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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2014
American Mineralogist (2014) 99 (7): 1471–1487.
...Ella V. Sokol; Svetlana N. Kokh; Yevgeny Vapnik; Vincent Thiéry; Sophia A. Korzhova Abstract Ye’elimite-larnite rocks in the Hatrurim formation of the Negev Desert, Israel, are natural analogs of belite sulfoaluminate (BSA) cement clinkers. They have been produced by ultrahigh-temperature...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2007
European Journal of Mineralogy (2007) 19 (1): 105–112.
...Annette Schimrosczyk; Jürgen Koepke; Frank Schmidt-Döhl Abstract This study presents an optimised analytical procedure for quantitative trace element analysis of belite crystals in hardened cement bonded materials by electron microprobe and its application. Within this project, trace element...
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27 Al NMR spectra of larnite (<span class="search-highlight">belite</span>) heated with 0.53 wt% (Larnite 0.53%) ...
Published: 01 June 2017
Figure 6. 27 Al NMR spectra of larnite (belite) heated with 0.53 wt% (Larnite 0.53%) or 0.15 wt% (Larnite 0.15%) Al, a simulation of the highest frequency feature, and three SIMPLISMA components. The simulated peak is likely the only Al component originating from larnite. Component 1 replicates
( a  and  b ) Optical photomicrograph of <span class="search-highlight">belite</span> from an industrial clinker,...
Published: 01 July 2014
Figure 8 ( a and b ) Optical photomicrograph of belite from an industrial clinker, showing the so-called “striation,” as termed in the cement industry, consisting of several sets of lamellae intersecting each other. Transmitted plane-polarized light. (Color online.)
SRM 2686a at higher magnification with <span class="search-highlight">belite</span> inclusions in alite crystals,...
Published: 01 January 2012
Figure 14 SRM 2686a at higher magnification with belite inclusions in alite crystals, a differentiated matrix dominated by the ferrite phase, and both equant and dendritic (lower image) periclase.
SRM 2688 at higher magnifications showing the <span class="search-highlight">belite</span> and ferrite inclusions...
Published: 01 January 2012
Figure 19 SRM 2688 at higher magnifications showing the belite and ferrite inclusions within alite, and a medium- to coarse-grained, well-differentiated matrix.
Segmentation of <span class="search-highlight">belite</span> and aluminate, which have similar BE grey levels, re...
Published: 01 January 2012
Figure 21 Segmentation of belite and aluminate, which have similar BE grey levels, requires the additional Al image, thresholding the BE (BE-t) and Al (Al-t) images and finally image subtraction to generate binary images of belite and aluminate distribution. Field width = 400 μm.
SRM 2688, hydrofluoric acid vapor etch with the dendritic texture of ferrit...
Published: 01 January 2012
Figure 10 SRM 2688, hydrofluoric acid vapor etch with the dendritic texture of ferrite (upper) and lath-like texture of ferrite (lower), very fine-grained belite within the matrix, fine-grained ferrite inclusions in alite, and decomposition to belite along alite grain boundaries.
SRM 2688 with a hydrofluoric acid vapor etch shows uniform etching of the h...
Published: 01 January 2012
Figure 9 SRM 2688 with a hydrofluoric acid vapor etch shows uniform etching of the hexagonal alite rounded belite showing the lamellar structure, and a matrix of lath-like ferrite (bright white) and aluminate (off-white). Some belite dots occur in the matrix and some ferrite dots occur within
Compressive strengths of mortars made using different alternative non-Portl...
Published: 01 October 2022
is included for comparison. BC indicates belite cement, CAC indicates calcium aluminate cements, CSA indicates calcium sulfoaluminate, BCSA indicates CSA-based cements in which the main phase is belite, and AAM is alkali-activated material.
Pseudo-ternary CaO–SiO 2 –Al 2 O 3  diagram showing the composition of some...
Published: 01 October 2022
belite cement, PC indicates Portland cement, CAC indicates calcium aluminate cements, CSA indicates calcium sulfoaluminate, and BCSA indicates CSA cements in which the main phase is belite.
Journal Article
Journal: Elements
Published: 01 October 2022
Elements (2022) 18 (5): 314–320.
... is included for comparison. BC indicates belite cement, CAC indicates calcium aluminate cements, CSA indicates calcium sulfoaluminate, BCSA indicates CSA-based cements in which the main phase is belite, and AAM is alkali-activated material. ...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2012
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (2012) 74 (1): 101–146.
...Figure 14 SRM 2686a at higher magnification with belite inclusions in alite crystals, a differentiated matrix dominated by the ferrite phase, and both equant and dendritic (lower image) periclase. ...
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Average trace element patterns ± standard deviation for <span class="search-highlight">belites</span> of 8 cement...
Published: 01 January 2007
Fig. 3. Average trace element patterns ± standard deviation for belites of 8 cement bonded materials (cement prisms and concretes) for which two different cements were used (Cement 5 and 7; see Table 3 ). The average trace element concentrations of each sample are normalised to a reference
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2012
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (2012) 74 (1): 83–99.
... of major minerals in ordinary Portland cement clinker. Clinker Phase Short Hand Formula Content (%) tricalcium silicate/alite C 3 S Ca 3 SiO 5 maximum 85 average 65 minimum 52 dicalcium silicate/belite C 2 S Ca 2 SiO 4 maximum 27 average 13 minimum 0.2...
SRM 2687 is a fine-grained clinker with abundant alite, some small nests of...
Published: 01 January 2012
Figure 15 SRM 2687 is a fine-grained clinker with abundant alite, some small nests of belite, variable porosity, and abundant, undifferentiated matrix.
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2017
American Mineralogist (2017) 102 (6): 1244–1253.
...Figure 6. 27 Al NMR spectra of larnite (belite) heated with 0.53 wt% (Larnite 0.53%) or 0.15 wt% (Larnite 0.15%) Al, a simulation of the highest frequency feature, and three SIMPLISMA components. The simulated peak is likely the only Al component originating from larnite. Component 1 replicates...
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Journal Article
Journal: Clay Minerals
Published: 01 March 2015
Clay Minerals (2015) 50 (1): 133–152.
..., the hydration of belite (dicalcium silicate, Ca 2 SiO 4 , C2S) was affected most strongly, as it nearly ceased, under the air-curing conditions. During hydration, some of the blended cement pastes had a larger calcium hydroxide (CH) content than the unblended (plain) ones. The accelerating effects...
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Single sampling field for SRM 2688 clinker with a hydrofluoric acid vapor e...
Published: 01 January 2012
Figure 11 Single sampling field for SRM 2688 clinker with a hydrofluoric acid vapor etch and 9-point grid where six points fall on alite, and one each on belite, aluminate, and ferrite.
Two sets of intersecting lamellae in a natural α′-Ca 2 SiO 4  polymorph ind...
Published: 01 July 2014
Figure 7 Two sets of intersecting lamellae in a natural α′-Ca 2 SiO 4 polymorph indicating its affinity to a natural equivalent of type I belite. SEM image. Sample YV-413.