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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Far East
Xizang China (1)
Izu-shichito (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Gulf of Mexico (2)
North Sea (1)
Blue Mountains (2)
Cache Creek (2)
Western Canada
British Columbia (2)
Cascade Range (1)
Central Valley (7)
Clear Lake (3)
Coast Ranges (19)
Cook Inlet (1)
Diablo Range (6)
French Pyrenees (1)
Western Europe
French Pyrenees (1)
Baja California (3)
Coahuila Mexico (1)
Sonora Mexico (1)
North America
Methow Basin (1)
North American Cordillera (4)
North American Craton (2)
Mariana Islands (1)
Pacific Coast (5)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Mendocino fracture zone (1)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Mendocino fracture zone (1)
Sacramento Basin (3)
Sacramento Valley (12)
San Andreas Fault (7)
San Juan Islands (1)
Santa Maria Basin (1)
Sierra Nevada (15)
Storegga Slide (1)
United States
Karluk Quadrangle (1)
Talkeetna Mountains (1)
Ugashik Quadrangle (1)
Arizona (1)
Alameda County California
Oakland California (1)
Butte County California (2)
Calaveras Fault (2)
Central California (15)
Colusa County California (10)
Contra Costa County California (6)
Fresno County California
Coalinga California (2)
Glenn County California (2)
Hayward Fault (3)
Humboldt County California (1)
Lake County California (4)
Mariposa County California (1)
Mendocino County California (2)
Merced County California (1)
Monterey County California (2)
Napa County California (3)
Northern California (24)
Salinian Block (3)
San Benito County California
Hollister California (1)
San Francisco Bay region (3)
San Joaquin County California (1)
San Joaquin Valley (7)
San Luis Obispo County California (2)
Santa Clara County California (1)
Shasta County California (4)
Sierra Nevada Batholith (6)
Siskiyou County California (1)
Solano County California (1)
Sonoma County California (1)
Southern California (1)
Sutter County California (1)
Tehama County California (6)
The Geysers (2)
Transverse Ranges (1)
Trinity County California (2)
Yolo County California (2)
Idaho Batholith (4)
Klamath Mountains (8)
Mojave Desert (1)
Nevada (3)
New Mexico (1)
Oregon (2)
Sevier orogenic belt (3)
Utah (1)
San Juan County Washington (1)
Western U.S. (5)
Wyoming (2)
Walker Ridge (1)
Walnut Creek (1)
West Pacific Ocean Islands
Bonin Islands (1)
geothermal energy (1)
metal ores
base metals (1)
gold ores (3)
mercury ores (2)
silver ores (1)
mineral deposits, genesis (2)
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natural gas (2)
placers (1)
elements, isotopes
C-13/C-12 (2)
D/H (2)
isotope ratios (5)
radioactive isotopes
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-207/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
stable isotopes
C-13/C-12 (2)
D/H (2)
Hf-177/Hf-176 (1)
Nd-144/Nd-143 (2)
O-18/O-16 (5)
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-207/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
S-34/S-32 (1)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (3)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (3)
arsenic (1)
copper (1)
Hf-177/Hf-176 (1)
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-207/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
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platinum group
osmium (1)
rare earths
Nd-144/Nd-143 (2)
zinc (1)
noble gases
argon (1)
O-18/O-16 (5)
S-34/S-32 (1)
Rhynchonellidae (1)
Bivalvia (3)
Ammonoidea (5)
Hexactinellida (1)
Foraminifera (1)
Spumellina (1)
Conodonta (1)
Dinoflagellata (1)
nannofossils (1)
geochronology methods
fission-track dating (1)
K/Ar (1)
paleomagnetism (5)
Pb/Pb (1)
Rb/Sr (1)
Re/Os (1)
Sm/Nd (1)
Sr/Sr (1)
thermochronology (1)
U/Pb (11)
geologic age
lower Cenozoic (1)
Pleistocene (2)
Challis Volcanics (1)
lower Miocene (2)
middle Miocene (1)
upper Miocene (1)
Pliocene (3)
Matilija Formation (1)
middle Eocene
Tyee Formation (1)
upper Eocene
Priabonian (1)
Oligocene (2)
lower Paleocene
Danian (1)
Lower Cretaceous
Albian (3)
Barremian (1)
Berriasian (2)
Hauterivian (1)
Neocomian (1)
Valanginian (1)
Middle Cretaceous (2)
Upper Cretaceous
Campanian (2)
