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Journal Article
Published: 01 May 1975
The Canadian Mineralogist (1975) 13 (2): 146–150.
Photomicrograph (oil immersion) of <span class="search-highlight">atokite</span> and taimyrite intergrowth inside...
Published: 01 April 2004
F ig . 7. Photomicrograph (oil immersion) of atokite and taimyrite intergrowth inside tetra-auricupride reaction rim on Pt–Fe alloy. Outlined section shows atokite relics within taimyrite. Sample II.
Paragenesis of PGM (BSE images). ( a ) grains of isoferroplatinum Pt 3 Fe w...
Published: 25 July 2019
Fig. 12. Paragenesis of PGM (BSE images). ( a ) grains of isoferroplatinum Pt 3 Fe with inclusions of moncheite (Pt,Pd)Te 2 , vincentite Pd 3 (As,Te,Sn) and unnamed (Pd,Pt) 3 Sb; ( b ) grains of Pt–Fe alloys with atokite (Pd,Pt) 3 Sn; ( c ) intergrowths of stibiopalladinite Pd 5 Sb 2 , Au-Ag
The associations of PGMs in the Mt. Rudnaya fine-grained ores; backscattere...
Published: 01 September 2020
Fig. 8. The associations of PGMs in the Mt. Rudnaya fine-grained ores; backscattered electron images. (A) Atokite crystals and Pt 3 Fe 2 rim around a coarser grain of tetraferroplatinum (sample RM 10). (B) Porous tetraferroplatinum grain with dissemination and overgrowths of smaller PGM grains
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2000
The Canadian Mineralogist (2000) 38 (3): 599–609.
..., based on textural and compositional data: atokite–rustenburgite → tatyanaite → Pt-rich taimyrite → taimyrite poorer in Pt → late-stage Ag–Au alloys. Subsolidus re-equilibration of the atokite–rustenburgite core with the Cu-rich host is considered unlikely to produce the peripheral zones of the Cu-rich...
FIGURES | View All (12)
A core of <span class="search-highlight">atokite</span>-rustenburgite (at) is mantled by taimyrite–tatyanaite (tm...
Published: 01 March 2016
Fig. 1. A core of atokite-rustenburgite (at) is mantled by taimyrite–tatyanaite (tm), which is in contact with a heterogeneous Ag-Au alloy (ag). Oktyabr'sky deposit, Noril'sk. Back-scattered electron image. Scale bar equals 0.1 mm.
Au-Pt-<span class="search-highlight">atokite</span> (white) metacrystal in titanomagnetite of hornfelsed basalts....
Published: 01 September 2010
Fig. 10. Au-Pt-atokite (white) metacrystal in titanomagnetite of hornfelsed basalts. Medvezhii Ruchei Mine. BSE image.
Distinction between paolovite, (Pd,Pt) 2 Sn, and <span class="search-highlight">atokite</span>&#x2F;rustenburgite, (Pd...
Published: 01 September 2008
Figure 6. Distinction between paolovite, (Pd,Pt) 2 Sn, and atokite/rustenburgite, (Pd,Pt) 3 Sn, despite interference from gold-rich alloy.
Back-scattered electron images, showing a) intergrowth of <span class="search-highlight">atokite</span>, mertieit...
Published: 01 April 2004
F ig . 8. Back-scattered electron images, showing a) intergrowth of atokite, mertieite-II [Pd 8 Sb 3 ] and telluroan sobolevskite [(Pd,Pt)(Bi,Te)] within tetra-auricupride rim (sample II) and b) intergrowth of taimyrite–tatyanaite with moncheite–insizwaite. Sample IV.
Zoned intergrowth of <span class="search-highlight">atokite</span>–rustenburgite (at), tatyanaite–taimyrite (tn) ...
Published: 01 June 2000
F ig . 1. Zoned intergrowth of atokite–rustenburgite (at), tatyanaite–taimyrite (tn) and heterogeneous Ag–Au alloy (Ag) (Ag 0.53–0.89 Au 0.47–0.11 ; energy-dispersion electron-microprobe data) among chalcopyrite (ccp), cubanite or isocubanite (lamellae within chalcopyrite) and pentlandite (pn
A grain of <span class="search-highlight">atokite</span>–rustenburgite (at), which consists of two domains and is...
