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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2018
Clays and Clay Minerals (2018) 66 (1): 86–95.
... of the surface conductance revealed that a substantial part of the surface conductivity originates in the inner part of the double layer. Electrokinetic potentials and related diffuse double layer properties are highly dependent on the nature of monovalent counterions, whereas divalent counterions do not show...
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Journal Article
Journal: Clay Minerals
Published: 01 September 2017
Clay Minerals (2017) 52 (3): 299–313.
... the estimation of counterion mobilities in the stagnant layer and a consistency check for the evaluation procedure of the conductivity experiments. In agreement with current literature results, monovalent counterions were found to have a Stern layer mobility similar to their bulk mobility, whereas the mobility...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2000
Mineralogical Magazine (2000) 64 (2): 337–346.
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Estimated inner-layer charge density and diffuse layer charge density of co...
Published: 01 February 2018
Figure 5. Estimated inner-layer charge density and diffuse layer charge density of counterions as a function of counterion volume. Lines are shown to guide the eye. Open symbols indicate monovalent counterions and filled symbols divalent counterions.
Du  2  as a function of inverse <span class="search-highlight">counterion</span> conductivity at 25°C.
Published: 01 February 2018
Figure 3. Du 2 as a function of inverse counterion conductivity at 25°C.
<span class="search-highlight">Counterion</span> surface-charge density as a function of electrolyte concentratio...
Published: 01 September 2017
Fig. 3. Counterion surface-charge density as a function of electrolyte concentration. Error bars result from three replicate measurements and lines show a linear regression through the data.
The relationship between the H 2 O&#x2F;EXCH ratio and the <span class="search-highlight">counterion</span> hydration ...
Published: 01 May 2017
Figure 11 The relationship between the H 2 O/EXCH ratio and the counterion hydration enthalpy in xC4H-SIH for smectites and zeolites. Hydration enthalpies after Marcus (1994) . Solid lines represent exponential fits for SAz-2 and SWy-2 samples.
Sorption isotherms of DDTMA and <span class="search-highlight">counterion</span> bromide on rectorite. The line i...
Published: 01 April 2009
Figure 1. Sorption isotherms of DDTMA and counterion bromide on rectorite. The line is a Langmuir fit to the observed data.
Sorption of HDTMA and <span class="search-highlight">counterion</span> bromide on palygorskite (a) and sepiolite ...
Published: 01 August 2003
Figure 1. Sorption of HDTMA and counterion bromide on palygorskite (a) and sepiolite (b) and sorption of DDTMA and counterion bromide on palygorskite (c). Lines are Langmuir fits to the observed data.
Desorption of <span class="search-highlight">counterion</span> bromide as a function of the amount of chromate so...
Published: 01 August 2003
Figure 3. Desorption of counterion bromide as a function of the amount of chromate sorbed on surfactant-modified PFl-1 and SepSp-1. Lines are linear fits to the observed data and the nonzero intercepts indicate an excess of counterion bromide that over balanced the surfactant admicelles
Polarization of a nonmetallic grain, such as silica (sand) or alumina-silic...
Published: 23 May 2016
. This dipole moment points in the direction that is opposite to the applied current. The charge attached to the mineral framework remains fixed. The movement of the counterions in the Stern layer is mainly tangential along the surface of the grain. Back-diffusion of the counterions can occur in the Stern
Sketch of membrane polarization of a pore sandwiched between two grains. Th...
Published: 12 April 2010
Figure 1. Sketch of membrane polarization of a pore sandwiched between two grains. The back diffusion can occur in the electrical double layer for the counterions and in the bulk pore water for the coions. The accumulation of the salt on one side of the pore diffuses back with a diffusion
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2010
American Mineralogist (2010) 95 (10): 1493–1499.
... with monovalent and divalent counterions including Li + , Na + , K + , Rb + , Cs + , Ca 2+ , Ni 2+ , Zn 2+ , and Pb 2+ . For each of these clays we have conducted a series of 16 simulations in which the temperature is increased systematically from 300 to 400 K, then decreased to 260 K, and finally increased...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2009
Clays and Clay Minerals (2009) 57 (2): 194–204.
...Figure 1. Sorption isotherms of DDTMA and counterion bromide on rectorite. The line is a Langmuir fit to the observed data. ...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2003
Clays and Clay Minerals (2003) 51 (4): 445–451.
...Figure 1. Sorption of HDTMA and counterion bromide on palygorskite (a) and sepiolite (b) and sorption of DDTMA and counterion bromide on palygorskite (c). Lines are Langmuir fits to the observed data. ...
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Electrical double layer at the surface of clay minerals. The surface charge...
Published: 14 December 2012
surfaces 001. The electrical double layer is formed of the Stern layer of sorbed counterions and the diffuse layer. The o-plane defines the mineral surface, whereas the d-plane defined the interface between the Stern layer and the diffuse layer on the 110 and 010 crystalline planes. The specific surface
An idealized pore in a shaley sand and the charges carried by clay counteri...
Published: 24 May 2006
Figure 2. An idealized pore in a shaley sand and the charges carried by clay counterions and by sodium and chloride ions in the free electrolyte.
Dependence of the quadrature conductivity with the water content for the st...
Published: 16 October 2024
conductivity seems higher at high pH, likely because of the higher population of counterions in the Stern layer at higher pH values and ionic strengths.
Cationic dispersion number versus conductivity number for the data used in ...
Published: 14 November 2017
Figure 1. Cationic dispersion number versus conductivity number for the data used in the analysis. The counterion diffusivity coefficient = 2 E − 9    m 2 / s .
Cationic dispersion number versus conductivity     number  /    σ    s     ...
Published: 14 November 2017
Figure 21. Cationic dispersion number versus conductivity number / σ s for the data used in the analysis. Counterion diffusivity coefficient = 2 E − 9    m 2 / s .