Cenomanian (2)
Coniacian (2)
Forbes Formation (2)
Hornbrook Formation (4)
Maestrichtian (4)
Rosario Formation (1)
Santonian (3)
Senonian (6)
Turonian (2)
Franciscan Complex (32)
Great Valley Sequence (89)
Coast Range Ophiolite (7)
Lower Jurassic (1)
Middle Jurassic
Bajocian (1)
Callovian (1)
Upper Jurassic
Galice Formation (2)
Kimmeridgian (1)
Naknek Formation (1)
Oxfordian (3)
Portlandian (4)
Tithonian (7)
lower Mesozoic (2)
middle Mesozoic (1)
Upper Triassic (1)
upper Mesozoic (4)
upper Paleozoic
Calaveras Formation (1)
upper Precambrian
Belt Supergroup (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
hypabyssal rocks (1)
plutonic rocks
diabase (1)
quartz diorites (1)
tonalite (1)
gabbros (1)
granodiorites (1)
ultramafics (4)
volcanic rocks
andesites (2)
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dacites (1)
ophiolite (11)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
cataclasites (1)
eclogite (1)
metaigneous rocks
metabasalt (1)
metabasite (2)
serpentinite (3)
metaplutonic rocks (1)
metasedimentary rocks
metaconglomerate (1)
metasomatic rocks
serpentinite (3)
metavolcanic rocks (2)
blueschist (3)
ophiolite (11)
turbidite (7)
minerals (1)
native elements
graphite (1)
goethite (1)
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manganese oxides (1)
apatite (1)
chain silicates
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framework silicates
feldspar group
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titanite group
titanite (1)
zircon group
zircon (13)
lawsonite (1)
sheet silicates
chlorite group
chlorite (1)
illite (1)
mica group
biotite (1)
jarosite (1)
schwertmannite (1)
sulfides (2)
Primary terms
absolute age (17)
Far East
Xizang China (1)
Izu-shichito (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Gulf of Mexico (2)
North Sea (1)
biogeography (2)
Western Canada
British Columbia (2)
C-13/C-12 (2)
lower Cenozoic (1)
Pleistocene (2)
Challis Volcanics (1)
lower Miocene (2)
middle Miocene (1)
upper Miocene (1)
Pliocene (3)
Matilija Formation (1)
middle Eocene
Tyee Formation (1)
upper Eocene
Priabonian (1)
Oligocene (2)
lower Paleocene
Danian (1)
continental shelf (1)
crust (9)
data processing (3)
deformation (6)
diagenesis (5)
earthquakes (6)
economic geology (1)
engineering geology (1)
French Pyrenees (1)
Western Europe
French Pyrenees (1)
faults (23)
folds (7)
foliation (1)
fractures (1)
geochemistry (6)
geochronology (4)
geophysical methods (5)
geothermal energy (1)
heat flow (1)
D/H (2)
igneous rocks
hypabyssal rocks (1)
plutonic rocks
diabase (1)
quartz diorites (1)
tonalite (1)
gabbros (1)
granodiorites (1)
ultramafics (4)
volcanic rocks
andesites (2)
tholeiitic basalt (1)
dacites (1)
fluid inclusions (1)
intrusions (5)
Rhynchonellidae (1)
Bivalvia (3)
Ammonoidea (5)
Hexactinellida (1)
Foraminifera (1)
Spumellina (1)
radioactive isotopes
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-207/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
stable isotopes
C-13/C-12 (2)
D/H (2)
Hf-177/Hf-176 (1)
Nd-144/Nd-143 (2)
O-18/O-16 (5)
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-207/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
S-34/S-32 (1)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (3)
magmas (1)
mantle (1)
Lower Cretaceous
Albian (3)
Barremian (1)
Berriasian (2)
Hauterivian (1)
Neocomian (1)
Valanginian (1)
Middle Cretaceous (2)
Upper Cretaceous
Campanian (2)
Cenomanian (2)
Coniacian (2)
Forbes Formation (2)
Hornbrook Formation (4)
Maestrichtian (4)
Rosario Formation (1)
Santonian (3)
Senonian (6)
Turonian (2)
Franciscan Complex (32)
Great Valley Sequence (89)
Coast Range Ophiolite (7)
Lower Jurassic (1)
Middle Jurassic
Bajocian (1)
Callovian (1)
Upper Jurassic
Galice Formation (2)
Kimmeridgian (1)
Naknek Formation (1)
Oxfordian (3)
Portlandian (4)
Tithonian (7)
lower Mesozoic (2)
middle Mesozoic (1)
Upper Triassic (1)
upper Mesozoic (4)
metal ores
base metals (1)
gold ores (3)
mercury ores (2)
silver ores (1)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (3)
arsenic (1)
copper (1)
Hf-177/Hf-176 (1)
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-207/Pb-204 (1)
Pb-208/Pb-204 (1)
