Ventura Avenue Anticline

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Journal Article
Published: 06 May 2014
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2014) 104 (3): 1070–1087.
...Judith Hubbard; John H. Shaw; James Dolan; Thomas L. Pratt; Lee McAuliffe; Thomas K. Rockwell Abstract The Ventura Avenue anticline is one of the fastest uplifting structures in southern California, rising at ∼5 mm/yr. We use well data and seismic reflection profiles to show that the anticline...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1988
GSA Bulletin (1988) 100 (6): 850–858.
...T. K. ROCKWELL; E. A. KELLER; G. R. DEMBROFF Abstract Upper Quaternary terraces of the Ventura River, California, are uplifted, tilted, and folded over the Ventura Avenue anticline. Rates of uplift and tilting have decreased since inception of the structure over the past 200 ka. Assuming...
Series: DNAG, Centennial Field Guides
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.1130/0-8137-5401-1.219
EISBN: 9780813754079
... Abstract The Ventura basin in the Transverse Ranges of southernCalifornia (Fig. 1) contains evidence for major folding and faultingin Quaternary time, deformation that is still in progress. Muchof the evidence for age and deformation rates comes from theVentura Avenue anticline that began...
Series: DNAG, Centennial Field Guides
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10.1130/0-8137-5401-1.219
EISBN: 9780813754079
... Abstract The Ventura basin in the Transverse Ranges of southernCalifornia (Fig. 1) contains evidence for major folding and faultingin Quaternary time, deformation that is still in progress. Muchof the evidence for age and deformation rates comes from theVentura Avenue anticline that began...
Series: Guidebook
Published: 01 January 1988
DOI: 10.32375/1988-GB64.6
EISBN: 9781970168495
... ABSTRACT The San Miguelito and Rincon oil fields are located along the northern edge of the western Ventura basin. Both fields produce from the approximately 3350 m (11,000 ft) thick sequence of turbiditic Plio-Pleistocene strata contained in the Ventura Avenue anticlinal trend. The anticlinal...
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Cross section of the <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span> <span class="search-highlight">Avenue</span> <span class="search-highlight">anticline</span> and <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span> fault showing a s...
Published: 06 May 2014
Figure 3. Cross section of the Ventura Avenue anticline and Ventura fault showing a subset of the well data. Cross section is after Huftile and Yeats (1995) , modified to match our interpretation of a deeply rooted Ventura fault. Asterisks indicate that the well has not been projected directly
Stratigraphic map of the Pico Formation in the <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span> <span class="search-highlight">Avenue</span> <span class="search-highlight">Anticline</span> exp...
Published: 01 October 2014
Fig. 10.— Stratigraphic map of the Pico Formation in the Ventura Avenue Anticline exposure (see Fig. 1 for location). Mapped lithofacies are stack in upward-fining, upward-coarsening, and blocky pattern successions composed of conglomeratic sandstone (Lf1, Lf2), very thick- to medium-bedded
Kinematic model of the <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span> <span class="search-highlight">Avenue</span> <span class="search-highlight">anticline</span>, showing deformation over t...
Published: 06 May 2014
Figure 12. Kinematic model of the Ventura Avenue anticline, showing deformation over time. Uplift amounts are derived from terrace data ( Rockwell et al. , 1988 ). Growth of the anticline began at 200–300 ka and continues at present. From 200–300 ka to 30±10  ka, we model the anticline
Structural cross section through the <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span> <span class="search-highlight">Avenue</span> <span class="search-highlight">anticline</span> in the Ventur...
Published: 01 April 2002
Figure 10 Structural cross section through the Ventura Avenue anticline in the Ventura basin, California (modified from a larger section in Davis et al., 1996 ). Tsp + Tv = Sespe and Vaqueros formations; Tr = Rincon formation; Tm = Modelo and Monterey formations; Tsq = Sisquoc Formation; Pu
Journal Article
Published: 25 October 2016
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2016) 106 (6): 2706–2720.
...Thomas K. Rockwell; Kate Clark; Lynn Gamble; Michael E. Oskin; Erik C. Haaker; George L. Kennedy Abstract Slip on the Pitas Point thrust produces uplift and folding of the Ventura Avenue anticlinal ( VAA ) trend in the western Transverse Ranges of southern California. Rapid convergence has resulted...
