Yakima Ridge

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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2012
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2012) 102 (4): 1786–1795.
... by ∼50 mm of slip on a northwest‐striking reverse fault and associated bedding‐plane fault in the underlying Columbia River Basalt Group ( CRBG ). A magnetic anomaly over exposed CRBG at Yakima Ridge 40 km northwest of Wooded Island extends southeastward beyond the ridge to the Columbia River, suggesting...
FIGURES | View All (8)
Published: 01 January 1989
DOI: 10.1130/SPE239-p55
... of the thickness of individual flows and packages of flows disclose that subsidence was greatest in the western portion of the basin and that growth of the Yakima Ridges began at least by late GRB time. This timing of deformation of the Yakima Ridges is consistent with previous interpretations. We conclude...
Published: 01 January 1989
DOI: 10.1130/SPE239-p283
... Deformation of the continental flood-basalt in the westernmost portion of the Columbia Plateau has resulted in regularly spaced anticlinal ridges. The periodic nature of the anticlines is characterized by dividing the Yakima fold belt into three domains on the basis of spacings and orientations...
Published: 01 January 1989
DOI: 10.1130/SPE239-p265
... Umtanum Ridge is one of the best-exposed Yakima ridges formed by folded basalt flows in south-central Washington. An analysis was made of the structural geometry and strain distribution in the deformed basalt layers exposed on the ridge at Priest Rapids Dam. The purpose of the analysis...
Regional map of the <span class="search-highlight">Yakima</span> fold province, with inset showing the tectonic s...
Published: 10 October 2017
; YFP—Yakima fold province. Abbreviations on map: MR—Manastash Ridge, UR—Umtanum Ridge, YR—Yakima Ridge, AR—Ahtanum Ridge, TR—Toppenish Ridge, FH—Frenchman Hills, RH—Rattlesnake Hills, HHH—Horse Heaven Hills, BM—Boyleston Mountains, SG—Sentinel Gap, and YC—Yakima Canyon. Digital elevation model (DEM
Shaded relief map of the <span class="search-highlight">Yakima</span> fold and thrust belt showing the approximat...
Published: 27 January 2015
Figure 1. Shaded relief map of the Yakima fold and thrust belt showing the approximate location of the seismic profile (bold black line). MR, Manastash ridge; UR, Umtanum ridge; YR, Yakima ridge; RH, Rattlesnake Hills; RM, Rattlesnake Mountain; WF, Wallula fault; WG, Wallula Gap; and GM, Gable
Quaternary faults and fold axes on shaded relief map of eastern Washington ...
Published: 01 February 2012
axes (orange) from U.S. Geological Survey Quaternary fault database ( U.S. Geological Survey, 2006 ): FH, Frenchman Hills; SM, Saddle Mountains; UR, Umtanum Ridge; AR, Ahtanum Ridge; RR, Rattlesnake Mountain; MR, Manstas Ridge; YR, Yakima Ridge; TR, Toppenish Ridge; HHH, Horse Heaven Hills; CH
Trace of the Olympic-Wallowa lineament across the Columbia Basin. Abbreviat...
Published: 06 May 2020
Yakima Ridge; TR—Toppenish Ridge; WFZ—Wallula fault zone; NB—Naches Basin; RB—Roslyn Basin; CG—Chiwaukum Graben; PB—Pasco Basin; CRBG—Columbia River Basalt Group (modified from Reidel and Campbell, 1989 ).
Portion of Flinn et al.’s (1997) aeromagnetic map of the south-central Colu...
Published: 06 May 2020
Mountains; UR—Umtanum Ridge; YR—Yakima Ridge; RM—Rattlesnake Mountain; HHH—Horse Heaven Hills. Frenchman Springs Member; WCF—trace of the Wilbur Creek flow, Saddle Mountains Basalt. Dike and/or vent designations use the symbols on Figures 2 and 6 .