manganese (1)
platinum group
osmium (1)
rare earths
Nd-144/Nd-143 (2)
zinc (1)
metamorphic rocks
cataclasites (1)
eclogite (1)
metaigneous rocks
metabasalt (1)
metabasite (2)
serpentinite (3)
metaplutonic rocks (1)
metasedimentary rocks
metaconglomerate (1)
metasomatic rocks
serpentinite (3)
metavolcanic rocks (2)
blueschist (3)
metamorphism (11)
metasomatism (2)
Baja California (3)
Coahuila Mexico (1)
Sonora Mexico (1)
mineral deposits, genesis (2)
minerals (1)
mining geology (1)
noble gases
argon (1)
North America
Methow Basin (1)
North American Cordillera (4)
North American Craton (2)
ocean floors (2)
Mariana Islands (1)
oil and gas fields (1)
orogeny (3)
O-18/O-16 (5)
Pacific Coast (5)
Pacific Ocean
East Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Mendocino fracture zone (1)
North Pacific
Northeast Pacific
Mendocino fracture zone (1)
paleobotany (1)
paleoecology (1)
paleogeography (14)
paleomagnetism (5)
paleontology (1)
upper Paleozoic
Calaveras Formation (1)
Dinoflagellata (1)
paragenesis (1)
natural gas (2)
petrology (6)
placers (1)
nannofossils (1)
plate tectonics (26)
pollution (1)
upper Precambrian
Belt Supergroup (1)
rock mechanics (1)
sea-level changes (1)
sedimentary petrology (7)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
micrite (1)
chemically precipitated rocks
chert (2)
clastic rocks
argillite (1)
conglomerate (6)
graywacke (1)
mudstone (3)
sandstone (17)
shale (1)
sedimentary structures
graded bedding (1)
planar bedding structures
bedding (2)
soft sediment deformation
clastic dikes (2)
olistostromes (4)
turbidity current structures
Bouma sequence (1)
sedimentation (21)
clastic sediments
alluvium (1)
sand (1)
soils (1)
springs (1)
stratigraphy (14)
structural analysis (2)
structural geology (6)
S-34/S-32 (1)
tectonics (18)
tectonophysics (9)
thermal waters (1)
United States
Karluk Quadrangle (1)
Talkeetna Mountains (1)
Ugashik Quadrangle (1)
Arizona (1)
Alameda County California
Oakland California (1)
Butte County California (2)
Calaveras Fault (2)
Central California (15)
Colusa County California (10)
Contra Costa County California (6)
Fresno County California
Coalinga California (2)
Glenn County California (2)
Hayward Fault (3)
Humboldt County California (1)
Lake County California (4)
Mariposa County California (1)
Mendocino County California (2)
Merced County California (1)
Monterey County California (2)
Napa County California (3)
Northern California (24)
Salinian Block (3)
San Benito County California
Hollister California (1)
San Francisco Bay region (3)
San Joaquin County California (1)
San Joaquin Valley (7)
San Luis Obispo County California (2)
Santa Clara County California (1)
Shasta County California (4)
Sierra Nevada Batholith (6)
Siskiyou County California (1)
Solano County California (1)
Sonoma County California (1)
Southern California (1)
Sutter County California (1)
Tehama County California (6)
The Geysers (2)
Transverse Ranges (1)
Trinity County California (2)
Yolo County California (2)
Idaho Batholith (4)
Klamath Mountains (8)
Mojave Desert (1)
Nevada (3)
New Mexico (1)
Oregon (2)
Sevier orogenic belt (3)
Utah (1)
San Juan County Washington (1)
Western U.S. (5)
Wyoming (2)
weathering (2)
well-logging (1)
West Pacific Ocean Islands
Bonin Islands (1)
rock formations
Cache Creek Group (1)
Nanaimo Group (1)
Toro Formation (1)
sedimentary rocks
flysch (1)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
micrite (1)
chemically precipitated rocks
chert (2)
clastic rocks
argillite (1)
conglomerate (6)
graywacke (1)
mudstone (3)
sandstone (17)
shale (1)
siliciclastics (1)
turbidite (7)
sedimentary structures
channels (2)
sedimentary structures
graded bedding (1)
planar bedding structures
bedding (2)
soft sediment deformation
clastic dikes (2)
olistostromes (4)
turbidity current structures
Bouma sequence (1)
clastic sediments
alluvium (1)
sand (1)
siliciclastics (1)
turbidite (7)
soils (1)
Great Valley Sequence
Controls on the genesis of a giant sand injection complex; insights into the Paleogene evolution of the stress of northern and central California
Did subducted graphite fertilize the Franciscan mantle wedge with radiogenic Os?
