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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 December 1980
GSA Bulletin (1980) 91 (12): 713–723.
...ROBERT F. BLACK Abstract The well-documented and dated post-Twocreekan drift (classical Valders Till) of the Green Bay–Fox River-Lake Winnebago lowland is traced to an interlobate junction with the Lake Michigan Lobe that overrode the Valders type locality. Additional support for the post...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 March 1978
Geology (1978) 6 (3): 136.
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 October 1975
Geology (1975) 3 (10): 587–590.
...David M. Mickelson; Edward B. Evenson Abstract Red tills deposited by post-Twocreekan (Valderan) ice advances of the Green Bay and Lake Michigan Lobes in eastern Wisconsin do not extend to the type locality of the Valders till. The post-Twocreekan ice of the Lake Michigan Lobe terminated at the Two...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 May 1959
GSA Bulletin (1959) 70 (5): 665–666.
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1958
GSA Bulletin (1958) 69 (7): 941–945.
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1992
AAPG Bulletin (1992) 76 (4): 564.
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1973
GSA Bulletin (1973) 84 (7): 2281–2298.
..., Wisconsin, demonstrates a pre-Twocreekan age for these drift deposits. Stratigraphic relations in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, strongly suggest that the Glenwood deposits there are younger than the type Valders till at Valders, Wisconsin, and that the type Valders deposits are pre-Twocreekan in age...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1957
GSA Bulletin (1957) 68 (7): 831–880.
.... Above this drift lies the till of a later substage, tentatively named Valders because its relation to the Mankato drift of Minnesota is unknown. Separating the two drifts is the Forest Bed which indicates a retreat of the ice margin far enough to free from ice both the Straits of Mackinac and the entire...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1982
GSA Bulletin (1982) 93 (4): 289–296.
.... The Ozaukee and Haven tills underlie the Two Creeks Forest Bed. The younger Valders Till, although not present at a forest bed locality, is also pre-Twocreekan age based on several arguments including correlation with tills of the adjoining Green Bay Lobe. One Greatlakean age till, the Two Rivers Till, has...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 November 1965
GSA Bulletin (1965) 76 (11): 1233–1250.
... in eastern Maine and New Brunswick than in the highlands of New Hampshire and western Maine. The data also suggest that ice persisted in the highlands during the time of the Cary-Port Huron Interstade, perhaps dissipating during the time of the Port Huron- Valders Interstade of the mid-continental sequence...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1959
Journal of Sedimentary Research (1959) 29 (4): 540–554.
... of movement were probably controlled by mutual interference as well as by preexisting topography. The Wisconsin glacial history in Minnesota was marked also by repeated advances of the several ice lobes. In the case of the Superior lobe the tills assigned to the Cary and Valders advances may be identified...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1943
GSA Bulletin (1943) 54 (1): 87–144.
... may be Illinoian. The Wisconsin drift is divisible into deposits of the Cary and Valders substages. The name Valders is proposed in this paper because of the uncertainty of former correlations across the brush- and forest-covered region around Lake Superior. The survey was a detailed reconnaissance...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1976
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1976) 13 (12): 1678–1682.
...-subarctic environmental conditions at this time in Ontario can be directly attributed to the proximity of the post-Valders Laurentide ice sheet. Une nouvelle localité fossilifère datant de la Mer Champlain, près de Kars en Ontario, a fourni au moins 41 espèces de Foraminifères benthoniques, dont 18 sont...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1972
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1972) 9 (12): 1735–1755.
...John S. Mothersill; Patrick C. Fung Abstract The late Pleistocene sediments of the northern Lake Superior basin consist of a basal reddish till, deposited during the Valders substage, unconformably overlain by a sequence grading upwards from grayish red, silty clay interbedded with thin sand...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 2006
AAPG Bulletin (2006) 90 (2): 209–235.
..., and Valder faults—are present along the eastern margin of the basin ( Figure 2 ). The 24-km (14.9-mi)-long Knoll Mountain fault is the main range-bounding fault, whereas the Hice and Valder faults are restricted to the northern margin of the basin and are likely synthetic faults related to the Knoll...
FIGURES | View All (19)
Series: SEPM Special Publication
Published: 01 January 1992
DOI: 10.2110/pec.92.48.0009
EISBN: 9781565761735
... Abstract The Holocene began about 10.7 ka following the glacial readvance of the Younger Dryas (Valders) interval that terminated the Pleistocene. World sea level had fallen to about -54 m. Nearly half the present United States continental shelf was then a coasta] plain with vegetation ranging...
Published: 01 January 1990
DOI: 10.1130/SPE251-p51
... (Greatlakean) in age. Unlike the age of the Valders till, which has been hotly debated (whether pre-Twocreekan or post-Twocreekan) during the past 15 years, the age of the Two Rivers till has not been the subject of direct controversy. However, the age of the Two Rivers till at its type locality has...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1982
GSA Bulletin (1982) 93 (4): 297–302.
...-creekan wood at one locality, is correlative with the Valders Till of the Lake Michigan lowland, as is the age-equivalent Kirby Lake till. One Greatlakean till, correlative with the Two Rivers Till of the Lake Michigan lowland, overlies forest beds at several localities. Geological Society of America...
Published: 01 January 1973
DOI: 10.1130/MEM136-p71
... documented readvances: about 17,000, 15,000, and 13,000 yrs B.P. The source of ice was primarily in the western Laurentide center. No evidence has been found here for the Valders readvance which took place in the Lake Michigan Lobe. ...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1969
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1969) 6 (3): 367–372.
...John A. Elson Abstract The history of the Champlain Sea is divided into an early cold period of subarctic water termed the Hiatella phase that lasted from its inception, about 11 800 years ago (Two Creeks time), until a low water phase about 10 800 years ago (Younger Dryas or Valders time...