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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2001
European Journal of Mineralogy (2001) 13 (4): 769–777.
...Paul KELLER Abstract Ekatite, ideally (Fe 3+ , Fe 2+ , Zn) 12 (OH) 6 [AsO 3 ] 6 [AsO 3 HOSiO 3 ] 2 , is a new mineral from Tsumeb, Namibia. It is associated with chalcocite and occurs as small sprays of fine needles, up to 2 mm long and less than 0.2 mm in diameter. Ekatite is brownish black...
FIGURES | View All (6)
The crystal structure of holtedahlite: a dense packing of II-rods known fro...
Published: 01 July 2001
Fig. 6. The crystal structure of holtedahlite: a dense packing of II-rods known from the ekatite and the phosphoellenbergerite structures. The ordering of M(1) cations of holtedahlite is given as M(1.1) and M(1.2). Note that only one half of the X(1) polyhedra of ekatite occurs in holtedahlite
Chemical composition of <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span>.
Published: 01 July 2001
Table 1. Chemical composition of ekatite.
Bond valence table for <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span>.
Published: 01 July 2001
Table 6. Bond valence table for ekatite.
Experimental details and crystallographic data for <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span>.
Published: 01 July 2001
Table 3. Experimental details and crystallographic data for ekatite.
X-ray powder diffraction data for <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span>.
Published: 01 July 2001
Table 2. X-ray powder diffraction data for ekatite.
Selected atomic distances (Å) and angles (°) for <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span>.
Published: 01 July 2001
Table 5. Selected atomic distances (Å) and angles (°) for ekatite.
Atomic coordinates and displacement parameters (x10 −4 ) of <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span>.
Published: 01 July 2001
Table 4. Atomic coordinates and displacement parameters (x10 −4 ) of ekatite.
<span class="search-highlight">Ekatite</span> forming a small spray of fine needles on a matrix of corroded quart...
Published: 01 July 2001
Fig. 1. Ekatite forming a small spray of fine needles on a matrix of corroded quartz.
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2012
The Canadian Mineralogist (2012) 50 (5): 1197–1231.
.... Smaller triangular channels contain planar BO 3 groups, while in other materials the triangular channels are occupied by tetrahedral or pyramidal groups. Holtite and magnesiodumortierite are isostructural with dumortierite, while ellenbergerite, phosphoellenbergerite, ekatite, and the synthetic materials...
FIGURES | View All (25)
The structures of the arsenites with infinite frameworks of Asφ 3  and Mφ 4...
Published: 01 January 2014
Figure 64 The structures of the arsenites with infinite frameworks of Asφ 3 and Mφ 4-6 polyhedra: (a) reinerite, (b) asbecasite, (c) trigonite, (d) tomichite as a member of the derbylite group, (e) ekatite, a perspective view into the tunnels lined by Asφ 3 groups, (f) zimbabweite.
Crystal structure of <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span> seen along [001]. A and B indicate a perpendic...
Published: 01 July 2001
Fig. 3. Crystal structure of ekatite seen along [001]. A and B indicate a perpendicular and clinographic view, respectively, on the zigzag double chains of octahedral dimers. The O(5) vertices of the HO(5)Si(2)O(3) 3 tetrahedra all point into the same direction.
Crystal structure of <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span> projected onto the (001) plane. The polyhedra ...
Published: 01 July 2001
Fig. 2. Crystal structure of ekatite projected onto the (001) plane. The polyhedra represent the octahedra of M(1)O 4 (OH) 2 and the tetrahedra of HOSi(2)O 3 , which envelop the As(2)O 3 groups. The hexagonal and triangular channels are indicated with I and II, respectively.
Structural relationships between the <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span> (a) and phosphoellenbergerite ...
Published: 01 July 2001
Fig. 5. Structural relationships between the ekatite (a) and phosphoellenbergerite (b) structure types. The trigonal rods are circled. I and II indicate the hexagonal and triangular channels, respectively. (a). In the hexagonal channel I, the edges of the empty trigonal prisms with As(1
ORTEP drawings of some coordination polyhedra of <span class="search-highlight">ekatite</span>: (a) HOSi(2)O 3  a...
Published: 01 July 2001
Fig. 4. ORTEP drawings of some coordination polyhedra of ekatite: (a) HOSi(2)O 3 and (b) As(2)O 3 , both parallel to the c -axis; (c) As(1)O 3 , and the strongly deformed M(1) 2 O 7 (OH) 2 dimer (d), viewed along the c -axis. Whereas OH(5) displays an unusually large isotropic displacement
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2013
Mineralogical Magazine (2013) 77 (6): 2825–2839.
... ) and Keller ( 2001 ) that the differences are significant enough that ellenbergerite, phosphoellenbergerite and ekatite should remain separate from the dumortierite supergroup. Ferraris et al. ( 1995 ) emphasized that the difference in the two structures involves more than simply replacing Al2–Al3 chains...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2014
The Canadian Mineralogist (2014) 52 (2): 121–128.
... ) Tsumeb/Namibia – eine der spektakulärsten Mineralfundstellen der Erde . Lapis 9 , 13 – 62 . Keller P. ( 1985 ) Neue Mineralfunde aus dem Pegmatit von Sandamab, S.W.A./Namibia . Aufschluss 36 , 117 – 119 . Keller P. ( 2001 ) Ekatite, (Fe 3+ ,Fe 2+ ,Zn) 12 (OH) 6 [AsO 3 ] 6...
Unit-cell parameters  a versus c  for DLMs. Sources for naturally occurring...
Published: 01 October 2012
from Brunet et al . (1998) ]; black diamonds, ekatite [from Keller (2001) ]; white hexagons, TM phosphites [2 data from Marcos et al . (1993b) , 2 from Attfield et al . (1994) , 2 from Ni et al . (2009) , and one each from Marcos et al . (1993c) , Che et al . (2005) , Gu et al . (2007
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2002
The Canadian Mineralogist (2002) 40 (1): 247–254.
... : It is a cyclosilicate. Name : After the locality. K eller , P. ( 2001 ): Ekatite, (Fe 3+ ,Fe 2+ ,Zn) 12 (OH) 6 [AsO 3 ] 6 [AsO 3 ,HOSiO 3 ] 2 , a new mineral from Tsumeb, Namibia, and its crystal structure. European Journal of Mineralogy 13 , 769 –777. B asso , R., L ucchetti , G., Z efiro...
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2002
American Mineralogist (2002) 87 (2-3): 355–358.
... of the National Mineral Collection at the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. J.L.J. P. Keller (2001) Ekatite, (Fe 3+ ,Fe 2+ ,Zn) 12 (OH) 6 [AsO 3 ] 6 [AsO 3 ,HOSiO 3 ] 2 , a new mineral from Tsumeb, Namibia, and its crystal structure. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 769–777. R.K. Rastsvetaeva, A.P...