Tobifera Formation

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—Structural map in two-way-traveltime referred to top <span class="search-highlight">Tobífera</span> <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span> (1...
Published: 01 April 1998
Figure 22 —Structural map in two-way-traveltime referred to top Tobífera Formation (150.5-Ma unconformity). Faulting is mostly extensional north of 53°40′S, and normal, compressional, and strike-slip to the south. Structure in the southern area is mostly schematic, because faults
Journal Article
Journal: Clay Minerals
Published: 01 September 2018
Clay Minerals (2018) 53 (3): 351–375.
... Cretaceous sedimentary units that were affected either by low-grade regional metamorphism or by Miocene contact metamorphism. The highest [MnO|SiO 2 ,Al 2 O 3 ,FeO,MgO] values are recorded in the upper Zapata Formation. The Punta Barrosa, Cerro Toro and Tobífera Formations show slightly lower [MnO|SiO 2 ,Al...
FIGURES | View All (12)
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1991
GSA Bulletin (1991) 103 (1): 98–111.
... rock units exposed in the Patagonian fold-thrust belt at 51°S latitude. Initiation of an extensional deep-marine trough in Late Jurassic time is documented by interstratified rhyolites and marine mudstones in the Tobifera Formation. Development of the Early Cretaceous Rocas Verdes back-arc basin...
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 February 2003
PALAIOS (2003) 18 (1): 69–73.
... of the sector enable the material to be placed within the upper part of the Middle to Upper Jurassic Tobifera Formation or the Lower Cretaceous Zapata Formation. Although the fairly broad stratigraphic range and limited fossil material hamper careful stage-level paleobiogeographic analysis, this occurrence...
FIGURES | View All (6)
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1978
GSA Bulletin (1978) 89 (4): 533–547.
.... The only known possible sources for the Sandebugten sandstones are silicic volcanic and interbedded sedimentary rocks of the Jurassic Tobifera Formation of South America; this evidence indicates former juxtapositioning of South Georgia and Tierra del Fuego. The Sandebugten-type sandstones and the Jurassic...
(A) Cross section from G-G′; see  Figure 7  for location. Short-dashed line...
Published: 01 July 2015
Figure 14. (A) Cross section from G-G′; see Figure 7 for location. Short-dashed lines show trace of bedding (Tobífera Formation) or pervasive schistose foliation (S 1 , Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex). (B–G) Stereograms showing structural data from three structural domains: (B–C
—(A) Interpreted seismic line showing a half graben and its sedimentary fil...
Published: 01 April 1998
Figure 14 —(A) Interpreted seismic line showing a half graben and its sedimentary fill near the Tobífera Formation (location shown in Figure 3 ). The unconformity within the half-graben succession divides the lower (LT) and upper (UT) Tobífera sequences. No synrift deposits are present
—East-west–oriented chronostratigraphic chart of the eastern Magallanes and...
Published: 01 April 1998
, (2) granitic basement, (3) volcanic rocks of Tobífera Formation, (4) pyroclastic rocks of Tobífera Formation, (5) fluvial and coastal-plain deposits of Springhill Formation, (6) coastal marine facies of Springhill Formation, (7) transitional (distal bars and lower shoreface) facies, (8) offshore
Photographs of triangle zone exposed in Estuarios Wickham and Silva Palma. ...
Published: 01 July 2015
Figure 11. Photographs of triangle zone exposed in Estuarios Wickham and Silva Palma. (A) Tobífera over Zapata–Canal Bertrand thrust in Estuario Silva Palma. (B) Bedding (S 0 ) of the Zapata–Canal Bertrand Formation folded by northeast-vergent inclined closed folds (F 1 ) in the footwall
FIGURE 4 —Schematic diagram showing different stages of tectonic evolution ...
