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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Cascade Range (1)
Cascadia subduction zone (1)
Columbia Hills (1)
Columbia River (2)
Santa Cruz Mountains (1)
United States
Southern California (1)
Columbia Plateau (2)
Idaho (1)
Mississippi Valley (1)
New Mexico
Eddy County New Mexico
Carlsbad New Mexico (1)
Oregon (2)
Grant County Washington (1)
Hanford Site (2)
Klickitat County Washington (1)
Yakima County Washington (2)
Yakima Indian Reservation (1)
Yakima fold belt (3)
elements, isotopes
radioactive isotopes (1)
geochronology methods
optically stimulated luminescence (1)
U/Pb (1)
geologic age
Holocene (1)
Lake Missoula (2)
upper Pleistocene
Wisconsinan (1)
Columbia River Basalt Group (6)
Grande Ronde Basalt (1)
Saddle Mountains Basalt (1)
Yakima Basalt (1)
Ringold Formation (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
volcanic rocks
flood basalts (1)
pyroclastics (2)
framework silicates
silica minerals
quartz (1)
zircon group
zircon (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (1)
Holocene (1)
Lake Missoula (2)
upper Pleistocene
Wisconsinan (1)
Columbia River Basalt Group (6)
Grande Ronde Basalt (1)
Saddle Mountains Basalt (1)
Yakima Basalt (1)
Ringold Formation (1)
crust (1)
deformation (2)
earthquakes (7)
explosions (1)
faults (7)
folds (5)
geochemistry (1)
geomorphology (2)
geophysical methods (5)
ground water (2)
igneous rocks
volcanic rocks
flood basalts (1)
pyroclastics (2)
radioactive isotopes (1)
nuclear facilities (1)
pollution (1)
sedimentary rocks (2)
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
varves (1)
sediments (1)
seismology (1)
structural analysis (2)
structural geology (3)
neotectonics (1)
United States
Southern California (1)
Columbia Plateau (2)
Idaho (1)
Mississippi Valley (1)
New Mexico
Eddy County New Mexico
Carlsbad New Mexico (1)
Oregon (2)
Grant County Washington (1)
Hanford Site (2)
Klickitat County Washington (1)
Yakima County Washington (2)
Yakima Indian Reservation (1)
Yakima fold belt (3)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks (2)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
planar bedding structures
varves (1)
sediments (1)
Toppenish Ridge
Late Quaternary deformation of the Toppenish Ridge uplift in south-central Washington
Deformation of the continental flood-basalt in the westernmost portion of the Columbia Plateau has resulted in regularly spaced anticlinal ridges. The periodic nature of the anticlines is characterized by dividing the Yakima fold belt into three domains on the basis of spacings and orientations: (1) the northern domain, made up of the eastern segments of Umtanum Ridge, the Saddle Mountains, and the Frenchman Hills; (2) the central domain, made up of segments of Rattlesnake Ridge, the eastern segments of Horse Heaven Hills, Yakima Ridge, the western segments of Umtanum Ridge, Cleman Mountain, Bethel Ridge, and Manastash Ridge; and (3) the southern domain, made up of Gordon Ridge, the Columbia Hills, the western segment of Horse Heaven Hills, Toppenish Ridge, and Ahtanum Ridge. The northern, central, and southern domains have mean spacings of 19.6, 11.6, and 27.6 km, respectively, with a total range of 4 to 36 km and a mean of 20.4 km ( n = 203). The basalts are modeled as a multilayer of thin linear elastic plates with frictionless contacts, resting on a mechanically weak elastic substrate of finite thickness, that has buckled at a critical wavelength of folding. Free slip between layers is assumed, based on the presence of thin sedimentary interbeds in the Grande Ronde Basalt separating groups of flows with an average thickness of roughly 280 m. Many of the observed spacings can be explained by this model, given that: (1) the ratio in Young’s modulus between the basalt and underlying sediments E/E o ⩾ 1,000, (2) the thickness of the Grande Ronde Basalt was between 1,200 and 2,300 m when the present wavelengths were established, and (3) the average thickness of a layer in the multilayer is between 200 and 400 m. The lack of well-developed anticline-syncline pairs in the shape of a sinusoid may be the result of plastic yielding in the cores of the anticlines after initial deformation of the basalts into low amplitude folds. Elastic buckling coupled with plastic yielding confined to the hinge area could account for the asymmetric fold geometry of many of the anticlines.
Trace of the Olympic-Wallowa lineament across the Columbia Basin. Abbreviat...
Quaternary faults and fold axes on shaded relief map of eastern Washington ...
Regional map of the Yakima fold province, with inset showing the tectonic s...