History of earthquakes along the creeping section of the San Andreas fault, California, USA
ABSTRACT The Mount Diablo region has been located within a hypothesized persistent corridor for clastic sediment delivery to the central California continental margin over the past ~100 m.y. In this paper, we present new detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and integrate it with previously established geologic and sedimentologic relationships to document how Late Cretaceous through Cenozoic trends in sandstone composition varied through time in response to changing tectonic environments and paleogeography. Petrographic composition and detrital zircon age distributions of Great Valley forearc stratigraphy demonstrate a transition from axial drainage of the Klamath Mountains to a dominantly transverse Sierra Nevada plutonic source throughout Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene time. The abrupt presence of significant pre-Permian and Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene zircon age components suggests an addition of extraregional sediment derived from the Idaho batholith region and Challis volcanic field into the northern forearc basin by early–middle Eocene time as a result of continental extension and unroofing. New data from the Upper Cenozoic strata in the East Bay region show a punctuated voluminous influx (>30%) of middle Eocene–Miocene detrital zircon age populations that corresponds with westward migration and cessation of silicic ignimbrite eruptions in the Nevada caldera belt (ca. 43–40, 26–23 Ma). Delivery of extraregional sediment to central California diminished by early Miocene time as renewed erosion of the Sierra Nevada batholith and recycling of forearc strata were increasingly replaced by middle–late Miocene andesitic arc–derived sediment that was sourced from Ancestral Cascade volcanism (ca. 15–10 Ma) in the northern Sierra Nevada. Conversely, Cenozoic detrital zircon age distributions representative of the Mesozoic Sierra Nevada batholith and radiolarian chert and blueschist-facies lithics reflect sediment eroded from locally exhumed Mesozoic subduction complex and forearc basin strata. Intermingling of eastern- and western-derived provenance sources is consistent with uplift of the Coast Ranges and reversal of sediment transport associated with the late Miocene transpressive deformation along the Hayward and Calaveras faults. These provenance trends demonstrate a reorganization and expansion of the western continental drainage catchment in the California forearc during the late transition to flat-slab subduction of the Farallon plate, subsequent volcanism, and southwestward migration of the paleodrainage divide during slab roll-back, and ultimately the cessation of convergent margin tectonics and initiation of the continental transform margin in north-central California.
Interaction of extensional, contractional, and strike-slip elements at Mount Diablo and the surrounding eastern Coast Ranges, San Francisco Bay area, California: A model-based analysis
ABSTRACT This study presents three regional cross sections, a structural map analysis, and a schematic map restoration. The sections are constrained by surface geology and petroleum wells and were developed using model-based methods to be consistent with the regional tectonic context and balancing concepts. Together, these products depict the geometry and kinematics of the major fault systems. Insights from this research include the following. Franciscan complex blueschist-facies rocks in the Mount Diablo region were unroofed west of their current location and subsequently thrust beneath the Great Valley sequence in the mid-Eocene. East Bay structures are complicated by overprinting of Neogene compression and dextral strike-slip motion on a Paleogene graben system. Net lateral displacement between the Hayward fault and the Central Valley varies from 26 km toward 341° to 29 km toward 010° in the southern and northern East Bay Hills, respectively. Uplift above a wedge thrust generates the principal Neogene structural high, which extends from Vallejo through Mount Diablo to the Altamont Ridge. Anomalous structural relief at Mount Diablo is due to strike-parallel thrusting on the crest of a fault-propagation fold formed on the west-verging roof thrust. Uplift that exposes the Coast Range ophiolite in the East Bay Hills is formed by oblique thrusting generated by slip transfer at the northern termination of the Calaveras fault. The Paleogene extensional fault system likely extends farther west than previously documented. An east-dipping branch of that system may underlie the Walnut Creek Valley. Three-dimensional restoration should be applied to constrain geologic frameworks to be used for seismic velocity modeling.
