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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Central Asia
Aral Sea (1)
Kazakhstan (1)
Ustyurt (1)
Turan (1)
Turanian Platform (1)
Black Sea region (2)
Commonwealth of Independent States
Aral Sea (1)
Azerbaijan (1)
Greater Caucasus (2)
Lesser Caucasus (1)
Northern Caucasus (2)
Georgian Republic
Rioni Basin (1)
Kazakhstan (1)
Russian Federation
Krasnodar Russian Federation (1)
Northern Caucasus (2)
Volga-Don region (1)
Turan (1)
Turanian Platform (1)
Crimea Ukraine (1)
Ustyurt (1)
Azerbaijan (1)
Carpathians (1)
Greater Caucasus (2)
Lesser Caucasus (1)
Northern Caucasus (2)
Central Europe
North Austrian Molasse (1)
Czech Republic (1)
Hungary (1)
Molasse Basin
North Austrian Molasse (1)
Poland (1)
Georgian Republic
Rioni Basin (1)
Krasnodar Russian Federation (1)
Southern Europe
Bulgaria (2)
Romania (1)
Crimea Ukraine (1)
Volga-Don region (1)
Kura Lowland (2)
petroleum (3)
elements, isotopes
C-13/C-12 (1)
hydrogen (2)
isotope ratios (1)
stable isotopes
C-13/C-12 (1)
N-15/N-14 (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
N-15/N-14 (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
Teleostei (1)
Cardiidae (1)
Mactra (1)
Crassostrea (1)
Ostrea (1)
microfossils (1)
diatoms (1)
nannofossils (1)
geologic age
Quaternary (1)
Maikop Series (3)
lower Miocene (2)
middle Miocene
Langhian (1)
Serravallian (1)
Sarmatian (2)
upper Miocene
Messinian (1)
Pontian (1)
Tortonian (1)
Pliocene (1)
lower Oligocene (1)
upper Cenozoic (1)
calcite (1)
framework silicates
silica minerals
opal-A (1)
Primary terms
Central Asia
Aral Sea (1)
Kazakhstan (1)
Ustyurt (1)
Turan (1)
Turanian Platform (1)
C-13/C-12 (1)
Quaternary (1)
Maikop Series (3)
lower Miocene (2)
middle Miocene
Langhian (1)
Serravallian (1)
Sarmatian (2)
upper Miocene
Messinian (1)
Pontian (1)
Tortonian (1)
Pliocene (1)
lower Oligocene (1)
upper Cenozoic (1)
Teleostei (1)
Azerbaijan (1)
Carpathians (1)
Greater Caucasus (2)
Lesser Caucasus (1)
Northern Caucasus (2)
Central Europe
North Austrian Molasse (1)
Czech Republic (1)
Hungary (1)
Molasse Basin
North Austrian Molasse (1)
Poland (1)
Georgian Republic
Rioni Basin (1)
Krasnodar Russian Federation (1)
Southern Europe
Bulgaria (2)
Romania (1)
Crimea Ukraine (1)
Volga-Don region (1)
folds (1)
geophysical methods (1)
hydrogen (2)
Cardiidae (1)
Mactra (1)
Crassostrea (1)
Ostrea (1)
stable isotopes
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maps (1)
N-15/N-14 (1)
ocean basins (1)
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paleogeography (2)
petroleum (3)
diatoms (1)
nannofossils (1)
plate tectonics (1)
remote sensing (1)
sea-level changes (4)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
oolitic limestone (1)
clastic rocks
black shale (1)
conglomerate (1)
marl (1)
sandstone (1)
sediments (1)
stratigraphy (1)
structural analysis (1)
neotectonics (1)
sedimentary rocks
flysch (1)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
oolitic limestone (1)
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black shale (1)
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sandstone (1)
sediments (1)
Middle and Upper Miocene Deposits and Facies of Northern Ustyurt (Western Kazakhstan)
Schematic map of distribution of the Tarkhanian-Chokrakian facies and thick...
