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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Kalahari Desert (1)
Namib Desert (1)
North Africa (1)
Southern Africa (2)
Arabian Peninsula
Bahrain (1)
Saudi Arabia (1)
Far East
Xinjiang China
Tarim Basin (1)
Indian Peninsula
Rajasthan India
Udaipur India (1)
Indus Basin (1)
Pakistan (1)
Thar Desert (1)
Middle East
Iran (1)
Rio Grande Valley (1)
United States
Yuma County Arizona (1)
California (1)
New Mexico
Dona Ana County New Mexico
Las Cruces New Mexico (1)
Jornada del Muerto (1)
Los Alamos County New Mexico (1)
Oregon (1)
Southwestern U.S. (1)
Utah (1)
Western U.S. (1)
aggregate (1)
construction materials
cement materials (1)
elements, isotopes
C-14 (1)
chloride ion (2)
D/H (1)
isotope ratios (1)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (1)
stable isotopes
D/H (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
geochronology methods
tree rings (1)
geologic age
Holocene (2)
upper Pleistocene
upper Weichselian
Allerod (1)
Younger Dryas (1)
upper Quaternary (2)
Upper Triassic
Chinle Formation (1)
MIS 6 (1)
carbonates (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (1)
Kalahari Desert (1)
Namib Desert (1)
North Africa (1)
Southern Africa (2)
Arabian Peninsula
Bahrain (1)
Saudi Arabia (1)
Far East
Xinjiang China
Tarim Basin (1)
Indian Peninsula
Rajasthan India
Udaipur India (1)
Indus Basin (1)
Pakistan (1)
Thar Desert (1)
Middle East
Iran (1)
C-14 (1)
Holocene (2)
upper Pleistocene
upper Weichselian
Allerod (1)
Younger Dryas (1)
upper Quaternary (2)
climate change (4)
conservation (1)
construction materials
cement materials (1)
data processing (1)
ecology (1)
geochemistry (1)
geomorphology (3)
geophysical methods (2)
ground water (3)
D/H (1)
hydrology (3)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (1)
stable isotopes
D/H (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
land use (3)
Upper Triassic
Chinle Formation (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
paleoclimatology (3)
remote sensing (2)
rock mechanics (1)
sea-level changes (1)
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
salt (2)
clastic rocks (1)
sedimentation (2)
clastic sediments
dust (1)
sand (2)
shorelines (1)
soil mechanics (1)
soils (4)
tectonics (1)
United States
Yuma County Arizona (1)
California (1)
New Mexico
Dona Ana County New Mexico
Las Cruces New Mexico (1)
Jornada del Muerto (1)
Los Alamos County New Mexico (1)
Oregon (1)
Southwestern U.S. (1)
Utah (1)
Western U.S. (1)
weathering (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
salt (2)
clastic rocks (1)
volcaniclastics (1)
sedimentary structures
channels (1)
clastic sediments
dust (1)
sand (2)
volcaniclastics (1)
soils (4)
Hydrological fluctuations in the Tarim Basin, northwest China, over the past millennium
Application of RS and GIS to Capture the Interplay of Geological Units and Watershed Development Activities: Implications on Change in Groundwater Potential with Reference to Anjeni Micro-watershed
Groundwater age persistence in topography-driven groundwater flow over paleohydrogeologic time scales
Geophysical Reconnaissance for Siting Dryland Critical-Zone Monitoring Experiments in Southern New Mexico, USA
Dryland dunes and other dryland environmental archives as proxies for Late Quaternary stratigraphy and environmental and climate change in southern Africa
Characterising the late Quaternary facies stratigraphy of floodplains in South Africa
The engineering geology of concrete in hot drylands
Abstract The relative importance of tectonics, climate, base level and source lithology as the primary controls on the evolution of alluvial fans is highly debated. This study examines the role of upstream catchment characteristics on the evolution of alluvial megafans by examining three Quaternary fans (the Kalahrud, Zefreh and Mughar fans) along the flanks of the Kohrud Mountain Range in central Iran. These fans formed in a tectonically active basin under arid to semi-arid climatic conditions. The key differences between the evolutionary trends of these fans are that their catchments are underlain by different bedrock types and they have different catchment shapes and outlet characteristics. The catchment of the Kalahrud fan is in a sedimentary terrain with limited sediment supply, whereas the bedrock lithologies of the Zefreh and Mughar fans are fractured and weathered igneous rocks. However, the evolution of the Mughar fan is also controlled by the tilting of the catchment towards a wide apex and lateral shifting in the catchment outlet/fan feeder channel position. These variables resulted in relatively large-scale incision in the Kalahrud and Mughar fans that is absent in the aggradational trend of the Zefreh fan. Upstream lithological and structural controls are the dominant drivers behind the development and evolution of alluvial megafans.
