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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2009
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2009) 50 (11): 966–972.
...Sh.Z. Ibragimov; S.G. Mishenin Abstract Picroilmenite samples from five kimberlite pipes of the Yakutian kimberlite province have been studied. Point microprobe analyses of two mutually perpendicular profiles of each sample were carried out to study the compositional inhomogeneity of picroilmenite...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2003
Mineralogical Magazine (2003) 67 (4): 733–747.
... Fe contents. A common occurrence in the ilmenite concentrates was the presence of composite grains comprising primary ilmenite cores and HPR rims, as illustrated in Fig. 3 . Analysis of the primary ilmenite cores showed them to be ferrian picroilmenites containing relatively high hematite (up...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2005
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2005) 46 (2): 198–205.
...A.M. Khmel’kov Using a modern microprobe, we have thoroughly studied the structure and phase composition of polymictic rims on picroilmenites sampled from modern alluvial deposits and from eluvium of the Khorkich pipe in the Taigikun-Nemba kimberlite field. Data obtained helped to refine...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2014
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2014) 55 (3): 397–404.
...Sh.Z. Ibragimov; S.G. Mishenin; Yu.N. Osin Abstract A thermomagnetic analysis has been performed for 737 picroilmenite samples from the cores of eight boreholes in the N–S-striking drilling profile of the Zarnitsa kimberlite pipe in the Daldyn kimberlite field, Yakutia. Based on the shapes...
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Thermomagnetic curves for <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> samples taken from borehole 3, dept...
Published: 01 March 2014
Fig. 2. Thermomagnetic curves for picroilmenite samples taken from borehole 3, depth ranges 50–70 m (samples 1 and 3 ) and 70–90 m (samples 2 and 4 ). For explanations, see the text.
a , Backscattered electron photo of <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> grain 1_2, with probe mic...
Published: 01 March 2014
Fig. 3. a , Backscattered electron photo of picroilmenite grain 1_2, with probe microanalysis points along the profiles and contents of the hematite end-member, %. b , Distribution of the hematite end-member content: K1, distribution of the main component; K2, distribution of supplementary
Fluorapatite–<span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> intergrowth in magnetite from the Loolekop phosc...
Published: 01 February 2011
Fig. 4. Fluorapatite–picroilmenite intergrowth in magnetite from the Loolekop phoscorites. Ap, Fluorapatite; Ilm, picroilmenite. Here and in what follows, the images were obtained in the BSE mode.
MgO–TiO 2  diagram ( Green and Sobolev, 1975 ) for <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> macrocryst...
Published: 01 January 2010
Fig. 3. MgO–TiO 2 diagram ( Green and Sobolev, 1975 ) for picroilmenite macrocrystals from Manchary pipe kimberlites.
Diagram TiO 2 –FeO tot  in Mn-ilmenite and <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> from Juina kimberl...
Published: 01 December 2009
Fig. 4. Diagram TiO 2 –FeO tot in Mn-ilmenite and picroilmenite from Juina kimberlites. Diameter of circles is proportional to the MnO content. 1 , Mn-ilmenite; 2 , picroilmenite; 3 , inclusions.
TMA curve of the <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> sample Ud1-4 from the Udachnaya pipe with ka...
Published: 01 November 2009
Fig. 3. TMA curve of the picroilmenite sample Ud1-4 from the Udachnaya pipe with kaoline filler ( 1 ), TMA curve of kaoline ( 2 ), and difference curve of pure picroilmenite ( 3 ). For explanations see the text.
Plots of the contents of main elements (simple oxides) in <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> gra...
Published: 01 November 2009
Fig. 4. Plots of the contents of main elements (simple oxides) in picroilmenite grains. a , Sample Aih05-1; b , sample Ud1-3. 1 , TiO 2 ; 2 , MgO; 3 , FeO; 4 , total content of all elements (Ti, Mg, Fe, Al, Cr, Mn) determined by microprobe analysis. N , number of microprobing points.
Photomicrographs of <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> grains in the phase contrast regime.  a ,...
Published: 01 November 2009
Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of picroilmenite grains in the phase contrast regime. a , Aikhal pipe, sample Aih05-1; b , Udachnaya pipe, sample Ud1-3. Roman figures mark profiles, and Arabian figures and crosses, the microprobing points (every 50 µm).
Hexagonal tablets of <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span>.  a  — tablets obtained during the exper...
Published: 07 February 2008
Fig. 3. Hexagonal tablets of picroilmenite. a — tablets obtained during the experiment, ×8; b — tablets from Mesozoic littoral haloes of the northeastern Siberian platform, ×16 ( Afanas’ev et al., 2001 ).
Ratio of the mechanical abrasion degree of pyrope and <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> in anci...
Published: 07 February 2008
Fig. 4. Ratio of the mechanical abrasion degree of pyrope and picroilmenite in ancient haloes. Roundness classes: 1 — strongly angular (abrasion is not visible); 2 — angular (obscure abrasion); 3 — subangular (mean abrasion); 4 — subrounded (distinct abrasion); 5 — rounded (maximum abrasion).
Structure of rims on <span class="search-highlight">picroilmenite</span> grains from the Taigikun-Nemba kimberlit...
Published: 01 February 2005
Fig. 2. Structure of rims on picroilmenite grains from the Taigikun-Nemba kimberlite field. a — Khorkich pipe zone, sample 3118 (Ps — perovskite, TiMt — titanomagnetite, Lc — leucoxene); b , c — Nemba-Daldyn site, sample 3100. For explanations, see the text.
Diagrams MgO–MnO (a) and MnO vs. V 2 O 3  (b) in Mn-ilmenite and picroilmen...
Published: 01 December 2009
Fig. 3. Diagrams MgO–MnO (a) and MnO vs. V 2 O 3 (b) in Mn-ilmenite and picroilmenite from Juina kimberlites. 1 , Mn-ilmenite; 2 , picroilmenite; 3 , inclusions.
Journal Article
Published: 07 February 2008
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2008) 49 (2): 91–97.
...Fig. 3. Hexagonal tablets of picroilmenite. a — tablets obtained during the experiment, ×8; b — tablets from Mesozoic littoral haloes of the northeastern Siberian platform, ×16 ( Afanas’ev et al., 2001 ). ...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2011
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2011) 52 (2): 208–219.
...Fig. 4. Fluorapatite–picroilmenite intergrowth in magnetite from the Loolekop phoscorites. Ap, Fluorapatite; Ilm, picroilmenite. Here and in what follows, the images were obtained in the BSE mode. ...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2009
Russ. Geol. Geophys. (2009) 50 (12): 1212–1220.
...Fig. 4. Diagram TiO 2 –FeO tot in Mn-ilmenite and picroilmenite from Juina kimberlites. Diameter of circles is proportional to the MnO content. 1 , Mn-ilmenite; 2 , picroilmenite; 3 , inclusions. ...
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Modeling of TMA curves with the specified contents of hematite component in...
Published: 01 November 2009
Fig. 2. Modeling of TMA curves with the specified contents of hematite component in picroilmenite. a , Density of the normal distribution (ρ) of hematite component at the specified average and variance values; b , corresponding model thermomagnetic curves—dependences of the relative