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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2009
European Journal of Mineralogy (2009) 21 (5): 1009–1028.
...Marcella Davì; Rosanna de Rosa; Paola Donato; Francesco Vetere; Donatella Barca; Andrea Cavallo Abstract The Vulcanello peninsula is situated north of Vulcano, the southernmost island of the Aeolian Arc. It was built at the rim of La Fossa Caldera between 1000 and 1650 A.D. Erupted products...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1991
Italian Journal of Geosciences (1991) 110 (2): 281–307.
...Silvana Gurrieri; Gaetana Donati; Selma Russo; Salvatore Ioppolo; Eleonora Maccarrone; Francesca Stagno Abstract In this paper are presented petrographic and mineralogical features of some base-surge and pyroclastic flow deposits outcropping at Vulcanello and La Fossa crater in the Vulcano Island...
Phase composition of products forming the <span class="search-highlight">Vulcanello</span> peninsula. (a) pyroxen...
Published: 01 October 2009
Fig. 2. Phase composition of products forming the Vulcanello peninsula. (a) pyroxene; (b) feldspar; (c) olivine. (b) Core (1) rim (10) profile is reported for feldspar VLO4_Ph4 (upper part of the figure). Isotherms are drawn by Solvcalc software ( Wen & Nekvasil, 1994 ) following Fuhrman
87 Sr&#x2F; 86 Sr  vs.  SiO 2  (a) and  vs.  Sr (b) diagrams for <span class="search-highlight">Vulcanello</span> prod...
Published: 01 October 2009
Fig. 6. 87 Sr/ 86 Sr vs. SiO 2 (a) and vs. Sr (b) diagrams for Vulcanello products.
Fractional Crystallisation models for <span class="search-highlight">Vulcanello</span> shoshonite starting from p...
Published: 01 October 2009
Fig. 7. Fractional Crystallisation models for Vulcanello shoshonite starting from pre- (N1–9) and post- (IV88.1) 15 ka primitive magmas represented by the melt inclusions in La Fossa olivines (data of the melt inclusions from Gioncada et al ., 1998 ). Values of partition coefficients ( D
Chondrite-normalised  REE  patterns ( Nakamura, 1974 ) for selected Vulcane...
Published: 01 October 2009
Fig. 5. Chondrite-normalised REE patterns ( Nakamura, 1974 ) for selected Vulcanello samples.
Selected distribution of primordial mantle-normalised ( Sun &amp; McDonough...
Published: 01 October 2009
Fig. 4. Selected distribution of primordial mantle-normalised ( Sun & McDonough, 1989 ) trace element contents of the Vulcanello products.
Schematic geological map of Vulcano Island (from  Vetere  et al ., 2007 ) a...
Published: 01 October 2009
Fig. 1. Schematic geological map of Vulcano Island (from Vetere et al ., 2007 ) and the Vulcanello Peninsula (modified from De Astis et al ., 2006 ). Numbers indicate sampling sites.
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 January 2006
Geology (2006) 34 (1): 17–20.
... is located within the Fossa Caldera. The small lava shield and pyroclastic cones of Vulcanello form the northern end of the island ( Fig. 1B ). The exposed activity started ca. 120 ka with the growth of the Primordial Vulcano stratocone. Multiple collapses occurred ca. 100 ka, forming the 2.5-km-wide Piano...
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.1130/SPE212-p29
...-year growth was 5 × 10 4 m 3 per year. Vulcanello produced about 3 × 10 7 m 3 of tephritic to trachytic magma in the past 2,100 years, a production rate of 1.5 × 10 4 m 3 per year. ...
Models of fractional crystallisation (FC) and fractional crystallisation pl...