Tectonic framework of Washington State. The solid black lines are Quaternar...
Tectonic Setting of the Wooded Island Earthquake Swarm, Eastern Washington
Thin‐ or Thick‐Skinned Faulting in the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt (WA)? Constraints from Kinematic Modeling of the Saddle Mountains Anticline
The Olympic-Wallowa lineament: A new look at an old controversy
A Seismic Landstreamer Survey at the Hanford Site, Washington, U.S.A
Off-fault ground ruptures in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California: Ridge-top spreading versus tectonic extension during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
Contemporary Seismicity in and around the Yakima Fold‐and‐Thrust Belt in Eastern Washington
Miocene–Pleistocene deformation of the Saddle Mountains: Implications for seismic hazard in central Washington, USA
Travel times and amplitudes of principal body phases recorded from gnome
Active faulting on the Wallula fault zone within the Olympic-Wallowa lineament, Washington State, USA
The December 1872 Washington State Earthquake
On the travel times of P as determined from nuclear explosions
ABSTRACT The Miocene Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) covers a large part of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho and is one of the youngest and perhaps the best studied flood-basalt province on Earth. Decades of study have established a regional strati-graphic framework for the CRBG, have demonstrated the CBRG flows can be correlated with dikes and vents, have documented a wide variety of physical features within the CRBG flows, and have demonstrated that many characteristics of the CRBG are recognizable throughout its extent. Detailed studies of individual flows and their feeder dikes have allowed the development of models for the emplacement of voluminous basaltic lava flows. The interplay between the regional structure, contemporaneous deformation, preexisting topography, and paleodrainage systems helped to control the emplacement of individual CRBG flows. These features have also affected the nature of late Neogene sedimentation in the region covered by basalt flows. Finally, the distribution of sediments within the CRBG and the character of the intraflow and interflow structures have played a significant role in the development of aquifers within the CRBG. In this paper we present an overview of the regional aspects of the stratigraphy, structural geology, tectonics, and hydrogeology of the CRBG.
ABSTRACT New findings about old puzzles occasion rethinking of the Grand Coulee, greatest of the scabland channels. Those puzzles begin with antecedents of current upper Grand Coulee. By a recent interpretation, the upper coulee exploited the former high-level valley of a preflood trunk stream that had drained to the southwest beside and across Coulee anticline or monocline. In any case, a constriction and sharp bend in nearby Columbia valley steered Missoula floods this direction. Completion of upper Grand Coulee by megaflood erosion captured flood drainage that would otherwise have continued to enlarge Moses Coulee. Upstream in the Sanpoil valley, deposits and shorelines of last-glacial Lake Columbia varied with the lake’s Grand Coulee outlet while also recording scores of Missoula floods. The Sanpoil evidence implies that upper Grand Coulee had approached its present intake depth early the last glaciation at latest, or more simply during a prior glaciation. An upper part of the Sanpoil section provides varve counts between the last tens of Missoula floods in a stratigraphic sequence that may now be linked to flood rhythmites of southern Washington by a set-S tephra from Mount St. Helens. On the floor of upper Grand Coulee itself, recently found striated rock and lodgement till confirm the long-held view, which Bretz and Flint had shared, that cutting of upper Grand Coulee preceded its last-glacial occupation by the Okanogan ice lobe. A dozen or more late Missoula floods registered as sand and silt in the lee of Steamboat Rock. Some of this field evidence about upper Grand Coulee may conflict with results of recent two-dimensional simulations for a maximum Lake Missoula. In these simulations only a barrier high above the present coulee intake enables floods to approach high-water marks near Wenatchee that predate stable blockage of Columbia valley by the Okanogan lobe. Above the walls of upper Grand Coulee, scabland limits provide high-water targets for two-dimensional simulations of watery floods. The recent models sharpen focus on water sources, prior coulee incision, and coulee’s occupation by the Okanogan ice lobe. Field reappraisal continues downstream from Grand Coulee on Ephrata fan. There, some of the floods exiting lower Grand Coulee had bulked up with fine sediment from glacial Lake Columbia, upper coulee till, and a lower coulee lake that the fan itself impounded. Floods thus of debris-flow consistency carried outsize boulders previously thought transported by watery floods. Below Ephrata fan, a backflooded reach of Columbia valley received Grand Coulee outflow of small, late Missoula floods. These late floods can—by varve counts in post-S-ash deposits of Sanpoil valley—be clocked now as a decade or less apart. Still farther downstream, Columbia River gorge choked the largest Missoula floods, passing peak discharge only one-third to one-half that released by the breached Lake Missoula ice dam.