Neogene Paratethyan succession in Turkey and its implications for the palaeogeography of the Eastern Paratethys
Abstract The Neogene marginal succession of the Eastern Paratethys (EP) crops out along the southern Black Sea coast and in the Marmara region of Turkey, and provides important clues to the tectono-sedimentary and palaeoceanographic conditions. In the Tarkhanian stage, the southern margin of the EP basin was largely a carbonate platform covered by warm, marine waters. From the end of the Tarkhanian to the Early Chokrakian there was an overall emergence throughout the basin, which is indicated by an influx of siliciclastic sediments. The fossil assemblage indicates that normal marine conditions persisted during most of this period, except for a salinity reduction towards the end due to an eustatic isolation of the basin, which in turn led to anoxic bottom water conditions. The Late Chokrakian isolation became even more severe during the Karaganian as indicated by the endemic fossil assemblage indicating brackish-marine conditions. Carbonate platform conditions prevailed in the northern Pontides during this time. In the Early Konkian, the basin was reconnected briefly with the world ocean by a transgression from the Indo-Pacific Ocean. In the Late Konkian there was a return to brackish-marine conditions. Lower Sarmatian sediments are absent in the southern margin of the EP, but elsewhere in the basin this stage is characterized by a widespread marine transgression. In the Middle-Late Sarmatian, the EP basin was partially isolated with freshening and anoxic bottom-water conditions. During this time there was a brief marine transgression from the Mediterranean into the Marmara region, but it did not reach the Paratethyan basin. The Pontian is characterized by an extensive transgression from the EP that inundated the Marmara and northeastern Aegean regions. The connection with the Marmara Basin was cut off during the Kimmerian and re-established during the Late Akchagylian, when the EP basin was inundated by the Mediterranean waters via the Sea of Marmara as a result of increased North Anatolian Fault activity and a short-term global sea level rise.
The type section of the Maikop Group (Oligocene–lower Miocene) at the Belaya River (North Caucasus): Depositional environment and hydrocarbon potential
Lithological log of the Maikop Group exposed along the Belaya River togethe...
Regional setting of Paratethys during middle Miocene, and cross section sho...
The sensitivity of middle Miocene paleoenvironments to changing marine gateways in Central Europe
Late Cenozoic deformation of the Kura fold-thrust belt, southern Greater Caucasus
Source potential and depositional environment of Oligocene and Miocene rocks offshore Bulgaria
Abstract Oligo-Miocene (‘Maikopian’) deposits are considered the main source rocks in the Black Sea area, although only a few source-rock data are available. Geochemical logs from nine wells are used together with age constraints provided by calcareous nannoplankton, well and seismic data to determine vertical and lateral changes of the source potential. Oligocene rocks overlie Eocene deposits with a major unconformity on the western Black Sea shelf in Bulgaria. A west–east-trending erosional structure (the Kaliakra canyon) developed during Lower Oligocene time and was filled with Oligo-Miocene deposits. Potential source rocks are present in different stratigraphic units, but the most prolific intervals accumulated during time intervals when the isolation of the Paratethys resulted in oxygen-depleted, brackish environments with high bioproductivity. These include Lower Solenovian rocks related to blooms of calcareous nannoplankton, which form an extensive layer outside the Kaliakra canyon. This unit hosts a good potential to generate oil and gas. Diatom-rich, very good oil-prone source rocks accumulated during a second isolation event in the Kozakhurian. Thick sections of these diatom-rich rocks occur within the canyon and are present in thin layers outside of it. High productivity of siliceous organisms is attributed to upwelling within the canyon. All studied units are thermally immature on the shelf.
