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Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1997
The Canadian Mineralogist (1997) 35 (3): 735–741.
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1998
The Canadian Mineralogist (1998) 36 (4): 1069–1075.
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 1961
American Mineralogist (1961) 46 (1-2): 12–25.
...Russell M. Honea Abstract Boltwoodite is an alkali uranyl silicate with the composition K(H 3 O)UO 2 (SiO 4 )·nH 2 O where n is zero to one. Chemical analysis, recalculated after deducting impurities, gives SiO 2 -14.8, UO 3 -68.5, K 2 O-9.4, Na 2 O-0.4, H 2 O-6.9, total 100.0 per cent...
(A) SAED pattern representative of <span class="search-highlight">boltwoodite</span> after long exposure to the h...
Published: 01 September 2019
Fig. 11 (A) SAED pattern representative of boltwoodite after long exposure to the high vacuum of the TEM column. Only few, faint single-crystal diffraction peaks can be recognized (arrows) within the dominant diffuse rings due to amorphous material. (B) HRTEM image of boltwoodite showing faint
Comparison of the O ax -subtracted spectra of ( a ) <span class="search-highlight">boltwoodite</span> (solid), sk...
Published: 01 July 2004
F igure 9. Comparison of the O ax -subtracted spectra of ( a ) boltwoodite (solid), sklodowskite (dashed), and α-uranophane (dotted); ( b ) α-uranophane (solid) and compreignacite (dashed); ( c ) saléeite (solid) and metatorbernite (dashed); and ( d ) saleeite (solid) and phosphuranylite
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2012
Vadose Zone Journal (2012) 11 (4): vzj2011.0158.
..., calcite, diaspore, hematite, and Na-boltwoodite (hydrous U silicate) should precipitate. Electrical resistivity and induced polarization tomography (ERT/IP) was able to nonintrusively track these NH 3 partitioning, dissolution, and precipitations processes through changes in conductivity and chargeability...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1981
American Mineralogist (1981) 66 (5-6): 610–625.
...Frances V. Stohl; Deane K. Smith Abstract The uranyl silicate minerals have been divided into three groups on the basis of their uranium to silicon ratios. The 1:1 group includes uranophane, beta-uranophane, boltwoodite, sodium boltwoodite, kasolite, sklodowskite, and cuprosklodowskite. A structure...
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1992
American Mineralogist (1992) 77 (3-4): 431–437.
...Eric P. Plesko; Barry E. Scheetz; William B. White Abstract Synthesis studies in the system K 2 O-UO 3 -SiO 2 -H 2 O are presented as an isothermal isobaric projection through the system at 300°C and 30 MPa. In addition to the compatibility relationships for weeksite, boltwoodite, and soddyite...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1957
American Mineralogist (1957) 42 (11-12): 804–820.
... rather than high-uranoan thorianite as supposed. Six samples contain from about 15% to 35% ThO 2 . At the Williams quarry hydrothermal alteration of much uraninite to a sequence of secondary uranium- and thorium-rich minerals occurred. Frondel's Mineral C, thoro-gummite, then boltwoodite and uranophane...
Core samples from the Andrew Lake deposit: (A) hematitized (Hem2) host rock...
Published: 26 June 2017
, bleaching of the host rock with removal of hematite (Hem2), and late alteration of uraninite to boltwoodite (Blwt) forming in dissolution pockets in Qtz2 veins; (C) hematitized host rock (Hem2) with remnants of altered uraninite (U2) showing extensive oxidation and alteration to boltwoodite (Blwt); (D
Uranyl silicate sheets from uranophane-group minerals: ( a ) uranophane, bo...
Published: 01 February 2006
F igure 4. Uranyl silicate sheets from uranophane-group minerals: ( a ) uranophane, boltwoodite, cuprosklodowskite, sklodowskite, and kasolite; ( b ) β-uranophane; ( c ) oursinite.
Observed and modeled uranyl silicate dissolution results. Model results ass...
Published: 01 November 2007
F ig . 6. Observed and modeled uranyl silicate dissolution results. Model results assume several solid phases; results most nearly conform to sodium boltwoodite dissolution.
(Top) Map (not to scale) of the Hanford Site, Washington State, showing con...
Published: 01 February 2006
containing 7-8 metric tons of uranium were spilled in 1951. (Lower right) Backscattered electron images of vadose-zone plagioclase grains containing Na-boltwoodite in cracks, and U L 3 -XAFS spectra of Na-boltwoodite grains. T op figure from R iley and Z achara 1992 ; lower left figure from P earsons
EXAFS (left) and FT (right) spectra for the uranophane group minerals ( a )...
Published: 01 July 2004
F igure 5. EXAFS (left) and FT (right) spectra for the uranophane group minerals ( a ) boltwoodite, ( b ) cuprosklodowskite, ( c ) kasolite, ( d ) sklodowskite, and ( e ) α-uranophane. Solid lines represent experimental data; dashed lines represent fits.
Dendritic uraninite mostly altered to “gummite,” which is a mixture of seve...
Published: 01 October 2009
F igure 9. Dendritic uraninite mostly altered to “gummite,” which is a mixture of several uranyl minerals, including soddyite, curite, kasolite, uranophane, boltwoodite, and clarkeite ( Frondel 1956 ; Foord et al. 1997 ). This pegmatitic specimen is from the Ruggles Mine, New Hampshire. Photo
Journal Article
Published: 26 June 2017
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2017) 54 (8): 850–868.
..., bleaching of the host rock with removal of hematite (Hem2), and late alteration of uraninite to boltwoodite (Blwt) forming in dissolution pockets in Qtz2 veins; (C) hematitized host rock (Hem2) with remnants of altered uraninite (U2) showing extensive oxidation and alteration to boltwoodite (Blwt); (D...
FIGURES | View All (12)
Sequential liquid extractions of U phases from contaminated sediments witho...
Published: 01 November 2012
Fig. 7. Sequential liquid extractions of U phases from contaminated sediments without and with NH 3 gas treatment: (a) Hanford U105 tank, 15.8-m depth (mainly Na-boltwoodite), (b) Hanford TX-104, 21- and 33-m depths (mainly U carbonates), and (c) Hanford U105 tank, 28-m depth (mainly adsorbed U).
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2007
Vadose Zone Journal (2007) 6 (4): 1004–1017.
...F ig . 6. Observed and modeled uranyl silicate dissolution results. Model results assume several solid phases; results most nearly conform to sodium boltwoodite dissolution. ...
FIGURES | View All (12)
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2004
American Mineralogist (2004) 89 (2-3): 339–347.
... honors geologist and conservationist Reginald Claude Sprigg (1919–1994), founder of the Arkaroola Tourist Station. Together with beta-uranophane, soddyite, kasolite, Ce-rich francoisite-(Nd), metatorbernite, billietite, Ba-bearing boltwoodite, schoepite, metaschoepite, and weeksite, spriggite results...
FIGURES | View All (6)
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1965
American Mineralogist (1965) 50 (7-8): 909–923.
... the deposit indicate that uranium has migrated less than 100 feet downslope from the ore body. Radioactive minerals include pitchblende, schoepite, ianthinite, epi-ianthinite, bec-querelite, soddyite, boltwoodite, uranophane, zeunerite, metazeunerite, and a hydrated autunite. Other minerals are tetrahedrite...