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Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2014
Mineralogical Magazine (2014) 78 (7): 1743–1754.
...A. Vymazalová; T. L. Grokhovskaya; F. Laufek; V. A. Rassulov Abstract Lukkulaisvaaraite, Pd 14 Ag 2 Te 9 , is a new platinum-group mineral discovered in the Lukkulaisvaara intrusion, northern Russian Karelia, Russia. In polished section crystals are ~40 μm across, rimmed by tulameenite...
FIGURES | View All (7)
Backscatter electron images of <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> and associated minerals; (...
Published: 01 December 2014
F ig . 1. Backscatter electron images of lukkulaisvaaraite and associated minerals; ( a ) lukkulaisvaaraite in intergrowths with telargpalite and kotulskite rimed by tulameenite, holotype specimen; ( b ) moncheite surrounded by lukkulaisvaaraite, telargpalite, Bi-rich kotulskite and tulameenite
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2015
Mineralogical Magazine (2015) 79 (7): 1813–1832.
... ), lukkulaisvaaraite (Pd 14 Ag 2 Te 9 ), telargpalite (Pd 2− x Ag 1+ x Te) and the previously unknown phases Pd 7.5− x Ag 0.5+ x Te 3 and Pd 2+ x Ag 2− x Te. The synthetic telargpalite has a compositional range from 26 to 29 wt.% Ag, with the formula Pd 2− x Ag 1+ x Te, where x varies from 0.09 to 0.22. The phase Pd 2...
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Observed (red circles), calculated (solid line) and difference Rietveld pro...
Published: 01 December 2014
F ig . 3. Observed (red circles), calculated (solid line) and difference Rietveld profiles for lukkulaisvaaraite. The upper reflection markers correspond to lukkulaisvaaraite; the middle and the lower markers to PdTe (4 wt.%) and Ag 4 Pd 3 Te 4 (2 wt.%) impurities, respectively.
Reflectance data for <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span>.
Published: 01 December 2014
F ig . 2. Reflectance data for lukkulaisvaaraite.
EBSD image of natural <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span>; in the right pane, the Kikuchi ban...
Published: 01 December 2014
F ig . 7. EBSD image of natural lukkulaisvaaraite; in the right pane, the Kikuchi bands are indexed.
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2019
Mineralogical Magazine (2019) 83 (4): 523–530.
.... It forms anhedral grains (up to ~20 μm × 50 μm) commonly in intergrowths with moncheite in aggregates with lukkulaisvaaraite, kotulskite, vysotskite, braggite, keithconnite, rustenburgite and Pt–Fe alloys hosted by a chalcopyrite–pentlandite–pyrrhotite matrix. Associated silicates are: orthopyroxene...
FIGURES | View All (6)
The crystal structure of <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span>. M(2)Te 4  and M(3)Te 4  coordin...
Published: 01 December 2014
F ig . 4. The crystal structure of lukkulaisvaaraite. M(2)Te 4 and M(3)Te 4 coordination polyhedra are in green and the flattened M(1)Te 4 tetrahedra are in light orange. M(4) positions are in violet. Parallel projection onto the ac plane; unit-cell edges are highlighted.
Back-scatter electron images of ( a ) individual grains and nest-like clust...
Published: 01 August 2019
– moncheite, kei – keithconnite, luk – lukkulaisvaaraite and rus – rustenburgite).
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968
Powder XRD data for synthetic <span class="search-highlight">lukkulaisvaaraite</span> (Co K α radiation).        ...
Published: 01 December 2014
T able 7. Powder XRD data for synthetic lukkulaisvaaraite (Co K α radiation). h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) h k l I (obs) I (calc) d (obs) d (calc) 1 1 0 5 3 6.3494 6.3358 2 3 7 12 11 1.3968