Published: 01 June 2000
F ig . 3. A grain of atokite–rustenburgite (at), which consists of two domains and is surrounded by cryptically zoned taimyrite–tatyanaite (tm). These platinum-group minerals ( PGM ) are enclosed within a 1-mm grain of heterogeneous Ag–Au alloy (Ag), which is in contact with galena. The Ag–Au
Skeletal (zoned) crystal of <span class="search-highlight">atokite</span>–rustenburgite (at) associated with base...
Published: 01 June 2000
F ig . 8. Skeletal (zoned) crystal of atokite–rustenburgite (at) associated with base-metal sulfides: chalcopyrite (ccp), pyrrhotite and pentlandite. A tiny grain (ms; white) at its contact is maslovite PtTe(Bi,Sb). Back-scattered electron image. Scale bar: 10 μm.
Palladium and platinum X-ray maps of the zoned crystal of <span class="search-highlight">atokite</span>–rustenbur...
Published: 01 June 2000
F ig . 9. Palladium and platinum X-ray maps of the zoned crystal of atokite–rustenburgite shown in Figure 8 . A general decrease in content of these elements is shown by the change in color: red (highest) → yellow (lower) → green (lowest). The crystal is 0.16 mm in the longest dimension.
Palladium and platinum X-ray maps of the zoned crystal of <span class="search-highlight">atokite</span>–rustenbur...
Published: 01 June 2000
F ig . 9. Palladium and platinum X-ray maps of the zoned crystal of atokite–rustenburgite shown in Figure 8 . A general decrease in content of these elements is shown by the change in color: red (highest) → yellow (lower) → green (lowest). The crystal is 0.16 mm in the longest dimension.
Published: 01 June 2000
Backscattered electron images of PGMs in Vio-Py-Cp assemblage (Style 2). (A...
Published: 19 May 2022
in magnetite. (E) Atokite intergrown with other electrum and moncheite. (F) Atokite intergrown with electrum in magnetite. (G) Secondary framboidal native platinum in a secondary electron image. (H) Pt alloy surrounded by moncheite in chalcopyrite. (I) Elongated merenskyite in supergene violarite and magnetite
BSE images (Cameca SX 100) of ore minerals. a) Symplectitic aggregates of s...
Published: 01 December 2011
) grain in chalcopyrite, e) PGM aggregate (zvyagintsevite + sperrylite + atokite–rustenburgite) in cubanite, f) atokite crystal (At) in chalcopyrite, g) Fe–Pt alloy in a pyrrhotite–chalcopyrite aggregate, h) zvyagintsevite (Zv) veinlets in chalcopyrite. Gn: galena.
Journal Article
Published: 13 December 2021
The Canadian Mineralogist (2021) 59 (6): 1511–1542.
... violarite-pyrite 1-millerite-chalcopyrite and (2) supergene violarite-(polydymite)-pyrite 2-chalcopyrite assemblages. The platinum-group minerals are small (0.5–10 μm diameter) and include moncheite Pt(Te,Bi) 2 , mertieite-I Pd 11 (Sb,As) 4 , the atokite Pd 3 Sn – rustenburgite Pt 3 Sn solid solution...
FIGURES | View All (20)
Paragenesis of PGM (BSE images). ( a ) Grains of unnamed phase (Pd,Au) 7 (A...
Published: 25 July 2019
, palladoarsenide, tetraferroplatinum Pt(Fe,Cu,Ni), hongshiite Pt(Cu,Pd) and vincentite Pd 3 (As,Sb) including Au,Ag; (g) grain of vincentite Pd 3 (As,Te,Sn) with inclusions of atokite (Pd,Pt) 3 (Sn,As,Te), palarstanide (Pd,Pt) 5 (Sn,As,Te) 2 and Pt–Fe alloy; ( h ) intergrowths of Sn analogue of mertieite-I
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2010
The Canadian Mineralogist (2010) 48 (5): 1041–1050.
... properties for the synthetic phases that can be expected to occur in nature: Pd 17 Te 4 , Pd 20 Te 7 , Pd 3 Te 2 , Pd 20 Sn 13 , PdSn, PdSn 2 and SnTe. These should be sought in association with other minerals of the system, like kotulskite, merenskyite, telluropalladinite, keithconnite, atokite...