ABSTRACT Two spatially separated areas of Neogene volcanic rocks are located on the northeast limb of the Mount Diablo anticline. The southernmost outcrops of volcanics are 6 km east of the summit of Mount Diablo in the Marsh Creek area and consist of ~12 hypabyssal dacite intrusions dated at ca. 7.8–7.5 Ma, which were intruded into the Great Valley Group of Late Cretaceous age. The intrusions occur in the vicinity of the Clayton and Diablo faults. The rocks are predominantly calc-alkaline plagioclase biotite dacites, but one is a tholeiitic plagioclase andesite. Mercury mineralization was likely concomitant with emplacement of these late Miocene intrusions. The northernmost outcrops of Neogene volcanic rocks occur ~15 km to the north of Mount Diablo in the Concord Naval Weapons Station and the Los Medanos Hills and are probably parts of a single andesite flow. A magnetometer survey indicates that the flow originated from a feeder dike along the Clayton fault. The lava flow is flat-lying and occupies ancient stream channels across an erosional surface of tilted Markley Sandstone of middle Eocene age. New radiometric dates of the flow yield an age of 5.8–5.5 Ma, but due to alteration the age should be used with caution. The flow is a calc-alkaline andesite rich in clinopyroxene and plagioclase. What appear to be uplifted erosional remnants of the flow can be traced northeastward in the Los Medanos Hills across a surface of tilted Cenozoic rocks that eventually rest on formations as young as the Lawlor Tuff dated at 4.865 ± 0.011 Ma. This stratigraphic relationship suggests that the andesite flow is probably late Pliocene in age and was impacted by the more recent uplift of the Los Medanos Hills but postdates the regional folding and faulting of the rocks of Mount Diablo. In terms of timing, location, and composition, the evidence suggests these two areas of dacitic and andesitic volcanics fit into a series of migrating volcanic centers in the California Coast Ranges that erupted following the northward passage of the Mendocino Triple Junction.
Geologic framework of Mount Diablo, California
ABSTRACT The basic stratigraphic and structural framework of Mount Diablo is described using a revised geologic map, gravity data, and aeromagnetic data. The mountain is made up of two distinct stratigraphic assemblages representing different depocenters that were juxtaposed by ~20 km of late Pliocene and Quaternary right-lateral offset on the Greenville-Diablo-Concord fault. Both assemblages are composed of Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata overlying a compound basement made up of the Franciscan and Great Valley complexes. The rocks are folded and faulted by late Neogene and Quaternary compressional structures related to both regional plate-boundary–normal compression and a restraining step in the strike-slip fault system. The core of the mountain is made up of uplifted basement rocks. Late Neogene and Quaternary deformation is overprinted on Paleogene extensional deformation that is evidenced at Mount Diablo by significant attenuation in the basement rocks and by an uptilted stepped graben structure on the northeast flank. Retrodeformation of the northeast flank suggests that late Early to early Late Cretaceous strata may have been deposited against and across a steeply west-dipping basement escarpment. The location of the mountain today was a depocenter through the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene and received shallow-marine deposits periodically into the late Miocene. Uplift of the mountain itself happened mostly in the Quaternary.
Field and petrographic reconnaissance of Franciscan complex rocks of Mount Diablo, California: Imbricated ocean floor stratigraphy with a roof exhumation fault system
ABSTRACT Franciscan subduction complex rocks of Mount Diablo form a 8.5 by 4.5 km tectonic window, elongated E-W and fault-bounded to the north and south by rocks of the Coast Range ophiolite and Great Valley Group, respectively, which lack the burial metamorphism and deformation displayed by the Franciscan complex. Most of the Franciscan complex consists of a stack of lawsonite-albite–facies pillow basalt overlain successively by chert and clastic sedimentary rocks, repeated by faults at hundreds of meters to <1 m spacing. Widely distributed mélange zones from 0.5 to 300 m thick containing high-grade (including amphibolite and eclogite) assemblages and other exotic blocks, up to 120 m size, form a small fraction of exposures. Nearly all clastic rocks have a foliation, parallel to faults that repeat the various lithologies, whereas chert and basalt lack foliation. Lawsonite grew parallel to foliation and as later grains across foliation. The Franciscan-bounding faults, collectively called the Coast Range fault, strike ENE to WNW and dip northward at low to moderate average angles and collectively form a south-vergent overturned anticline. Splays of the Coast Range fault also cut into the Franciscan strata and Coast Range ophiolite and locally form the Coast Range ophiolite–Great Valley Group boundary. Dip discordance between the Coast Range fault and overlying Great Valley Group strata indicates that the northern and southern Coast Range fault segments were normal faults with opposite dip directions, forming a structural dome. These relationships suggest accretion and fault stacking of the Franciscan complex, followed by exhumation along the Coast Range fault and then folding of the Coast Range fault.
