Talme Yafe Formation

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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1976
AAPG Bulletin (1976) 60 (2): 258–272.
...Amos Bein Abstract Rudistid reefs are well developed in Albian-Turonian strata in Israel. These strata are divided laterally into shallow-shelf carbonate rocks (the Judea Limestone) deposited on the Arabian craton and fine-detrital carbonate deposits (the Talme Yafe Formation) on its margins...
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—Location map of western Israel indicating areal extent of Judea Limestone ...
Published: 01 February 1976
Fig. 1 —Location map of western Israel indicating areal extent of Judea Limestone and Talme Yafe Formation. Line between these two formations marks eastern boundary of interfingering zone several kilometers wide.
DD′ is a regional geological cross-section from the Dead Sea to the Levant ...
Published: 01 March 2008
not exist (for section location see Figs 6 and 13 ). In the offshore area cross-sections CC′ and DD′ are geoseismic. The original interpreted time sections are shown in Figures 11 and 12 . The base Senonian horizon (top Judea group laterally changing to top Talme Yafe Formation) is highlighted
The top Judea Group structural map ( Fleischer & Gafsou 2003 ). Bold li...
Published: 01 March 2008
faults. The grey area at the eastern rim of the Jaffa Basin represents a truncation band where the top of the Judea Group is truncated by the base Saqiye Group. West of that band the Saqiye Group unconformably covers the Talme Yafe Formation. 1, Pardes Hanna water well; 2, Netanya 1 oilwell; 3, Hadera 1
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1980
AAPG Bulletin (1980) 64 (10): 1701–1717.
...) . We do not know if this discrepancy is due to an actual paucity of sediment drifts (contourites) in the rock record or if such deposits have just not been recognized. However, the Cretaceous Talme Yafe Formation along the southeastern Mediterranean coast ( Bein and Weiler, 1976 ) appears analogous...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2008
Journal of the Geological Society (2008) 165 (2): 563–578.
... not exist (for section location see Figs 6 and 13 ). In the offshore area cross-sections CC′ and DD′ are geoseismic. The original interpreted time sections are shown in Figures 11 and 12 . The base Senonian horizon (top Judea group laterally changing to top Talme Yafe Formation) is highlighted...
FIGURES | View All (14)
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 November 1986
AAPG Bulletin (1986) 70 (11): 1685–1699.
... , 1976 , The Cretaceous Talme Yafe Formation: a contour current shaped sedimentary prism of calcareous detritus at the continental margin of the Arabian craton : Sedimentology , v. 23 , p. 511 - 532 . Bender , F. , 1974 , Geology of Jordan : Berlin, Gebrueder Borntraeger , 196 p...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 2011
AAPG Bulletin (2011) 95 (10): 1763–1793.
... : Paris , Editions Technip , p.  95 – 110 . Bein , A. , and Y. Weiler , 1976 , The Cretaceous Talme Yafe Formation: A contour shaped sedimentary prism of calcareous detritus at the continental margin of the Arabian craton : Sedimentology , v.  23 , p.  511 – 532 , doi: 10.1111/j.1365...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 11 October 1993
AAPG Bulletin (1993) 77 (10): 1781–1791.
.... The number of samples for the formations was 72 for the Talme Yafe, 10 for the Unnamed, 44 for the Judea Tongue, 38 for the Kidod, and 16 for the Zohar. The dendrogram of the unconstrained analysis is shown in Figure 2 . The dendrogram was trimmed at a total diversity level at which 11 logfacies...
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—Dendrogram of unconstrained clustering for Ashdod-5 well, charting a class...
Published: 11 October 1993
to the respective logfacies; Lithofacies = the predominant lithology of the samples, determined from the sample log (Lst = limestone, Dol = dolomite, Marl = marl, Sh = shale); Formation = the formation to which the majority of the samples in the cluster belong (TY = Talme Yafe, JT = Judea Tongue, Un = Unnamed, K
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1987
AAPG Bulletin (1987) 71 (1): 65–75.
