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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2001
American Mineralogist (2001) 86 (9): 1081–1086.
...Thomas Witzke; Shenyan Zhen; Karl Seff; Thomas Doering; Lutz Nasdala; Uwe Kolitsch Abstract Ronneburgite is a new chain vanadate mineral from Ronneburg, Thuringia, Germany. It occurs as reddish-brown crystals of equant, flattened, or short prismatic habit, up to 0.5 mm in length. The crystals have...
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SEM micrograph of a <span class="search-highlight">ronneburgite</span> crystal.
Published: 01 September 2001
F igure 2. SEM micrograph of a ronneburgite crystal.
Infrared (upper) and Raman (lower) spectra of <span class="search-highlight">ronneburgite</span>.
Published: 01 September 2001
F igure 6. Infrared (upper) and Raman (lower) spectra of ronneburgite.
The metavanadate chains in <span class="search-highlight">ronneburgite</span>; same orientation as in Figure 2 .
Published: 01 September 2001
F igure 4. The metavanadate chains in ronneburgite; same orientation as in Figure 2 .
Reddish-brown <span class="search-highlight">ronneburgite</span> crystals up to 0.3 mm in size, with yellow humme...
Published: 01 September 2001
F igure 1. Reddish-brown ronneburgite crystals up to 0.3 mm in size, with yellow hummerite (photo F. Rüger).
A tetrahedral representation of the crystal structure of <span class="search-highlight">ronneburgite</span>. VO 4...
Published: 01 September 2001
F igure 5. A tetrahedral representation of the crystal structure of ronneburgite. VO 4 tetrahedra, Mn (black circles), and K (white circles) are shown.
The crystal structure of <span class="search-highlight">ronneburgite</span>; one complete unit cell is shown. V-O...
Published: 01 September 2001
F igure 3. The crystal structure of ronneburgite; one complete unit cell is shown. V-O bonds are black, Mn-O bonds are white, and broken lines are used for the K-O bonds. The octahedral coordination of Mn 2+ at an inversion center is clearly seen in the middle. The origin is at the lower left
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2001
The Canadian Mineralogist (2001) 39 (6): 1751–1760.
...Joseph A. Mandarino W itzke , T., Z hen , S., S eff , K., D oering , T., N asdala , L. & K olitsch , U. ( 2001 ): Ronneburgite, K 2 MnV 4 O 12 , a new mineral from Ronneburg, Thuringia, Germany: description and crystal structure. American Mineralogist 86 , 1081 –1086...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2007
The Canadian Mineralogist (2007) 45 (5): 1307–1324.
..., francevillite, gamagarite and steigerite; good: mottramite, pottsite, vésigniéite, volborthite and wakefieldite-(Ce), fair: metatyuyamunite and pucherite; poor: brackebuschite, carnotite, descloizite, heyite, pyrobelonite, ronneburgite, sengierite, strelkinite, tangeite, tyuyamunite, vanadinite and vanuralite...