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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1979
The Canadian Mineralogist (1979) 17 (3): 589–594.
Sample A(mag) area 5(1). (a) Sperrylite (pale cream), <span class="search-highlight">telluropalladinite</span> (T...
Published: 22 April 2024
Fig. 18. Sample A(mag) area 5(1). (a) Sperrylite (pale cream), telluropalladinite (Tpd, brassy yellow) with tabular exsolutions of native palladium (Pd, pink) and rare electrum (El, yellow). Reflected light, long dimension of microphoto is ∼0.20 mm. (b) BSE image. Rotated view compared
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2011
The Canadian Mineralogist (2011) 49 (6): 1679–1686.
... solid-solution and dissolves up to 30.2 at.% Pb; the phase Pd 9 Te 4 , the analogue of telluropalladinite, dissolve up to 2.3 at.% Pb, and the phase Pd 20 Te 7 dissolves up to 5.5 at.% Pb. The phase Pd 13 Pb 9 dissolves up to 2.1 at.% Te, and the phase Pd 5 Pb 3 , up to 7.7 at.% Te. Lead substitutes...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2010
The Canadian Mineralogist (2010) 48 (5): 1041–1050.
... properties for the synthetic phases that can be expected to occur in nature: Pd 17 Te 4 , Pd 20 Te 7 , Pd 3 Te 2 , Pd 20 Sn 13 , PdSn, PdSn 2 and SnTe. These should be sought in association with other minerals of the system, like kotulskite, merenskyite, telluropalladinite, keithconnite, atokite...
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2002
The Canadian Mineralogist (2002) 40 (2): 395–418.
... (hollingworthite, irarsite), Pt–Pd tellurides (moncheite, telluropalladinite) and stibiopalladinite. This suite of PGM is consistent with those from other zoned or Uralian–Alaskan-type massifs. However, unusually Ru-rich alloys included in ferroan platinum of Guli are characteristic of PGM derived from...
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Backscatter electron images of lukkulaisvaaraite and associated minerals; (...
Published: 01 December 2014
, with veinlets of hongshiite and telluropalladinite.
Inclusions in ferroan platinum:  a , malanite, chalcopyrite, and Ir–Os–Ru a...
Published: 01 August 2014
Fig. 9. Inclusions in ferroan platinum: a , malanite, chalcopyrite, and Ir–Os–Ru alloy; b , multiphase inclusion composed of pyrite, isocubanite, and ferrorhodsite; c , vasilite in Pd-containing platinum; d , platarsite, laurite, and kingstonite; e , moncheite, telluropalladinite
Journal Article
Published: 22 April 2024
The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology (2024) 62 (2): 253–306.
...Fig. 18. Sample A(mag) area 5(1). (a) Sperrylite (pale cream), telluropalladinite (Tpd, brassy yellow) with tabular exsolutions of native palladium (Pd, pink) and rare electrum (El, yellow). Reflected light, long dimension of microphoto is ∼0.20 mm. (b) BSE image. Rotated view compared...
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Compositional diagrams of the ternary systems Pd–Pb–Te and Pd–Sn–Te, with s...
Published: 01 December 2014
Fig. 2 Compositional diagrams of the ternary systems Pd–Pb–Te and Pd–Sn–Te, with synthetic and natural PGM phases. Mineral names are only available for part of these phases: zvy = zvyagintsevite; pas = pašavaite; tel = telluropalladinite; kot = kotulskite; mer = merenskyite; ato
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2018
Mineralogical Magazine (2018) 82 (3): 577–592.
... often showing compositional zonation and each of them replacing the other. Filling of the voids probably continued with Pd-Cu-bearing gold, Sb-rich keithconnite (Pd,Pt) 20.06 (Te,Sb,Bi) 6.94 , keithconnite, telluropalladinite Pd 9 (Te,Bi) 4 , RhTe and finally Ir-alloy and then Os-alloy. The nuggets...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2015
Mineralogical Magazine (2015) 79 (7): 1813–1832.
... and telargpalite or telluropalladinite, among other platinum-group minerals. The phase Pd 2+ x Ag 2− x Te can be found in association with telargpalite. Mineral assemblages defined in this study can be expected in Cu-Ni-PGE mineral deposits, associated with mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks, particularly...
