Twitya Formation

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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1994
GSA Bulletin (1994) 106 (10): 1281–1292.
.... The C- and Sr-isotopic abundances of lower Keele Formation carbonates approximate those for other pre-Varanger samples, confirming that the simple disc-like fossils of the underlying Twitya Formation predate all known diverse Ediacaran faunas. "Tepee" and Sheepbed carbonates record strong post-glacial...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 December 1990
Geology (1990) 18 (12): 1199–1202.
...H. J. Hofmann; G. M. Narbonne; J. D. Aitken Abstract A turbidite sequence within the Twitya Formation (Windermere Supergroup) in the ackenzie Mountains, northwestern Canada, has yielded an assemblage composed of simple centimetric annuli and discs, which are interpreted as biogenic and referred...
Figure 1. Inset: Location of study area. Left: Stratigraphic column, lower ...
Published: 01 January 2005
Figure 1. Inset: Location of study area. Left: Stratigraphic column, lower part of Windermere Supergroup. Right: Stratigraphic column at 64°40′30″N, 129°54′15″W, upper part of Twitya Formation (Twitya-Keele transition) showing lithologies and location of glendonite pseudomorphs (stars)
(A) Schematic pore fluid pressure vs. depth curve through the Coates Lake b...
Published: 01 November 2017
stratiform copper mineralization and fluid convection in Coates Lake basin. The transition from localized rift sedimentation to areally extensive basins of the Twitya Formation resulted in the formation of lithological seals over pre-Twitya rift faults. “Cu” marks the formation of stratiform copper
Figure 16. Schematic representation of the Neoproterozoic stratigraphy of t...
Published: 01 April 2002
.—Mount Berg Formation; Sa.—Sayunei Formation; Sh.—Shezal Formation; I.B.—Ice Brook Formation; Tw.—Twitya Formation; Ke.—Keele Formation; B.C.—British Columbia. Possible correlations (cf. Link et al., 1993 ) are shown by the shaded areas connecting parts of the the columns. Note the Fe-rich intervals
Selected photographs from the Nadaleen River area, Yukon, Canada. (A) Upper...
Published: 08 March 2019
Figure 4. Selected photographs from the Nadaleen River area, Yukon, Canada. (A) Upper part of the Twitya Formation and lower portion of the Ice Brook Formation, including the yellow-weathering limestone unit near its base. The location of section K1 ( Fig. 5 ) is indicated. Elevation difference
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 March 2016
GSA Bulletin (2016) 128 (3-4): 558–575.
... in the June beds; (D) Fractofusus , a deep-water rangeomorph from the June beds; (E–F) discoidal “Twitya discs”; (G) hemispherical “Twitya discs” showing partial overfolding due to current flow. Figure 3. Trace fossils from Blueflower Formation at Sekwi Brook: (A) Helminthoidichnites...
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(A–D) Ediacaran soft-bodied fossils from Sekwi Brook and (E–G) “<span class="search-highlight">Twitya</span> disc...
Published: 01 March 2016
dickinsoniomorph from the uppermost Blueflower Formation; (B) Pterinidinium? , from the lower Blueflower Formation; (C) Primocandelabrum , a deep-water frond attached to a discoid holdfast in the June beds; (D) Fractofusus , a deep-water rangeomorph from the June beds; (E–F) discoidal “Twitya discs”; (G
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 January 2005
Geology (2005) 33 (1): 9–12.
...Figure 1. Inset: Location of study area. Left: Stratigraphic column, lower part of Windermere Supergroup. Right: Stratigraphic column at 64°40′30″N, 129°54′15″W, upper part of Twitya Formation (Twitya-Keele transition) showing lithologies and location of glendonite pseudomorphs (stars) ...
Journal Article
Published: 29 May 2013
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2013) 50 (8): 857–871.
... places the Twitya Formation immediately over Paleozoic carbonate units. The Twitya Formation hosts the emerald-bearing quartz–carbonate veins and is comprised of a lower shale-dominated package with layers of thin-bedded limestone turbidites and an upper package of ankeritic and dolomitic turbidite...
