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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2010
Mineralogical Magazine (2010) 74 (5): 903–917.
...S. J. Mills; S. A. Wilson; G. M. Dipple; M. Raudsepp Abstract The sodium-magnesium hydrated double salt konyaite, Na 2 Mg(SO 4 ) 2 ·5H 2 O, has been studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetry on synthetic samples and by quantitative X-ray diffraction utilizing the Rietveld...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2009
American Mineralogist (2009) 94 (7): 1005–1011.
...Evelyne M.S. Leduc; Ronald C. Peterson; Ruiyao Wang Abstract The crystal structure of synthetic konyaite, Na 2 Mg(SO 4 ) 2 ·5H 2 O, a = 5.7690(8), b = 23.951(3), c = 8.0460(11) Å, β = 95.425(2)°, V = 1106.8(3) Å 3 , space group P 2 1 /c , Z = 4, was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction...
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2001
Mineralogical Magazine (2001) 65 (1): 103–109.
... analysis, scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe. Beside thenardite (dehydration product of mirabilite) we also identified three sulphate minerals: leonite [K 2 Mg(SO 4 ) 2 ·4H 2 O], syngenite [K 2 Ca(SO 4 ) 2 ·H 2 O] and konyaite [Na 2 Mg(SO 4 ) 2 ·5H 2 O]. Of these, leonite and konyaite...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1982
American Mineralogist (1982) 67 (9-10): 1035–1038.
...Jan D. J. van Doesburg; Lideke Vergouwen; Leendert van der Plas Abstract Konyaite, Na 2 Mg(SO 4 ) 2 · 5H 2 O, a new mineral found in the Great Konya Basin, Turkey, is associated with one or more of the following minerals: bloedite, hexahydrite, gypsum, starkeyite, halite and loeweite. Synthetic...
TGA data for ( a ) fresh synthetic <span class="search-highlight">konyaite</span> and ( b ) 22 month old syntheti...
Published: 01 October 2010
F ig . 5. TGA data for ( a ) fresh synthetic konyaite and ( b ) 22 month old synthetic konyaite.
Selected phases of the Na 2 O-MgO-SO 4 -H 2 O system, by mole percent (mol%...
Published: 01 July 2009
F igure 1. Selected phases of the Na 2 O-MgO-SO 4 -H 2 O system, by mole percent (mol%) composition. Epsomite dehydrates to hexahydrite; konyaite dehydrates to blödite, and mirabilite is similarly related to thenardite. Löweite forms at higher temperatures than konyaite.
Evolution of the mixture of hydrated sulfate phases, formed as a result of ...
Published: 02 February 2021
+225 +250 ‘konyaite’ 68 ‘alpersite’ 29 ‘brucite’ 2 ‘epsomite’ 1 ‘konyaite’ 68 ‘Cu-pentahydrite’ 19 ‘hexahydrite’ 8 ‘kröhnkite’ 5 ‘kröhnkite’ 90 ‘konyaite’ 10 ‘kröhnkite’ 75 ‘konyaite’ 25 Amorphisation III +275 +300 +325 +350 +375 +400 MgSO 4 70
The structure of <span class="search-highlight">konyaite</span>, Na 2 Mg(SO 4 ) 2 ·5H 2 O, created from the cryst...
Published: 01 July 2009
F igure 2. The structure of konyaite, Na 2 Mg(SO 4 ) 2 ·5H 2 O, created from the crystallographic data and atomic coordinates refined in this study and the Shape Software program ATOMS, v.6.0 ( Dowty 2003 ). ( a ) Fundamental repeating unit of the structure, as viewed approximately down
Rietveld refinement plots for a sample of <span class="search-highlight">konyaite</span>-bearing tailings from th...
Published: 01 October 2010
F ig . 3. Rietveld refinement plots for a sample of konyaite-bearing tailings from the Mount Keith Nickel Mine, Western Australia (06MKG10-9-1). Results for the sub1-1 aliquot of 06MKG10-9-1 are given in ( a ) and results for the sub1-2 aliquot are given in ( b ). Uppermost lines = observed data
Powder XRD pattern of sulphate mine tailings (<span class="search-highlight">konyaite</span> has already transfor...
