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Journal Article
Journal: Paleobiology
Published: 21 November 2017
Paleobiology (2018) 44 (1): 131–154.
...) that may have caused shifts in feeding ecology preceding death. In these instances, dental microwear, which reflects feeding ecology in a narrow window of time, may provide a biased view of diet. Mesowear, another dental-wear proxy based on the morphology of worn cusps, requires macroscopic amounts...
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Journal Article
Journal: Paleobiology
Published: 09 November 2015
Paleobiology (2016) 42 (1): 98–116.
...Matthew C. Mihlbachler; Daniel Campbell; Michael Ayoub; Charlotte Chen; Ishrat Ghani Abstract Dental microwear analyses of ungulates and other large herbivores rely on correlations of diet and microwear among extant ungulates, primarily ruminants. Microwear is considered a ‘taxon-free’ method...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 July 2010
PALAIOS (2010) 25 (7): 439–448.
... papionins from Taung, including Parapapio antiquus (n = 8), Papio izodi (n = 12), and indeterminate specimens (n = 10) were examined under low magnification to discern patterns of dental microwear. The comparative fossil sample from Sterkfontein Member 4 includes Parapapio broomi (n = 10) and Parapapio...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 January 2009
PALAIOS (2009) 24 (12): 818–825.
...DANIELLE FRASER; JORDAN C. MALLON; ROBIN FURR; JESSICA M. THEODOR Abstract The recent advent of low magnification microwear analysis has allowed the efficient study of entire vertebrate faunas using only an optical stereomicroscope. Photographic visualization of microwear by this means has proven...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 December 2005
PALAIOS (2005) 20 (6): 551–561.
...GILDAS MERCERON; CECILE BLONDEL; LOUIS DE BONIS; GEORGES D. KOUFOS; LAURENT VIRIOT Abstract This study presents a new, reliable method of dental microwear analysis, which is applied to one of the largest published primate databases and to a Miocene hominoid, Ouranopithecus macedoniensis . Phase I...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2005
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (2005) 176 (5): 475–484.
...Gildas Merceron; Louis de Bonis; Laurent Viriot; Cécile Blondel Abstract This study deals with the paleoenvironmental changes in northern Greece during the late Vallesian and the early Turolian, before and after the last occurrence of the hominoid Ouranopithecus macedoniensis . Dental microwear...
Labial (A1) and lingual (A4) areas of occlusal enamel surfaces sampled for ...
Published: 21 November 2017
Figure 1 Labial (A1) and lingual (A4) areas of occlusal enamel surfaces sampled for microwear analysis of rhinocerotids (Mihlbachler et al. 2016 ), and examples of microwear photomicrographs used in the study. Abbreviations for species identification are given in Table 1 .
Plots of average mesowear scores against mean values for <span class="search-highlight">microwear</span> variable...
Published: 21 November 2017
Figure 6 Plots of average mesowear scores against mean values for microwear variables. Key to symbols is given in Fig. 2 . The gray symbols represent extant species, with dotted lines connecting them when mesowear and microwear are significantly correlated.
Dental <span class="search-highlight">microwear</span> texture analysis (DMTA) summary statistics for all probosc...
Published: 01 February 2020
Table 2. Dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) summary statistics for all proboscideans analyzed, broken down by biochronologic interval. Asfc , area-scale fractal complexity; epLsar , anisotropy; Tfv , textural fill volume; HAsfc 3×3 , HAsfc 9×9 , heterogeneity of complexity in a 3 × 3
Bivariate plots of stable isotope values and dental <span class="search-highlight">microwear</span> attributes fo...
Published: 01 February 2020
Figure 2. Bivariate plots of stable isotope values and dental microwear attributes for proboscidean samples from the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Circles (blue online), Cuvieronius hyodon ; triangles (brown online), Mammut americanum ; squares (green online), Mammuthus columbi . Mean values
Summary statistics of <span class="search-highlight">microwear</span> variables of late Pleistocene equid and bis...
Published: 03 June 2019
Table 2. Summary statistics of microwear variables of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. n  = number of specimens; s = average number of scratches; p = average number of pits; cs = average number of cross scratches; lp = average number of large pits; g = average gouge score
Occlusal areas of enamel sampled for dental <span class="search-highlight">microwear</span> analysis. Areas A1, A...
Published: 09 November 2015
Figure 1 Occlusal areas of enamel sampled for dental microwear analysis. Areas A1, A2, and A4 represent the regions of the teeth where microwear sites were chosen. We attempted to sample A3 but were unable to collect sufficient data from that area with the present
Means and SEs of labial (A1) and lingual (A4) dental <span class="search-highlight">microwear</span> data for (A)...
Published: 21 November 2017
Figure 2 Means and SEs of labial (A1) and lingual (A4) dental microwear data for (A) extant species and (B) North American Miocene species. The dashed outlines in A and B surround labial and lingual microwear data. Figure C plots ratios of labially and lingually distributed pits and scratches
Meshed axonometrics of digital elevation models of <span class="search-highlight">microwear</span> surfaces of al...
Published: 02 February 2017
Figure 3 Meshed axonometrics of digital elevation models of microwear surfaces of all extant and extinct carnivorans analyzed. Examples include: (A) Acinonyx jubatus (AMNH 35998), (B) Panthera leo (AMNH 52073), (C) Parahyaena brunnea (SAM 39359), (D) Hyaena
Photomicrographs of dental <span class="search-highlight">microwear</span> surfaces from clear epoxy casts. Each ...
Published: 09 November 2015
Figure 2 Photomicrographs of dental microwear surfaces from clear epoxy casts. Each photo is a physical area of 150 μm×150 μm.
Journal Article
Journal: Paleobiology
Published: 01 February 2011
Paleobiology (2011) 37 (1): 126–139.
... whether grass was scarce or abundant in this environment. In order to shed light on this issue, I analyzed the dental mesowear of the E Quarry bovids. Results indicate that only one ( Simatherium demissum ) of seven analyzed species was a grazer. These compare well with the results of a microwear texture...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 September 2014
PALAIOS (2014) 29 (9): 483–494.
.... To address the validity of these dietary and habitat inferences, patterns of dental microwear obtained from low-magnification stereomicroscopy for C. williamsi specimens from Sterkfontein Member 4 (n = 13) are compared to a broad comparative sample of extant primates, including Cebus apella (n = 10), Colobus...
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Table 3. Dietary reconstructions of the E Quarry bovid species using conven...
Published: 01 February 2011
Table 3. Dietary reconstructions of the E Quarry bovid species using conventional microwear analysis ( Merceron and Ungar 2005 ), microwear texture analysis (Ungar et al. 2006), and mesowear analysis. G  =  grazer, B  =  browser, M  =  mixed feeder, M-G  =  ranges between mixed feeding and grazing.
<span class="search-highlight">Microwear</span> features under low magnification (50–70×). Scale bar  =  0.4 mm. ...
Published: 01 November 2011
FIGURE 2— Microwear features under low magnification (50–70×). Scale bar  =  0.4 mm. A) Coarse scratch on M 2 of Propithecus verreauxi, Museum of Comparative Zoology 16375. B) Fine scratch and small pit on M 2 of Lemur catta, American Museum of Natural History 170743. C) Hypercoarse scratch
Regression results of <span class="search-highlight">microwear</span> features.
Published: 01 November 2011
TABLE 2— Regression results of microwear features.