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Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1992
The Canadian Mineralogist (1992) 30 (2): 327–333.
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1959
American Mineralogist (1959) 44 (7-8): 693–701.
...Alfred J. Frueh, Jr. Abstract From small single crystals of petzite found intimately intergrown with hessite (Ag 2 Te) from Bótes, Transylvania, the space group was determined to be cubic, I 4 1 32 with a cell edge of 10.38 Å. There are 8(Ag 3 AuTe 2 ) per cell and the atoms are located...
Mineralogical compositions of phases in the system Au-Ag-Te at the Tuvatu p...
Published: 01 January 2006
, the following telluride and precious metal contact assemblages were observed: calaverite-native gold, calaverite-coloradoite, calaverite-coloradoite-native gold, calaverite-coloradoite-native gold-altaite, calaverite-petzite-native gold, calaverite-petzite, petzite-native gold, petzite-sylvanite-hessite
Photomicrographs of representative sulfide and telluride mineralization at ...
Published: 01 September 2018
Fig. 6. Photomicrographs of representative sulfide and telluride mineralization at Sandaowanzi. (A) Intergrowth of petzite-calaverite with galena and sphalerite in stage II gray quartz veins (backscattered electron [BSE] image). (B) Altaite coexisting with petzite in stage III clear quartz veins
Backscattered electron images (A–E) and reflected-light microphotograph (F)...
Published: 01 January 2012
Fig. 10 Backscattered electron images (A–E) and reflected-light microphotograph (F) showing telluride assemblages. A. Intergrowth of petzite, hessite, tellurobismuthite, and altite in quartz. B. Irregular grains of tellurobismuthite in quartz. C. Oval-shaped calaverite in a microscopic void
Backscattered electron and electron microprobe elemental images of cross se...
Published: 01 January 2013
Figure 4 Backscattered electron and electron microprobe elemental images of cross section of a partially reacted grain illustrating the range of products and textures of the calaverite-I, calaverite-II, petzite, hessite, and Au-Ag alloy (different grains from run A25). ( a ) Overview of a grain
Pre-laser ablation images of telluride and sulfide minerals analyzed for Pb...
Published: 01 October 2024
), and Tuanjiegou ( i ). Panel f is a reflected images; others are secondary electron images. ( a ) Stützite coexisting with hessite in colloform quartz vein. ( b ) Sylvanite coexisting with petzite in colloform quartz vein. ( c ) Calaverite coexisting with petzite in colloform quartz vein. ( d ) Altaite
(a) Zoned pyrite crystal in a quartz-albite-carbonate-pyrite vein, with an ...
Published: 15 June 2015
F ig . 7. (a) Zoned pyrite crystal in a quartz-albite-carbonate-pyrite vein, with an inner zone of dusty pyrite that contains inclusions of rutile (Rt) + native gold (Au) + calaverite (Clv), and an outer zone of pyrite. (b) Mineral association of native gold, calaverite, petzite (Ptz
Micrographs of Au 2 Te grains and other minerals in reflected light. (A) Au...
Published: 01 March 2017
Fig. 1. Micrographs of Au 2 Te grains and other minerals in reflected light. (A) Au 2 Te occurs as inclusions in petzite and hessite and enclosed in calaverite along the rim (sample sdwz4710b-1a). (B) Au 2 Te occurs as inclusions in petzite and hessite and enclosed in calaverite along the rim
Reflected-light photomicrographs (oil immersion) of telluride and associate...
Published: 23 January 2015
of altaite, volynskite, petzite, galena, and rucklidgeite in pyrite. Micro-fractures are filled by rucklidgeite (arrow). Sample 1050-1a/1050 m. (c) Aggregate of gold, calaverite, petzite, and rucklidgeite in quartz. Gold and calaverite occur as rounded grains in petzite. Sample 1050-1b/1050 m. (d) Aggregate
Telluride mineralization in the ores of the Chukchi epithermal Au–Ag deposi...
