Streptaster vorticellatus

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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2010
Journal of Paleontology (2010) 84 (5): 783–794.
...Colin D. Sumrall Abstract A large, edrioasteroid-bearing hardground surface from the base of the Bellevue Member of the Grant Lake Formation near Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky is described. Four species are represented including Streptaster vorticellatus (Hall), Carneyella ulrichi Bassler...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 April 2014
PALAIOS (2014) 29 (4): 154–169.
... communities of edrioasteroids from Florence, Kentucky and Sharonville, Ohio. In these two occurrences, the edrioasteroids Isorophus cincinnatiensis , Streptaster vorticellatus , and Carneyella pilea utilized brachiopod and mollusk shells as hard substrates for attachment. Age structure analysis for specimens...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 August 2011
PALAIOS (2011) 26 (8): 470–483.
.... This paleoecologic study examines a carbonate hardground surface encrusted with four species of isorophid edrioasteroids: Curvitriordo stecki , Carneyella ulrichi , Carneyella pilea , and Streptaster vorticellatus . Analysis of edrioasteroid diameters, a proxy for age, shows a bimodal distribution for Curvitriordo...
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FIGURE 11. Histograms showing taphonomic grades of edrioasteroids.  Carneye...
Published: 01 August 2011
FIGURE 11. Histograms showing taphonomic grades of edrioasteroids. Carneyella ulrichi and Curvitriordo show taphonomic similarity. Streptaster vorticellatus shows low taphonomic grades indicating good preservation potential. See Table 2 for further explanation.
FIGURE 8. Histograms showing the frequency distribution of edrioasteroids o...
Published: 01 August 2011
FIGURE 8. Histograms showing the frequency distribution of edrioasteroids on the Maysville hardground. A) Carneyella ulrichi , a left-skewed population. B) Curvitriordo stecki, bimodal distribution. C) Streptaster vorticellatus , lack of juvenile individuals. D) Carneyella pilea showing two
Histograms showing taphonomic grade of edrioasteroids found on the Florence...
Published: 01 April 2014
for this pattern. Distribution of taphonomic grade for: A) Isorophus cincinnatiensis , B) Streptaster vorticellatus , and C) Carneyella pilea .
FIGURE 2. Map showing location of the four edrioasteroid species on the har...
Published: 01 August 2011
2 ; and D) Streptaster vorticellatus , 0.8 specimens/m 2 .
FIGURE 5. Ambulacra width suggests size of food particles consumed; organis...
Published: 01 August 2011
FIGURE 5. Ambulacra width suggests size of food particles consumed; organisms (left), ambulacra (right). A) Streptaster vorticellatus with wide ambulacral cover plates. B) Carneyella ulrichi and C) Carneyella pilea with large ambulacral cover plates. D) Curvitriordo stecki with small
Maps showing edrioasteroid spatial distributions on the Florence pavement. ...
Published: 01 April 2014
(  =  0.54). C) Specimens of Streptaster vorticellatus are clustered on the pavement (  =  0.53). D) Carneyella pilea had too few specimens for Nearest Neighbor Analysis.
Maps showing edrioasteroid spatial distributions on the Florence pavement. ...
Published: 01 April 2014
(  =  0.54). C) Specimens of Streptaster vorticellatus are clustered on the pavement (  =  0.53). D) Carneyella pilea had too few specimens for Nearest Neighbor Analysis.
Maps showing edrioasteroid spatial distributions on the Florence pavement. ...
Published: 01 April 2014
(  =  0.54). C) Specimens of Streptaster vorticellatus are clustered on the pavement (  =  0.53). D) Carneyella pilea had too few specimens for Nearest Neighbor Analysis.
Maps showing edrioasteroid spatial distributions on the Florence pavement. ...
Published: 01 April 2014
(  =  0.54). C) Specimens of Streptaster vorticellatus are clustered on the pavement (  =  0.53). D) Carneyella pilea had too few specimens for Nearest Neighbor Analysis.
Population frequency distribution of edrioasteroids on the Florence pavemen...
Published: 01 April 2014
of Streptaster vorticellatus show a normal distribution. C) Specimens of Carneyella pilea had too few specimens for meaningful analysis.
Figure 2.  Histograms showing the size frequency distribution of edrioaster...
Published: 01 September 2010
a left skewed distribution; 3 , Streptaster vorticellatus (Hall) showing a tight unimodal distribution; 4 , Carneyella pilea (Hall) showing two mature specimens.
Figure 1.  Map showing the distribution of edrioasteroids on the surface of...
Published: 01 September 2010
specimens/m 2 ; Streptaster vorticellatus , 0.9 specimens/m 2 ; Curvitriordo stecki 11.7, specimens/m 2 ; total density 25.0 specimens/m 2 . Inset shows map of the locality where the edrioasteroid specimens were collected.
Figure 3.  Uncommon edrioasteroid species on the Maysville hardground, all ...
Published: 01 September 2010
preserved specimen CMCIP 53371-MV149-8a (Note the lack of nodes on the surface of the specimen); 2 , 5 – 7 , Streptaster vorticellatus (Hall): 2 , well preserved but slightly disrupted specimen CMCIP 53371-MV107-2; 5 , very well preserved specimen CMCIP 53371-MV147-2 (Note that the interambulacra
Series: Geological Society, London, Memoirs
Published: 01 January 2013
DOI: 10.1144/M38.14
EISBN: 9781862396425
... EE13837a (paratype). ( c ) Streptaster vorticellatus , Katian, Kentucky, USA; CMCIP 53371-MV107-2. ( d ) Carneyella pilea resting on top of a crinoid stem, Katian, Ohio, USA; CMCIP 26324. ( e ) Isorophus cincinnatiensis , Katian, Ohio, USA; CMCIP 34539. ( f ) Astrocystites ottawaensis , Katian...
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