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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1981
American Mineralogist (1981) 66 (9-10): 1034–1049.
...Paul B. Moore; Takaharu Araki; Stefano Merlino; Marcello Mellini; Pier Francesco Zanazzi Abstract The complex crystal structure of the arrojadite–dickinsonite, KNa 4 Ca ( Fe,Mn ) 14 2 + Al ( OH , F ) 2 ( PO 4 ) 12 , series was studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. Three...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1954
American Mineralogist (1954) 39 (7-8): 676–680.
...D. Jerome Fisher Abstract While working on classifying my x -ray powder films of the pegmatite phosphate minerals, it was recently noted that arrojadite from the Black Hills and dickinsonite from Branchville, Conn., yielded substantially identical results. In her recent paper (3) Mrs. Lindberg...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 1941
American Mineralogist (1941) 26 (5): 338–342.
...C. W. Wolfe Abstract The crystallography of dickinsonite has been described by G. J. Brush and E. S. Dana (1878) and (1890). The material examined by them was unsatisfactory for an accurate determination of the elements. In the course of my investigation of the minerals of the chemical type A 3 (XO...
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1965
American Mineralogist (1965) 50 (10): 1647–1669.
...D. Jerome Fisher Abstract Herein is discussed the crystallography and chemistry of these three Na-Fe-Mn pegmatite phosphates, together with their interrelations. The dickinsonites invert to al-luaudites on heating in air to around 500°, to fillowite on heating in vacuum to 850°. Fil-lowite...
Raman spectra (OH-stretching region) of <span class="search-highlight">dickinsonite</span> and arrojadite samples...
Published: 01 August 2006
F igure 3. Raman spectra (OH-stretching region) of dickinsonite and arrojadite samples arranged in order of increasing fluorine contents. X F = F/(F + W OH), X Mg = Mg/(Mg + Fe + Mn + Zn). Note the two clusters of bands, which demonstrate that the non-centrosymmetric space group Cc
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2006
American Mineralogist (2006) 91 (8-9): 1260–1270.
...) The dominant cation at the M sites defines the root-name: Fe 2+ , arrojadite; Mn 2+ , dickinsonite; Mg (if any), name to be proposed. (3) Two suffixes are added to the root-name according to the dominant cation of the dominant valence state at the A1 and B1 sites (the mono- or divalent nature of the cation...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2010
The Canadian Mineralogist (2010) 48 (6): 1455–1463.
.... Associated minerals are fluorapatite, chlorapatite, bobfergusonite, eosphorite, dickinsonite, fillowite, triploidite, goyazite, perloffite, beusite, triplite, as well as quartz, K-feldspar, muscovite, schorl, beryl, spessartine, gahnite and (Nb,Ta,Sn) oxides. Manitobaite is opaque in large crystals (up to 4...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2006
American Mineralogist (2006) 91 (8-9): 1249–1259.
...F igure 3. Raman spectra (OH-stretching region) of dickinsonite and arrojadite samples arranged in order of increasing fluorine contents. X F = F/(F + W OH), X Mg = Mg/(Mg + Fe + Mn + Zn). Note the two clusters of bands, which demonstrate that the non-centrosymmetric space group Cc...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1926
American Mineralogist (1926) 11 (4): 101–104.
..., lithiophilite, dickinsonite and hureaulite in albite and quartz. Only very small amounts of dickinsonite and hureaulite are found with the lithiophilite which is itself not abundant. W. G. Foye 1 has reported the occurrence of lithiophilite from this locality but gives no data. *Presented at the sixth...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1989
American Mineralogist (1989) 74 (7-8): 918–926.
... tetrahedral bases, in this case five beads of T-M-T-M-T. Such sections of rods are called stalks and appear in other structural colossi such as palmierite, cerite, and arrojadite-dickinsonite. These stalks may force a large number of atoms in a unit cell. Fillowite’s cell alone has 756 atoms as its contents...
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 1982
American Mineralogist (1982) 67 (1-2): 97–113.