Published: 01 October 2010
F ig . 4. Powder XRD pattern of sulphate mine tailings (konyaite has already transformed to blödite). Blödite and halite have decomposed to an amorphous phase after being contained in a desiccator in a moist environment.
Platy crystal of <span class="search-highlight">konyaite</span> on matrix of leonite and mirabilite.
Published: 01 February 2001
F ig . 3. Platy crystal of konyaite on matrix of leonite and mirabilite.
Powder XRD patterns of precipitated salts: ( a ) aragonite and calcite, ( b...
Published: 01 August 2007
F ig . 4. Powder XRD patterns of precipitated salts: ( a ) aragonite and calcite, ( b ) anhydrite and gypsum, and ( c ) hexahydrite, konyaite and thenardite.
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2007
Mineralogical Magazine (2007) 71 (4): 443–460.
...F ig . 4. Powder XRD patterns of precipitated salts: ( a ) aragonite and calcite, ( b ) anhydrite and gypsum, and ( c ) hexahydrite, konyaite and thenardite. ...
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(A) Tabular crystals of aphthitalite, enclosed by microcrystalline xenotopi...
Published: 01 June 2009
of lath-shaped to acicular blödite crystals, together with fine-grained epsomite– hexahydrite (AV2503, thin section, PPL); H) lath-shaped crystals of blödite with associated konyaite that shows the same morphology, aggregates of hexahydrite and granular thenardite crystals (AV2503, thin section, SEM–BSE
(A) Tabular crystals of aphthitalite, enclosed by microcrystalline xenotopi...
Published: 01 June 2009
of lath-shaped to acicular blödite crystals, together with fine-grained epsomite– hexahydrite (AV2503, thin section, PPL); H) lath-shaped crystals of blödite with associated konyaite that shows the same morphology, aggregates of hexahydrite and granular thenardite crystals (AV2503, thin section, SEM–BSE
(A) Tabular crystals of aphthitalite, enclosed by microcrystalline xenotopi...
Published: 01 June 2009
of lath-shaped to acicular blödite crystals, together with fine-grained epsomite– hexahydrite (AV2503, thin section, PPL); H) lath-shaped crystals of blödite with associated konyaite that shows the same morphology, aggregates of hexahydrite and granular thenardite crystals (AV2503, thin section, SEM–BSE
(A) Tabular crystals of aphthitalite, enclosed by microcrystalline xenotopi...
Published: 01 June 2009
of lath-shaped to acicular blödite crystals, together with fine-grained epsomite– hexahydrite (AV2503, thin section, PPL); H) lath-shaped crystals of blödite with associated konyaite that shows the same morphology, aggregates of hexahydrite and granular thenardite crystals (AV2503, thin section, SEM–BSE
(A) Tabular crystals of aphthitalite, enclosed by microcrystalline xenotopi...
Published: 01 June 2009
of lath-shaped to acicular blödite crystals, together with fine-grained epsomite– hexahydrite (AV2503, thin section, PPL); H) lath-shaped crystals of blödite with associated konyaite that shows the same morphology, aggregates of hexahydrite and granular thenardite crystals (AV2503, thin section, SEM–BSE
(A) Tabular crystals of aphthitalite, enclosed by microcrystalline xenotopi...
Published: 01 June 2009
of lath-shaped to acicular blödite crystals, together with fine-grained epsomite– hexahydrite (AV2503, thin section, PPL); H) lath-shaped crystals of blödite with associated konyaite that shows the same morphology, aggregates of hexahydrite and granular thenardite crystals (AV2503, thin section, SEM–BSE
(A) Tabular crystals of aphthitalite, enclosed by microcrystalline xenotopi...
Published: 01 June 2009
of lath-shaped to acicular blödite crystals, together with fine-grained epsomite– hexahydrite (AV2503, thin section, PPL); H) lath-shaped crystals of blödite with associated konyaite that shows the same morphology, aggregates of hexahydrite and granular thenardite crystals (AV2503, thin section, SEM–BSE