Walnut Canyon

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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2010
Journal of Sedimentary Research (2010) 80 (9): 808–828.
...Jason Rush; Charles Kerans Abstract The uppermost Yates and Tansill formations (Late Permian), as exposed along Walnut Canyon in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico, USA, provide a unique opportunity to document the depositional architecture of a progradational, oversteepened...
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Series: SEPM Core Workshop Notes
Published: 01 January 1989
DOI: 10.2110/cor.89.13.0295
EISBN: 9781565762671
... and Tansill formations was studied in an outcrop belt 3.5 km wide and 11 km long parallel to, and 1 to 8.5 km shelfward of, the Capitan Limestone (Walnut Canyon, New Mexico). The stratigraphic interval includes three major outcrop-defined carbonate units; in ascending order, the Hairpin Dolomite (Yates...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1952
GSA Bulletin (1952) 63 (2): 95–166.
...HALKA CHRONIC Abstract During the summer of 1946, field investigations of the Alpha member of the Permian Kaibab formation were undertaken in the region of Walnut Canyon, south of Flagstaff, Arizona. Excellence of exposures greatly facilitated the measuring of sections and tracing of rock units...
Geologic map of the <span class="search-highlight">Walnut</span> <span class="search-highlight">Canyon</span> area based on new mapping and previous wo...
Published: 01 January 2020
Fig. 4. Geologic map of the Walnut Canyon area based on new mapping and previous work by Creasey et al. (1983) , Keith (1983) , and Richard and Spencer (1998a) . Note north direction. Map updates include new bedding measurements in Early Cretaceous and older rocks near Walnut Canyon, fold axes
Structure contour map of the <span class="search-highlight">Walnut</span> <span class="search-highlight">Canyon</span> fault. Note that north arrow dir...
Published: 01 January 2020
Fig. 5. Structure contour map of the Walnut Canyon fault. Note that north arrow direction is deviated 27° west from vertical. Structure contours were drawn by connecting points on the fault that exist at the same elevation (topographic elevation contours not shown). These contours were
—“Vadose pisoliths” with reverse-graded bedding from <span class="search-highlight">Walnut</span> <span class="search-highlight">Canyon</span>, Guadalu...
Published: 01 November 1976
Fig. 2 —“Vadose pisoliths” with reverse-graded bedding from Walnut Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas. Commonly each pisolite unit starts from layer of clastic calcareous sand (lower part of picture) with evidences of normal clastic transport and deposition. There is no indication of alteration
—“Vadose pisolith” from <span class="search-highlight">Walnut</span> <span class="search-highlight">Canyon</span>, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas, with mor...
Published: 01 November 1976
Fig. 4 —“Vadose pisolith” from Walnut Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas, with more than 60 well-defined pisolith laminae.
—Pisolitic concretions from the Carlsbad limestone. <span class="search-highlight">Walnut</span> <span class="search-highlight">Canyon</span>, Carlsbad...
Published: 01 July 1937
Fig. 18. —Pisolitic concretions from the Carlsbad limestone. Walnut Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico. Size, –0.9. Note the bedding, and fragmental character of many of the pisolites.
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 January 2020
Economic Geology (2020) 115 (1): 153–175.
...Fig. 4. Geologic map of the Walnut Canyon area based on new mapping and previous work by Creasey et al. (1983) , Keith (1983) , and Richard and Spencer (1998a) . Note north direction. Map updates include new bedding measurements in Early Cretaceous and older rocks near Walnut Canyon, fold axes...
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Series: SEPM Special Publication
Published: 01 January 1999
DOI: 10.2110/pec.99.65.0161
EISBN: 9781565761872
..., large crystals of meteoric spar. The Capitan reef influenced deposition in surrounding environments. Throughout its growth the Capitan was a “sediment factory” that generated prolific amounts of sediment that accumulated in the fore-reef. Study of the upper Capitan at Walnut Canyon suggests...
—A schematic cross section illustrates depositional styles at key outcrop s...
Published: 01 April 1991
Figure 32 —A schematic cross section illustrates depositional styles at key outcrop sections. Inset map (after King, 1948 ) shows locations in Guadalupe Mountains area: (1) U.S. Highway 285 roadcut, (2) Walnut Canyon above Hairpin Turn, (3) Dark Canyon, and (4) the mouth of Walnut Canyon.
Interpretation of fracture linkage with buried faults along lower <span class="search-highlight">Walnut</span> Ca...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 11 Interpretation of fracture linkage with buried faults along lower Walnut Canyon based upon recent work on vertically extensive exposures of the underlying Yates Formation in Slaughter, west Walnut, and Rattlesnake canyons by Koša and Hunt ( 2005 , 2006a , b ).
Depositional model for G28 late highstand to G29 lowstand.  A)  Orthophoto ...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 13 Depositional model for G28 late highstand to G29 lowstand. A) Orthophoto of lower Walnut Canyon showing location of identified syndepositional, breccia-filled, dilational fractures and line of section used for model. B) A matrix-supported breccia ( br-3 ) located ~ 400 m landward
A. Diagram of hypothetical Laramide porphyries (P1, P2, and P3) with relate...
Published: 01 January 2020
., 2005 ) that may be a segment of the Walnut Canyon fault. Alternatively, the reverse fault at Ray may be a separate reverse fault that originally was located to the east of the Walnut Canyon fault, and, instead, Ray would be more analogous to the P3 deposit.
Map displaying location of Guadalupe Mountains on the border between Texas ...
Published: 01 March 2008
Figure 1 Map displaying location of Guadalupe Mountains on the border between Texas and New Mexico as well as locations of Walnut Canyon and Dark Canyon.
Stratigraphic context for recommended excursions and other key localities: ...
Published: 01 April 2017
Figure 2. Stratigraphic context for recommended excursions and other key localities: (1) Western Escarpment, (2) Pine Canyon, (3) McKittrick Canyon, (4) Slaughter Canyon, (5) Rattlesnake–Walnut Canyon, (6) Dark Canyon, (7) Last Chance Canyon, and (8) Algerita Escarpment—Lawyer Canyon and Pothole
Bivariate plot showing that as the percent aragonite increases so does the ...
Published: 01 March 2008
Figure 9 Bivariate plot showing that as the percent aragonite increases so does the δ 13 C value of the sample. Filled triangles represent samples from Walnut Canyon ( n = 17) whereas filled circles are from Dark Canyon ( n = 5).
Bivariate plot showing that as the Sr concentration increases so does the δ...
Published: 01 March 2008
Figure 10 Bivariate plot showing that as the Sr concentration increases so does the δ 13 C value of the sample. Filled triangles represent samples from Walnut Canyon ( n = 22) whereas filled circles are from Dark Canyon ( n = 10).
—Radiating aggregates of calcite, pseudomorphing acicular anhydrite in Yate...
Published: 01 September 1974
Fig. 5. —Radiating aggregates of calcite, pseudomorphing acicular anhydrite in Yates wackestone, Walnut Canyon, 1.9 km NNE of entrance to Carlsbad Caverns.
—Leutecite cavity fill in lithoclastic-skeletal sandy Tansill grainstone. W...
Published: 01 September 1974
Fig. 9. —Leutecite cavity fill in lithoclastic-skeletal sandy Tansill grainstone. Walnut Canyon, east wall, 0.7 km north of mouth.