Published: 01 February 2003
FIGURE 4 —Schematic diagram showing different stages of tectonic evolution in the area of interest. (A) Early development of the Rocas Verdes basin and deposition of the Tobifera formation. (B) Later stage of the Rocas Verdes with deposition of the Zapata formation in the paleogeographic setting
—Seismic line of the Springhill <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span> showing the effect of structural ...
Published: 01 April 1998
Figure 18 —Seismic line of the Springhill Formation showing the effect of structural highs on the geometry of the Springhill backstepping wedge (location shown in Figure 3 ). The Jurassic (Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian) sequences thin dramatically at the apex of the structure. T = Tobífera Formation, J
Three age v. probability diagrams for samples from the Basal Clastic Comple...
Published: 01 May 2010
Fig. 2. Three age v. probability diagrams for samples from the Basal Clastic Complex (of the Tobífera formation) on the northern slope of Cordillera Darwin; inset plots are subsets for ages below 800 Ma. Lower right: Tera–Wasserburg diagram and inset of age v. probability plot for the granitic
(A) Regional two-dimensional (2-D) seismic-reflection data from line YPF-AS...
Published: 01 September 2011
the western margin of the basin allude to an underlying thrust fault that soles out along a basal detachment near 5 s two-way traveltime (TWTT), as depicted in Figure 3B. Stratigraphic intervals A through G are described in the text: A—Upper Jurassic Tobífera Formation; B—Lower Cretaceous Inoceramus Formation
Cross-section and structural data from Estuario Silva Palma. (A) Cross sect...
Published: 01 July 2015
domains: (B–D) the Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex, (E) Tobífera Formation, (F–G) the Zapata–Canal Bertrand triangle zone, and (H–I) the Latorre back thrust.
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 July 2015
GSA Bulletin (2015) 127 (7-8): 1108–1134.
...Figure 14. (A) Cross section from G-G′; see Figure 7 for location. Short-dashed lines show trace of bedding (Tobífera Formation) or pervasive schistose foliation (S 1 , Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex). (B–G) Stereograms showing structural data from three structural domains: (B–C...
FIGURES | View All (17)
Cross-section and structural data from Estuario Wickham. (A) Composite cros...
Published: 01 July 2015
four structural domains: (B, E) the Tobífera Formation, (C–D) the Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex, (F–G) the Zapata–Canal Bertrand triangle zone, and (H–I) the Latorre back thrust.
(A) Simplified overview of the seven <span class="search-highlight">formations</span> of the Chon Aike Silicic Pr...
Published: 19 May 2023
Patagonian Batholith (NPB). Abbreviations: M—Marifil Forma tion; I—Ibáñez Formation; CA—Chon Aike Formation; EQC—El Quemado Complex; T—Tobífera Formation. (B) Detailed geologic map with sample localities, based on the maps provided by the Argentine Geological Mining Service and National Geology and Mining
(A) Simplified geological map with the main geological units and the locati...
Published: 05 December 2017
Figure 1. (A) Simplified geological map with the main geological units and the location of the study area ( Fig. 8 ) in the Ultima Esperanza District marked by a black rectangle (50 km × 50 km). The Upper Jurassic bimodal volcanic rocks include the Tobífera Formation and the Sarmiento ophiolite
( a ) Geological map of Patagonia showing Jurassic and Cretaceous magmatic ...
Published: 09 February 2017
. 41 – 47°S). The Patagonian Batholith, Ibáñez–Lago La Plata, Quemado, Tobífera formations and the Divisadero Group are part of the ‘Pacific’ or subduction-related units, the Marifil and Chon Aike Formation part of the ‘Atlantic’ or crustal melts units, and the Lonco Trapial Formation and the Central
—Idealized north-south cross section of the western Malvinas Basin showing ...
Published: 01 April 1998
facies allowed long-distance lateral secondary migration. Oil shows observed within Tertiary sandstones and carbonates suggest vertical along-fault migration from the Lower Inoceramus source rock. Key: (1) pre-Jurassic basement, (2) Jurassic volcaniclastic rocks of Tobífera Formation, (3) Late Jurassic