Tar Springs Sandstone

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Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1987
Journal of Paleontology (1987) 61 (2): 231–241.
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1982
Journal of Sedimentary Research (1982) 52 (2): 353–366.
...William A. Wescott Abstract The Tar Springs Sandstone (Upper Mississippian) crops out in a thin belt around the southern margin of the Illinois Basin. The formation is composed of fine-grained, well-sorted quartz arenites and sublitharenites. Four facies recognized by their lithologies, sedimentary...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 May 1948
AAPG Bulletin (1948) 32 (5): 745–766.
...J. V. Howell ABSTRACT The Benton pool was opened in January, 1941, and developed so rapidly that practically the entire area was drilled by the end of the year. Oil is produced from the Tar Springs sandstone at 2,000-2,100 feet. Accumulation is controlled by a northward-trending anticline...
FIGURES | View All (17)
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1948
AAPG Bulletin (1948) 32 (2): 302.
...J. V. Howell The Benton pool was opened in January, 1941, and developed so rapidly that practically the entire area was drilled by the end of the year. Oil is produced from the Tar Springs sandstone at 2,000–2,100 feet. Accumulation is controlled by a northward-trending anticline with limited...
—Direction of cross-bedding in <span class="search-highlight">sandstones</span> of Chester series and thickness o...
Published: 01 May 1958
FIG. 15. —Direction of cross-bedding in sandstones of Chester series and thickness of limestone in interval from base of Aux Vases sandstone to base of Tar Springs sandstone (top of Glen Dean limestone). Thickness of limestone increases southward in general direction of sand transport.
—Cross-bedding in rocks of Chester series: A, Sample <span class="search-highlight">sandstone</span> in SW.      ...
Published: 01 May 1958
FIG. 3. —Cross-bedding in rocks of Chester series: A, Sample sandstone in SW. 1 4 , SW. 1 4 , NW. 1 4 , Sec. 13, T. 3 S., R. 1 W., Crawford County, Indiana; B, Tar Springs sandstone south of Crofton, Christian County, Kentucky (4,100 feet from south line; 10,000 feet