Abstract The tectonic and geological evolution of Georgia and the Caucasus, on the whole, are largely determined by its position between the still converging Eurasian and Africa–Arabian lithosphere plates, within the wide zone of a continent–continent collision. The region in the Late Proterozoic–Early Cenozoic belonged to the now-vanished Tethys Ocean and its northern (Eurasian) and southern (Africa–Arabian) margins. Within this convergence zone there existed a system of island arcs, intra-arc rifts, back-arc basins characteristic of the pre-collisional stage. During syncollisional (the Oligocene–Middle Miocene) and post-collisional (the Late Miocene–Quaternary) stages, at the place of back-arc basins were formed fold and thrust belts of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus separated by the Transcaucasian intermontane lowland. Starting from the Late Miocene and as far as the end of the Pleistocene, in the central part of the region, simultaneously with formation of molassic basins and accumulation of coarse molasses there took place volcanic eruptions in subaerial conditions. According to the numerous data obtained during past decades we present a review on the lithological and structural characteristics of these collisional basins and on the coeval magmatic events.
Mesozoic to recent geological history of southern Crimea and the Eastern Black Sea region
Abstract We provide a synthesis of stratigraphic data to unravel the history of the geological evolution of South Crimea in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The South Crimea Orogen consists of three major mega-sequences: (1) the Triassic–Early Jurassic; (2) the Aalenian–Bathonian; and (3) the Callovian–Eocene. The Late Triassic–Early Jurassic deposits formed in the environment of a forearc basin and a remnant basin. The Aalenian–Bathonian deposits formed above subduction extension and a volcanic belt. Three main Callovian–Eocene tectonic units can be identified in South Crimea: (1) the South Crimean Shelf Basin; (2) the Sudak Deepwater Trough; and (3) the Alchak–Kaya Shelf Basin at the northern margin of the Shatsky Ridge. The Oligocene–Quaternary deposits are considered to be syn-orogenic. A description of the anticipated stratigraphic units on the Shatsky Ridge is suggested for the Middle Jurassic, Callovian–Late Jurassic, Neocomian, Aptian–Albian, Late Cretaceous–Paleocene, Eocene and Maykopian. We propose a model for the geological history of the Eastern Black Sea Basin. Graben formed during the Late Barremian–Albian at the location of the future Eastern Black Sea Basin and a phase of volcanism occurred in the Albian. The main phase of rifting and spreading of oceanic crust took place during Cenomanian–Santonian time. Supplementary material: A Google Earth kmz file of the location of the outcrops and sections is available at http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/SUP18850
Abstract The Kura foreland fold–thrust belt is located in the northern part of the active collisional Lesser Caucasus orogenic belt associated with Arabia–Eurasia convergence. This belt is the best example of mountain-building processes in late Alpine time. Seismic reflection profiles show that the Kura foreland fold–thrust belt of the eastern Caucasus is an active thin-skinned fold–thrust belt and is represented by fault-bend folds, fault-propagation folds and duplexes. Analysis of growth strata in seismic profiles and oil well data from the Kura foreland fold–thrust belt documents that the evolution of deformation has been continuing during the last c . 14–15 myr (since the Middle Miocene), together with the thrust system kinematics. The geometry of the growth strata is associated with footwall synclines and piggy-back basins. Compressional deformation on the Kura foreland began in the Middle Miocene (Chokrakian) and reached its maximum rate at the end of the Miocene ( c . 5 Ma).
Evaporites of Ukraine: a review
Abstract The results of geological and lithological–geochemical investigations of the Devonian, Permian, Jurassic and Miocene evaporite deposits of Ukraine are presented in review. The main regions of evaporite distribution are the Dnipro–Donets depression, Carpathian (Forecarpathians, Transcarpathians) and Foredobrogean regions. The data on tectonics and stratigraphy are presented and information on lithology, the mineralogical and geochemical study of gypsum, anhydrite, rock and potash salts are summarized. The rich mineral composition of the Miocene evaporites in the Carpathian Foredeep (more than 20 salt minerals) is demonstrated, and the unique superimposed hydrothermal mineralization in the rock salt of salt domes from the Dnipro–Donets depression is presented (containing about 40 high- and mid-temperature hydrothermal minerals). In particular, the results of brine inclusion studies in evaporite minerals suggest that seawater was the main source of most of the salts. The brines in both the Miocene and Permian evaporite basins are classified as the Na–K–Mg–Cl–SO 4 (SO 4 -rich) chemical type and the Jurassic and Devonian belong to the Na–K–Mg–Ca–Cl (Ca-rich) type. Temperature of solutions during halite precipitation shifted from 25 to 43 °C, while during the stage of potash salt sedimentation it apparently increased to 40–83 °C.