The mid-Cretaceous Peninsular Ranges orogeny: a new slant on Cordilleran tectonics? I: Mexico to Nevada
The birth of a forearc: The basal Great Valley Group, California, USA: COMMENT
The birth of a forearc: The basal Great Valley Group, California, USA: REPLY
A survey of Sierra Nevada magmatism using Great Valley detrital zircon trace-element geochemistry: View from the forearc
The birth of a forearc: The basal Great Valley Group, California, USA
The Effect of Fault Geometry and Minimum Shear Wavespeed on 3D Ground‐Motion Simulations for an M w 6.5 Hayward Fault Scenario Earthquake, San Francisco Bay Area, Northern California
ABSTRACT Cretaceous forearc strata of the Ochoco basin in central Oregon may preserve a record of regional transpression, magmatism, and mountain building within the Late Cretaceous Cordillera. Given the volume of material that must have been eroded from the Sierra Nevada and Idaho batholith to result in modern exposures of mid-and deep-crustal rocks, Cretaceous forearc basins have the potential to preserve a record of arc magmatism no longer preserved within the arc, if forearc sediment can be confidently linked to sources. Paleogeographic models for mid-Cretaceous time indicate that the Blue Mountains and the Ochoco sedimentary overlap succession experienced postdepositional, coast-parallel, dextral translation of less than 400 km or as much as 1700 km. Our detailed provenance study of the Ochoco basin and comparison of Ochoco basin provenance with that of the Hornbrook Formation, Great Valley Group, and Methow basin test paleogeographic models and the potential extent of Cretaceous forearc deposition. Deposition of Ochoco strata was largely Late Cretaceous, from Albian through at least Santonian time (ca. 113–86 Ma and younger), rather than Albian–Cenomanian (ca. 113–94 Ma). Provenance characteristics of the Ochoco basin are consistent with northern U.S. Cordilleran sources, and Ochoco strata may represent the destination of much of the mid- to Late Cretaceous Idaho arc that was intruded and eroded during and following rapid transpression along the western Idaho shear zone. Our provenance results suggest that the Hornbrook Formation and Ochoco basin formed two sides of the same depositional system, which may have been linked to the Great Valley Group to the south by Coniacian time, but was not connected to the Methow basin. These results limit northward displacement of the Ochoco basin to less than 400 km relative to the North American craton, and suggest that the anomalously shallow paleomagnetic inclinations may result from significant inclination error, rather than deposition at low latitudes. Our results demonstrate that detailed provenance analysis of forearc strata complements the incomplete record of arc magmatism and tectonics preserved in bedrock exposures, and permits improved understanding of Late Cretaceous Cordilleran paleogeography.
ABSTRACT The Great Valley forearc basin records Jurassic(?)–Eocene sedimentation along the western margin of North America during eastward subduction of the Farallon plate and development of the Sierra Nevada magmatic arc. The four-dimensional (4-D) basin model of the northern Great Valley forearc presented here was designed to reconstruct its depositional history from Tithonian through Maastrichtian time. Based on >1200 boreholes, the tops of 13 formations produce isopach maps and cross sections that highlight the spatial and temporal variability of sediment accumulation along and across the basin. The model shows the southward migration of depocenters within the basin during the Cretaceous and eastward lapping of basin strata onto Sierra Nevada basement. In addition, the model presents the first basement map of the entire Sacramento subbasin, highlighting its topography at the onset of deposition of the Great Valley Group. Minimum volume estimates for sedimentary basin fill reveal variable periods of flux, with peak sedimentation corresponding to deposition of the Sites Sandstone during Turonian to Coniacian time. Comparison of these results with flux estimates from magmatic source regions shows a slight lag in the timing of peak sedimentation, likely reflecting the residence time from pluton emplacement to erosion. This model provides the foundation for the first three-dimensional subsidence analysis on an ancient forearc basin, which will yield insight into the mechanisms driving development of accommodation along convergent margins.
