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Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.1130/SPE215-p139
... This paper examines the compositions of early cumulus minerals, particularly chromite, from two different sections (Acoje and Coto) in the Zambales Range ophiolite, Luzon, Philippines, and then infers compositional characteristics of the magmas from which they were derived. The cumulus...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 March 1985
Geology (1985) 13 (3): 166–169.
...Cynthia A. Evans Abstract Evidence for variable amounts of melt-induced metasomatism in upper-mantle peridotites has been observed in the ultramafic section of the Zambales Range ophiolite, Luzon, Republic of the Philippines. These peridotites are locally cut by mafic dikes that in some places...
Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 1982
DOI: 10.1306/M34430C23
EISBN: 9781629811703
... Abstract The Zambales Ophiolite in western Luzon is a large fragment of oceanic crust that was uplifted several kilometers without being obducted onto a continental margin. Deposition of pelagic limestone on the ophiolite during the late Eocene through Oligocene gave way to deposition...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1958
GSA Bulletin (1958) 69 (4): 419–448.
...W. C STOLL Abstract The Masinloc mine, the world's largest producer of refractory-grade chrome ore, is at Goto, Zambales, Luzon, Philippine Islands. Ore production from 1946 through 1952 was 1,605,867.6 long tons, containing 32.33 per cent Cr 2 O 3 . The ore occurs with other chromite deposits...
↑ Gabbroic dikes and veins in dunite, <span class="search-highlight">Zambales</span> ophiolite, Philippines (widt...
Published: 01 April 2014
↑ Gabbroic dikes and veins in dunite, Zambales ophiolite, Philippines (width of view 1 m).
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 November 1984
GSA Bulletin (1984) 95 (11): 1333–1342.
...WILLIAM J. SCHWELLER; PETER H. ROTH; DANIEL E. KARIG; STEVEN B. BACHMAN Abstract Pelagic and hemipelagic sediments deposited on the Zambales Ophiolite contain a nearly continuous depositional record of the original setting and emplacement history of this large ophiolite from the late Eocene through...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1983
AAPG Bulletin (1983) 67 (7): 1143–1162.
...) , Hashimoto (1975) , the Japan International Cooperative Agency (1977), and Bachman and Lewis (1983) along the west flank of the Cordillera Central northeast of the Central Valley. Various aspects of the ophiolite basement of the Zambales Range have been discussed by Rossman (1964) , Hawkins et al (1981...
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Chondrite-normalized concentration diagrams of the HSE in ophiolites of con...
Published: 01 January 2016
Figure 16 Chondrite-normalized concentration diagrams of the HSE in ophiolites of convergent margin (Troodos, Shetland, Zambales) or uncertain origin. PM estimate shown for comparison. See Fig. 3 for normalization values. White squares for Troodos denote Re–Os analyses of dunites. Qalander
Journal Article
Published: 12 May 2021
Seismological Research Letters (2021) 92 (6): 3360–3374.
...Ying‐Hui Yang; Min‐Chien Tsai; Jyr‐Ching Hu; Qiang Chen; Mario Aurelio; Qian Xu; Ziqin Jiang; Lang Xu; Chao Yang; Lin Li Abstract The 2019 M w 6.1 Castillejos earthquake occurred in the Zambales range of the central Luzon Island in Philippines. No active fault was reported around the seismogenic...
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Journal Article
Published: 17 May 2019
Journal of the Geological Society (2019) 176 (4): 727–735.
... mountain belts and two primary river basins. In the north, the Cagayan Valley Basin is bounded by the Cordillera mountain belt in the west, the North Sierra Madre in the east and the Caraballo Range in the south. SW of the Cagayan Valley Basin, the Central Valley Basin is flanked by the Zambales mountain...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1996
Journal of the Geological Society (1996) 153 (2): 323–328.
...H. M. PRICHARD; R. A. LORD; C. R. NEARY Abstract During the last ten years significant concentrations of Pt and Pd (more than 1000 ppb Pt + Pd) have been reported from several ophiolite complexes including Shetland, Leka, Al 'Ays, Zambales, Ceruja and Thetford. Similar studies on others, including...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 April 1983
Economic Geology (1983) 78 (2): 293–301.
...Marc Leblanc; Jean-Francois Violette Abstract Detailed study of the Acoje and the Coto districts (Zambales, Philippines) and comparison with New Caledonia, the Troodos Massif, and other ophiolites. Cr-rich pods are located near the lherzolite-harzburgite transition zone whereas the Al-rich pods...
Geological map of Luzon Island and locations of river sand samples in this ...
Published: 17 May 2019
, South Sierra Madre; circles, Zambales.
—Seismic reflection profiles in Luzon Central Valley.  Figure 4a  shows fla...
Published: 01 July 1983
Fig. 4 —Seismic reflection profiles in Luzon Central Valley. Figure 4a shows flank of Zambales Ophiolite and overlying sediments dipping eastward into the basin; it coincides approximately with Figure 3 , section AA′ (see also Figure 1 ). Figure 4b shows shelf, slope, and basinal onlap
—Seismic reflection profiles in Luzon Central Valley.  Figure 4a  shows fla...
Published: 01 July 1983
Fig. 4 —Seismic reflection profiles in Luzon Central Valley. Figure 4a shows flank of Zambales Ophiolite and overlying sediments dipping eastward into the basin; it coincides approximately with Figure 3 , section AA′ (see also Figure 1 ). Figure 4b shows shelf, slope, and basinal onlap
Diagram of εHf(T) values v. U–Pb ages with histograms and probability curve...
Published: 17 May 2019
Fig. 4. Diagram of εHf(T) values v. U–Pb ages with histograms and probability curve of zircons analysed in this study. ( a ) Samples from northern Luzon Island (Cordillera, North Sierra Madre and Caraballo Range). ( b ) Samples from southern Luzon Island (South Sierra Madre and Zambales). ( c
—Lower Miocene cross section across southern Luzon showing accreted terrane...
Published: 01 June 1989
Figure 18 —Lower Miocene cross section across southern Luzon showing accreted terranes (modified from Karig, 1983 ; Bachman et al, 1983 ). Sediment shed from uplifted Zambales ophiolite prevented reef and associated carbonate deposition on west side of Central Valley basin, whereas shelf
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 1946
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1946) 36 (3): 133–322.
... and a lake took its place. The observations that these effects were less, and were felt less, as one pro- gressed into provinces more distant from Pangasinan, leads me to believe that the earthquake was centered in it, notwithstanding that similar damage was also suffered in other places. In Zambales two...
Journal Article
Journal: Clay Minerals
Published: 12 December 2019
Clay Minerals (2019) 54 (4): 401–408.
... pretreatment clinoptilolite ion exchange natural zeolites preconditioning Si/Al The Late Eocene to Early Oligocene age Aksitero formation is the oldest sedimentary formation in the West Central Luzon basin of the Philippines, which serves as the sedimentary capping to the Zambales ophiolite (Yumul...
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Journal Article
Published: 23 November 2021
Journal of the Geological Society (2022) 179 (3): jgs2021-077.
...) and localized Phanerozoic mantle intrusions (e.g. the Samail, Zambales and Cabeço de Vide ophiolites or peridotites). Hydrocarbon gases from these sites are often accompanied by serpentinization-derived H 2 . CH 4 in most of the samples from these sites is depleted in deuterium ( Fig. 7 ). CH 4 from some...
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