Walcott, Charles D.

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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1994
GSA Bulletin (1994) 106 (3): 338–350.
...ELLIS L. YOCHELSON; HATTEN S. YODER, JR. Abstract Charles Doolittle Walcott, during his career as Director of the U.S. Geological Survey (1894-1907) was interested in broad problems of the earth. Within a few days of meeting Andrew Carnegie in December 1901, he had laid plans for a geophysical...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1914
GSA Bulletin (1914) 25 (1): 127–156.
... Society was held in Guyot Hall to hear the retiring address by the President of the Paleontological Society, Charles D. Walcott, who chose as his subject CAMBRIAN OF WESTERN NORTH AMERICA Following this address, which was illustrated by lantern slides, President Walcott called the Paleontological Society...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 August 1937
GSA Bulletin (1937) 48 (8): 1079–1146.
... fair to resolve the difficulties which baffled such eminent and acute geologists as Sir William Logan, Elkanah Billings, James Hall, Jules Marcou, and Charles D. Walcott. Like Sir William, Keith realized that fossils might be the master key for opening the secrets of this chamber of mysteries...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1920
GSA Bulletin (1920) 31 (3): 375–382.
... region and learn about them from State and government reports without first having received preliminary instruction. Some of our most eminent paleontologists had their interest aroused in this way and are true products of their environment. J. M. Clarke, Charles Schuchert, Edward O. Ulrich, and Charles D...
Series: GSA Special Papers
Published: 01 January 1938
DOI: 10.1130/SPE13-p1
... the study was undertaken, about 170 species of brachiopods representing about 24 genera were known. The authors have added 32 genera and have increased the number of species to 319. In addition to the above mentioned specimens a large collection was studied which was made by C. D. Walcott. All regions...
Published: 01 June 2015
DOI: 10.1130/2015.2512(02)
... of Trenton trilobites, and who had spent the previous season in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado [River]. The next morning, I made the acquaintance of Charles D. Walcott 2 and commenced a lifelong friendship full of interesting experiences and pleasant memories. At the end of the sixth day, we reached...
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1982
Earth Sciences History (1982) 1 (1): 48–57.
... in economic and general geology, for immediate practical results and the longer term expansion of knowledge, as deftly merged by Directors King and Charles D. Walcott, but not by Director John Wesley Powell. Joseph Henry, the Smithsonian’s first Secretary. was opposed to a national museum of record...
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Series: GSA Special Papers
Published: 01 January 1940
DOI: 10.1130/SPE25-p1
... of some Paleozoic systems in the west is still insufficient to make possible even satisfactory definition of the problems themselves. While the western Cambrian faunas have become reasonably well known through the vigorous collecting program of Charles D. Walcott and his associates, and while...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1912
GSA Bulletin (1912) 23 (1): 77–92.
...R. S. Bassler Abstract Session of Thursday, December 28, 1911 The opening session of the Society was called to order at 10 o’clock, Thursday morning, December 28, 1911, by Vice-President Arthur Hollick, in the new National Museum. Dr. Charles D. Walcott, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1909
GSA Bulletin (1909) 20 (1): 427–606.
... in these sciences had its initiative in association with E. O. Ulrich, and was continued with James Hall, C. E. Beecher, and Charles D. Walcott. Subsequently nearly all the larger American collections of Paleozoic fossils, as well as many European ones, have been examined or studied by him. For eleven years he had...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1903
GSA Bulletin (1903) 14 (1): 495–588.
... of the meeting were held except the evening session of this day. Dr Charles D. Walcott, Director of the United States Geological Survey, made an informal address of welcome, to which the President responded. The report of the Council was called for and was presented by the Secretary, in print, as follows: REPORT...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1896
GSA Bulletin (1896) 8 (1): 359–438.
...Herman Le Roy Fairchild Abstract Session of Tuesday, December 29 The Society was called to order at 10 o’clock a m, in the lecture hall of the United States National Museum, where all the daily sessions were held, President Joseph Le Conte in the chair. Mr Charles D. Walcott, Director of the United...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1906
GSA Bulletin (1906) 17 (1): 1–11.
...CHARLES D. WALCOTT Abstract Introduction In 1898 I made a reconnaissance of the pre-Cambrian formations of the Belt mountains of Montana and published the results. * The section extended from the unconformable Cambrian above to Archean complex at the base. In 1900 I crossed the Belt mountains...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1902
GSA Bulletin (1902) 13 (1): 99–118.
...CHARLES D. WALCOTT Abstract Introduction A few years ago I outlined * what to me appeared to be the proper policy to be pursued by the United States Geological Survey. A kindly critic said of it: “There will not be much left for others to do if all that you have planned is carried out.” Since...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1899
GSA Bulletin (1899) 10 (1): 199–244.
...Charles D. Walcott Abstract Introduction The base of the Paleozoic and of the Cambrian has been placed at the lowest known limit of the Olenellus fauna, all clastic rocks beneath being referred to the Algonkian, * a name given to the period embracing the time of the deposition of those clastic...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1893
GSA Bulletin (1893) 5 (1): 191–198.
...Charles D. Walcott Abstract Introduction. Usually the presence of a conglomerate in a stratigraphic series of rocks is a matter of considerable importance to the geologist. He naturally infers the presence of a break in the continuity of sedimentation; an orographic movement of greater or less...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1892
GSA Bulletin (1892) 3 (1): 153–172.
...Charles D. Walcott Abstract History of the Discovery. The first discovery known to me of lower Paleozoic fossils in the vicinity of Canyon City, Colorado, was made in 1887 by Mr. S. F. Emmons, of the United States Geological Survey. The collection included two species of lamellibranch shells...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1890
GSA Bulletin (1890) 1 (1): 335–356.
...CHARLES D. WALCOTT Abstract Introduction From the windows of the building in which we are assembled we can look out over the broad expanse of the river * upon which Henry Hudson sailed two hundred and eighty years ago (1609). It was afterward christened “Hudson” by the English, and it has retained...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1927
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1927) 17 (2): 118–121.
..., John C., Hudson, N.Y. Kemp, J. F., New York, N.Y. Walcott, Charles D., Washington, D.C. Kibbe, A. S., Berkeley, Cal. Watt, Rolla V., San Francisco, Cal. Mudd, S. W., Los Angeles, Cal. The resignation of the following twenty-one members : Carr, M. L., Avon, I11. Parkin, William M., Pittsburgh, Pa...
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1997
Earth Sciences History (1997) 16 (1): 4–12.
... of Canada Paper 90-9 , 1991:79–84. 7. Ellis L. Yochelson, “Charles Doolittle Walcott 1850–1927.” Biographical Memoirs, National Academy of Sciences 1967, 39: 471–540. 8. Charles D. Walcott, Second Contribution to the Studies of the Cambrian fauna of North America , U.S. Geological Survey...