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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1988
Earth Sciences History (1988) 7 (1): 46–51.
... decried it. To Professor Glaessner I express genuine appreciation of him for naming a new annelid family “Sprigginidae” in my honour and linking schoolteacher-collector Ben Flounders with my name in describing the type species as Spriggina floundersi . Quite the most elegant jellyfish fossil that I...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1976
Journal of the Geological Society (1976) 132 (3): 259–275.
..., there are no fossils worth mentioning" (my italics). The antiquity of the annelids and their early differentiation are no longer in doubt. The late Precambrian Ediacaran fauna contains two, at present monotypic, families of polychaetes, the Dickinsoni- idae Harrington & Moore and Sprigginidae Glaessner, in addition...