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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 2012
AAPG Bulletin (2012) 96 (1): 109–132.
... bands are related to the damage zone of a larger fault. However, some populations are more broadly distributed. We analyze one such population associated with the East Kaibab monocline in southern Utah. A kinematic trishear analysis is compared with field-based strain measurements. We find...
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Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 2011
DOI: 10.1306/13251334M943429
EISBN: 9781629810249
... Abstract Trishear is a kinematic model of fault-propagation folding in which the decrease in displacement along the fault is accommodated by deformation in a triangular shear zone radiating from the tip line. This model has garnered increasing acceptance, particularly for cases where parallel...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 July 2004
GSA Bulletin (2004) 116 (7-8): 938–952.
... of a true three-dimensional formulation hampers our abilities to simulate three-dimensional structures such as oblique- and strike-slip faulting and displacement gradients perpendicular to the slip vector. The mathematical formulation of trishear deformation using incompressibility of flow is well suited...
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Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 2004
DOI: 10.1306/M82813C19
EISBN: 9781629810485
... ABSTRACT We have expanded previous trishear fault-propagation-fold forward models by allowing additional structural complexity in the form of multiple ramps and flats, variable propagation-to-slip ratio (P/S) and trishear angle, as well as multiple faults in a single section. The resulting...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2000
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (2000) 171 (4): 441–449.
...Sylvain Grelaud; Diego Buil; Stuart Hardy; Dominique Frizon de Lamotte Abstract The Oupia anticline is a fault-propagation fold located at the northeastern tip of the Pyrenees. We show that this structure is suitably modelled using the trishear kinematic model rather than the self-similar kink-band...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 June 1991
Geology (1991) 19 (6): 617–620.
... be modeled as triangular shear zones. "Trishear," here defined as distributed, strain-compatible shear in a triangular (in profile) shear zone, provides an alternate kinematic model for fault-propagation folds. Trishear is analogous to simple shear in a tabular shear zone except that area balance...
Example of a <span class="search-highlight">trishear</span> fault-propagation fold model. (a) Fault parameters ar...
Published: 07 October 2015
Figure 6. Example of a trishear fault-propagation fold model. (a) Fault parameters are used in trishear modeling. The initial tip point marks the location at which the fault began to propagate up-section. The final tip point is where the fault propagation terminated. The distance between
<span class="search-highlight">Trishear</span> forward modelling of the Malargüe anticline interpreted in seismic...
Published: 15 March 2024
Fig. 9. Trishear forward modelling of the Malargüe anticline interpreted in seismic section TR-93-10-m. ( a ) Initial pre-deformation stage. ( b ) Deformation begins and growth strata thin toward the crest. ( c ) Growth strata develop onlaps lapping onto the pre-growth strata at the anticline
<span class="search-highlight">Trishear</span> forward modelling performed on the upper levels of interpreted sei...
Published: 15 March 2024
Fig. 11. Trishear forward modelling performed on the upper levels of interpreted seismic section 9090-10 ( Fig. 4 ). The location of horizons corresponding to LiP-900 and LiP-160, as well as the level interpreted as equivalent to the S3 sequence are indicated. ( a ) Pre-deformation stage. ( b
Comparison of fault-propagation and <span class="search-highlight">trishear</span> geometries. (a) Initial nondef...
Published: 05 October 2015
Figure 12. Comparison of fault-propagation and trishear geometries. (a) Initial nondeformed layer-cake geometry and fault configuration. (b) Fault-propagation fold (left side of the image) predicting chevron folds in which the strain is mostly accommodated in the forelimb (HW), whereas
Basic principle and parameters governing <span class="search-highlight">trishear</span> deformation (image taken ...
Published: 05 October 2015
Figure 13. Basic principle and parameters governing trishear deformation (image taken from Hardy and Finch, 2007 ). Behind the fault tip, all points in the HW of the fault move with uniform slip rate ( S ) relative to the FW. Ahead of the fault tip, velocities decline uniformly across
Principles of the <span class="search-highlight">trishear</span> kinematic modelling. Schematic diagram illustrat...
Published: 01 May 2011
F ig . 15. – Principles of the trishear kinematic modelling. Schematic diagram illustrating the parameters needed to model a fault-propagation fold in trishear. Adapted from Allmendinger [1998] involving growth and pre-growth strata. F ig . 15. – Principe du modèle cinématique dit
<span class="search-highlight">Trishear</span> fault-propagation fold models. Fault planes are shown in the solid...
Published: 20 December 2019
Figure 2. Trishear fault-propagation fold models. Fault planes are shown in the solid red lines. Axial surfaces are shown in the dashed red lines. From left to the right, the fault slip increases from 1000 m for model 1 to 3000 m for model 3. From the top to the bottom, the P/S ratio increases
<span class="search-highlight">Trishear</span> fault-propagation fold models with constant P&#x2F;S ratio (    P  &#x2F;  S...
Published: 20 December 2019
Figure 5. Trishear fault-propagation fold models with constant P/S ratio ( P / S = 3 ). Velocity models of (a) model 1, (c) model 2, and (e) model 3. The vertical and horizontal axes are in m. PSTM results of (b) model 1, (d) model 2, and (f) model 3. The vertical axis is in ms.
The PSDM results of <span class="search-highlight">trishear</span> fault-propagation fold models.
Published: 20 December 2019
Figure 10. The PSDM results of trishear fault-propagation fold models.
<span class="search-highlight">Trishear</span> fault-propagation fold models with constant slip (2000 m). Velocit...
Published: 20 December 2019
Figure 6. Trishear fault-propagation fold models with constant slip (2000 m). Velocity models of (a) model 4, (c) model 2, and (e) model 5. The vertical and horizontal axes are in m. PSTM results of (b) model 4, (d) model 2, and (f) model 5. The vertical axis is in ms.
<span class="search-highlight">Trishear</span> forward model showing the evolution of the fold-and-thrust belt sy...
Published: 04 November 2019
Figure 6. Trishear forward model showing the evolution of the fold-and-thrust belt system in the Western Transverse Ranges since late Pliocene time for cross section 2 ( Fig. 4 ) as the thrust front has migrated south in the direction of vergence. Dashed red lines mark faults; thin colored lines
(a) <span class="search-highlight">Trishear</span> forward model with growth strata for the Chelungpu Fault by us...
Published: 28 November 2018
Figure 7. (a) Trishear forward model with growth strata for the Chelungpu Fault by using the FaultFold computer program ( Allmendinger, 1998 ). Four thrust ramps are supposed in a ramp-decollement system and are shown at the bottom. To emphasize the complex strain variations for the strata, we
<span class="search-highlight">Trishear</span> predicted geometry of the Compione Fault, Northern Apennines, Ital...
Published: 14 November 2018
Figure 13. Trishear predicted geometry of the Compione Fault, Northern Apennines, Italy, using the method of Jin and Groshong (2006) . Monocline width is around twice the footwall monocline width assuming a linear velocity field in the trishear zone. Striped unit above the basement correspond
ADS analysis of constant-thickness, fixed-axis, and <span class="search-highlight">trishear</span> fault-propagat...
Published: 07 October 2015
Figure 5. ADS analysis of constant-thickness, fixed-axis, and trishear fault-propagation fold models. In each model, horizontal displacement is approximately 1 km, fault dips are all 20°, and the final fault tip point is at the middle green horizon. An area-depth plot is overlain on each model