Sommerfeld-Weyl integral

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Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 September 1984
Geophysics (1984) 49 (9): 1495–1505.
...Martin Tygel; Peter Hubral Abstract Point source responses from a planar acoustic and/or elastic layer boundary (as well as from a stack of planar parallel layers) are generally obtained by using as a starting point the Sommerfeld-Weyl integral, which can be viewed as decomposing a time-harmonic...
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 May 1985
Geophysics (1985) 50 (5): 766–774.
... by using the so-called Sommerfeld-Weyl integral, or (b) upgoing and downgoing homogeneous plane waves only using the Whittaker integral. Transient representations of both integrals exist. We propose a new decomposition integral that has a greater flexibility than both classical decompositions. Solutions...
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 September 1985
Geophysics (1985) 50 (9): 1478–1487.
... transient point-source responses by way of integrating the transient plane-wave responses over various (real and nonreal) incidence angles. At first the complete transient point-source reflection (transmission) responses are formulated with the help of the transient Sommerfeld-Weyl integral...
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 August 1983
Geophysics (1983) 48 (8): 1063–1081.
... half-space, and for a layered medium bounded by two homogeneous half-spaces. More general sources can be treated by superposition. In an appendix, I use multidimensional Fourier transforms to derive the decomposition of a spherical wave into plane waves (the Weyl integral) and into cylindrical waves...
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1981
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1981) 71 (4): 1011–1029.
... -phase velocities, respectively). This branch cut must be considered when the saddle point approximation to the Weyl-Sommerfeld integral for a shallow P point source is used. Existence of another nongeometrical effect, namely the nonzero vertical component of the converted PS wave reflected from the free...
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 June 1983
Geophysics (1983) 48 (6): 655–664.
...Paul M. Krail; Henry Brysk Abstract The formalism for expressing spherical wavefronts as contour integrals over plane waves goes back to Sommerfeld (1909) and Weyl (1919). Brekhovskikh (1960) performed a steepest descent evaluation of the integrals to attain analytic results in the acoustic case...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1968
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1968) 58 (6): 1949–1954.
... the integration must be performed over the surface of a sphere. The orthonormalization procedure was devised by H. Weyl and E. Fues and is described in many quantum mechanics text books. We have been guided by the simple and clear explanation of Sommerfeld (1960). In this procedure, the two continuum...
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 10 October 2007
Geophysics (2007) 72 (6): A93–A97.
..., such as an electromagnetic Ricker wavelet, is a subject for further study and will not be considered here. The problem of dipole radiation in layered conducting media is a classic problem in electromagnetic physics, dating back to the early twentieth century ( Sommerfeld, 1909 ; Weyl, 1919 ) and revisited much later...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 28 July 2006
Geophysics (2006) 71 (4): W29–W40.
... propagation, it is useful to consider plane waves. Many problems involving spherical waves or cylindrical waves can be simplified by expanding the waves into a spectrum of plane waves ( Sommerfeld, 1909 ; Weyl, 1919 ), and in asymptotic theory the assumption of local plane waves can provide useful...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1991
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1991) 81 (2): 667–686.
... elastic half-space. To compute a ray going from the source to the receiver (which can be anywhere in the medium), we examine two approaches. The first involves an evaluation of the Sommerfeld wavefield integral by the method of steepest descent, and we refer to the resulting ray as the stationary ray...
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 18 June 2012
Geophysics (2012) 77 (4): R149–R159.
..., which can be decomposed into cylindrical waves (the Sommerfeld [1909] integral) or into plane waves (the Weyl [1919] integral), by Fourier analysis ( Aki and Richards, 1980 ). Likewise, a reflected spherical wave (RSW) can be expressed as an integration over reflected plane waves (RPWs) in a range...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1983
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1983) 73 (6A): 1655–1671.
... account for branch point singularities in the complex plane of ray parameterp in which the Sommerfeld or Weyl integral, which represents a spherical wave front of the incident wave, must be evaluated. A classical solution to the problem may be found, for example, in Brekhovskikh's (1957) monograph, where...
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 23 August 2007
Geophysics (2007) 72 (5): SM19–SM34.
... a Weyl-type integral representation (the phase-shift modeling). If we exclude the elements corresponding to δ p = 1 and δ p q = 1 , then representation 11 becomes (15) p m ( x r ) ≅ ∑ p : δ p = δ p q = 0 Δ p ¯ m [ p...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1995
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1995) 85 (4): 1202–1225.
... to 1937 Using travel times of near-field headwaves ical Summary, collating readings from most of the seismo- logical stations of the world. (P) (Pg, P*, P,, Sg, S*, S,) from European earthquakes, V. Con- 1919 H. Weyl presented the spherical wave function as a Fourier integral over all complex values...
Journal Article
Published: 13 October 2020
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2021) 111 (1): 309–320.
..., 1979 ) in a Cartesian coordinate system based on the Weyl integral ( Aki and Richards, 2002 ) and the k discretization scheme ( Bouchon, 1981 ) in a cylindrical coordinate system based on the Sommerfeld integral ( Aki and Richards, 2002 ) are available. The DWN method has been widely used...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 15 June 2020
Geophysics (2020) 85 (4): R425–R435.
... herein, and we outline possible research directions. The most important and fundamental methods to derive FSRC are the Sommerfeld and Weyl integrals ( Aki and Richards, 1980 ). The fundamental difference between these methods is the decomposition of spherical waves into the superposition...
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Book Chapter

C. J. Bouwkamp
Series: Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series
Published: 01 January 2016
EISBN: 9781560803232
... Sommerfeld’s radiation condition at infinity (cf. Atkinson 1949 , Svešnikov 1950); df 1 /dz = du 0 /dz in A; f 1 is everywhere finite; Vf 1 is quadratically integrable over any domain of three-dimensional space, including the edge of the screen. It should be remarked that the first four...
Series: Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geophysics Reprint Series
Published: 01 January 2016
EISBN: 9781560803188
... is carried out using a Weyl-type integral representation (the phase-shift modeling). We assume that the point source is situated at point x s = (0,0,0). The receiver array is placed horizontally along the x-axis. The first receiver is at the source point and the last is at an offset of 2.5 km...
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