Fluvial–Eolian Interactions In Sediment Routing and Sedimentary Signal Buffering: An Example From the Indus Basin and Thar Desert
Dryland channel networks: Resiliency, thresholds, and management metrics
Abstract Dryland channel networks share many similarities with channel networks in more humid regions, but they are also unique in having: extreme temporal and spatial variability in rainfall, runoff, and both hillslope and channel processes; poor integration between tributary and main channels; dominantly ephemeral or intermittent flow; and lack of equilibrium between process and form. Floods are likely to be particularly important in dryland channels, and riparian vegetation exerts a strong influence on channel processes and form. Land managers working in dryland channel networks particularly need to answer the following questions: What is stable? What is the role of disturbance? How do ecosystems depend on physical form and process? This paper explores methods for determining thresholds and resiliency within a channel network and suggests metrics that can be used to assess the condition of a channel segment or entire drainage network relative to management goals. The management metrics focus on flow regime, sediment supply, bed grain size, bedform configuration, width/depth ratio, bed gradient, channel planform, and extent and type of riparian vegetation. For each of these metrics, geological, historical, and systematic records can be used to define the natural range of variability for a particular channel form in the absence of direct land-use impacts. The range of variability present under land use such as military training activities can then be compared to the natural range to assess whether these activities are negatively affecting the dryland channel network. The Yuma Wash drainage in the Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, is used as a case study.
Strongly dust-influenced soils and what they tell us about landscape dynamics in vegetated aridlands of the southwestern United States
Following the middle of the twentieth century, Earth scientists increasingly became aware of the significant role played by the incorporation of dust in the formation of soils. Dust plays an especially important role in the development of aridland soils, given the usually abundant supply of dust and generally limited magnitude of chemical weathering that characterizes aridland soils. The recognition that virtually all calcium in pedogenic carbonate is derived from calcium-bearing dust that primarily accumulates in a very common horizon of aridland soils, the calcic horizon, was critical in convincing scientists that soil formation in aridlands differs in fundamental respects from that in more humid settings. Research conducted by Leland Gile and his colleagues in the Desert Soil Geomorphology Project in southern New Mexico produced one of the most important bodies of published research in the 1960s to the early 1980s, that demonstrated both the significant impact of dust on aridland soils and their geomorphic significance. Subsequent research in the Cima volcanic field of the Mojave Desert, southwestern United States, showed that the nature of soil development associated with the formation and evolution of desert pavements is markedly different from that proscribed by the “canonical” A/B/C model of soil profile development described by V. Dokuchaev, the profile model most familiar to the majority of Earth scientists. The soils that develop beneath desert pavements form in parent materials increasingly composed of entrapped dust that is subsequently translocated below the pavement. Vesicular horizons, the key surface horizon of desert pavement soils, and subjacent, thickening clay and calcium carbonate–enriched B horizons form mainly through accretionary and inflationary profile (AIP) development, a type of cumulative soil development associated with rising desert pavements. The “upward growth” model of desert pavement formation profoundly contrasts with the “deflation” model. The behavior of the vesicular A horizon is important in maintaining a balance between rates of dust entrapment and translocation that enables continued AIP, while maintaining desert pavement at the surface. Soil chronosequence studies show that AIP and desert pavement formation are favored on other landforms (e.g., alluvial fans), providing that a weathering-resistant rock type is available to form a persistent pavement. Once desert pavements and soils have formed, most have likely survived exposure to “glacial” periods, despite effectively greater precipitation and locally significant changes in the nature of biotic communities that are characteristic of such periods. AIP is also an important mode of soil profile development in semiarid regions where desert pavements cannot form and vesicular horizons are weakly developed or absent. Increased plant density continues to favor the dust entrapment rates necessary to maintain AIP, as well as to provide a surface stabilizing function. Given the ecologically limiting role of water in aridlands, the nature of and time-dependent changes in soils forming by AIP strongly influence patterns of recruitment and composition of plants in aridland landscapes and their response to environmental change. The hillslopes of aridland hills and mountains are excellent dust traps, and in favorable circumstances, weathering and dust entrapment promotes the development of thick, vegetated and smooth soil-mantled hillslopes. Toposequence studies in selected areas of the southwestern United States indicate that the presence of dust-entrapping colluvium is probably necessary to maintain AIP on hillslopes over long periods of time. Vegetation also promotes entrapment of dust, but vegetation on hillslopes is highly sensitive to episodic drought and/or fires that temporarily eliminate or drastically reduce vegetation cover. Episodically increased erosion potential prevents sustained AIP, and accumulated dust in soils is quickly transported from the hillslopes. Certain types of bedrock in aridland hillslopes weather rapidly and favor the development of soil-mantled, transport-limited hillslopes, but the typically thin, weakly developed soils are prone to rapid erosion, especially when subject to a combination of extreme drought followed by large increases in rainfall. Glacial-to-interglacial changes in climate also cause substantial changes in biotic communities, rates and processes of weathering, and soil development that influence the behavior of aridland hillslopes. Models that employ the soil production function have been developed recently to enable calculation of rates of soil production on soil- and vegetation-mantled upland hillslopes. The results of a half century of soil geomorphological research in aridlands, relying largely on the “CLORPT”-based approach, complemented by studies of the behavior of biotic communities in aridlands, suggest that maintaining the necessary conditions fundamental in the application of soil production functions in studies of hillslopes (transport solely by diffusive processes maintaining steady-state soil thickness and a spatially and temporally constant diffusion coefficient) for thousands to tens of thousands of years is highly unlikely in aridlands. Changing the word soil , in the term soil production function to the term mobile regolith will reduce confusion concerning the actual meanings of these different terms and facilitate a greater degree of integration of very different approaches in the study of soil landscape evolution.