Wasco oil field

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Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 April 1947
Geophysics (1947) 12 (2): 169–175.
...Earling Lester Erickson Abstract The reflection seismograph surveys which led to the discovery of Wasco oil field were started in 1934. Some additional work was done to outline the structure in 1935. Subsequent to discovery in 1938 a detailed reflection seismograph survey was made for the purposes...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1965
AAPG Bulletin (1965) 49 (7): 1082.
...H. Victor Church ABSTRACT Gas and oil occur in the Pliocene in a number of fields located along three major northwesterly-trending anticlinal structures of low relief in the east-central portion of the San Joaquin Valley. The upper member of the Pliocene, the San Joaquin Formation, is 1,200-1,800...
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 February 1963
Geophysics (1963) 28 (1): 46–86.
... of the wells in the San Joaquin Valley, California, area. Average velocities, velocity functions, and probability ratios were derived for the 3 classes of lithology, for all data, for the 2 general areas, and for 3 individual oil fields: Wasco, Rio Bravo, and Coalinga. GeoRef, Copyright 2008, American...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1939
AAPG Bulletin (1939) 23 (10): 1564–1567.
... of prospecting efforts in the Wasco-Semitropic district of California was reached, April 11, 1938, when the Continental Oil Company well No. K.C.L. A-2 was swabbed in to prove that oil could be produced at a substantial rate in the Wasco field from a zone encountered at 13,095 feet. Well No. K.C.L. A-2...
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2018
DOI: 10.1144/SP435.14
EISBN: 9781786202901
... in the Vedder Fm and the Stevens sandstones within the Monterey Fm ( California DOGGR 1998 ). Although sandstones in the Kreyenhagen Fm have not been exploited at Greeley, they have been productive at the nearby Wasco oil field. Burial depths of the Vedder Fm exceed 3155 m and the Kreyenhagen sandstones...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1940
AAPG Bulletin (1940) 24 (7): 1333–1338.
...F. A. MENKEN 1 Read before the Pacific Section of the Association at Los Angeles, November 10,1939. A similar paper was prepared to form a part of Bulletin 118 , “Geologic Formations and Economic Development of the Oil and Gas Fields of California” (now in press), of the Geologic Branch...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1953
AAPG Bulletin (1953) 37 (2): 201–216.
.... These shales have not been selectively tested in any of the central valley fields producing from sands. A well at Wasco reportedly flowed 35 barrels per day of 30° gravity oil from 50 feet of upper Miocene cherty shale after being completed under poor mechanical conditions. The Wasco area is located near...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1939
AAPG Bulletin (1939) 23 (6): 932–948.
... distribution of wells. The Wasco field, discovered by the deepest well in the world, is probably small in area but is limited in estimated reserves primarily by the known presence of only 40 feet of oil sand. The Coles Levee, Richfield-Western, and Aliso Canyon fields are all fields of at least...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1941
AAPG Bulletin (1941) 25 (7): 1343–1362.
... folding. For this work it is necessary to know, with considerable accuracy, the velocities in the sedimentary section. To obtain such data, the Coöperative Well Velocity Group was organized in July, 1938, with all of the major oil companies and geophysical companies as members. The past 2-year period...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1950
AAPG Bulletin (1950) 34 (6): 1014–1031.
.... Eocene pool, Wasco field .—This pool was discovered September 9, 1949, as a result of deepening the Standard Oil Company’s Mushrush 5, which was completed originally as a Vedder zone producer in 1940. Initial production from the Eocene was 352 barrels per day of 40.4° gravity oil through 18/64-inch bean...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1942
AAPG Bulletin (1942) 26 (6): 1135–1154.
... evidence of the ability of the geologist to continue to find oil when more time is available to him for the consideration of data already at hand. Fig. 1. PORTION OF CALIFORNIA SHOWING PRINCIPAL OIL AND GAS FIELDS The declining rate of discovery in California continued from its 1936–1937...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 August 1973
AAPG Bulletin (1973) 57 (8): 1437–1447.
... Oil Co., an extension of the Wasco field by Signal Oil and Gas Co., and a subcommercial new pool at Ant Hill by Standard Oil Co. Of California. For the first time in many years, if ever before in the history of the petroleum industry in California, no oil discovery resulting from exploratory...
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Journal Article
Journal: The Leading Edge
Published: 01 May 2008
The Leading Edge (2008) 27 (5): 613–618.
...-velocity marker, such as the Viola limestone in Oklahoma. Rieber's first refraction mapping efforts failed. Interestingly, his first experimental refraction line began at Belridge, California, and ran through the Lost Hills Oil Field past the town of Wasco to old U.S. Highway 99. This is now known...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1938
AAPG Bulletin (1938) 22 (6): 701–718.
...Harold W. Hoots ABSTRACT Nine new fields, new zones in three fields, and one geological extension of an older field, were discovered in California during 1937. These discoveries and normal extensions of existing fields added an estimated 322 million barrels to the state’s reserve oil supply...
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Series: Miscellaneous Publication
Published: 01 January 2014
EISBN: 9781733984478
... sections delineate the sliatigraphic sequences in northern Butlonwillow- See Figure 2 for location. Lowermost Zemorrian (37-36 Ma) and Lower Zemorrian Sequences (36- 28 Ma) The lowstand wedge consists of Gatchell-equivalent sandstones that once produced oil in the Wasco field to the west...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1976
AAPG Bulletin (1976) 60 (3): 356–378.
..., 1974b ). More than 125 structures, mostly subsurface anticlines, were studied. Fig. 1 —San Andreas fault, surface fold axes in adjacent Diablo and Temblor Ranges, subsurface structure (contours), and oil and gas fields of San Joaquin Valley basin. Areas treated in detail on Figures 3 and 8...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1939
AAPG Bulletin (1939) 23 (1): 24–44.
... of Paleontology 3 in 1934. It is to be inferred from this description, that it was essentially the same as the “caving blue shale” of the Kettleman Hills oil field and similar gray shales of approximately the same stratigraphic horizon elsewhere in the southern part of the San Joaquin Valley. This use...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1991
Jour. Geol. Soc. India (1991) 38 (2): 195–206.
... that are responsible for degradation of environment in irrigation project commands are excess of recharge over discharge, due to seepage from reservoirs, canals, distribu~ taries and field channels and percolation losses from applied irrigation resulting in a ,rise in water table. As the water table nears the land...
Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 01 December 2016
Geosphere (2016) 12 (6): 1744–1773.
... of California shows principal features of Sierra Nevada microplate after Argus and Gordon (1991) and Unruh et al. (2003) . Inset map of Kern River oil field shows well core and surface sample locations in more detail. flt.—fault. Widespread burial of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith by Tertiary...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 November 1964
AAPG Bulletin (1964) 48 (11): 1755–1803.
... indeed, and liquid petroleum in the subsurface, like water, is known almost exclusively only as a constituent of the pore spaces of other rocks. A possible exception might be made for the petroleum filling subsurface limestone caverns such as are known in some of the Cretaceous oil fields of Mexico...