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A Gondwanan model that shows the stratigraphical ranges of the three key  S...
Published: 01 May 2009
Fig. 3. A Gondwanan model that shows the stratigraphical ranges of the three key Spinachitina species discussed in the text. The Tanuchitina elongata fauna is typical of the glacial deposits in the Hirnantian; Spinachitina oulebsiri and Spinachitina verniersi n. sp. appear in the post
Figures 1, 5.  Tanuchitina fistulosa  Taugourdeau and de Jekhovsky, 1960; f...
Published: 14 October 2024
. Spinachitina bulmani (Jansonius 1964 ); figures 19, 20. Lagenochitina baltica Eisenack 1931 ; figures 23, 24. Spinachitina multiradiata (Eisenack 1959 ).
Llandoverian and early Devonian Chitinozoa from the Paraná Basin.
 1 Spina...
Published: 01 January 2000
PLATE 4 Llandoverian and early Devonian Chitinozoa from the Paraná Basin.
 1 Spinachitina wolfarti n. sp., Holotype, Well RD-115, level 149.43 m, SEM x265.
 2 Spinachitina wolfarti n. sp., Well RD-115, level 149.43 m, SEM x270.
 3 Spinachitina harringtoni n. sp., Holotype, Well RD-115, level
Figures 1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7; 8; 18, 22.  Acanthochitina latebrosa  Vandenbr...
Published: 14 October 2024
Plate 10. Figures 1, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6, 7; 8; 18, 22. Acanthochitina latebrosa Vandenbroucke 2008 ; figures 9, 13; 20, 24. Spinachitina bulmani (Jansonius 1964 ); figures 10, 14. Spinachitina multiradiata (Eisenack 1939 ); figures 11, 15; 19, 23. Tanuchitina hosseini-nezhadi sp. nov
Length–width diagrams of the specimens of  <span class="search-highlight">Spinachitina</span> oulebsiri  and  Spi...
Published: 01 May 2009
Fig. 4. Length–width diagrams of the specimens of Spinachitina oulebsiri and Spinachitina verniersi n. sp. from the Soom Shale Member. Abbreviations, following Paris (1981 ): L, total length; Dp, chamber diameter.
Cross plots of the measurements of  <span class="search-highlight">Spinachitina</span> ?  coronifera  sp. nov. (A...
Published: 08 April 2024
Figure 4. Cross plots of the measurements of Spinachitina ? coronifera sp. nov. (A) and Lagenochitina yichangella sp. nov. (B) from the Miaopo Formation. The solid circles represent specimens recovered at the Jieling section. The hollow circles refer to specimens with slightly broken necks
Cross plots of the measurements of  <span class="search-highlight">Spinachitina</span> ?  coronifera  sp. nov. (A...
Published: 08 April 2024
Figure 4. Cross plots of the measurements of Spinachitina ? coronifera sp. nov. (A) and Lagenochitina yichangella sp. nov. (B) from the Miaopo Formation. The solid circles represent specimens recovered at the Jieling section. The hollow circles refer to specimens with slightly broken necks
<span class="search-highlight">Spinachitina</span> ?  coronifera  sp. nov. from the lower part of the Miaopo Form...
Published: 08 April 2024
Plate 1. Spinachitina ? coronifera sp. nov. from the lower part of the Miaopo Formation at Zhenjin, Yichang. Figures 7 and 9 are from sample YYZ-02; all other specimens are from sample YYZ-03. The holotype is indicated with the symbol *. Each black scale bar represents 100 μm, and the scale
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 01 January 2000
Palynology (2000) 24 (1): 147–176.
...PLATE 4 Llandoverian and early Devonian Chitinozoa from the Paraná Basin.
 1 Spinachitina wolfarti n. sp., Holotype, Well RD-115, level 149.43 m, SEM x265.
 2 Spinachitina wolfarti n. sp., Well RD-115, level 149.43 m, SEM x270.
 3 Spinachitina harringtoni n. sp., Holotype, Well RD-115, level...
FIGURES | View All (16)
Figures 1, 5.  <span class="search-highlight">Spinachitina</span> verniersi  Vandenbroucke et al.,  2009  (sample...
Published: 28 April 2023
Plate 7. Figures 1, 5. Spinachitina verniersi Vandenbroucke et al., 2009 (samples MG-172); Figs. 2, 6; 10, 14. Armoricochitina nigerica (Bouché 1965 ; sample MG-151); Figs. 3, 7 4, 8. Armoricochitina persianense Ghavidel-Syooki, 2017 (sample MG-160 with eroded carina); Figs. 9, 13
Figures 1, 5; 2, 6.  <span class="search-highlight">Spinachitina</span> fragilis  (Nestor  1980 ; sample MG-173);...
