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Journal Article
Published: 14 October 2015
Journal of Paleontology (2015) 89 (3): 522–531.
...Kate J. McClure; Rowan Lockwood Abstract Despite the abundance and diversity of Venericardia bivalves on the U.S. Coastal Plain during the Paleogene, the evolutionary relationships within the genus remain unresolved. The primary objectives of this study were to reconstruct a phylogeny...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2004
Journal of Sedimentary Research (2004) 74 (1): 7–19.
...Linda C. Ivany; Bruce H. Wilkinson; Kyger C. Lohmann; Emily R. Johnson; Brandon J. McElroy; Gregory J. Cohen Abstract Stable-isotope compositions were determined for 166 microsamples of aragonite from the bivalve Venericardia hatcheplata collected from the early Eocene Hatchetigbee Formation...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 August 1999
Geology (1999) 27 (8): 711–714.
... of high-resolution drilling techniques in Nummulites , we show that both N. laevigatus and coeval bivalve Venericardia planicosta from the Lutetian of Hampshire, United Kingdom (ca. 50–42.5 Ma), underwent strong, annual alternations in carbon and oxygen isotopes, possibly reflecting tolerance of broad...
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 1968
Journal of Paleontology (1968) 42 (4): 955–986.
...Richard A. Park Abstract Study of six subgenera of Venericardia from the Cenozoic of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Province indicates that each subgenus has its own characteristic ecology and that some subgenera have undergone changes in ecology during Cenozoic time. This study was based on 198...
( 1–3 )  <span class="search-highlight">Venericardia</span> natchitoches  Harris, 1910, USNM
Published: 14 October 2015
Figure 4 ( 1–3 ) Venericardia natchitoches Harris, 1910, USNM 646148, hypotype, middle Eocene, St. Augustine, Texas, left valve; ( 1 ) internal view, 1.6×; ( 2 ) external view, 1.5×; ( 3 ) anterior view, 2×; ( 4–6 ) Venericardia alticostata (Conrad
Variation in δ 18 O of  <span class="search-highlight">Venericardia</span>  carbonate sequentially sampled in dir...
Published: 01 August 2011
Figure 1. Variation in δ 18 O of Venericardia carbonate sequentially sampled in direction of shell growth. Shells are arranged in stratigraphic order. Inferred temperatures are reported assuming constant δ 18 O W value of –0.36‰. Shaded gray bars indicate dark (translucent) growth bands
Figure 8. Ba&#x2F;Ca profiles and corresponding δ 18 O of  <span class="search-highlight">Venericardia</span>  from th...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 8. Ba/Ca profiles and corresponding δ 18 O of Venericardia from the Gosport Sand (A, C), Lisbon (B), and Moodys Branch Formations (D).
Section through the left valve of  <span class="search-highlight">Venericardia</span> hatcheplata,  showing disti...
Published: 01 January 2004
Figure 3 Section through the left valve of Venericardia hatcheplata, showing distinct growth banding. Thin black lines denote microsampled growth-line-parallel sampling paths arranged in a transect along the length of the hinge plate (143 samples) and through a light-dark-light growth band set
Seasonal variation in temperature indicated by variation in  <span class="search-highlight">Venericardia</span>  ...
Published: 01 January 2004
Figure 5 Seasonal variation in temperature indicated by variation in Venericardia δ 18 O values taken at face value. The smooth dashed line represents the best-fit solution to an assumption of annual sinusoidal temperature variation. Temperatures are calculated using the modified equation from
Figure 3. Size-frequency distributions for ten Lisbon, Gosport Sand, and Mo...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 3. Size-frequency distributions for ten Lisbon, Gosport Sand, and Moodys Branch Formation lineages. Venericardia (1)  =  V. trapaquara – V. alticostata lineage (I). Venericardia (2)  =  V. rotunda–V. diversidentata lineage (J).
Figure 6. Growth histories for A)  Nucula , B)  Turritella , C)  Callista ,...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 6. Growth histories for A) Nucula , B) Turritella , C) Callista , D) Venericardia rotunda–V. diversidentata lineage, E) Agaronia , and F) Venericardia trapaquara–F. alticostata lineage as determined from stable isotope data. Growth trajectories were determined by calculating the best
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2011
Jour. Geol. Soc. India (2011) 78 (1): 81–91.
... limestone. Krishnan (1968) made a mention of occurrence of marine fossil i.e. Venericardia  in Madh series which is considered to be Palaeocene. it overlies the Deccan Trap flows disconformably and comprises continental strata derived from underlying traps. The strata containing marine fossils are now...
Journal Article
Published: 06 September 2017
Journal of Paleontology (2017) 91 (6): 1148–1165.
... . pectuncularis (Lamarck, 1806) n. comb. ‘ Venericardia’ iheringi (Böhm, 1903), a species known only from internal molds, is described and regarded as a carditid with uncertain affinities. The presence of Claibornicardia , Rotundicardia , and Cardites in Patagonia constitutes the most ancient record...
Seasonal variation in calculated early Eocene shelf and river water composi...
Published: 01 January 2004
Figure 10 Seasonal variation in calculated early Eocene shelf and river water composition. A) Oxygen isotope composition of ambient shelf waters during the lifespan of the Alabama Venericardia derived from shell δ 18 O data and inferred early Eocene temperatures ( Fig. 9 ). These range from
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 December 1999
Geology (1999) 27 (12): 1083–1086.
..., however, that vital effects can exert a greater control than paleotemperature over fossil Sr/Ca. Seasonal perturbations in isotopic data from the Eocene bivalve Venericardia planicosta reveal a gradually decreasing annual growth rate through ontogeny. High-resolution Sr/Ca ratios, analyzed with a new...
Series: Miscellaneous Publications
Published: 01 January 1998
DOI: 10.32375/1998-MP45.9
EISBN: 9781732014862
... overall abundance. The most diagnostic fossils are the large pelecypod Venericardia . echinoid (? Eucidaris ) spines, and resistant wood molds. Macrofossils from the overlying Jolla Vieja Formation (and Rincon and Monterey Formations) are rare. The Eocene Cozy Dell Formation is also sparse...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 December 1996
Geology (1996) 24 (12): 1067–1070.
... and carbon isotopes along the transect of growth on excellently preserved specimens of the gastropod Turritella imbricataria and the bivalve Venericardia imbricata from sedimentary rocks of early middle Eocene age (ca. 46 Ma) in the Paris basin. Turritella shell growth is fast throughout the year...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1973
Jour. Geol. Soc. India (1973) 14 (2): 142–152.
... 2- A. daviesi zone, Zone 3- A. lacunata zone, Zone 4- Venericardia mutabilis zone, Zone 5- Assilina sp. zone, Zone 6-Barren zone, and the Bandah Formation into two assemblage zones: Zone 7- Discocyclina sella zone, Zone 8- Nummulities maculatus/Discocyclina dispansa zone. While a more or less...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 1959
Journal of Paleontology (1959) 33 (6): 1127.
...Irene Crespin Abstract Proposes the new name Glans kelimnae for a small carditid from lower Pliocene deposits of Gippsland which was originally described as the new variety Venericardia spinulosa dennanti. GeoRef, Copyright 2004, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1949
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1949) S5-XIX (7-9): 507–512.
...Andre Chavan Abstract Cites examples from the genera Astarte and Venericardia which demonstrate the persistence of climatically diagnostic characteristics initially developed in marine mollusks. Within the same genus, subgenera may represent boreal, temperate, or tropical groups. GeoRef...