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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1965
American Mineralogist (1965) 50 (7-8): 868–885.
...Haruo Shirozu; S. W. Bailey Abstract Iron chlorite from the Tazawa mine, Japan, 2[(Mg 1.3 Fe 3.4 2+ Al 1.3 )(Si 2.7 Al 1.3 )O 10 (OH) 8 ], is an orthohexagonal I b semirandom stacking type with a — 5.390 Å, b = 9.336 Å, c = 14.166 Å, β = 90°. The structure of a single chlorite layer ( C2/m...
( a ) Projection of reciprocal lattice of 1:1 layer silicates against the h...
Published: 01 August 2018
and reciprocal hexagonal, orthohexagonal, and monoclinic vectors are indicated. The orthohexagonal and hexagonal h, k indices are above and below the points, respectively. The traces of important (2 h h l hex )*, ( hhl hex )*, ( h 2 hl hex )* and ( h 0 l hex )*, (0 kl hex )*, and ( h hl hex )* RS
<span class="search-highlight">Orthohexagonal</span> unit-cell of CaTi 4 (PO 4 ) 6 , showing O 3 TiO 3- O 3 TiO 3...
Published: 01 November 2017
Figure 1. Orthohexagonal unit-cell of CaTi 4 (PO 4 ) 6 , showing O 3 TiO 3- O 3 TiO 3 chains along the c axis linked by [PO 4 ] groups. The M1 cavities are located along the c axis; the M2 cavities are located between the chains. (Color online.)
Relation between the hexagonal cell  P  and the three <span class="search-highlight">orthohexagonal</span> cells ...
Published: 01 January 2002
Figure 1. Relation between the hexagonal cell P and the three orthohexagonal cells C 1 , C 2 , C 3 (cf. Arnold 2002).
The four TS unit layers.  a ,  b : <span class="search-highlight">orthohexagonal</span> axes. Black and open smal...
Published: 01 January 2002
Figure 3. The four TS unit layers. a , b : orthohexagonal axes. Black and open small circles represent M 1 and M 2 sites respectively. Double circles represent interlayer cations and OH/F groups, which are overlapped in the (001) projection. u and l indicate octahedral cations with z
The <span class="search-highlight">orthohexagonal</span> unit which can be formed on an AB slab.  p  = √3·  l ,  ...
Published: 01 May 2000
F igure 6. The orthohexagonal unit which can be formed on an AB slab. p = √3· l , q = l , r =√2/√3· l . Note r is the interlayer separation h. l is the M-M′ (or Ø-Ø′) separation or l = 2 × radius of a sphere.
A small portion of the (001) two-dimensional  hp  lattice of micas. ε and η...
Published: 01 January 2002
Figure 12. A small portion of the (001) two-dimensional hp lattice of micas. ε and η (exaggerated) are the angular and linear deviations from hexagonality. A 1 , A 2 : hexagonal axes (ε = 0. η = 0); a H , b H : orthohexagonal axes (ε = 0. η = 0) of the C 1 cell ( b H
The schematic identification diagrams (above). On the left side, the distri...
Published: 01 August 2018
Figure 2. The schematic identification diagrams (above). On the left side, the distribution of reflections along [2 1 l ]* / [11 l ]* / [ 1 2 l ]* ( i.e. [1 3 l ]* / [10 l ]* / [13 l ]* in the orthohexagonal setting) of rows characteristic for the A, B, C, and D subfamilies. In the center
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 1996
American Mineralogist (1996) 81 (1-2): 213–225.
... bb at depths <2000 m. At depths >2000 m, the polytype is randomly interstratified I bb -I aa , and the proportion of I bb layers decreases from -100 to 49% over the interval studied. At depths <2000 m, orthohexagonal Sp transforms to I bb Ch, but at depths >2000 m, orthohexagonal Sp...
Projection onto the (001) plane of the primitive, conventional (double, mon...