Review of mid-Mesozoic to Paleogene evolution of the northern and central Californian accretionary margin
ABSTRACT Spatial distributions of widespread igneous arc rocks and high-pressure–low-temperature (HP/LT) metamafic rocks, combined with U-Pb maximum ages of deposition from detrital zircon and petrofacies of Jurassic–Miocene clastic sedimentary rocks, constrain the geologic development of the northern and central Californian accretionary margin: (1) Before ca. 175 Ma, transpressive plate subduction initiated construction of a magmatic arc astride the Klamath-Sierran crustal margin. (2) Paleo-Pacific oceanic-plate rocks were recrystallized under HP/LT conditions in an east-dipping subduction zone beneath the arc at ca. 170–155 Ma. Stored at depth, these HP/LT metamafic blocks returned surfaceward mainly during mid- and Late Cretaceous time as olistoliths and tectonic fragments entrained in circulating, buoyant Franciscan mud-matrix mélange. (3) By ca. 165 Ma and continuing to at least ca. 150 Ma, erosion of the volcanic arc supplied upper-crustal debris to the Mariposa-Galice and Myrtle arc-margin strata. (4) By ca. 140 Ma, the Klamath salient had moved ~80–100 km westward relative to the Sierran arc, initiating a new, outboard convergent plate junction, and trapping old oceanic crust on the south as the Great Valley Ophiolite. (5) Following end-of-Jurassic development of a new Farallon–North American east-dipping plate junction, terrigenous debris began to accumulate as the seaward Franciscan trench complex and landward Great Valley Group plus Hornbrook forearc clastic rocks. (6) Voluminous deposition and accretion of Franciscan Eastern and Central belt and Great Valley Group detritus occurred during vigorous Sierran igneous activity attending rapid, nearly orthogonal plate subduction starting at ca. 125 Ma. (7) Although minor traces of Grenville-age detrital zircon occur in other sandstones studied in this report, they are absent from post–120 Ma Franciscan strata. (8) Sierra Nevada magmatism ceased by ca. 85 Ma, signaling transition to subhorizontal eastward underflow attending Laramide orogeny farther inland. (9) Exposed Paleogene Franciscan Coastal belt sandstone accreted in a tectonic realm unaffected by HP/LT recrystallization. (10) Judging by petrofacies and zircon U-Pb ages, Franciscan Eastern belt rocks contain clasts derived chiefly from the Sierran and Klamath ranges. Detritus from the Sierra Nevada ± Idaho batholiths is present in some Central belt strata, whereas clasts from the Idaho batholith, Challis volcanics, and Cascade igneous arc appear in progressively younger Paleogene Coastal belt sandstone.
ABSTRACT The Upper Cretaceous Las Tablas unit of the Franciscan Complex, a conglomerate-breccia containing a diverse array of clasts, is located in the central California Coast Ranges. The Las Tablas unit was originally deposited in southern California, where significant amounts of the western half of the Sierra Nevada batholith and coeval Great Valley forearc basin and basement are missing. The most likely explanation for this absence is that forearc and western arc assemblages were removed through a combination of surface and tectonic erosion that accompanied Laramide shallow subduction. Petrographic analysis of rounded to subrounded gabbro, quartz diorite, tonalite, granodiorite, and andesite clasts from the Las Tablas unit reveals a prehnite-pumpellyite–grade overprint of primary igneous textures. Furthermore, zircon grains derived from these clasts yield generally Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous U-Pb ages and positive Hf isotopic values, with one sample yielding a Late Cretaceous age and a negative Hf value. These relations strongly suggest that the analyzed clasts experienced subduction zone metamorphism and were derived principally from the western and axial Sierra Nevada batholith, with possible additional input from forearc basement (the Coast Range ophiolite). The presence of western arc–derived detritus in the Las Tablas unit suggests that surface plus tectonic erosion removed a significant amount of these units and incorporated them into the subduction complex. Granitic clasts of the Las Tablas unit were likely introduced into previously subducted and exhumed Franciscan materials by sedimentary rather than tectonic processes.