Published: 01 April 2022
, and volynskite) in bornite; c ,intergrowth of petzite and sylvanite with hessite and altaite in quartz; d – h, Sentyabr’skoe deposit: d, e , petzite, hessite, and native gold; f intergrowth of altaite and galena; g, h , intergrowth of hessite and pyrite; i , hessite inclusions in fahlore (Dvoinoe deposit
Pictures of mineralized quartz vein hosted in basalt from the Mortimer Camp...
Published: 01 March 2020
low interfacial angles of petzite against quartz and curvilinear grain boundaries between gold and petzite. Abbreviations: Hem = hematite, Hs = Hessite, Pet = petzite, Qz = quartz.
Textural characteristics of late-stage mineralization at Grass Valley. a. N...
Published: 01 March 2021
junction of three grain boundaries separating Q1 crystals. Reflected light. Sample EMTA2-1-1 from the Empire mine (north-south vein). c. Native gold intergrown with hessite, coloradoite, and petzite. The aggregate occurs along the grain boundary between two adjacent Q1 crystals. Reflected light. Sample
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2004
The Canadian Mineralogist (2004) 42 (6): 1733–1737.
...(1) Å, V 989.5(2) Å 3 and Z = 8. The crystal structure has been refined to R = 2.69%. Fischesserite exhibits a garnet-like structure consisting of edge-sharing Ag[Se 4 Ag 2 Au 2 ] and Au[Ag 6 Se 2 ] polyhedra. Fischesserite is confirmed to be isotypic with petzite, Ag 3 AuTe 2 . The different...
Numerical simulation of mineral solubility and aqueous speciation in Au-Ag-...
Published: 01 January 2013
index [log(Q/K)] for the mineral petzite. ( e ) Mineral assemblages. ( f ) Mineral assemblages obtained by increasing the stability of petzite relative to the properties provided by Echmaeva and Osadchii (2009) (see text for details).
Photomicrographs showing hydrothermal monazite and rutile occurrence in the...
Published: 01 May 2021
intergrown with pyrite, BSE image. E. Monazite containing gold particles, BSE image. F. Aggregate of gold and petzite in monazite, plane-polarized reflected light. G. Rutile and monazite coexisting with pyrite and sericite, plane-polarized transmitted light. H. Coexistence of rutile and monazite in quartz
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2013
American Mineralogist (2013) 98 (1): 19–32.
...Figure 4 Backscattered electron and electron microprobe elemental images of cross section of a partially reacted grain illustrating the range of products and textures of the calaverite-I, calaverite-II, petzite, hessite, and Au-Ag alloy (different grains from run A25). ( a ) Overview of a grain...
FIGURES | View All (8)
Reflected-light photomicrographs (A, C-E) and backscattered electron image ...
Published: 01 June 2021
Fig. 5. Reflected-light photomicrographs (A, C-E) and backscattered electron image (B) showing the petrographic features of native gold and telluride minerals. A. Abundant mineral inclusions in pyrite mainly consisting of native gold, calaverite, petzite, and chalcopyrite. B. Pyrrhotite
Representative photomicrographs of quartz textures under crossed polars in ...
Published: 01 December 2021
quartz with granoblastic texture. ( b ) Thin colloform texture with alternating bands of fine-grained jigsaw texture quartz and crystalline quartz. ( c–e ). Chalcedony, dark quartz, and crystalline quartz with a comb texture followed by tellurides. ( f ) Coarse-grained hessite, stützite, and petzite
( a ) HAADF-STEM image showing intragranular microfracturing, porosity, and...
Published: 01 August 2012
Figure 1 ( a ) HAADF-STEM image showing intragranular microfracturing, porosity, and pore-attached NPs in pyrite. Abbreviations: Alt, altaite; Au, native gold; Cal, calaverite; Hs, hessite; Pz, petzite. Inset is selected area of electron diffraction obtained from circled area showing zone [1̄1̄2