Published: 01 January 2002
Figure 19. Projection onto the (001) plane of the primitive, conventional (double, monoclinic), pseudo-hexagonal (triple), C 1 (sextuple, pseudo-orthohexagonal) and pseudoto c axis of the orthogonal cell-rhombohedral (primitive) cells of Class b polytypes. Black, white and gray circles
Relationship between the silicate surface and the reflecting planes associa...
Published: 01 April 2004
Figure 4. Relationship between the silicate surface and the reflecting planes associated with organic units. The hexagonal cell ABCD and the orthohexagonal cell ADEF are shown in relation to the smaller hexagonal cell DGHI.
The same distribution of reflections of the MDO polytypes of C and D subfam...
Published: 01 August 2018
Figure 4. The same distribution of reflections of the MDO polytypes of C and D subfamilies. Stacking sequences that produced these polytypes are displayed below the illustrations. Note that the symbols <+>, <−>, and<*> correspond to orthohexagonal +b /3, − b /3, and zero shift
The conventional monoclinic cell (dashed lines), the (pseudo)-orthohexagona...
Published: 01 January 2002
Figure 9. The conventional monoclinic cell (dashed lines), the (pseudo)-orthohexagonal cell (solid lines), and the (pseudo)hexagonal cell [(001) base shaded] built overlapping three conventional cells. The scale along c is compressed (modified after Nespolo et al. 2000a ).
Filtered HRTEM images of ordered polytypes containing planar defects. (a) 2...
Published: 01 January 2002
Figure 25. Filtered HRTEM images of ordered polytypes containing planar defects. (a) 2 M 1 polytype containing the defect shown in Figure 21 . (b) 3 T polytype containing the defect shown in Figure 24 . The beam direction is along (a) [110] and (b) [100] (orthohexagonal indexing) ( Kogure
Relation between the structure of cronstedtite-3 T  and its simulated contr...
Published: 01 August 2001
Figure 1. Relation between the structure of cronstedtite-3 T and its simulated contrasts in HRTEM images observed down (a) [100] and (b) [010] (orthohexagonal indexing). The specimen thickness and defocus value for the simulation are 2.5 nm and −42 nm (Scherzer defocus), respectively
(a) Observed and (b) filtered images of cronstedtite from Kutná Hora (grou...
Published: 01 August 2001
Figure 3. (a) Observed and (b) filtered images of cronstedtite from Kutná Hora (group D), recorded along [010]/[310]/[31̅0]. The square in (b) indicates an orthohexagonal unit-cell of 2 H 1 or 2 H 2 . The inset at the bottom-right in (b) is the simulated contrast for the group D structure
Filtered HRTEM images of ordered polytypes containing the planar defects. (...
Published: 01 March 2001
] for ( a ) and [100] (orthohexagonal indexing) for ( b ) and ( c ).
Derivation of symbolic figures. Upper: possible stacking vectors with respe...
Published: 01 December 2021
Fig. 1 Derivation of symbolic figures. Upper: possible stacking vectors with respect to hexagonal protocell and orthohexagonal cell. In the middle: part of the 1:1 layer in two possible positions, e , u (meaning even and uneven, respectively), with triangles made by unshared edges
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2010
Clays and Clay Minerals (2010) 58 (3): 364–376.
..., but disorder of the layer displacements of 0 and ± b /3 ( b defined here as the orthohexagonal cell) exists. Ordered 2 H 1 (no layer displacement) and 2 H 2 (alternating + and − b /3 displacement) domains were also frequently observed. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that even apparent single crystals...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2008
American Mineralogist (2008) 93 (7): 988–995.
.... The duration of synthesis was 46 h. The crystal structure of CsAlSiO 4 was investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The structure is orthorhombic with Pc 2 1 n space group and lattice parameters: a = 9.414(1), b = 5.435(1), and c = 8.875(1) Å. Because of the orthohexagonal relation between b...
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