Series: Field Guide
Published: 01 January 2003
DOI: 10.1130/0-8137-0004-3.87
EISBN: 9780813756042
... eruptions was the folding and faulting of the basalt in the western part of the Columbia Basin and development of generally east-west-trending anticlinal ridges and synclinal valleys collectively known as the Yakima fold belt. Setting The Columbia River Basalt Group covers much of eastern Washington...
FIGURES | View All (7)
Published: 01 January 1989
DOI: 10.1130/SPE239-p209
... River Basalt Group thins across the Hog Ranch–Naneum Ridge structure, suggesting that this feature was active during Miocene time. The northwestern Columbia River basalt margin is the focus of major structural elements that converge on the Yakima fold belt, including the Olympic-Wallowa lineament (OWL...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 06 May 2020
GSA Bulletin (2021) 133 (1-2): 115–133.
...—Yakima Ridge; TR—Toppenish Ridge; WFZ—Wallula fault zone; NB—Naches Basin; RB—Roslyn Basin; CG—Chiwaukum Graben; PB—Pasco Basin; CRBG—Columbia River Basalt Group (modified from Reidel and Campbell, 1989 ). ...
FIGURES | View All (17)
Published: 01 January 1989
DOI: 10.1130/SPE239-p247
...) the growth of the Yakima folds, and (4) the influence of regional structures transecting the fold belt, specifically the Hog Ranch-Naneum Ridge anticline and the Cle Elum–Wallula disturbed zone. Subsidence of the Yakima fold belt subprovince began prior to the eruption of the CRBG and has continued from...
Series: GSA Field Guide
Published: 01 January 2009
DOI: 10.1130/2009.fld015(01)
EISBN: 9780813756158
... Viticultural Areas (AVAs). Water gaps in the anticlinal ridges of the Yakima fold belt restrict cold air drainage from the broad synclinal basins where many vineyards are located, enhancing the development of temperature inversions and locally increasing diurnal temperature variations. Vineyards planted...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1993
GSA Bulletin (1993) 105 (9): 1247–1259.
... Chiwaukum graben does not continue beneath the CRBG and that sub-basalt sedimentary rocks are not thrust into the cores of the basalt anticlines in the Yakima fold belt. A gravity high that trends north-south in the center of the CRBG is probably caused by a broad basement ridge marked by thinner...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 November 1966
GSA Bulletin (1966) 77 (11): 1293–1314.
... its base before erosion and partial inundation by the Yakima Basalt. On Bethel Ridge, 4–6 miles west of the center of the volcano, at least 1000 feet of gently dipping slurry-flood breccias, lava flows, and rhyolitic pumice flows can be traced nearly continuously into the pyroclastic cone. Some...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1955
GSA Bulletin (1955) 66 (6): 663–684.
... with the Yakima basalt. It also indicates that local diastrophism and volcanism continuously modified and interrupted deposition of the Ellensburg formation. Smith's conclusions that the great topographic ridges are growing anticlines, not fault blocks, and that the major rivers are antecedent to these folds...
Journal Article
Published: 27 January 2015
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2015) 105 (2A): 745–752.
...Figure 1. Shaded relief map of the Yakima fold and thrust belt showing the approximate location of the seismic profile (bold black line). MR, Manastash ridge; UR, Umtanum ridge; YR, Yakima ridge; RH, Rattlesnake Hills; RM, Rattlesnake Mountain; WF, Wallula fault; WG, Wallula Gap; and GM, Gable...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 July 1992
Geology (1992) 20 (7): 609–612.
.... These are observed in the Yakima fold belt of the Columbia Plateau, Earth, the ridged plains of the Tharsis province, Mars, and the lowland plains of Lavinia Planitia, Venus. The wrinkle ridges and strike- slip faults reflect a relatively small amount of crustal shortening in these regions of distributed deformation...
Published: 01 August 2013
DOI: 10.1130/2013.2497(15)
... (Basalt of Museum 2 and Museum 1; Basalt of Stember Creek; and upper and lower flows of the Basalt of McCoy Canyon), Ortley member (informal), Grouse Creek member (informal “Meeks Table” flow), and Wapshilla Ridge Member. All these Grande Ronde Basalt flows display similar intraflow structures (cooling...