Abstract A complex interplay of palaeoclimatic, eustatic and tectonic processes led to fragmentation and dissipation of the vast Tethys Ocean in Eocene–Oligocene times. The resulting Paratethys Sea occupied the northern Tethys region on Eurasia, grouping water masses of various sub-basins, separated from each other and from the open ocean through narrow and shallow gateways and land bridges. Changes in marine gateway configuration and internal connectivity affected regional hydrology, shifting most Paratethyan basins to extreme carbon-sink anoxic environments, anomalohaline evaporitic or brackish conditions, or even endorheic lakes. Paratethys gateway restriction triggered the onset of a long-lasting ( c. 20 myr) giant anoxic sea, characterized by stratified water masses and anoxic bottom-water conditions, resulting in thick hydrocarbon source rocks. Here, we review the geological evolution of the ‘dire straits’ of Paratethys that played a crucial role in the Eocene–Oligocene connectivity history of the Central Eurasian seas and we show that the main anoxic phases (Kuma and Maikop) correspond to restricted connectivity with the global ocean and a period of CO 2 depletion in the atmosphere. Paratethys represents one of the largest carbon sinks in Earth's history and may thus have played a prominent role in global climate change.
Oligocene and Lower Miocene source rocks in the Paratethys: palaeogeographical and stratigraphic controls
Abstract Oligocene and Lower Miocene deposits in the Paratethys are important source rocks, but reveal major stratigraphic and regional differences. As a consequence of the first Paratethys isolation, source rocks with very good oil potential accumulated during Early Oligocene time in the Central Paratethys. Coeval source rocks in the Eastern Paratethys are characterized by a lower source potential. With the exception of the Carpathian Basin and the eastern Kura Basin, the source potential of Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocene units is low. In general, this is also valid for rocks formed during the second (Kozakhurian) isolation of the Eastern Paratethys. However, upwelling along a shelf-break canyon caused deposition of prolific diatomaceous source rocks in the western Black Sea. Overall, Oligocene–Lower Miocene sediments in the Carpathian Basin (Menilite Formation) can generate up to 10 t HC m −2 . Its high petroleum potential is a consequence of the interplay of very high productivity of siliceous organisms and excellent preservation in a deep silled basin. In contrast, the petroleum potential of Oligocene–Lower Miocene (Maikopian) sediments in the Eastern Paratethys is surprisingly low (often <2 t HC m −2 ). It is, therefore, questionable whether these sediments are the only source rocks in the Eastern Paratethys.
Abstract This study summarizes the subsidence history and aspects of the geodynamic evolution of the South Caspian Basin based on the integration of geophysical observations, and subsidence and gravity modelling on selected two-dimensional (2D) profiles. This analysis implies the presence of an attenuated ‘oceanic-type’ crust in the northern portion of the South Caspian Basin, demonstrates characteristics of basin subsidence on variable crustal types and describes sediment-fill evolution in several different parts of the basin. Modelling conducted in this study shows that the observed pattern of subsidence and sedimentation in the South Caspian Basin can be explained by a process of thermal subsidence following Jurassic rifting and further enhanced subsidence that resulted from sediment-induced loading in the Late Tertiary, especially after a large-scale base-level fall after 6 Ma. Variation in crustal type is reflected in differences observed in the degree of subsidence and sediment fill in the overlying stratigraphy. The western part of the South Caspian Basin has subsided differently to the eastern part because of this difference in crustal type. This is also confirmed by gravity modelling, which shows that the South Caspian Basin crustal density is compatible with an oceanic composition in the western part of the South Caspian Basin: the crust in the eastern part of the basin, however, is thicker. Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license .