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Journal Article
Published: 12 April 2019
Mineralogical Magazine (2019) 83 (6): 781–790.
...%. The structure of antofagastaite consists of ordered and disordered blocks and is related to syngenite K 2 Ca(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O. Incorporation of additional H 2 O molecules in the syngenite-type structure results in disorder of the one of the two tetrahedral sulfate groups occurring in antofagastaite. In addition...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2001
Mineralogical Magazine (2001) 65 (1): 103–109.
... analysis, scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe. Beside thenardite (dehydration product of mirabilite) we also identified three sulphate minerals: leonite [K 2 Mg(SO 4 ) 2 ·4H 2 O], syngenite [K 2 Ca(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O] and konyaite [Na 2 Mg(SO 4 ) 2 ·5H 2 O]. Of these, leonite and konyaite...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 1931
American Mineralogist (1931) 16 (7): 309.
...Ruth Doggett Terzaghi Abstract Syngenite, (CaSO 4 · K 2 SO 4 · H 2 O), has previously been described only from salt deposits in association with halite, gypsum and anhydrite. I have recently identified as syngenite the mineral which appears to comprise over 99% of a fine white powder, whose maximum...
Comparative data for antofagastaite and <span class="search-highlight">syngenite</span>.          Antofagastaite*...
Published: 12 April 2019
Table 6. Comparative data for antofagastaite and syngenite. Antofagastaite* Syngenite Formula Na 2 Ca(SO 4 ) 2 ·1.5H 2 O K 2 Ca(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O Crystal system Monoclinic Monoclinic Space group P 2 1 / m P 2 1 / m a (Å) 6.4596(4) 6.225(2) b (Å) 6.8703(5
Raman spectra of <span class="search-highlight">syngenite</span> and native-sulfur solid phases in polyphase incl...
Published: 01 December 2017
Fig. 11. Raman spectra of syngenite and native-sulfur solid phases in polyphase inclusions in quartz of the quartz–fluorite stage.
SEM picture with a close-up of sulfate crystals, gypsum, and <span class="search-highlight">syngenite</span>. The...
Published: 01 November 2003
F igure 10. SEM picture with a close-up of sulfate crystals, gypsum, and syngenite. The later occupies the central darker sectors between idiomorphic crystals and is locally associated with Mg-rich sulfates.
Radiating crystals of <span class="search-highlight">syngenite</span>.
Published: 01 February 2001
F ig . 4. Radiating crystals of syngenite.
(a) The layer of (CaØ 8 ) polyhedra and (SO 4 ) tetrahedra in gypsum; (b) t...
Published: 01 January 2000
of bassanite viewed along [110]; (d) the chain of edge-sharing (CaØ 9 ) polyhedra and (SO 4 ) tetrahedra in bassanite; (e) the structure of bassanite viewed along [001]; (f) the (CaØ 9 ) coordination polyhedron in bassanite. (g) the structure of syngenite viewed along [001]; (h) the chain of edge-sharing (CaØ
(a) The layer of (CaØ 8 ) polyhedra and (SO 4 ) tetrahedra in gypsum; (b) t...
Published: 01 January 2000
of bassanite viewed along [110]; (d) the chain of edge-sharing (CaØ 9 ) polyhedra and (SO 4 ) tetrahedra in bassanite; (e) the structure of bassanite viewed along [001]; (f) the (CaØ 9 ) coordination polyhedron in bassanite. (g) the structure of syngenite viewed along [001]; (h) the chain of edge-sharing (CaØ
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2004
American Mineralogist (2004) 89 (2-3): 266–272.
...J. Theo Kloprogge; Liesel Hickey; Loc V. Duong; Wayde N. Martens; Ray L. Frost Abstract Görgeyite, K 2 Ca 5 (SO 4 ) 6 ··H 2 O, is a very rare monoclinic double salt found in evaporites related to the slightly more common mineral syngenite. At 1 atmosphere with increasing external temperature from...
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Powder infrared absorption spectra of ( a ) antofagastaite from the Coronel...
Published: 12 April 2019
Fig. 5. Powder infrared absorption spectra of ( a ) antofagastaite from the Coronel Manuel Rodríguez mine and ( b ) syngenite from Kalush, Precarpathian region, Ukraine [drawn using data from (Chukanov, 2014 )]. The weak band at ~1420 cm −1 in the IR spectrum of syngenite corresponds
SEM picture of a neoformed prismatic or needle-like forms of Ca-oxalate and...
Published: 01 November 2003
F igure 9. SEM picture of a neoformed prismatic or needle-like forms of Ca-oxalate and syngenite.
Abundant lath-shaped to acicular crystals of antofagastaite on massive syng...
Published: 12 April 2019
Fig. 4. Abundant lath-shaped to acicular crystals of antofagastaite on massive syngenite crystals. Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano. SEM (SE) image, specimen no. Tolb-6225.
Infrared and Raman spectra of görgeyite 2b-HT in comparison to the infrare...
Published: 01 February 2004
F igure 4. Infrared and Raman spectra of görgeyite 2b-HT in comparison to the infrared spectrum of syngenite in the range between ( a )400 and 1900 cm −1 and ( b )2900 and 3900 cm −1 .
Journal Article
Published: 13 May 2022
Mineralogical Magazine (2022) 86 (3): 478–485.
... in the Toludskoe lava field, formed during the 2012–2013 Tolbachik fissure eruption. The mineral occurs as thin acicular transparent bright red crystals up to 0.15 mm. Medvedevite is associated with thénardite, halite, aphthitalite, leonite, kieserite, eugsterite and syngenite. The empirical formula calculated...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2003
American Mineralogist (2003) 88 (11-12): 1996–2006.
...F igure 10. SEM picture with a close-up of sulfate crystals, gypsum, and syngenite. The later occupies the central darker sectors between idiomorphic crystals and is locally associated with Mg-rich sulfates. ...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2007
DOI: 10.1144/SP285.15
EISBN: 9781862395336
... zone minerals (picromerite, leonite, bloedite, syngenite and gypsum) show values ranging from +14.73‰ to +18.22‰. The recorded depletion of sulphur isotopic composition of the salt minerals of potash deposits (and their weathering zone) was probably caused by one or more of the following isotope...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1991
Journal of Sedimentary Research (1991) 61 (2): 174–187.
..., and huntite. Application of EQ3NR to the Vaca Triste fluid inclusions indicates saturation or supersaturation for these phases plus those typical of potash-facies mineralization (including kainite, sylvite, carnallite, syngenite, and polyhalite). We propose that the original, detrital clays reacted...
Crystal structures of ( a ) antofagastaite Na 2 Ca(SO 4 ) 2 ·1.5H 2 O; ( b ...
Published: 12 April 2019
Fig. 7. Crystal structures of ( a ) antofagastaite Na 2 Ca(SO 4 ) 2 ·1.5H 2 O; ( b ) syngenite K 2 Ca(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O; and ( c ) glauberite Na 2 Ca(SO 4 ) 2 projected along the b axis. One-half occupied sites are shown by stripped balls in antofagastaite. The unit cells are outlined.
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1962
AAPG Bulletin (1962) 46 (4): 518–528.
... ++ and HCO 3 – ions are added to the system, the only new soluble salt that forms is syngenite (CaSO 4 ·K 2 SO 4 ·H 2 O) which occupies the space in Figure 2 shown by the dashed lines. FIG. 2. —Changes resulting from evaporation of sea water at 0°C. (After D’Ans, 1915 ) Heavy line is evaporation...
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