Published: 01 October 2009
Fig. 8. Models of fractional crystallisation (FC) and fractional crystallisation plus assimilation (AFC) for Vulcanello products. Values of partition coefficients ( D ) used in the models are given in the figures. Dots along the line indicate 10 % of crystallisation. Asterisks represent
87 Sr/ 86 Sr  vs.  Sr and Zr  vs.  Ba plots showing EC-RA/χ/FC trajectories...
Published: 01 October 2009
Fig. 9. 87 Sr/ 86 Sr vs. Sr and Zr vs. Ba plots showing EC-RA/χ/FC trajectories for Vulcanello products using as contaminants a felsic granulite (dotted line) and a metapelite (full line). Values of parameters used in the models are given in Table 7 . Asterisks represent additional isotopic
- a) View of Baia di Levante (Vulcano, Italy) from the slope of La Fossa; v...
Published: 01 February 2021
Fig. 1 - a) View of Baia di Levante (Vulcano, Italy) from the slope of La Fossa; view is approximately NNW towards Vulcanello. b) Geothermal well (Pozzo Istmo) with thermal fluid-filled serum bottles on the right lip of the well housing. c) The beach at Baia di Levante. d-e) Close-up views
(a) K 2 O  vs.  SiO 2  ( Peccerillo &amp; Taylor, 1976 ) diagram for Vulcan...
Published: 01 October 2009
Fig. 3. (a) K 2 O vs. SiO 2 ( Peccerillo & Taylor, 1976 ) diagram for Vulcanello products. The vertical axis is extended up to 7 wt% K 2 O following De Astis et al . (1997 , 2006) and Gioncada et al . (2003) . Data for the other Vulcano products ( De Astis et al ., 2006
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2019
American Mineralogist (2019) 104 (10): 1444–1454.
... is a shoshonite ( Vetere et al. 2007 ; Davì et al. 2009 ) from the Vulcanello lava platform, emplaced in the eruption period ending at ca. 1250 A.D. ( Keller 1980 ; Arrighi et al. 2006 ; De Astis et al. 2006 ). The more evolved, silicic end-member was sampled at the Pietre Cotte lava flow, which was produced...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2003
Geological Magazine (2003) 140 (5): 622–623.
..., then along the margin of the Fossa Caldera to examine rhyolite lava domes, pyroclastic surge deposits and the caldera relationships, and finally across the beach north of the harbour to see the famous hot mud pool and over the isthmus to Vulcanello which emerged from the sea in 183 BC. Stromboli is probably...
Series: Geological Society, London, Memoirs
Published: 01 January 2013
DOI: 10.1144/M37.11
EISBN: 9781862396371
... al. 1991 ). Finally, on the north-eastern submarine sector overlooking Vulcanello, Gamberi et al. (1997) and Romagnoli et al. (2013) have identified a large volcanic outcrop representative of a recent pillow-lava field related to the Vulcanello activity. Favalli et al. (2005...
FIGURES | View All (36)
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2013
European Journal of Mineralogy (2013) 25 (3): 479–486.
... and alunite, as well as quartz and halite, all primary and secondary speleogenetic by-products. Tamarugite was first described from Mina de la Compania, Sierra Gorda, Chile ( Gordon, 1940 ). It has also been identified in cavities within the Vulcanello Crater (Vulcano Island, Sicily; Lombardi & Sposato...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2007
DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2007.273.01.01
EISBN: 9781862395213
... on Lipari and was later made a saint, was credited with having driven the devil and his fires from Lipari ( Fig. 10 ) to Vulcanello, and as that was still too close for comfort, on to Vulcano. As St Calogero is known to have lived from AD 524- AD 562, Dr Keller inferred that the eruption must have...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2021
Italian Journal of Geosciences (2021) 140 (1): 7–15.
...Fig. 1 - a) View of Baia di Levante (Vulcano, Italy) from the slope of La Fossa; view is approximately NNW towards Vulcanello. b) Geothermal well (Pozzo Istmo) with thermal fluid-filled serum bottles on the right lip of the well housing. c) The beach at Baia di Levante. d-e) Close-up views...