Upheaval Dome

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Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 1968
DOI: 10.1306/M8361C13
EISBN: 9781629812304
... Abstract Upheaval dome is a breached domal structure that is surrounded by a well-developed rim syncline; it is in the rugged canyon lands of southern Utah, near the western margin of the Para dox basin. Strata that range in age from Permian to Jurassic are exposed in the dome, and all have...
... Upheaval Dome is a breached domal structure that is surrounded by a well-developed rim syncline; it lies in the rugged canyonlands of southern Utah, near the western margin of the Paradox Basin. Strata that range in age from Permian to Jurassic are exposed in the dome and all have been deformed...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 May 2011
GSA Bulletin (2011) 123 (5-6): 1161–1170.
... Sandstone at the Upheaval Dome impact structure in Canyonlands National Park, southeastern Utah, where high strain-rate conditions are known to have occurred. We found no evidence for DBDZ formation along the accessible fault planes at Upheaval Dome. Instead, a layer of pulverized quartz grains within...
FIGURES | View All (7)
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 March 2008
Geology (2008) 36 (3): 227–230.
...Elmar Buchner; Thomas Kenkmann Abstract Upheaval Dome is a unique circular structure on the Colorado Plateau in SE Utah, the origin of which has been controversially discussed for decades. It has been interpreted as a crypto volcanic feature, a salt diapir, a pinched-off salt diapir, and an eroded...
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Published: 01 January 2005
DOI: 10.1130/0-8137-2384-1.85
... The internal structures of central uplifts of impact craters are among the most complex geologic features within Earth's crust. Upheaval Dome, Utah, is used as a reference and case study to display the internal geometry of a central uplift and to deduce mechanisms of uplift formation in impact...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 December 1998
GSA Bulletin (1998) 110 (12): 1547–1573.
...M. P. A. Jackson; D. D. Schultz-Ela; M. R. Hudec; I. A. Watson; M. L. Porter Abstract Upheaval Dome (Canyonlands National Park, Utah) is an enigmatic structure previously attributed to underlying salt doming, cryptovolcanic explosion, fluid escape, or meteoritic impact. We propose...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1965
AAPG Bulletin (1965) 49 (3): 349.
...Richard B. Mattox ABSTRACT Upheaval Dome is a dissected domal structure that lies in the rugged “Canyon Lands” of southeastern Utah. Extensive canyon development within the dome’s immediate area has produced remarkable exposures of the feature. It is surrounded by a distinct rim syncline...
Oblique aerial view of the <span class="search-highlight">Upheaval</span> <span class="search-highlight">Dome</span> impact structure located in southe...
Published: 01 May 2011
Figure 2. Oblique aerial view of the Upheaval Dome impact structure located in southeast Utah (see inset location map in the upper-left corner; photograph courtesy of Tom Till Photography, Moab, Utah). The central uplift is characterized by the light-colored mounds in the center of the crater
Stratigraphic column of units exposed at <span class="search-highlight">Upheaval</span> <span class="search-highlight">Dome</span> and younger eroded u...
Published: 01 May 2011
Figure 3. Stratigraphic column of units exposed at Upheaval Dome and younger eroded units after Jackson et al. (1998) (data from the Buck Mesa #1 well log [ Fiero, 1958 ; Mattox, 1968 ; and Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1983 ]). Measured thicknesses are reported beginning at the unconformity
Figure 1. Top view of <span class="search-highlight">Upheaval</span> <span class="search-highlight">Dome</span> on Colorado Plateau in Canyonlands Nati...
Published: 01 March 2008
Figure 1. Top view of Upheaval Dome on Colorado Plateau in Canyonlands National Park, southeastern Utah, USA, and position of sample location.
Simplified geological maps of <span class="search-highlight">Upheaval</span> <span class="search-highlight">Dome</span> and the Paradox Basin, Utah (co...
Published: 01 July 2004
Fig. 9.  Simplified geological maps of Upheaval Dome and the Paradox Basin, Utah (compiled from Jackson et al . (1998) and Kriens et al . (1999)) . Faults and lineaments possibly related to conjectural strike-slip movement at depth are shown as red dashed lines.
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 July 1998
Geology (1998) 26 (7): 579–582.
... interpretations. Upheaval Dome, within the area of the deformation, displays in detail the structures expected of a complex, central-peak impact crater representing energy release at least equivalent to that of a magnitude 8 earthquake. Upheaval Dome is not well dated, but may be the same age as the deformation...
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2004
Journal of the Geological Society (2004) 161 (4): 593–602.
...Fig. 9.  Simplified geological maps of Upheaval Dome and the Paradox Basin, Utah (compiled from Jackson et al . (1998) and Kriens et al . (1999)) . Faults and lineaments possibly related to conjectural strike-slip movement at depth are shown as red dashed lines. ...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 November 1999
Geology (1999) 27 (11): 1056.
... structure at Upheaval Dome by further faulting. Geological Society of America 1999 ...
Plot of grain size versus predicted strain rate (Equation  2 ) compared to ...
Published: 01 May 2011
Figure 7. Plot of grain size versus predicted strain rate (Equation 2 ) compared to data collected along faults at Upheaval Dome (this work) and sedimentary rocks along the San Andreas fault ( Dor et al., 2009 ). The dashed line on the right side of the plot represents K IC = 100 MPa*m 1/2
A: Convolute bedding in siltstone/shale from the Malmsbury Formation, Robbe...
Published: 01 October 2013
Figure 1. A: Convolute bedding in siltstone/shale from the Malmsbury Formation, Robben Island, South Africa ( Rowe et al., 2010 ). B: Numerous small wavy sand dikes cutting fluvial silt, displaying branching and anastomosing geometry. Upheaval Dome Impact Structure, Canyonlands National Park
Relationship between crater diameter and maximum distance to seismite. Belo...
Published: 22 May 2015
Figure 2. Relationship between crater diameter and maximum distance to seismite. Below the horizontal axis, the final crater diameter is given, and above the axis, the transient crater diameter is given. UD = Upheaval Dome (data from Alvarez et al. 1998 ). OC = Oasis Crater in Libya. Names
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2005
Journal of the Geological Society (2005) 162 (1): 217–220.
.... 1998 . Structure and evolution of Upheaval Dome: A pinched-off salt diapir . Geological Society of America Bulletin , 110 , 1547 – 1573 . Jenyon , M.K. , 1988 . Overburden deformation related to the pre-piercement development of salt structures in the North Sea . Journal...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 May 2011
GSA Bulletin (2011) 123 (5-6): 1216.
... Fault formation in porous sedimentary rocks at high strain rates: First results from the Upheaval Dome impact structure, Utah, USA Wendy R.O. Key and Richard A. Schultz (v. 123, no. 5/6, p. 1161–1170 , doi: 10.1130/B30087.1) The affiliation for Wendy R.O. Key should read: AMEC...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 May 1937
AAPG Bulletin (1937) 21 (5): 629–630.
... of faulted dome require local concentration of vertical stress, but, in the writer’s opinion, neither requires the violent explosive action inferred by Bucher. 2 Indeed, one of his supposed “cryptovolcanic structures,” Upheaval Dome, in southeastern Utah, lies in a region of known salt domes, and its...