FIGURES | View All (6)
Backscattered electron images illustrating the assemblages of: ( a ) sopche...
Published: 01 December 2015
) lukkulaaisvaraite (Pd 14 Ag 2 Te 9 ) + telluropalladinite (Pd 9 Te 4 ) + (Pd 7.5− x Ag 0.5+ x Te 3 ) (run 45); and ( d ) telagpalite (Pd 2− x Ag 1+ x Te) + (Pd 7.5− x Ag 0.5+ x Te 3 ) + Pd 2+ x Ag 2− x Te (run 40).
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2014
European Journal of Mineralogy (2014) 26 (6): 711–716.
...Fig. 2 Compositional diagrams of the ternary systems Pd–Pb–Te and Pd–Sn–Te, with synthetic and natural PGM phases. Mineral names are only available for part of these phases: zvy = zvyagintsevite; pas = pašavaite; tel = telluropalladinite; kot = kotulskite; mer = merenskyite; ato...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2010
The Canadian Mineralogist (2010) 48 (5): 1051–1058.
... with telluropalladinite. In addition, Pd 72 Sn 16 Te 12 forms a stable assemblage with paolovite and atokite. These associations can be expected to occur in nature. Phase A , ideally Pd 67 Sn 11 Te 22 , forms a narrow solid-solution. The Pd content varies in the range 66.5–68.1 at.%, the Sn content varies between...
Complex heterogeneous internal exsolution textures with inclusions of newly...
Published: 01 October 2016
), bornite (2), laurite (3) and (Pd, Cu)S phase; d , polyphase inclusion of chalcopyrite (1), bornite (2), bowieite (3), telluropalladinite (4), braggite (5); e , idiomorphic grain of laurite (1) in a sulfide inclusion of pentlandite (2), irarsite (3), chalcopyrite (4); f , polyphase rounded crystalline
Back-scattered electron images of selected experimental products depicting ...
Published: 01 December 2011
24. (H) Intergrowths of ternary phase Pd 71 Pb 8 Te 21 ss with kotuskite Pd(Te,Pb) ss , run 25. (I) Ternary phase Pd 71 Pb 8 Te 21 in association with zvyagintsevite (Pd 3 Pb) and Pd 20 (Te,Pb) 7 ss , run 28. (J) Intergrowths of kotulskite Pd(Te,Pb) ss with telluropalladinite Pd 9 (Te,Pb) 4 ss
Back-scattered electron images of selected experimental products depicting ...
Published: 01 December 2011
24. (H) Intergrowths of ternary phase Pd 71 Pb 8 Te 21 ss with kotuskite Pd(Te,Pb) ss , run 25. (I) Ternary phase Pd 71 Pb 8 Te 21 in association with zvyagintsevite (Pd 3 Pb) and Pd 20 (Te,Pb) 7 ss , run 28. (J) Intergrowths of kotulskite Pd(Te,Pb) ss with telluropalladinite Pd 9 (Te,Pb) 4 ss
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2014
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2014) 55 (8): 945–958.
...Fig. 9. Inclusions in ferroan platinum: a , malanite, chalcopyrite, and Ir–Os–Ru alloy; b , multiphase inclusion composed of pyrite, isocubanite, and ferrorhodsite; c , vasilite in Pd-containing platinum; d , platarsite, laurite, and kingstonite; e , moncheite, telluropalladinite...
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Transmitted- and reflected-light photomicrographs and SEM images of textura...
Published: 01 April 2004
intergrown pyrrhotite (po) intergrown with laths of chlorite (chl), talc (tlc) and tremolite (tr) (black back-ground). Small grains of keithconnite (ke; Pd 3 Te) and several fine grains of moncheite (PtTe 2 ) and telluropalladinite (Pd 9 Te 4 ; pgm) are intergrown with alteration minerals. Sample 71–2. D
Transmitted- and reflected-light photomicrographs and SEM images of textura...
Published: 01 April 2004
intergrown pyrrhotite (po) intergrown with laths of chlorite (chl), talc (tlc) and tremolite (tr) (black back-ground). Small grains of keithconnite (ke; Pd 3 Te) and several fine grains of moncheite (PtTe 2 ) and telluropalladinite (Pd 9 Te 4 ; pgm) are intergrown with alteration minerals. Sample 71–2. D