...), scorzalite, kulanite, wyllieite, and carbonate-apatite. Secondary phases identified in altered lithiophilite include hureaulite, triploidite, eosphorite, robertsite, fillowite, wyllieite, dickinsonite, fairfieldite, Mn-chlorapatite, and rhodochrosite. Initial subsolidus metasomatism of the lithium minerals...
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1957
American Mineralogist (1957) 42 (9-10): 661–664.
... (which is as low as 5.3% in the varulites) these minerals are chemically very close to the dickinsonites (Fisher, 1954; 1955 a ), the latter however are readily differentiated optically or by x -ray photographs. The space group is C 2/ c with a 0 =16.6, b 0 = 10.0, c 0 = 24.8 and β = 105°41′. They invert...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1925
American Mineralogist (1925) 10 (1): 18.
... with the trip. Mr. Broadwell reported having found the following: bröggerite xls; uraconite; eosphorite; tobernie(?); albite; dickinsonite; lithiophilite; hureaulite; fairfieldite (2 forms); natrophilite (?); columbite; quartz xls; apatite; margarosanitel sphalerite; damourite; cymatolite; eucryptite...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2012
The Canadian Mineralogist (2012) 50 (4): 913–931.
... phosphates; however, some primary and early secondary phosphates also occur, such as lithiophilite, beusite, triploidite, sicklerite, wyllieite, dickinsonite-(KMnNa), staněkite, and varulite. Fig. 2. View of some phosphate nodules in the outer core zone of the Cema pegmatite, San Luis Province...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2016
The Canadian Mineralogist (2016) 54 (4): 1021–1032.
... in metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary environments ( Robertson 1982 ). Members of the arrojadite–dickinsonite series form primary phosphate minerals in granite pegmatites, where they occur as masses up to 15 cm in diameter, exhibiting good cleavage and ranging in color from pale yellow to dark bottle green...
Journal Article
Published: 11 November 2020
Mineralogical Magazine (2020) 84 (6): 932–940.
... occupied by Ca and without Ca as the dominant cation at any cation site. Manganoarrojadite-(KNa), ideally KNa 5 MnFe 13 Al(PO 4 ) 11 (PO 3 OH)(OH) 2 , is a new member of the arrojadite group described in this paper. It was found while examining a specimen labelled ‘dickinsonite-(KMnNa)’ in the collection...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2019
European Journal of Mineralogy (2019) 31 (4): 823–836.
... ; Tomes et al. , 2018 ), although this is a unique locality. The space group of dickinsonite was given by Wolfe (1941) as C 2/ c. The space group C 2/ m was chosen for arrojadite from the Nickel Plate mine (South Dakota, USA) by Lindberg (1950) and later as A 2 1 / n by Fisher (1965...
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Journal Article
Published: 30 September 2019
The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) 57 (5): 733–734.
..., stewartite, bermanite, earlshannonite, beraunite, robertsite, perloffite and mitridatite formed. Under nonoxidizing conditions, vivianite, phosphoferrite, reddingite, fairfieldite, childrenite–eosphorite, switzerite, hureaulite, dickinsonite, goayzite, roscherite group, brazilianite and moraesite formed...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2018
The Canadian Mineralogist (2018) 56 (6): 923–938.
... occur in metamorphic and sedimentary environments ( Headden 1891 , Robertson 1982 , Demartin et al . 1996 ). They are members of the arrojadite–dickinsonite–carmoite series, which includes nine International Mineralogical Association (IMA) approved mineral species. Cámara et al . (2006...
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Journal Article
Published: 28 February 2018
Mineralogical Magazine (2018) 82 (4): 863–876.
... on the occupancy of M (root-name), A 1 (first suffix), B 1 (second suffix) and W (first prefix) sites. Three root-names are recognized for arrojadite-group minerals: arrojadite (Fe 2+ dominant at M sites), dickinsonite (Mn 2+ dominant at M sites) and carmoite (Mg dominant at the M sites; Cámara et...