs ET Références 2014
The Life and Work of Professor J. W. Gregory FRS (1864–1932): Geologist, Writer and Explorer
Abstract Gregory’s remarkable career and his scientific work are detailed and critically assessed. Accounts of his heroic 1893 expedition to the Rift Valley (a term he coined) in Kenya (now the Gregory Rift), his first crossing of Spitzbergen, and his resignation as Leader of the first British Antarctic Expedition of 1901, when racing to the Pole under Scott became the priority, draw on unpublished letters. While in Melbourne he published on mining geology and a series of geography textbooks. His 1901 Lake Eyre expedition in Central Australia initiated the phrase “The Dead Heart of Australia” and controversy over the source of artesian water. In the Chair of Geology in Glasgow from 1904, he built up the largest first-year geology class in the UK, over 400 students. He worked in every field of geology and every continent except Antarctica. He was also involved with the search for a “homeland” for the Jews in Libya and Angola. He shrewdly realized that Wegener’s Continental Drift Theory erroneously supposed that the Pacific Ocean was wider than now before the Atlantic opened. This led to his influential rejection of Continental Drift. He drowned in Peru traversing the Andes having published over 30 books and nearly 400 articles.
Abstract The vast Arctic region contains nine proven petroleum provinces with giant resources but over half of the sedimentary basins are completely undrilled, making the region the last major frontier for conventional oil and gas exploration. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the geology and the petroleum potential of the Arctic. Nine papers offer a circum-Arctic perspective on the Phanerozoic tectonic and palaeogeographic evolution, the currently recognized sedimentary basins, the gravity and magnetic fields and, perhaps most importantly, the petroleum resources and yet-to-find potential of the basins. The remaining 41 papers provide data-rich, geological and geophysical analyses and individual oil and gas assessments of specific basins throughout the Arctic. These detailed and well illustrated studies cover the continental areas of Laurentia, Baltica and Siberia and the Arctic Ocean. Of special interest are the 13 papers providing new data and interpretations on the extensive, little known, but promising, basins of Russia. A DVD is provided inside the back of the book, that contains PDFs of all papers plus all related Supplementary Publications.
Abstract The 200 miles of east-west rock walls of the Grand Canyon are unmatched and invaluable for their record of earth history and for their outstanding geology. With this new volume, this major work by Spamer is now finished, providing geologists with an outstanding reference tool. Contains both alphabetical and chronological listings for all references. An essential companion to this work is Spamer’s Geology of the Grand Canyon: A Guide and Index to Published Graphic and Tabular Data (Excluding Paleontology).
Geology of the Grand Canyon: A Guide and Index to Published Graphic and Tabular Data (Excluding Paleontology)
Abstract Volume 1 of this guide was published in 1990 as Geological Society of America Microform Publication 21, complemented by the four volume series, Geology of the Grand Canyon: an Annotated Bibliography (GSA Microform Publications 13, 14, 17, and 20, published in 1983, 1984, 1988, and 1990, respectively). The present volume is complemented by volume 5 of the annotated bibliography, also a GSA Microform publication. All of these volumes cover the entire history of Grand Canyon geological literature, from the first geological note of the canyon in 1857. They will soon be complemented by a companion publication (The Grand Canyon Fossil Record, presently in preparation for publication) that will provide a complete guide to the paleontological literature for the Grand Canyon. At that time, the basic research guides to all of the Grand Canyon geological literature will be complete.
The Digital Cumulative Index; the desktop alternative
Abstract What began as an almost inconsequential mention of "the Big canon" in a geomorphological monograph completed by January, 1856 (Hitchcock, 1857), and followed by just two major publications during the next two decades, now is a publishing record of scores of titles each year. And within the hundreds of papers and monographs that have been produced, especially in the last few decades, there is a tremendous amount of data which can be extracted only by lengthy, sometimes laborious and serendipitous scanning and cross-referencing. About ten years ago, compilation of an annotated bibliography of Grand Canyon geology (including paleontology) was begun. The first volume was published as a Microform Publication of the Geological Society of America (Spamer, 1983). The purpose of this volume, beyond its immediate use as an index to published data, is to consolidate in one volume all the widely dispersed hard data that may be of value to researchers. By quoting the original legends and captions, and by supplementing them with comments or indications of the contents of the figure or table, the user should be able to determine just what items may be of interest to the research project at hand. The author wishes to stress, however, that this first attempt at such a compendium may not satisfy all the needs of various workers.
Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids and Coronate Echinoderms 1981—1985
Abstract The purpose of this volume is to list all systematically treated or illustrated Paleozoic Crinoidea and Coronate Echinoderms for the years 1981 through 1985. This volume continues and updates Memoir 137, Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids 1942-1968 (Webster, 1973), GSA Microform Publication 8, Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids 1969-1973 (Webster, 1977), and GSA Microform Publication 16 Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids 1974-1980 (Webster, 1986). In addition to papers published from 1981 through 1985, five earlier papers, overlooked or unavailable at the time, are indexed. The bibliography is presented in two parts. The first part lists 214 papers, articles, and monographs of which 178 are index. The second part of the bibliography lists abstracts, which indicate the diversity of research conducted on crinoids during the 1981-1985 period.
Abstract This volume continues and updates Memoir 137, Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids 1942-1968 (Webster, 1973) and GSA Microform Publication 8, Bibliography and Index of Paleozoic Crinoids 1969-1973 (Webster, 1977). It includes papers published from 1974 through 1980 illustrating or describing Paleozoic crinoids. In addition, a number of papers published from 1940 through 1973, overlooked or unavailable at the time, are indexed. The bibliography is presented in two parts. The first part lists 308 papers, articles, and volumes of which 249 are index. The second part lists 49 abstracts, which show the diversity of research conducted on crinoids during the 1974-1980 period.
Abstract An objective index to the literature is given for Genus Candona (Ostracoda) in North America, through 1975, combined with a subjective review pertaining to validity and synonymy of species. Pre-Quaternary species are not considered. There are 102 entries, including 97 names. Taxonomy of Candona has not surpassed the initial descriptive level. Specific diagnosis can be based on valve morphology alone. There are about 45 known valid nearctic species, most of which are clearly confined to the nearctic realm; supposed holarctic ranges of other species are questioned.
Abstract While today (2010) the use of digital databases is the fast and easy way to find references by author and keywords, this was of course not always the way it could be done. Periodic indexes of journals had to be painstakingly created and then published as reference works so that the next generation of researchers could more easily build on the past work. This publication represents such an effort and may still be of interest as the digital equivalents continue to display errors and holes from time to time. This 25-year index to the Journal of Paleontology represents the combined efforts of a number of paleontologists, students and editorial specialists working at irregular intervals in widely scattered locations, and may truly be considered a work of international cooperation and scope. Part I is a comprehensive index of subjects and authors published in Volumes 1-25 of the Journal of Paleontology. Part II consists of an alphabetical list of genera and species recorded or described in Volumes 1-25 of the Journal of Paleontology.