... enrichment in highly reducing environments. The TOC content of the Barnea Formation ( Table 1 and analysis of cuttings from Talme Yafe-4 and Nahal Oz wells) indicates that sufficient organic matter is found in these rocks to classify them as potential source rocks. In some samples, migrated oil...
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Journal Article
Journal: GeoArabia
Publisher: Gulf Petrolink
Published: 01 April 2001
GeoArabia (2001) 6 (2): 211–230.
... as a locally thick carbonate slope-breccia of the Talme Yafe Formation ( Bein and Weiler, 1976 ). To the north of this carbonate margin, deep-marine carbonate and shale were deposited across the offshore Nile Delta and Mediterranean Sea areas. Geochemical data presented in Dolson et al. (2000) suggest...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1991
AAPG Bulletin (1991) 75 (7): 1215–1232.
...) Albian, Cenomanian, and Turonian forereef slope and basin facies (Talme Yafe Formation) consist of up to 3000 m of marl and limestone with marly debris and reef fragments ( Bein and Weiler, 1976 ). On the platform, older lines of tectonic activity became active anew. Senonian beds are thin...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 May 1978
AAPG Bulletin (1978) 62 (5): 827–836.
... . Bein , A. , and Y. Weiler , 1976 , The Cretaceous Talme Yafe Formation: a contour current shaped sedimentary prism of calcareous detritus at the continental margin of the Arabian craton : Sedimentology , v. 23 , p. 511 – 532 . Bray , E. E. , and E. D. Evans , 1961...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 2014
AAPG Bulletin (2014) 98 (4): 858–879.
... of Talme Yafe Formation in Israel ( Mullins et al., 1980 ). The Cretaceous (Albian–Turonian) Talme Yafe Formation has been interpreted as a contourite deposit. This formation is 3 km (1.8 mi) thick, 20 km (12.4 mi) wide, and nearly 150 km (93.2 mi) long ( Bein and Weiler, 1976 ). Antarctica...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 11 December 1999
AAPG Bulletin (1999) 83 (12)
... Delta area where it has been mapped as the Cretaceous hingeline. The carbonate margin crops out in southern Israel as local thick carbonate slope breccia of the Talme Yafe Formation ( Bein and Weiler, 1976 ). To the north of this carbonate margin, deep marine carbonate and shale were deposited across...
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Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 03 July 2018
Palynology (2018) 42 (3): 420–433.
... GJ . 1974 . Palynostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Gevar'am and Talme Yafe formations in the Gever'am 2 well (Southern coastal plain Israel) . Geological Survey of Israel Bulletin 59 : 1 – 27 . Cernusak L . 2013 . Tropical forest responses to increasing atmospheric CO 2...
Journal Article
Journal: GeoArabia
Publisher: Gulf Petrolink
Published: 01 October 2011
GeoArabia (2011) 16 (4): 29–82.
... . Bein , A. and Y. Weiler 1976 . The Cretaceous Talme Yafe Formation: A contour current shaped sedimentary prism of calcareous detritus at the continental margin of the Arabian craton . Sedimentology , v. 23 , p. 511 – 532 . Bender...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2008
Journal of the Geological Society (2008) 165 (1): 55–72.
... Central Graben. Geological Survey of Denmark, Series B , 8 , 9 – 25 . Bein , A. & Weiler , Y. 1976 . The Cretaceous Talme Yafe Formation; a contour current shaped sedimentary prism of calcareous detritus at the continental margin of the Arabian Craton . Sedimentology , 23 , 511...
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Journal Article
Published: 17 February 2023
Journal of the Geological Society (2023) 180 (2): jgs2021-143.
...; MG2, Meged-2; MJ1, Megiddo Jezreel-1; NS1, Nissanit-1; PL1, Pleshet-1; RM1D, Ramallah-1 Deep; TY4, Talme Yafe-4; YW1 YY1, Yam Yafo-1; YM2/3, Yam-2, Yam-3; ZQ1, Ziqlag-1; ZO8, Zohar-8; ZT1, Zuk Tamrur-1. The purpose of this study is to examine the significance of the new findings and integrate...
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