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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2010
American Mineralogist (2010) 95 (2-3): 221–228.
...Keiko Nakamura-Messenger; Lindsay P. Keller; Simon J. Clemett; Scott Messenger; John H. Jones; Russell L. Palma; Robert O. Pepin; Wolfgang Klöck; Michael E. Zolensky; Hirokazu Tatsuoka Abstract Brownleeite, ideally stoichiometric MnSi, is a manganese silicide not previously observed in nature...
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Texture and chemistry of grain <span class="search-highlight">Brownleeite</span> 1. ( a ) A bright-field TEM micr...
Published: 01 February 2010
F igure 1. Texture and chemistry of grain Brownleeite 1. ( a ) A bright-field TEM micrograph of grain Brownleeite 1 in IDP L2055I3 cluster 7. This grain shows a core-mantle structure with multiple concentric layers. Core region indicated as 1 and 2 is the brownleeite, and the mantle layers 3, 4
A bright-field TEM micrograph of grain <span class="search-highlight">Brownleeite</span> 1 (central area of Fig. ...
Published: 01 February 2010
F igure 4. A bright-field TEM micrograph of grain Brownleeite 1 (central area of Fig. 1a ). The interference fringes (dark and bright contrast, caused by Bragg reflection of electrons) are clearly evidence that the grain Brownleeite 1 is a single euhedral crystal. Inset shows its SAED pattern.
A bright-field TEM micrograph (top left), Mn  K /Si  K  HIS ratio image (to...
Published: 01 February 2010
F igure 2. A bright-field TEM micrograph (top left), Mn K /Si K HIS ratio image (top center) and nanoscale elemental X-ray (Cr, Mg, Mn, Si, Fe, and C K -lines) maps of grain Brownleeite 2 (dark grain) in IDP L2055I3 cluster 7. Aggregates of GEMS grains and carbonaceous matter surround
A bright-field TEM micrograph of one of the IDP L2055I3 cluster 7 sections ...
Published: 01 February 2010
F igure 3. A bright-field TEM micrograph of one of the IDP L2055I3 cluster 7 sections including the grain Brownleeite 3 (arrowed).
( right images ) SAED patterns from grain <span class="search-highlight">Brownleeite</span> 2 with 2 major zone a...
Published: 01 February 2010
F igure 5. ( right images ) SAED patterns from grain Brownleeite 2 with 2 major zone axes. X and Y numbers above each pattern are tilt degrees. ( left images ) Computer simulated SAED patterns from synthetic MnSi corresponding to each measured SAED condition. Zone 3 and 7 correspond
Journal Article
Journal: Elements
Published: 01 June 2016
Elements (2016) 12 (3): 177–183.
... system: silicate grains in interplanetary dust . Science 300 : 105 - 108 Nakamura-Messenger K 9 coauthors ( 2010 ) Brownleeite: a new manganese silicide mineral in an interplanetary dust particle . American Mineralogist 95 : 221 - 228 Nesvorný D 5 coauthors ( 2010...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2019
American Mineralogist (2019) 104 (1): 140–149.
...://www.mindat.org ). Their stoichiometry varies widely, from Me/Si = 3 to 0.42. Most of them are identified in meteorites and cosmic dust, such as sues-site and hapkeite ( Anand et al. 2004 ; Rietmeijer et al. 2008 ), as well as the manganese silicide, brownleeite MnSi ( Nakamura-Messenger et al. 2010 ); some...
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Journal Article
Published: 18 January 2024
The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology (2024) 62 (1): 43–60.
...) presented a review of known natural iron silicides, indicating the different geneses reported in the literature. Brownleeite (MnSi), a natural Mn silicide, was first described as submicrometer-sized grains of cosmic dust collected by a high-altitude research aircraft. It likely formed as high- T...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2009
Mineralogical Magazine (2009) 73 (1): 43–50.
... is clearly different from brownleeite, isometric MnSi, discovered within an interplanetary dust particle that is believed to have originated from comet 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup ( Nakamura-Messenger et al. , 2008 ). Samples containing mavlyanovite were prepared for optical investigation using standard...
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2015
Mineralogical Magazine (2015) 79 (2): 295–307.
... Fe 2 Si, luobusaite Fe 0.83 Si 2 , mavlyanovite Mn 5 Si 3 and brownleeite MnSi. Natural examples of metal silicides are rare, the first (suessite) having been reported from extraterrestrial objects (an olivine pigeonite achondrite, also known as ‘ureilite’). Gupeiite and xifengite were found...
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