Schematic north–south cross sections showing alternate models for the Ventu...
Published: 06 May 2014
Figure 2. Schematic north–south cross sections showing alternate models for the Ventura Avenue anticline and Ventura fault. (a) Cross section after Yeats (1982a) and Huftile and Yeats (1995) . In this model, the Ventura Avenue anticline is a north‐vergent detachment fold lifting off
Three-dimensional (3-D) perspective view of the western <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span> Basin illus...
Published: 01 October 2015
Figure 2. Three-dimensional (3-D) perspective view of the western Ventura Basin illustrating the relationships among the Ventura fault, the Ventura Avenue anticline, and the other major faults in the western Transverse Ranges. Solid green lines show locations of the Day Road and Brookshire Avenue
—Main slide areas in eastern part of <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span> <span class="search-highlight">Avenue</span> oil field. Black dots i...
Published: 01 February 1971
Fig. 2 —Main slide areas in eastern part of Ventura Avenue oil field. Black dots indicate producing oil wells. Slide areas are numbered and parallel lines indicate direction of movement. Approximate position of axis of Ventura Avenue anticline is shown; four faults are indicated.
—Regional tectonic map modified from  Yeats (1976)  and  Jennings (1977) . ...
Published: 01 July 1982
FIG. 2 —Regional tectonic map modified from Yeats (1976) and Jennings (1977) . APF, Arroyo Parida fault; O, Ojai; OV, Oak View; RA, Rincon anticline; RMF, Red Mountain fault; SM, South Mountain; SP, Santa Paula; V, Ventura and Ventura River; VAA, Ventura Avenue anticline.
Perspective view of the <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span> fault model from the east‐northeast, with d...
Published: 06 May 2014
Figure 9. Perspective view of the Ventura fault model from the east‐northeast, with data constraints as shown; 1 km depth contours are marked. (VAA, surface trace of the Ventura Avenue anticline; VB1, fault pick from that line.) The ovals below each well show fault picks from wells; well numbers
Series: Guidebook
Published: 01 January 1988
DOI: 10.32375/1988-GB64.1
EISBN: 9781970168495
... Formation at Carpinteria. Then we visit Conoco’s San Miguelito oil field to see the magnificent anticline in the core of the field and to examine turbidite sedimentation. We cross the axis of the fabled Ventura Avenue oil field, drive through Ventura, and turn northeast on to Hwy 126 and follow the Santa...
FIGURES | View All (43)
Structure contour map of ∼1 Ma horizon mapped by  Yeats (1981)  and  subseq...
Published: 01 October 2007
pattern of uplift and subsidence since deposition. (ORF, Oak Ridge fault; VAA, Ventura Avenue anticline; MCT, Mid-Channel Trend; V, Ventura; OS, Oxnard Shelf; SP, Santa Paula).
High‐resolution seismic reflection profile along Brookshire <span class="search-highlight">Avenue</span>, acquire...
Published: 06 May 2014
of the Ventura Avenue anticline is also shown.) Syncline S1 is connected to the fault tip, which lies ∼230  m.b.s.l. The syncline appears to lie ∼55  m to the south of the base of the scarp, and is likely covered by ∼5  m of sediments. No vertical exaggeration is shown. The color version of this figure
Compilation of available paleoseismologic data from the <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span>, Pitas Poin...
Published: 01 October 2015
Figure 12. Compilation of available paleoseismologic data from the Ventura, Pitas Point, and San Cayetano faults. Green bars indicate timing of the two most recent uplift events observed at Pitas Point above the Pitas Point fault near the locus of maximum uplift along the Ventura Avenue anticline
The <span class="search-highlight">Ventura</span> region. Triangles on fault lines denote thrust fault hanging wa...
Published: 06 May 2014
Field; and DCOF, Dos Cuadras Oil Field. North of the Ventura fault, this anticline is called the Ventura Avenue anticline. Near the trace of the San Cayetano fault, we interpret a new, previously unmapped fault that we call the southern San Cayetano fault ( SSCF ), shown with a dashed line; we suggest