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Panoramic view northward of the Delorme Assemblage resting with angular con...
Published: 01 September 2018
Figure 27. Panoramic view northward of the Delorme Assemblage resting with angular conformity on Precambrian strata of the Keele Formation along the axis of Twitya Uplift. Tsetso Formation quartzarenite, a transgressive shoreface sandstone, rests directly on the unconformable surface
Multiproxy sedimentary geochemistry of the <span class="search-highlight">Twitya</span> and Ice Brook <span class="search-highlight">Formations</span> ...
Published: 01 March 2016
Figure 4. Multiproxy sedimentary geochemistry of the Twitya and Ice Brook Formations at Bluefish Creek. Note that the Ice Brook Formation, which bears the macroscopic discoidal fossils ( Hoffmann et al., 1990 ; Figs. 2E–2G ), is mapped at the appearance of deep-water quartz pebble-conglomerate
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 08 March 2019
GSA Bulletin (2019) 131 (9-10): 1673–1701.
...Figure 4. Selected photographs from the Nadaleen River area, Yukon, Canada. (A) Upper part of the Twitya Formation and lower portion of the Ice Brook Formation, including the yellow-weathering limestone unit near its base. The location of section K1 ( Fig. 5 ) is indicated. Elevation difference...
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Schematic cross-section of the Windermere Supergroup (based on Aitken  1991...
Published: 22 August 2001
Fig. 2. Schematic cross-section of the Windermere Supergroup (based on Aitken 1991 b ) illustrating disposition of strata, location of Ice Brook cap carbonate, and position of studied localities (see Fig.  1 ). Numbers represent Grand Cycles. T, stratigraphic position of Twitya discs; E
Neoproterozoic evolution of carbonate C.  A  — After ( Khabarov and Ponomar...
Published: 01 January 2007
, 2005 ); C — after ( Kaufman et al., 1997 ). Timing of deposition of Baikal Group and regional units according to ( Khabarov and Ponomarchuk, 2005 ) (a) and our data (b). Abbreviations stand for names of formations (gl — Goloustnaya; kc v — Kachergat; ul — Uluntui; us v
Composite post-Sturtian Os isotope chemostratigraphy. Initial south China d...
Published: 13 March 2020
and Ravizza, 2000 ). Data for the Twitya and Taishir Formations are from Rooney et al. (2014 , 2015) .
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1976
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1976) 13 (10): 1446–1455.
...Peter Laznicka Abstract Conspicuous spherical and subspherical barite nodules occur in Devonian(?)/Mississippian carbonaceous shales and argillaceous dolomitic limestones in Twitya river area (western foothills of the Backbone Ranges, Mackenzie Mountains, N.W.T.).The majority of barite nodules...
Stratigraphic cross-section of Lower and Middle Devonian strata exposed acr...
Published: 01 September 2018
Figure 25. Stratigraphic cross-section of Lower and Middle Devonian strata exposed across Twitya Uplift in the central part of the Mackenzie Mountains ( Fig. 26 ; Morrow, 1991 ). This succession is thin across the west flank of Norman Wells High. Evaporites of the Camsell Formation, represented
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 November 2017
Economic Geology (2017) 112 (7): 1773–1806.
... stratiform copper mineralization and fluid convection in Coates Lake basin. The transition from localized rift sedimentation to areally extensive basins of the Twitya Formation resulted in the formation of lithological seals over pre-Twitya rift faults. “Cu” marks the formation of stratiform copper...
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Journal Article
Journal: Paleobiology
Published: 01 January 2001
Paleobiology (2001) 27 (2): 405–423.
... formation roughly with the start of the Varanger glaciation, to which Grotzinger et al. (1995) assign a maximum age of 600 Ma. The possibility that the Twitya forms are prokaryotic aggregates cannot be ruled out ( Hofmann et al. 1990 ). If excluded on that basis, they would be replaced as the first...
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