Published: 28 April 2023
Plate 8. Figures 1, 5; 2, 6. Spinachitina fragilis (Nestor 1980 ; sample MG-173); Figs. 3, 7; 4, 8. Spinachitina bulmani (Jansonius 1964 ; sample MG-77); Figs. 9, 13: 10, 14, 18. Belonechitina robusta (Eisenack 1959 ; sample MG-11); Fig. 12. Desmochitina ovulum Eisenack, 1962 (sample
Figures 1, 5; 2, 6; 3, 7; 10, 14.  <span class="search-highlight">Spinachitina</span> oulebsiri  Paris et al.,  2...
Published: 28 April 2023
Plate 9. Figures 1, 5; 2, 6; 3, 7; 10, 14. Spinachitina oulebsiri Paris et al., 2000a (sample MG-172); Figs. 4, 8. Acanthochitina barbata Eisenack, 1931 (sample MG-33); Fig. 9. C onochitina rotundata Paris et al., 2015 (sample MG-168); Figs. 11, 15; 12, 16; 17. Alhajrichitina
1–3.  Belonechitina wesenbergensis brevis  (Eisenack, 1959). From YYZ-01 (3...
Published: 08 April 2024
-06 (8–9) and YYZ-09 (7). 10–13. Belonechitina jaanussonii Grahn & Nolvak, 2010. From YYZ-02 (11, 12) and YYZ-07 (10, 13). 14–18. Spinachitina aff . bulmani sensu Achab, 1977. From YYZ-05 (15–17), YYZ-07 (14), and YYZ-10 (18). 19–27. Spinachitina bulmani (Jansonius, 1964). From YYZ-03 (25
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2009
Journal of Micropalaeontology (2009) 28 (1): 53–66.
...Fig. 3. A Gondwanan model that shows the stratigraphical ranges of the three key Spinachitina species discussed in the text. The Tanuchitina elongata fauna is typical of the glacial deposits in the Hirnantian; Spinachitina oulebsiri and Spinachitina verniersi n. sp. appear in the post...
FIGURES | View All (8)
Stratigraphic distributions of selected chitinozoan taxa in the Zardkuh, Se...
Published: 28 April 2023
; 22. Tanuchitina fistulosa ; 23. Pistillachitina pistillifrons ; 24. Calpichitina lenticularis ; 25. Acanthochitina pudica ; 26. Lagenochitina baltica ; 27. Hyalochitina hyalophrys ; 28. Pistillachitina sp.; 29. Spinachitina bulmani ; 30. Fungochitina spinifera ; 31. Alhajrichitina
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 28 April 2023
Palynology (2023) 47 (2): 2149631.
...Plate 7. Figures 1, 5. Spinachitina verniersi Vandenbroucke et al., 2009 (samples MG-172); Figs. 2, 6; 10, 14. Armoricochitina nigerica (Bouché 1965 ; sample MG-151); Figs. 3, 7 4, 8. Armoricochitina persianense Ghavidel-Syooki, 2017 (sample MG-160 with eroded carina); Figs. 9, 13...
FIGURES | View All (14)
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 22 April 2021
Palynology (2021) 45 (2): 301–319.
...; 15. 87.3-71; 16. 184.89-19. Plate 3. Chitinozoans from the Farka Muth and Takche members of the Pin Formation of the northern Indian Himalaya. White arrows indicate remnants of basal processes. Scale bars: 20 μm. 1–5. Spinachitina sp. cf. S. vulgaris Jenkins 1967 . 1. 87.3-57; 2. 87.3...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Chitinozoans from the Farka Muth and Takche members of the Pin Formation of...
Published: 22 April 2021
Plate 3. Chitinozoans from the Farka Muth and Takche members of the Pin Formation of the northern Indian Himalaya. White arrows indicate remnants of basal processes. Scale bars: 20 μm. 1–5. Spinachitina sp. cf. S. vulgaris Jenkins 1967 . 1. 87.3-57; 2. 87.3-46; 3. 87.3-96; 4. 87.3-55; 5
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 08 April 2024
Palynology (2024) 48 (2): 2271086.
...Figure 4. Cross plots of the measurements of Spinachitina ? coronifera sp. nov. (A) and Lagenochitina yichangella sp. nov. (B) from the Miaopo Formation. The solid circles represent specimens recovered at the Jieling section. The hollow circles refer to specimens with slightly broken necks...
FIGURES | View All (10)
A suite of three distinct but morphologically very similar  <span class="search-highlight">Spinachitina</span>  s...
Published: 01 May 2009
Fig. 2. A suite of three distinct but morphologically very similar Spinachitina species that range around the Ordovician–Silurian boundary in the N. Gondwanan realm and a summary of their recent taxonomic history.